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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk

Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk
21:05:12 Feb 26th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

Is TBL full, or half retard?

He's gone trawling through his vast LGC memory banks and era histories, to disprove an assertion that's never been made. Straw man argument, anybody? I haven't said once we go NAPless every era. What I have said is that years ago we would go NAPless time to time to take on the world, as we did last era.

Mr. Mate Dont Mad

18:21:03 Feb 20th 13
I doubt there ever was an era when people did not NAP even when there are 3 large kingdoms around.

You must of missed last era then. ;)

LGC NAPed 0 KDs and fought Blings/Beo/Immortals/Relent/MAD.
Beo NAPed Blings/Immortals/Relent/MAD and fought LGC.

Besides that though, years ago there were times when KDs would go NAPless and try take on the world in a free-for-all. LGC were famous for it. It did happen, but these days KDs are run by a different breed of leaders [like those in BEO] who prefer to mass-NAP and mass recruit. Try that 5-7 years ago and you would have been laughed off the forums.

What did TBL make of those comments? "LGC NEVER ALLIES!" and then he actually went and checked every era to prove it. What a mong. LOL.

Of course, if there is a no NAP policy next era, I'm sure BEO would adhere to it. After all, they didn't NAP Fred last era/this era. Or Immortals. Or Blings. Or Relent. Or any of the other KDs. They just happened to let them build beside them, while armies streamed past towards LGC.

Funny how BEO are desperate for no NAPs now that Fords KD [or as BEO repeatedly calls it, DB 2] has been created. :p

23:58:03 Feb 26th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

This is getting old. 

00:35:26 Feb 27th 13 - Zond (Mr. Horseman of Elves):

Even though i am no better than a beast, dont i have the right to live?!?!

05:41:26 Feb 28th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):



Electric, You suck. Seriously, build a decent army or something. Your mum is scarier than anything you have on the battlefield currently, and she's a very nice lady.

P.S. Legacy are a whiny bunch of bad losers, half of the cities I took last era were Immortals cities.

P.P.S MAD are over, done, kaput, if you are in that kingdom, now would be the time to leave. They'll never be a force on Fant again.

06:41:02 Feb 28th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

stop recruiting from MAD!

07:13:36 Feb 28th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Legacy20Ms. Acaviser0

Thank you for no longer letting that fool be leader.

09:46:52 Feb 28th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

Welcome to Farmtasia. 

14:32:35 Feb 28th 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

Welcome to Fantasia.

Get your shit, and get out. 

19:50:18 Feb 28th 13 - Prince Chade:

hey zond are you Jeff Dunham's cousin? :D

22:36:38 Feb 28th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

You mean Lena Dunham?

20:30:37 Mar 3rd 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

lol we can build 654 at this time

21:02:24 Mar 3rd 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

I do wonder why BEO make so many NAPs over the eras, if it hates its allies so much. Each era now its members cry to us about it. I suppose that's what you get when you mass recruit and don't quality check.

Last era BEO members flaunted to us that they allowed MAD cities to fall to Fordius' eastern attack and were deliberately slow in their response to hitting him, so that he could take the MAD cities, and then BEO could take them as he moved on.

Now this era they're they're dissing Immortals

[19:38:51] Coxy: i didnt approve
[19:39:03] David Almighty: well lets say
[19:39:04] Coxy: i hate the kd we napped
[19:39:06] Coxy: immortals?
[19:39:07] David Almighty: no 1 liked this eras nap parter
[19:39:22] D.R. Bohning: i heard through grapevine
[19:39:23] Coxy: theyre so lame
[19:39:24] David Almighty: You can't even say they contributed to beo winning.
[19:39:27] D.R. Bohning: they didnt like u guys either
[19:39:29] Coxy: they do shit all
[19:39:52] David Almighty: They dodged all armies
[19:39:55] D.R. Bohning: they killed mad
[19:40:00] Coxy: they opportunistic nubs who wait for us to break the blockers before sprinting towards the largest mines
[19:40:30] Coxy: and take over ones that we are prepping on
[19:40:34] Coxy: if anything they was a hindrance
[19:40:42] Coxy: and only intensifies our glory
[19:40:57] Coxy: we beat lgc in spite of our nap with immortals
[19:41:07] D.R. Bohning: i also heard through a grapevine that beo wouldnt open blockers to them, and would take several days to navigate the paths around cities

