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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia countdown.

Fantasia countdown.
14:22:32 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Thunder who exactly are all these people you keep referring to that are spending so much time talking about me??  And please show some proof where i've been evil conceded or a liar?  please because your grand following in here of people that are agreeing with you is making it difficult to confirm your allegations....

Exactly, there is no  one.. Anyone that has ever had any dealings with me know that I am none of those things.  Your poor attempt to make it appear so in these forums is just another example of why every kingdom you're in fails, and why you just dont see that everytime you're allowed to post it just makes you and the kingdom you're in look really bad. 

I posted to you in this thread originally because you were constantly insulting every person that attempted a post as if you somehow think that your opinion of other people matter some how.  Most people that I have talked to and that have sent me ingame msgs.. some even from your own kingdom agree with me that you run your mouth to damn much.  You insult people no matter what kingdom they are in and you do that rather than comment on the politics which is what this thread is about I'm assuming because you have no clue what politics in this game are all about.   But please, keep insulting people and keep burning bridges matters not to me.  But, if you think that you using the words "most people in this game" to describe your personal feelings about me worries me.....well your ploy didnt work.   Since I already know most people in this game wouldnt even talk to someone like you.


14:24:56 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Lykou-- dont feel like you've missed out this whole conversation is based on nothing of the past present or future it's just one small player who is quite a new player himself holding a grudge against another kingdom or player because he cant lose or win like a man

14:31:08 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Thirsty I love this...ready for it???

you seem to be following the pattern, if you cant make a good reply, ignore it or insult it lol.

And now here you are again...

You are retard, you fail at VU.

Oh crap i suck at this game of yours thunder, the evidence for that is all around us.

I love it... Thanks for proving that you are a

I will give you that I have probably read one comic too many...but then seem to know what i am talking about, so join the club, With the movies coming out these is a good club to be in... Hell even the Duck will agree with me on this Quack..Quack

As for you Lykou...hang in there, it is always great to see new players, don't take anything said here to heart, for the most part, people just let off steam and act like fools, but secretly...the respect one another...Don't repeat that though, as I will deny it in a court of law!!! ;-)

You did well, great job, I hope you remain in the game, and if you have any questions feel free to ask, any of us are willing to help you out I bet!!! :-)

14:36:19 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Sure go right ahead and think what you will... I am not interested in revealing names nor proof... You are arrogant and evil, but hey What kind of movie would Snow White have been with out the witch and her poison apple???

Notice how I brought that back to produce? :-D

Also are you seriously so vain that you cannot step out of character and NOT try to drag a new player into your vainglorious head? Talk about a high horse...I wonder if Odysseus is hiding in it...sheesh

Give the kid a break's not all about YOU

14:40:24 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Lykou:

Yeah, the other day was my first day entering this forum.  I've been reading from start to finish.  I have been having myself a good laugh... I really enjoy it cause of the maturity level of most people here, I'm only 18 but I hate people being foolish.  Thanks for replying to my post btw I was kind of bummed out because it was the last post on that page and then right away one was posted on a new page so I didn't think anybody would see it.

Thanks for the compliment Tunder, definately a confidence booster, and even though I am new to the game I feel I have a little bit of extra experience on most of the new players, as I have had a great mentor in Mr. Arkantos seeing as how he and I are the closest of friends in real life, and he is pretty good too.  I really want to get right into this game, I love strategy games and this one tops them all... even CivRev which I played for a while and stopped cause it was way too repetitive and I can't even play it online as I don't have wireless for my DS...

PS I apologize for the lack of politics in my posts I kind of just wanted to be heard and get my name known throughout fantasia. LOL

14:40:29 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:


witty way too witty for me...i give

lykou...welcome :)

14:43:21 Aug 14th 08 - Dreadlord Jay Renfro:

Why do people keep on replying to thunder? He was a retard when he started playing, is a retard now and most likely wont cease to be a retard any time soon.

Dont feed the troll and he will starve to death.

14:51:00 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Any time Lykou...i talked briefly with Arkantos this era...he seems like a stand up guy...Sounds like you are off to a good start!!! :-D

Why thank you Q :-D

As for Jay Refro... What kind of name is Jay Renfro anyway???  I don't know whether to answer you or just say "Ro Ray Raggy",,,sheesh with a name like that, your new nickname is Scooby!!!

