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Forums / In game politics / Fant 24

Fant 24
20:50:55 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

But poking ranking numbers vs eachother is the same same thing as having cows with lots of bells and a troll who will attack them. Its not math, just jibberjabbish. Thats what Fries attempt of "math" was, same as my attempt. Because none of the numbers gave much relevance about .. anything? Highscores maybe.

This troll wouldnt give a fck about the bells, he wants to eat the cows :)

21:16:34 Mar 13th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

would he waste several days chasing them too :)

21:26:58 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Tremendous Mewlings:

How many players does it take to equal a cheater?

21:32:19 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Warlock:

4 Sheeps, 2 cows, 3 horses and 5 headless chickens

22:02:37 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

One NAP, two kingdoms. 

22:49:28 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Lock:

My turn:

What does it take for someone to evolve from dumbdumb to an average person?

22:54:48 Mar 13th 14 - Dark Knight Endo Stratus:

two lumps of sugar, one medium sized table spoon, three cups of vegetable oil, an adult magazine, and half a toasted wheat bagel.

23:29:53 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Tremendous Mewlings:

I don't know, Lock. Did that happen to you recently?

Witnesses or it didn't happen

23:57:47 Mar 13th 14 - Zond (The Zonds):

Experience, activty, and everything VU
These were the ingredients chosen
To create the perfect player
But Professor Zeta accidentally
Added an extra ingredient to the concoction--
General Zondervan
Thus, Warlock was born
Using his ultra-super powers
Logic, Math, and Zond
Warlock has dedicated his life to winning VU
And the mass NAPing against him has begun!

00:01:49 Mar 14th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

but dont you have more relations than us?

00:03:02 Mar 14th 14 - Ms. Butthole Fornicator:

fantasia looks fun. lgc will crush the cheater mods.

00:03:19 Mar 14th 14 - Mr. Warlock:

Enter rage below, thanks.

00:05:12 Mar 14th 14 - Zond (The Zonds):

Yes, thank you for pointing out that once again we have more enemies.

Unless you meant total. Which is were that logic comes into play, and since we are on the same world. We have the same number of relations. Unless you naped other worlds.. because you were that scared of them trying to land here. 

00:08:22 Mar 14th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

ye we tried beating your nap tally from last era

00:10:54 Mar 14th 14 - Mr. Lock:

I smell mudmen. Smelly mudmen.

07:48:31 Mar 14th 14 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Poof just didnt want a challenge that could cost them this era. Same goes for poodles of hell.

07:55:30 Mar 14th 14 - Dreadlord Tel Janin Aellinsar:

Fighting 3 KDs oop would have meant destruction though. Understandable diplomatic move. ;)

08:29:17 Mar 14th 14 - Wilberforce (Mr. Roxburys Sex Slave):

19:44:43 Mar 13th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):
i dont know, as a leader i get my members to do my math, lock was my best one!

Fine! Be that way! :'(

11:14:10 Mar 14th 14 - Konspyre (Captain Jack Sparrow):

Lost my last city.
Arma plz.

11:18:44 Mar 14th 14 - Prince Chade:

07:29:17 Mar 14th 14 - Wilberforce (Mr. Roxburys Sex Slave):

19:44:43 Mar 13th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):
i dont know, as a leader i get my members to do my math, lock was my best one!

Fine! Be that way! :'(


You see what you've done danwell?? You should probably apologize to josh immediately, or he will create an ultra napped kd nxt era and will send you packing just to prove a point!

11:25:34 Mar 14th 14 - Princess Aisha:

Out of all the kingdoms, you chose to NAP the most active and numerous kingdom in the world. Sure if you did not NAP, you would have a much difficul era, with a lot more tension and even battle, but when you decided to ally the only kingdom that could match the activity of your kingdom, the era was decided even then.

If you decided to NAP Phoons or maybe Immortals, that would lead to a much more interesting era for everyone, at least thats what I think. You have a nice and easy era for you, but most people do not like when there is not a challenge out there, considering everyone knew that this alliance will win the world, so there was no pressure or tension at all. But maybe its just me thinking that you would enjoy more even battle, if you enjoy being overpowered this era, then it was a good choice and thumbs up for both kingdoms. I for once would like to stop getting killed so I can understand the diplomatic decision you guys made. Afterall, VU is a game of war and diplomacy, and indeed you have won by having superior activity and teamwork, and of course by doing the right diplomatic decisions. We can all complain but they did well, and they will deserve the era win.


11:58:04 Mar 14th 14 - Ms. Ninth Gate:

Ok.. but at the time of the Nap, poodles was like 4th strongest Kingdom.. 