What next? They're already taunting Fords KD and calling it DB2 to everybody. Will they beg them for a NAP and talk shit about them behind their backs too?

Is there a KD in Fant that BEO actually likes? Or are they all pawns in the wider BEO strategy of mass recruiting + NAPing to win?

21:17:17 Mar 3rd 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

I like Mad, Relentless, Feckers, also Chade of Immortals is like brother to me.

I even liked Fordius, but he is starting to act like an arrogant prick these days.

LGC I didn,t like because Swifty was in charge, but now that Binh is at the helm i feel more repect because he does not wine so much like Swifty does

21:21:43 Mar 3rd 13 - cxc (Sir Cxc):

Well that's beo, every member is free to state his oppinion and I see no reason for it to change it.
Anyway I wonder with how many people from beo you have talked about our nap partners that you are able to talk about my kingdom's oppinion and not single player.

In your case it would have been better to say: several players from beo, for example: coxy ....
That would be the correct way to make a clear and correct statement, so maybe nxt time ;).

Oh btw in most parts of this chat-log context, I share coxy's oppinion, so you can add my name there as well. So make it 2 of 30 insteat of 1.

So in your calculation this would mean 2*beo is threading other kingdom as pawns in their mass recruiting strategy.....

Luckily for us, most of the VU community can better count than you =P.

21:48:18 Mar 3rd 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

the rest of that convo was pretty awesome. i must say that grapevine i heard was huge

23:02:47 Mar 3rd 13 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

21:17:17 Mar 3rd 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

I like Mad, Relentless, Feckers, also Chade of Immortals is like brother to me.

I even liked Fordius, but he is starting to act like an arrogant prick these days.

LGC I didn,t like because Swifty was in charge, but now that Binh is at the helm i feel more repect because he does not wine so much like Swifty does

Haha your so funny Kobu.
Your calling me an arrogant prick? How did the conversation go?
I said you were unhonerable for attacking Dragon cause he switched kd's after Arma being casted and him leaving an napped / friendly kd ( you guys flew at em within just 1 tick after seeing it ) 

So I said do you really wanna win that bad to act so unhonerable. Than I said you'll see soon hint hint :) 

What was your comment to me? It's time that we finally were going to get some resistance? I can put up the entire convo here :) 
So now tell me who's arrogant in this? You claiming that BEO finally getting resistance ( still not sure what you refered to here ) our me telling you for being unhonerable for doing the try 2 take a town from a guy that was in ur allied kd?

Weird actually how you say that I'm arrogant while clearly your being the arrogant one :)

23:21:04 Mar 3rd 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

You yourself was pounding the war drum to make clear Misfits are attacking Beo next era, so what do you expect us to do when a full grown Misfits apprears in our core and ofc we respected our allies by asking there approval first.

btw Killing you for the 2e time this era was more out of fun.

23:25:32 Mar 3rd 13 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

I can post the conversation.
I just replied to the Dragon incident and maybe said about attacking BEO.

That's just ofc obvious as we're not napping anyone so that's not hard to understand but with ur logics it could be a trouble as you said you wanted resistance more yet nap the entire map :) 

Ayways killing me a second time this era ?
Lol you mean that I just spawned on the map to make the kd? How big was the town?
did it have troops ? enough said if your joying over such a victory it must say alot about you winning ur few fights I guess :D

Yet again I ask you who's being the arrogant one when yelling for more resistance hopefully in the new era? You being the arrogant guy yet you cry like a bitch not being paid :) but whateva rocks ur boat :) 

23:26:08 Mar 3rd 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Overall I'm happy with Immo as NAP partners. As always we have a few complaints in both direction but thats usual for any NAP and is usually misunderstandings and nothing else.