And where do you get off calling yourself Dreadlord? There is only 1 Dreadlord in the game and your ain't him!!! :-P

14:54:45 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

lol google it. I think it will be to your taste Thunder

14:55:08 Aug 14th 08 - Dreadlord Jay Renfro:

There is only one true dreadlord in this game and that IS me. The carnage guy is a cheap copy.

google is your friend btw.

15:00:49 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Lykou:

Well, I'm among hundred's of   ' Mr ' so beat that. :)

one day I will have a custom title :)

15:04:58 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

You might like this page Thirsty...

By the way, I may be dating myself here, but the Dread Lord I remember was Jim Starlin's creation for Epic Comics. (A branch of Marvel) In the early 80's...It could have started in the late 70's I guess, but I think it was the early 80's...

As for you Scooby...You'll never be "THE" Dreadlord... Now I'll give you 3 Scooby Snacks if you do that laugh....REEeeee...Heeee....Heeee...Heeee,,,Heee,,,Heeee

15:17:20 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:, Thunder...dude, i say let us do our talking on the battlefield.

As for the rest of you... we now know where each of us stand...and some of us don't like one another. For once i think it's OK that Thunder stirred up the Kool-Aid...that way when the time comes we'll get your best shot, man. So let the challenge be laid down, ya digg. Go big or go home. and all of you better bring it.

15:19:58 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Whoops That was Dread Star, not Dread Lord...but it was a cool book though...

15:21:45 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Go Jim Nobody can show them the "Doors" like you can... ;-)

15:31:10 Aug 14th 08 - Duke Pumpkin Head:

And you should like this o-great Tunder-

[Final post by yours truly]

15:55:22 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Wait Deadpool...let me get this straight.... i made a post in regards to thunder insulting people in another kd a completely seperate kingdom from the one i'm in but still find it repulsive to have read his child like rantings and insults at every single person that posts anything in these threads and me and my mates are on a high horse?? you really do need a life.  If you think that me posting in defense of everyone else in VU who is sick of Thunder while you and he find entertainment in exactly does that look badly on me?? Please dear heart explain that one cause you two are the only freaks that seem to get off on acting like *beep*s in a forum that is provided for kingdom discussions by making fun of people and insulting people... But hey if you want to call that entertainment we can all play that game---

All I said was Quietone is that I found it funny but you decided to throw another insult for no reason. For some reason you took this as a personal attack because I found something funny. I do not need you telling me what is funny and what is not...I can decide this for myself. Why must you make it your personal conquest? Must everyone be a clone like most of Dark Blood-ydos? Don't get me wrong there are some good honest members in DB like Abaddon, Soc, Scientist...if I forgot a few I am sorry. But when you throw insults back at me for laughing at Thunder having a little fun then that makes you no better. Right?

And're awesome man! Jim KUDOS to you! And Thunder...what can I say buddy...your hilarious!

16:01:16 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Kayn:

Must everyone be a clone like most of Dark Blood-ydos?

Wow... nice one... very clever...yawn....

16:11:23 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Wow... nice one... very clever...yawn....

Thanks :-p

16:14:37 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Deadpool you found it funny that i threw another insult for no reason?  You are the one that finds it funny that Thunder rolls around here in these forums insulting everyone.... and that's ok, but because i dont  find it ok for him to insult everyone then i'm on a high horse?  I still dont get your logic... so clue me in?  It's ok for Thunder to insult everyone in VU that bothers to post in the forums anymore, yet i'm not a good honest member of DB and we're all clones why exactly?  I am still lost.....  Basically i'm just sick and tired of watching him verbally insult everyone that posts-- these forums are a waste of space anymore because people cant even have a honest conversation before people like you and thunder roll in and start insulting and because I actually say something about it i'm the bad one?  Because I dont just ignore it and let you guys bully and insult people on the forums for entertainment i'm on a high horse?  Or is that what makes me arrogant and a liar like Thunder said?   Just really confused here....because to me it seems like you guys are just being petty and stooping to insults rather than just fighting it out in the game we're all here to play-- is it because you lost that you're crying here now and enjoying your insulting people for entertainment?  Or is it because you just want to dish ,  it   out but cant seem to take it ?

maybe i'm just to blonde to get it... but this entire conversation has nothing to do with Dark Blood or any member of it or how we play the game.  Now, if you guys really want to have a serious discussion and have some real issue with DB and the way we have played then by all means post some real and logical topics and we'll be happy to enter into an intelligent conversation but if all you want to do is throw insults in DB's direction or my direction then what is it really that you want in return? 