12:04:12 Mar 14th 14 - Princess Aisha:

That is because they use a tactic of late starting, they send 3-4 Orcs to different locations on the map, and then they settle and look around to see where others should settle. That puts them a little bit behind in the start, because they wait to see what is the best place to settle. That is the reason why you have Poodles all over the map, at least their Orcs, and that is a good tactic actually, they chose where to start. Thumbs up for that. As soon as all of them dropped and started building, they caught up quickly with the rest.

12:27:56 Mar 14th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

actually poodles were struggling activity wise early era. We had to make a choice between the three of you and i thought an OOP war against 2 decent KDs would be a good test for my new kingdom. 

you can cry inactivity all you like on the forums, we saw you in the OOP war, you had several decent armies and a lot of movements, phoons too including a heavily bt bought orc who gave us a lot of problems.

Poofs have pulled of some amazing moves this era, Bounce and Binh held our rear against constant attacks from Mods and Heaven HoH armies and even managed to bring the fight to them on several occasions including slaughtering several heaven armies.

you can call this an easy era for us all you want but personally ive found it quite the challenge

12:43:27 Mar 14th 14 - Mr. Lock:

Bounce and Binh are the only one capable of doing something worth mentioning from Poof.

12:44:30 Mar 14th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

and what have you achieved? running around like a headless chicken?

12:49:02 Mar 14th 14 - Dreadlord Tel Janin Aellinsar:

Yeah yeah forgett about the mighty human who died a valiant death while trying to stem the tide of phoon/immo armies.

12:49:03 Mar 14th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

Not much this era, to many bums to save :)

12:49:45 Mar 14th 14 - Zond (The Zonds):

All the armies you guys have, suck. We just dont have the active mage you have. Or the sheer numbers to simply all go different directions..

And we have been over how halfers score high early on.

You all know damn well you cant go by hoh early pre oop.. 

Its just bs excuse you use to try and justify pulling a beo. even though you are the core players that bitched about them naping. 

we even decided to have one nap.. and we naped MAD. of all the kds on the mad.

Just.. i better stop before i get out of hand. Dont want to seek to the poof level and argue like a dumbdumb. 

btw. i love aisha. ye i said it! 

13:02:11 Mar 14th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

we even decided to have one nap.. and we naped MAD. of all the kds on the mad.

But you knew MAD was back in decent force this era, you said so yourself in one of our many convos. 
and how come you failed to add Heaven to the nap list?  or Immo rebuilding a few ticks away. ill not put phoons down as you just took over a city after "allowing" them to rebuild

So a KD slightly smaller than us but arguably contains a better roster than my "dumbdumbs" Farms, "Cheats" Naps one of the biggest KD on fant and has good "relations" with a small core of vets, has the cheek to act a victim to big bad poofs?

Its just bs excuse you use to try and justify pulling a beo. even though you are the core players that bitched about them naping. 
think you'd find most of the bitching was from Swifty, Reed, Lock and to some extent me, making us equal in the game!

13:15:36 Mar 14th 14 - SWIFTRY (Mr. Bad Bell Mate):

has aisha deleted her account yet?

13:23:32 Mar 14th 14 - Prince Chade:

Abandon ship!!!!

14:16:59 Mar 14th 14 - Princess Aisha:

So Stirling like you said, Poodles struggled with activity in beginning of the era, if you take a look at the number of members each kingdom had, you will see that PooF  was first with 13 members, while Immortals (15), Phoons (10) and even Poodles (14) had 1/2 of the kingdom percentage of your kingdom. That shows that all these kingdoms struggled with activity in the beginning of the era.

Immortals are struggling every era with activity, we already had discussions about disbanding twice, but we keep on going and this era we pulled up a pretty decent fight. In our kingdom you have Endo Stratus and me that were extremelly active, and the reason why we were able to stop Binh and Poof Patrol (Cobra they say?) is because we were so active and just sent troops from city to city to defend. Considering we had only one Orc in the game that is extremely inactive due to RL, we had nothing against the 50k Gaia that Cobra sent to our core, and I basically lost 3 rl days running from city to city with my Ponies at tick change just to prevent him from taking our cities. Economy suffered extremelly, so we all were behind, except Endo that had a pretty decent start.

It was little bit later that Levi, Leila, Gokken, came with good armies and we were able to kick back all the attacks, but giving Binh the experience to his Advents, but if we did not, we would not last this long. Thumbs up to Tyrg and Just for killing Dreadlord down there even though they say it was a rage quit.

MAD is doing great this era, and if Immortals held longer to keep busy some of Poodles members, it would be better for them, they became a force when Relentless merged into them. Again it was the lack of activity and basically not enough people to defend against Poodles too, so we fell pretty darn quick.

15:11:16 Mar 14th 14 - Dreadlord Tel Janin Aellinsar:

Propa to tyrgalon for keeping me busy enough to prevent me from merging my troops. Couldnt kill aussie and water bender with him keeping half my army tied down.

