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Forums / In game politics / death to zeon

death to zeon
18:05:38 Sep 28th 07 - Sir Hephaestus:

Hello, ladies and germs, welcome to another round of InGame Flame(TM)! 

Current contestants of InGame Flame(TM):

Legacy--the buff man who was kicked in the balls

DB--Legacy's little brother

Zeon--the robed weirdo with a gun

MAD--there's nothing more scary than an Angry Mother with a Higher Cause...

Nemesis--funny-talking man with a big straw hat


The contestants have been duking it out for hours!  Zeon's taken a few blows but the focus of the fight seems to be between Nemesis and the DB/Legacy Alliance, so Zeon's off taking a rest.  Nemesis has been throwing some nasty radishes, those things really hurt when you throw a couple million of them at once.  Smack!  Now it looks like MAD has jumped into the fight with its nazgulator 2000(TM)... who shall be the victor?  Anyone placing bets?

Now this one's for you, loyal audiance!  $5000 cash reward for whoever can drag PKS and FF, double reward for Music, into the mix... the more the merrier, eh?

This regularly-scheduled program is sponsered by Burn'Em'Up Flamethrowers Inc and Drop-And-Forget Fire Bomb Limited.


Isn't it time someone started spamming to break the tension?

18:16:27 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Heh, nice attempt at cooling things down heph with humour, but you have yet many things to learn little grasshopper:P

It would seem the insightful posts have come from db/legacy camp. Many good points from them. So if Nemesis is throwing radishes, they must be throwing watermelons:P

And I will now attempt at drag in ff, music and pks into this flame....

Scientist Sux!

Grim Darkhammer has cooties!

Spoon is hawt!

(ok, that last one isnt exactly a flame, but i cant help it, spoon is THE man!)

18:23:44 Sep 28th 07 - Sir Fizban:

I'll try.

Spoons suck! Sporks are better!

18:27:42 Sep 28th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

lol what are Sporks LOL

18:29:33 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

<gasps> what...are...?????

<grabs Xuaron and takes him to the nearest Taco Bell>

18:31:49 Sep 28th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

LOL yey never been to taco Bell before :P

*Walks in Whit Big Shiny eyes* Wow This is like a dream come treu * Stares at everything*

18:33:53 Sep 28th 07 - Sir Helios:

Those half breed spoon/fork things you get at some fast food places. Looks like a spoon with the very end like a fork edge. Taco Bell provides them with meals like Mexican Pizzas. =P

18:33:58 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Binh The Crazy:

Sporks are spoon combined with forks!!!

Xuaron, how can you have so limited knowledge on this? :P

And I'm way crazier than you. ;) Name one thing crazy that you did. I will see if your title is fitting. :)

18:36:23 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

OK Thats it Zeon suck, Messiah leave my poor little city alone!!!

and BoW are just as trigger happy, overexcited as he finally has a mage, Karac is zapping everything, and I mean everything.

650 vs Army (100,000-200,000) it's also on the highscore board.....

(this is a friendly post, I'm annoyed at Karac but not more than usual, Messiah is a little sad mind you. Also I believe I am the new holder of $5000 as I joined volentarily...)

*Seloc pokes Xuaron with a spork.*

18:40:11 Sep 28th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

LOL I have no knowlige of the Amarican Lifestyle.
I am way crazyer :P Just meet me in RL LOL

lol hehehe every thing LOL my whole life and ofcourse Paying for the title.

and most defenetly Naping Zeon.

19:17:49 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Onuris:


Make your own thread! This one is about killing me and my fellow ZEONists. If you want to *beep*fight about nemesis/lgc whatever make your own topic!


19:35:18 Sep 28th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Shu*beep*! You're interfering with more important things. Like Lgc and Sporks!

Death to ZEON for their interference!

19:35:37 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

We are so popular that everybody is afraid of their unlucky unpopular new topic.

19:40:13 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

you just keep on thinking that Heroix ;)

*patts on head*

20:10:46 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Gilth:

plz get back on topic. the DB/Lgc vs. Nemes fight was way more interesting.

20:48:47 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

No it wasn't everyone loves sporks.

21:14:14 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Gilth:

I'm forced to hate Sporks by my megalomaniac KD leader.

01:45:47 Sep 29th 07 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

Stormcrow!! Don't be talkin bout my cooties. You know better than anyone where I got them.

02:01:03 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Flame:

so... did anyone kill him/her yet?

