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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 29

Zetamania 29
07:56:02 Mar 7th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

Small KDs ftw!

12:48:42 Mar 7th 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Chalkz of Dom Hearts):

Id agree to 10 man kd.

06:49:34 Mar 9th 14 - The Real Josh (Archangel Sorin):

10 is still a little to big, 5 mans would be perfect

09:06:08 Mar 9th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

If about 5 people from each KD volunteer to leave and all make another KD together then we'll have 4 KDs of about 15 players each.

10:12:45 Mar 9th 14 - The Real Josh (Archangel Sorin):

well if everyone makes 5 Man KDs which would be better we would have around 9 KDs which would be alot more fun and politics will be alot more important!

14:34:22 Mar 9th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Everyone would have to agree to that though. And then we'd all have to work out who goes in which KD all before next era starts up. And we'd need 9 people to be leaders. It'd take a lot of sorting out.

14:47:01 Mar 9th 14 - Mr. Warlock:

No leaders required gosh. Self independence one communication would be the key.

15:10:24 Mar 9th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

yea sif thats gonna happen. if noone calls the shots then nothing happens, just ask anyone in forsaken :d

15:18:34 Mar 9th 14 - The Real Josh (Archangel Sorin):

Lol bran, well nearly everyone on this map has played enough to know what to do... No leader needed. Of course someone will technically have to be a leader you can still talk amongst yourselves to plan your next move, as for who goes where... Figure it out, would you rather play with storm crow, von dark moor, DLD, jack danials or lock, message them see if they are already in a KD or wanting to make one... Zeta would be a much more statigic place if we had small KDs, at the moment all do is merge all or troops and fight which ever KD is strongest, if you have 5 guys to watch your back and 8 other KDs trying to stab it you are more inclind to thing before you so rather then merging into the most active member!

It's quite plasusable that this happens I mean we still have 3 days if not more to figure it out!

15:46:39 Mar 9th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

How is it 9 KDs anyway? Wouldn't it be more like 11 or 12 KDs? If you guys really want to do this then you need to start working everything out. KD names, who wants to go in which KD, trying to make KDs even so there isn't 5 pros in one KD, making lists, sign ups, etc. That sort of stuff. Organising ~60 people into even teams is no easy task. :P I mean, I'm all for it if it can be done, but you need to get on it.

16:01:15 Mar 9th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

im not going to play on a 5 man kd map

16:16:43 Mar 9th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

Would be fun with tons of small KDs. Then again the appeal of the merge map is that even less active people can make a big contribution by handing their armies to somebody else to control. With 5 mans there'd be 1 or 2 KD's with awesome activity gobbling up everybody else. ^^

16:27:05 Mar 9th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Well we have to work out who actually wants smaller KDs. We can't have some people breaking off into small KDs while others stay in big KDs. We all have to agree to it otherwise it doesn't work. :P I don't really care either way, but I just want things to be even for everyone. If the majority of people don't want small 5 man KDs then it's not going to happen. That's why I said before that if we got 5 people from each KD so split off and make abother 15 man KD then at least we'd have 4 KDs and it would be more fair. Plus that's a lot more easy to work out then 12 5 man KDs.

18:54:33 Mar 9th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

I guess it would be very funny to do the small kingdoms in the only merge world :)

00:41:58 Mar 10th 14 - Lady Eephg:

we don't have to agree to anything.  smaller kingdoms will be funner.  if a couple guys make them then the bigger kingdoms will be smaller.  also smaller kingsdoms ganging up on a big one could work too.  or 5 small kingdoms ganging up on one big one.  just a little more interesting with more kingdoms but yeah if you start a new kingdom you will probably die.  much more fun than sucking your leaders teat in a big lazy safe for a while massive empire.

10:47:56 Mar 12th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

So, what is it gonna be next era?

Lotsa people leaving DD, so prolly nut much left from us. How about FS and SHao? Are going back to a 2 kingdom world?

10:53:01 Mar 12th 14 - Dont Look Down (Sir Rabbit of Caerbannog):

Well you are going to have Trolls aswell. Monks will most likely drop to ~15 ppl. So there will be 4 kds in a variety of sizes.

10:56:15 Mar 12th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

Might be a 5-6 man KD here aswell.

11:50:32 Mar 12th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

we might not even have 15 ppl at this rate

12:54:15 Mar 12th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

DD will only have about 10, or less. :/

13:57:41 Mar 12th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

this is what we wanted though ... right guys?

hey size reduction woot woot my kd is losing people also dont worry about that

00:38:54 Mar 13th 14 - Lady Eephg:

lots of kingdoms is more fun.  someone put my name in so I can start vikings.

02:21:58 Mar 13th 14 - The Sorcerer (Mr. Azark The Defiler):

I put in your name, Eephg. 

02:44:54 Mar 13th 14 - Lady Lothbrok:


02:53:38 Mar 13th 14 - The Sorcerer (Mr. Azark The Defiler):

you're welcome

why are we using big boy font

02:54:45 Mar 13th 14 - Zond (The Zonds):

the same reason we use big boy words.


18:19:26 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Big boy words? More like "endowerment" then. lol

15:13:13 Mar 14th 14 - Dreadlord Tel Janin Aellinsar:

"Gasp" My poor virgin ears!!

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