When it comes to Dragon, if he isn't flying the Immo banner it means we're not NAPed with him any longer so I see no real problem there. If he had asked real politely if we could spare him(before swapping kd) we probably would have (and we defenitly had if Immo had asked us to).

And Kobu: Ford has always been arrogant (although I dont like that wording). Its just his way of expressing how big his penis is. And thats why I <3 him! (Yes I'm being a sexist)

And lastly: Swifty, what a load of crap. From now on I'm gonna call you Bagdad Bob coz thats how much grasp of reality you have.

23:35:05 Mar 3rd 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

Ofc we made it clear to war Beo next era... we did agree on a no NAP era..

00:13:41 Mar 4th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):


00:19:29 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Reformed Brown Noser:

NO NAPs is always funny because I will bet my left nut that there will be some 'behind closed doors' wheeling and dealing... "PSSST, lets not go to full scale war until Beos dead". Some are doing there best to alienate Beo from the rest of the community so they will become TARGET NO. 1 come OOP. 

Maybe some drop manipulation.. "Oh look. Legacy have dropped to the North of Beo and funnily enough Misfits have dropped to the South of Beo. What are the chances of that?" 

Just some conspiracy theories to add to the mix..  :)

00:21:32 Mar 4th 13 - cxc (Mr. Deathman Wal):

Zond you ment to war every1 next era, not only beo right ^^

00:38:03 Mar 4th 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

Yes cxc, that was in return to kobs comment about attacking dragon ^^

Well tbh, since my kd is misfits.. we have ppl pushing to war lgc right away. and beo right away, as well as immortals. 

either way, i can say our kd wont nap anyone, and i can trust the lgc side not to do it more than the beo side (strickly because beo has had the relations with immortals that were both naps and neutrals.)

but ive spoken to mike, and jenna (we all know jenna pulls the strings) and she says she wont nap anyone (official or not), and i believe her. 

but doesnt mean im not worried others in beo will try to do it anyway, also think some on lgc will try too.

But we cant really tell until the era starts can we.

03:10:51 Mar 4th 13 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

00:19:29 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Reformed Brown Noser:

NO NAPs is always funny because I will bet my left nut that there will be some 'behind closed doors' wheeling and dealing... "PSSST, lets not go to full scale war until Beos dead". Some are doing there best to alienate Beo from the rest of the community so they will become TARGET NO. 1 come OOP. 

Maybe some drop manipulation.. "Oh look. Legacy have dropped to the North of Beo and funnily enough Misfits have dropped to the South of Beo. What are the chances of that?" 

Just some conspiracy theories to add to the mix..  :)
Haha trying to cover urself up already Reformed Brown Noser.
Like we can pick our own spawn point if lgc is north they are north and if we are south we are south what is conspiricy about that?
Zeta drops us we can only walk so much to a certain spot before the game starts.

Funny how some of you guys making up theories just cause you want to make it look like it's all vs you. I believe lgc if they say they won't nap and war all. I doubt BEO will do this as they prolly will nap Immortals again even if they called their allies garbage. 
Convo copy paste earlier up.

Meh we'll see next era what happens.
I just wanna have fun and destruction and if I die right OOP :)
well than tough luck :D

03:24:01 Mar 4th 13 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

When I say we will have no naps there wont be I usally leave kd business up to my vices but when i say something it goes so you have nothing to worry about from us .you and lgc is still to be seen.
Have agreat era everyone :)

04:14:55 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

As long as it is Binh saying that Legacy will "war" everyone, then his word can be trusted. If it is Swifty saying that Legacy will "war" everyone... *snicker*...