16:17:14 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hey great pumpkin...that was actually funny...I saved it for later use on my pc. ;-D

HOWEVER... There is more to life than  VU ... You really need to stop going to bed in character!!!

16:23:06 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hey Pepper... why post at all? You are soooooooo Blah and boring you have nothing to contribute at all...No wonder you are Ironman's are just too dull for words...

Q...Some advice, nobody reads your marathon rants...Try to be short and to the point...

here is all I got out of it...

Just really confused here....


i'm just to blonde to get it...

Well're a

16:30:25 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:

is that what you say to your wife?  does she know how you treat children and women in this game?? is this how you teach your children to act?  When you lose in a game kids insult everyone and act as immature as possible...and oh wifey shut up and spread'em...  nice person you are to be around i'm sure

and posting quotes from my marathon rants clearly proves you read it you psyco freak

16:32:14 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Tunder stop be a sexest ass and leave Lady Q alone. No one cares about ur point of view from what ive read in other forums wat makes you think it will change in any of these threads?(if ur to stupid to understand thats a retorical question)

16:40:34 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

All I said Quietone is that I thought it funny that you get so mad about insulting someone when you do the same thing yourself. Its a competitive game and people will trash talk...this has been going on forever. All I said was don't take it so personal. But you chime in saying that "then i feel really sorry for you in this life because it must be a real borefest". That makes you no different. So I do not see your point of thinking of yourself and better than Thunder. But if you want to insult him...fine...and if he wants to insult well everyone then fine. But all I am saying is don't take it so personal its all in i said its a game. As for the clones part...all I have to say was some people in a kingdom called Dark Blood got a weeeeeee bit mad when someone was casting Arma and had them booted from there respective kingdom. I thought that was a little bit shady if you ask me.

16:50:04 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Well my point Deadpool is that if you find it funny when Thunder insults people then why didnt you just laugh it off when i insulted you?  You took it personal as well appearantly.   I've never said I was better than anyone else but my point was made clearly, it's all fun and games when you and your friend Thunder are insulting people but when someone returns the favor you react.  Exactly, my point.   You tell me or anyone else that we just take ourselves too seriously but yet when it happens to you then you put on a whole new face dont ya?

These threads are getting tired, and when no one can post  anymore with any validity without some random freak insulting every post made it gets old.   But again, like i was saying if you find it funny that Thunder insults people than you must enjoy being insulted yourself or your just a hypocrit and pulling DB or me or anyone else into it and making it into a VU or game related situation by a poor attempt to drag down a great kingdom is just petty.

 And as far as Arma situation maybe you should try talking to people other than the two who were kicked and maybe get the whole story before you judge DB eh?  There are usually more sides to any story and you should be open minded enough to hear all the sides of the parties involved before you jump to making judgements and accusations and yet again insults.

16:53:28 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

No Quietone I did not get mad I just said that you yourself are no better....but by all means insult away. I can take it but obviously you cannot with your latest novel. And since this is in-game politics by all means tell me your side of the story so i can better understand and make judgements about the situation.

16:59:07 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Q: Much better...i actually read that one... and hey, with this line...

oh wifey shut up and spread'em..

...You just became my dream woman. :-P

And Justin Your new name is Britney I mean seriously...

and leave Lady Q alone

Is it just me or can anyone hear that guys video  "Just leave Britney alone...sob sob" lol Hilarious...