Running down to Justin was just my last attempt to deal some damage before being destroyed as Water went north. :p

In the end I died a lonely death to the combined efforts of 3 KDs so I guess I should take pride in that. 

16:03:22 Mar 14th 14 - Dark Knight Endo Stratus:

she said my name, she said my name! :D

16:57:57 Mar 14th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Innoruuk):

Fant forum is like that terrible magazine you charitably subscribed to out of good will to help someone in need... and yet you feel compelled to read it even though you know its a waste of your precious life.

17:05:17 Mar 14th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Top three players, in my opinion: 


Top cheater:

Best OOP opponents:

Award for shocking BT usage:

17:29:59 Mar 14th 14 - Legend (I am The Forgotten Halfling):

Biggest noob on the forum:

Papa Poof

17:32:16 Mar 14th 14 - Dark Knight Endo Stratus:

comic relief:

23:31:14 Mar 14th 14 - shyers (Grandmaster Funk Shyers):

awe man, i'm still a nub? when will i ever be a good player like my buddy swiffer :-(

and Zongy, your a nub for losing the cities i gave you.

06:33:49 Mar 15th 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

*rubs my eyes*

I don't believe this.

Are my former enemies now fighting amongst themselves? In a very bitter, all-dirty-laundry-aired kind of way too?

I used to find Stirlin, Warlock, Legend, Venomz, Salazar / Small Fries and several other of these feuding folks united against me and Beo / Buffet / other kingdoms I have led or been part of. Now that I no longer play and these kingdoms that I used to be part of are no longer around, I find that they (my old enemies) have started stabbing each other in the eyes instead. What happened, old chaps? Why are you now doing cavity checks on one another instead of uniting together to dominate the map era after era the way Legacy (when led and coordinated by Wilber) used to do? Is the loss of your talisman, Wilber (VU's Alex Ferguson, Eric Cantona, Roy Keane, Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Peyton Manning, Babe Ruth, and Mike Tyson all rolled into one awe inspiring package) such a mortal blow that it has now reduced once tight knitted, long term comrades into rivals? Is that why accusations of NAPping and cheating are now being flung against one another? Is that why Legacy disbanded?

The solution is clear. The answer is simple. You guys need Wilber back. Badly! Only a person of his esteemed reputation and accomplishments can heal the wounds that now divide old friends, unite them once again, and lead them back to the glory days of all-conquering Fantasia domination again! And to reobtain the respect, fear and envy from the rest of the player-base - the un-Special Ones - that was once yours and Legacy's sole privy.

The game, and its stalwarts, need Wilber more than ever before. The savior must return!

07:48:43 Mar 15th 14 - Mr. Poof Patrol:

 Poof Patrol (Cobra they say?)

Nope, I ain't no stinking Romanian

07:55:09 Mar 15th 14 - Venomz (High Warlord Fortis Eques):


07:59:17 Mar 15th 14 - Mr. Spankylicious:

Poof Patrol (Cobra they say?)

He only wishes he were Cobra, but he's not that blessed. :P

11:38:03 Mar 15th 14 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Wilber doesn't have the time to lead the illustrious DB2, TBL.

Between the monotomous and constant *beep beep*'ing, the pseudo-intellectual, self professed wordsmith warblings, the chasing of fat chicks and colleagues 16 y old daughters with chocolates, the inability to understand the "attacking midfielder" position or who plays in it and the selotaping of pubes to his face to form a crude beard.. he just doesn't have the time.

Reedle is lost. Lost in Aisle 9. His name booms over the tannoy. "Mr Reedle to checkout 5", but nobody comes. He is lost forever.

11:42:32 Mar 15th 14 - Dreadlord Tel Janin Aellinsar:

the selotaping of pubes to his face to form a crude beard


11:48:44 Mar 15th 14 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Mr. Bad Bell Mate

10:38:03 Mar 15th 14
Wilber doesn't have the time to lead the illustrious DB2, TBL.

Between the monotomous and constant *beep beep*'ing, the pseudo-intellectual, self professed wordsmith warblings, the chasing of fat chicks and colleagues 16 y old daughters with chocolates, the inability to understand the "attacking midfielder" position or who plays in it and the selotaping of pubes to his face to form a crude beard.. he just doesn't have the time.

Reedle is lost. Lost in Aisle 9. His name booms over the tannoy. "Mr Reedle to checkout 5", but nobody comes. He is lost forever.


20:14:21 Mar 15th 14 - Wilberforce (Mr. Roxburys Sex Slave):

So bitter m8. Luv u.

18:51:30 Mar 16th 14 - Mr. Lock:

I call Binh the winner of silly sunday :P

22:36:08 Mar 17th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

Well this thread has gone silent

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