02:32:42 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

wow, it worked. FF, PKS, and music have all joined in!

15:23:50 Sep 29th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Lets get back to the topic, Zeon back stabbed me and i want them dead!

15:30:02 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

You have shouted that you hate us in our faces.
Imagine what would be if yo would do like that in real.

15:35:24 Sep 29th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Please use correct grammar, i can't read what you said. and when has free speech (with a slight joke behind it) been against the rules, you should really put that in the rules of your kingdom:

"Your are not allowed to say anything we may not like, or we will wait till you are offline to kick and kill you!"

15:44:24 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Blue Dog! You're one very hot dog! Yay!

Continue 'flaming' like that you howttie ^^

15:48:18 Sep 29th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

shh! Spoon behave! You all know i'm right, zeon isn't trust worthy.

15:57:08 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

let the battle ground decide , i think armagdonn will be casted and will start

yes !

16:33:02 Sep 29th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

wow.. must have taken you ages to figure that out... Zeon has no potential threats in their surroundings. OFCOURSE arma will be casted..

16:37:52 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

who will be offering relations towards Zeon next era?

17:01:46 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Probably quite a few kingdoms.

17:30:38 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

Zeon can get a nap with any of the major kingdoms, BOW on the other hand have really destroyed their reputation this era.

18:04:00 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

sure lassie, sure.

i was just asking cus i was trying to gadge an idea on what gunna happen next era

18:27:38 Sep 29th 07 - Lord Yerean:

Who would SERIOUSLY NAP zeon???

Lgc won't. DB won't. PKS won't. Carnage won't.
Nemesis must not. Music must not. BoW must not.
Any other kingdom will die alongisde Zeon if they NAP/MAP/Don't Fight zeon.


18:53:25 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Lol Yeren :D Who the fuk are you at all?

19:19:23 Sep 29th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Destroyed our rep? Really, when did that take place? *Looks around for a death to BoW thread*


Oh i see what ya mean lousy farmer!

Sp00ns are better that SPORKS!!!!!

19:22:00 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Love:

I think Yerean is jealous we got the sexiest king. Nobody will NAP us but they will make war with us to get married with our saviour.

20:12:21 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Hey!!! Who told you my secret plan?!!!

Dammit....i am going to have go with plan b now.....

20:38:17 Sep 29th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Zeon can get a nap with any of the major kingdoms, BOW on the other hand have really destroyed their reputation this era.

are you really that stupid? or are you just kidding...

20:50:54 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

What are you guys? Retards or completly new to this game? We can nap any of thoose kingdoms you named Yerean.

21:01:20 Sep 29th 07 - Sir Hephaestus:

Yeah, but it won't do much good if the NAP isn't reciprocal :)

21:09:42 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

Why wouldnt it be?

21:26:06 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

How pact can be not reciprocal?

21:35:34 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

I think what Heph is saying is that its all well and good to want a nap with a specific kingdom, but its not much good when that kingdom doesnt respond in kind....

And technically you can nap every one of those kingdoms mentioned, but it doesnt necessarily mean that any one of those kingdoms will be wanting the same:P

21:42:06 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

You can't NAP. You can want to NAP, but you can't make pact if only one side really wants it.
Again and again and again.... NAP = Non Attacking Pact

22:48:13 Sep 29th 07 - Lord Yerean:

Ok sorry...
was a bit frustrated...

I'll have to agree with blue dog, in vu diplomacy nothin is outta the question..

we of course might accept a NAP with zeon when they reach 0 members ;)

22:51:53 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

Are you really speaking for carnage when saying so?

00:26:03 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Cool down everybody. Zeon's future relations is for me to investigate in and has more to do with our supposed strenght/weakness and little to do with what is said in this thread. Whenever someone sais anything in this thread that is a member of Zeon, it is not as representatives of our kingdom but as individuals. We are not planning to have as many relations next era but all is dependant on the rest of the political landscape and our assesment of the situation. Sometimes assesments are wrong, sometimes more correct, but it is close to impossible to make 100% certain ones. I hope you all can accept this and that we can move on to the next era and start anew. New wars, new allies, etc.

00:27:48 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

@Messiah: Word

08:18:44 Sep 30th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Isn't a vice suposed to be speaking for the kingdom?

08:35:24 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Love:

Yes but not in this thread.

15:13:04 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

Uhu :)

This is a non-serious thread so we dont speak for the KD :D


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