17:01:10 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hey give me the insults...not DP...I love them...getting Jealous...

oh yeah and hey Q... didn't you quit posting 3 pages ago??? Seems you talk more when you aren't such a girl.... :-P

17:11:23 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Deadpool the situation that i was informed of was this and i'll try to keep it as short as possible so you can absorb:

My understanding is that two specific people in Twilight casted Arma without the consent of the Twilight leadership and then when asked to raze the arma town by leadership they simply stopped responding to msgs.  After repeated attempts by their own kd members we were asked to help out, at which time rather than supporting their own kingdom in the wars that Twilight was fighting they continued to train troops to attempt to defend their arma town, and because of those actions they were removed from the kingdom.  Failing to work with their kingdom and ignoring leadership was the reason they were kicked and had nothing to do with DB, that was their own doing as was joining PKS.

Sure DB had an interest in seeing Arma stopped not only were our wars not over but having rogue players in a kingdom near to us was definitely not something we were happy with either and we were more than happy to help out.

17:17:00 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Btw... just to add, there was a similar situation with PKS a few eras back where DB was allied to PKS and some PKS players went rogue and we offered our help to PKS-- so I'm guessing if we are shady now then we were shady then too?

17:26:14 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:


And it took 2 posts too....sheesh

18:05:32 Aug 14th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Q why do you throw pearls to swine? It's not like they are capable/willing to hold a meaningful convo with an adult. Thunder is clearly working out his inner frustrations through a game and Deadpool reeks of a pimple faced pre-pube getting a hardon when he sees his name mentioned in any other form then "GTFO nab".

Just drop it. Not really worth it. PKS suck, Carnage sucked even harder. Combine those two and you get an electrolux... coz as we all know, nothing sucks like an electrolux... :->


18:10:06 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Seeing as though PKS and Twilight are neutral and we had gotten word early in the era that DB had no interest in fighting us this era I do not see how they were rogue compared to what you are talking about when we had members attacking everyone...but then again I could not see as my line of sight in that area is limited.

18:10:06 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hey Grumpy old Grandpa... looks like somebody's ready for  his bedpan to be changed... Don't worry pal...I'll give ya a hand...go eat your cream of wheat....

Hunh??? Weird... Grandpa...your bedpan is empty....I guess it must have been coming out of your mouth...My bad...

18:12:59 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Grumpy lol wtf "nab"?

18:17:01 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Tunder wrote: "Hey Grumpy old Grandpa... looks like somebody's ready for  his bedpan to be changed... Don't worry pal...I'll give ya a hand...go eat your cream of wheat...."

Hmm, there is something to be said for Dale Carnegie after all.

18:28:19 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

What is everyone on in this thread?????

18:54:46 Aug 14th 08 - General Ezatious:

"Also are you seriously so vain that you cannot step out of character and NOT try to drag a new player into your vainglorious head? Talk about a high horse...I wonder if Odysseus is hiding in it...sheesh

Give the kid a break's not all about YOU"

hahahaha i loved this SO much <3 man ...much much <3

19:00:57 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Xerxez:

crack, oralive pure and simple

19:14:02 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Thanks guys... as I said before... I aim to please... <takes a bow>

19:53:01 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

I was waiting to hear from the great Raist! :D

20:06:01 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Thanks guys... as I said before... I aim to please... <takes a bow>

Get it right Thunder....we both aim to please :-p

20:21:19 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

I am at Peace and searching for some sort here...and saying PKS suck and trying to prove this are 2 different things. As i said before...I stand behind the two, "gentlemen" (LOL) in PKS and i will stand beside them as they put on this verbal display...but the only way to get this settled is on the battlefield, so grumpy, Q, Xerxez, Oya, and the rest of DB come on down. Let this be the most glorious battle weve ever had against one another! and when it is over let the loser be flamed!


ps...i found what i said to be hilarious...gentlemen hahahaha

20:55:51 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

I stand corrected DP. :-)

And 1 request Jim...even if we win...can I still be flamed? I do so enjoy it...It makes me feel all warm and toasty!!! :-)

21:52:19 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

sure thunder flaming you seems to be a popular thing around here!

22:00:03 Aug 14th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

*Septim suddenly drops on Tunder Strike.


*Septim notices a flattened Tunder Strike.

"Why didn't anybody tell me you guys had pancakes!?"

*Septim begins eating Tunder Strike.

22:00:55 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Nooo! Wait! I brought the maple syrup and butter!

23:10:28 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Pancakes??? I want some, I want......HEY....Wait a minute.....

23:23:54 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Lykou:

Quick question, when you get a cutom title, can you change it whenever you want?

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