GTFO man.

07:26:41 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

You would think, having read the replies here, that BEO were the KD who took on the world last era with 0 NAPs, while LGC would claim to have not NAPed Immortals, Blings, Relent etc, yet ended up allowing them all to build nearby and never attacked them


Of course, the opposite was true last era. And BEO come on here talking righteously about no NAPs and trustworthiness. LOL! You jokers, you! You're only interested in no NAPs because you don't rate Immortals as an ally, publically badmouth them and fear "arrogant" Quie..Fordius and his new KD.


"Misfits=DB, Ford is an ass. But I love you really Ford! Lets dance! Plsplspls don't ally LGC. Or else you're their lapdogs! Oh and you can't spawn near us or away from them, that's sneaky! Lets all go with 0 NAPs pls. ;);););)"


You flip flop so shamelessly.

07:30:01 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:


You're a very funny person Swifty.... funny in a substanceless way, but still funny :P

About time they booted you off the Legacy leadership roll. You're not fit to be a leader.

12:04:36 Mar 4th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

So LGC a KD that has a minimal/No Nap policy agreeing to a no nap era is questionable but Beo with their countless "relations"(no napz here lol) agreeing to no naps is concrete and to be believed?

why the change of policy beo? i see your playing the victim card again, hur dur weve won the last 3 eras but lgc r 2 cool 4 us

12:11:16 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Bagdad Bob is once again living in his own world. 

1. We've never claimed we didnt have any NAPs last era
2. We've never badmouthed Immos
3. We do fear Fordius (he was the best player in LGC the last 2 eras)

12:15:01 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Dread III:

lol ford best player

12:42:15 Mar 4th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

1. We've never claimed we didnt have any NAPs last era

2. We've never badmouthed Immos
3. We do fear Fordius (he was the best player in LGC the last 2 eras)

notice he said last era? not counting all the other eras eh?
i beg to differ
oh please you fear everyone remember

12:43:29 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Sure was, he was the only one to make it close to our core the last 2 eras.

This era he made us sweat @ the start of the era, unfortunatly he didnt get back up so he was spent.

12:47:33 Mar 4th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

hur dur mr anti lgc

12:48:59 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

In recent eras, the only era Legacy ACTUALLY had a no NAP policy was last era.

This era and previous eras, Legacy had a "we will pretend to have no NAPs until we can get an excuse to have one NAPs / some NAPs that will not make us look bad" policy.

Case in point:

This era - NAP - Relentless

Two eras ago - NAP - Relentless, MAD, Black Flag

Three eras ago - NAP - Relentless, MAD

Four eras ago - NAP - Hex

No one has clean hands in this argument.

12:53:48 Mar 4th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

In recent eras, the only era Legacy ACTUALLY had a no NAP policy was last era.

in recent eras lgc has had to adapt from no naps to minimal, its hard when your enemies mass "relation"

This era and previous eras, Legacy had a "we will pretend to have no NAPs until we can get an excuse to have one NAPs / some NAPs that will not make us look bad."

Case in point:

This era - NAP - Relentless 
true, we were actually going to war them and blings until we caught wind of beo and immortals tag team down south
Two eras ago - NAP - Relentless, MAD, Black Flag
i believe we only napped relentless then my friend
Three eras ago - NAP - Relentless, MAD
i dont remember, could be true but i dont believe weve had 2 since i returned
Four eras ago - NAP - Hex

13:04:42 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Stirlin, re 2 eras ago - there were Black Flag and MAD armies avoiding Legacy cities and armies. Heck, Black Flag raided Beothuk and Immortal takings in Legacy's core without even touching a single undefended Legacy city.

Beothuk can use the same excuse and say that it had only one NAP last era too. However, both sides are guilty of "wink-wink nudge-nudge" policy over the eras.

