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Forums / In game politics / FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness

FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness
06:02:01 Dec 8th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Mirai):

Go sword spam goooo~

02:41:33 Dec 9th 12 - Mr. Kreed:

I cannot speak on behalf of Edd in regards to what happened in that era years back because I was not there. I however can speak of his character now. In his time in Relentless he has been one of, if not the most, loyal and devoted member we have. Having him in our kingdom makes us better and any kingdom would be crazy to not want him to be a part of their kingdom.

btw congrats beo on your very near era win

02:43:00 Dec 9th 12 - Electric (Ms. Pink Warrior):

I guess 95% of the kingdoms in the game are crazy then.

05:21:46 Dec 9th 12 - Mr. Edd:

hahahaha well at least i got the 5% that matter to like me =)

05:22:03 Dec 9th 12 - Mr. Edd:

Quality over quantity

06:48:15 Dec 9th 12 - Electric (Electric Piro):

so you get bad quality and qaunity...? I dont get where your going with that Edd...

07:13:36 Dec 9th 12 - Mr. Edd:

yea i think i messed up

07:36:04 Dec 9th 12 - Electric (Electric Piro):

haha your cute.

08:06:26 Dec 9th 12 - Mr. Forever Alone:

I'll add you to the list of crazy people that like me then.

07:29:39 Dec 11th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:



City Info
Owner: The Native PeopleKingdom Banner
Size: 90000 building(s).
Kingdom: *No Kingdom*
Race: Human
Gates: open

Wilberforce, why did you die?

Why, my hero.... why? :(

10:07:45 Dec 12th 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:


GJ Immo and Beo on this era's win. 

Well played MAD, Relent, BF and LGC. Next era you will get a chance to get revenge.

18:36:14 Dec 12th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

I won't be around for next era, so wish everyone the best :)

Wilber should be able to survive for once at least :P

18:44:20 Dec 12th 12 - Mr. Jimmy Savile:

Taking bets on which humourous character TBL chooses to use as he plays undercover next era.

Winner gets a signed Diablo III boxset from TBL and his brother and a personal, 1-to-1 crash course in "How to play VU" by Wilber.

22:19:30 Dec 12th 12 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

Congrats Beo great job also great job to the rest of the kds on fant.

22:28:23 Dec 12th 12 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

Also congratz for Fordius for being the most useless player after legend.

And making it to the end but than again I seriously don't know what I did so far this era :P Guess nothing besides being annoying on skype.

For that I thank you all.

* applauds * the audiance.

22:37:01 Dec 12th 12 - Mr. Jimmy Savile:

fuck off fordius

22:41:54 Dec 12th 12 - Legend (I am The Forgotten Legend):

Owh no Ford hates me!! Gotta do something!!

Maybe need to give my sis again...

22:43:14 Dec 12th 12 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

lol hate ?

where ? 

Awh come on can't even take a joke :P
we all know it was wilber :P

23:04:57 Dec 12th 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

I may have lost the era but in this era ive gained experience friends trust memorable moments and got reunited wtih the love of my life Fordius. 

Thank you all for a very nice era ;)

05:47:51 Dec 13th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Kiseki):

Oh you guys make me laugh :p

09:03:16 Dec 13th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Congrats Beothuk and Immortals.

Congrats Tyler, Terence, Adam, Thomas, Wesley, Qassim, Augh, Stewie, Tico and all my other Beothuk comrades.

It was a great pleasure playing with you lads. Good luck for next era and hope to see you guys around when I get back :)

09:58:01 Dec 13th 12 - Mr. Aussie:

Congrats Beo good win :)

12 out of top 13.....pretty impressive!

13:18:47 Dec 13th 12 - Duke Leviathan:

'Grats Beo.

22:48:48 Dec 13th 12 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

07:03:16 Dec 13th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Congrats Beothuk and Immortals.

Congrats Tyler, Terence, Adam, Thomas, Wesley, Qassim, Augh, Stewie, Tico and all my other Beothuk comrades.

It was a great pleasure playing with you lads. Good luck for next era and hope to see you guys around when I get back :)

Hmm dont see my name there.

have my net back now so hoping to be active again next era. :)

23:20:00 Dec 13th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):


06:59:19 Dec 15th 12 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

I was taught to never talk to strangers...

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