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Forums / In game politics / Starta wars era of messiah

Starta wars era of messiah
21:06:34 Mar 18th 09 - Duke Random:

no i mean, we can kill eachother as much as we want but lets be friends while we kill eachother :)

21:13:49 Mar 18th 09 - Mr. Makedon:

I agree, kill with love!

21:14:47 Mar 18th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

I love boobies...any ladies that want to kill me with them are welcome to! =D

21:21:41 Mar 18th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

falcon fan, what if they kill you with their boobies by refusing to show you them... or if their boobies are so ugly and fat that upon seeing them you die. those seem like horrible ways to die to me

21:27:21 Mar 18th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

"what if they kill you with their boobies by refusing to show you them"

Oi! :o  That's cruel and unusual punishment ;(

21:30:46 Mar 18th 09 - Endless Delight:

less boobs more killing :)

21:39:06 Mar 18th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

Yes Ma'am!

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