As said, no one has clean hands in this argument. Ultimately, I don't know about last era, but the era before last and this era, Beothuk won the rounds fair and square. Only a sore loser would proclaim otherwise. The sorest of them all is Swifty.

13:04:46 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Kool:

congrats conspyre/beo on era win .. beo will get the fourpeat with only 10 naps..

13:05:31 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

BTW, congrats Jasper, my Beothuk comrades, and my Immortals friends, for the successful era :) <3

And eff you Zeta, for making us play this stupid map AGAIN!

13:10:46 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Me wants another mapz =(

And #1 spot too!!! But GJ Jasp =)

13:13:27 Mar 4th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Congrats to Beo as well, and yeah, a map change would have been nice :)

13:26:48 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

Havnt you guys from beo EVER thought of casue and effect? Every single NAP you are making forces the rest of the map to do the same? Smalminded kreeps who cant see it as it is.

You should go out into the world and become politicians... 

13:47:49 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Sorry, who the fuck are you again, Warlock?

Oh wait, you dare to lecture us on "cause and effect"?

So what's the effect of grouping most of the game's leading and active players in one kingdom? Oh, it forces other kingdoms to NAP up against you, right?

Or how about what is the cause and effect when Legacy refuses to acknowledge a fair victory and marks it with some asterisk or stupid excuse? That's right, it makes people look down on ya.

Or when Legacy does not practice what it preaches, by engaging in rounds of mass-NAPping itself.... does it actually expect the rest of the playerbase to take it seriously?

Or what is the cause and effect of Legacy having some of the most arrogant, pompous and sanctimonious players in the game.... who in their right mind would want to NAP you guys unless their very survivability is at stake?

Spare me your bullshit preaching. Some of us in Beothuk may be politicians, but a scum  like you will make an excellent behind-the-scenes puppet master with your nonsense.

13:52:07 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

Who i am? Im the one who think that you and whoever thinks it is era 25, are big politicans who cant think outside the box.

Thats all

Add: Just look at this era and tell me how fun the last 2 weeks were and please tell me, what does the kill-amounts tell you about the last 3-4 eras.

13:54:02 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Whatever Warlock, whatever. You don't give a crap about me, and I certainly as heck do not give a crap about you, so I'm moving on.

15:47:19 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Warlock, are you saying its our fault the total playercount has been decreasing for years?

Coz thats the main reason for the lower killcount, there's just fewer people to kill. The other reasons are that we have less halflings and that the game is more even now, its not a walk in the park for LGC and its allies, wich means the top players doesnt get all the kills. BTW I'm sure that LGC have almost the same kill count as BEO this era - only it doesnt show coz ure all dead.

And also, I'm actually a politician in real life. From that I've learned to see things from different perspectives. A skill that most LGC sadly lack.

16:02:30 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

I didnt said anything about beo being the cause of the low playercount for VU in general, thats something you brought up. 

And ofc does the low amount of halfers commits to the low killcount, not the main cause though. The main cause is about the lenght of each era, and that sir, is something beo have caused.

I really dont care about winning or loosing an era... aslong as it is a good fight. But the past 3-4 eras have been really shitty with good fights.

16:04:50 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

19:52:07 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

Add: Just look at this era and tell me how fun the last 2 weeks were and please tell me, what does the kill-amounts tell you about the last 3-4 eras.

If we wanted to, we could have coordinated an instant-Arma end, which would have resulted in the next era starting 8 days ago.

The reason why we didn't push for instant Arma end (and the reason why I was the first to vote "no" to the Arma end) was because Beothuk wanted the 10 days off to rest and recuperate.

Unlike you, most of us have a real life.... we have studies or jobs and relationships to take care of. We do not have the luxury of sitting at the computer all day long furiously staring at VU and calculating which under-defended city can be hit by a nazzie raid.

This game can be very intensive. Like I told one of your kingdom's biggest clowns, Pure, I play this game at MY own drumbeat. Not yours.

Chalk that one up for a political line.

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