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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk

Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk
16:10:39 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

Dear TBL, do you even know what im doing? Im reading MSE in chemistry at the moment and VU doesnt take away any time from it. Its YOU who controlls what YOU do with your time and how to use it effectively. But ofc, you cant stay close to VU each tick when you have studies and jobs etc etc, but who said anything about VU has to be played each tick? Lame excuse

16:20:09 Mar 4th 13 - Cao Cao (Mr. Spoook):

A message from Bling:

firstly... i'd like to fuckit... only us fecking feckers, because we are small, and stood no chance, but we stuck true to our guns from day one of feck em all, its total war.

so shut up bitchnappers because their isnt a single kd here who would go total war against 800 times their size and make it through an era. we had no ambitions of winning, just giving it our best. so shut up complaining... slaghoes

18:46:15 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Ok Warlock I agree to the premise that era lenght is one of the reasons kill count was low. But not to the statement that this is Beos fault. This era was f**cked from the beginning with all kds starting on the eastern edge of the map. It would have dragged on longer if that wasnt the case. Another thing that would have lenghtened the era would have been a different map where better blockage had been possible, this would have meant we both would have had to do more flanking etc and moving armies a long way take time etc etc. The last thing that could have made this era longer would have been if LGC had put up a better fight.

None of these things are Beos fault so dont pin this on us.
Dont hate the player, hate the game!

18:50:28 Mar 4th 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

I think that i saw you try.

But that was just a dream, just a dream..

18:53:41 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

True about the blockage ability. And what happen when the enemy is 2 times more than you without blockers? overrun perhaps..?? You just throwed armies at us as if they where infinity ^^. Due to what? Aloooot more peeps. 

19:01:06 Mar 4th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

Not just the lack of blockage, we now have the same size map as all the other worlds. Which is not very appropriate for kingdoms as big as we have in fantasia. I also though the map choice was random, but for 3 or 4 eras we have been playing on exactly the same map... (could still be random, but very unlikely)

20:21:41 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Warlock, its not just a numbers game, we work real hard for the win. 

And you guys gotto face the fact that we're the best opposition you've had for very long time and adjust your strategy. For example: Sacrificing 2 players trying a oop-stunt that would have worked vs a lesser kd just wont work vs us. All that accomplished was to hurt one of our players while your 2 guys fell way way behind. 

And the armies we threw in your direction didnt primarily come in such numbers coz we had more players, primarily it was becouse we had more money. 

I think you guys still best us when it comes to tactics, but strategicly you really need to shape up. 

22:44:26 Mar 4th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

Its so sad that this "hard working" doesnt show, due to all the numbers... in the picture.

Nothing to say against the FZ the orcs tried to do.

00:45:26 Mar 5th 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:


Let me repeat this one last time. Its getting tiring knocking this into yours (and other Legacy players') thick skulls.

I do not play the game at your pace or your conditions. I play it at mine. Neither you nor anyone else can dictate how I play this game. Or how I run my life either.

And if you were an actual student in a properly productive course, you wouldn't really have time to play this game, to be honest. We have 2 or 3 players in our kingdom who can only log in once or twice a day due to the intensity of their course and their workload. They are only still around in Beothuk due to their long relationship with Beothuk's core team. Perhaps they are the ones who are getting a proper education that will allow them to succeed in life when they emerge into the real world.

Now... you keep telling yourself over and over again that your kingdom lost to us because we had more NAPS or had more players. Or that Beothuk members are very unreasonable with the way they play the game. If it will make your butt-hurt feel better, if it will somewhat soothe the sore of this past era's result, you are free to continue your delusions.

Fact of the case is that Beothuk simultaneously fought kingdoms containing a total of > 60 players. We were the ones in actual danger of being overstretched, overextended and overrun. You guys just keep bringing up lame excuses to justify your losses. And this over the top whining does not make your kingdom look good.

P.S. I now know who you remind me of. You remind me of a hybrid between Joe The Plumber and Michele Bachmann. Maybe you are suited for politics after all.....

02:07:36 Mar 5th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

wow bringing out the bachman... not even i have hit that low under the belt.

08:35:22 Mar 5th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

Stormy (i think its you): As a chemistry student, u spend like 30% of all the time writing reports and these reports are written on a computer.

And what you dont get, into your thick skull is that i want to play a game, where it is very even all era and the KD who wins used the most "strategic" moves to achive it.

Please use the normal excuses "thick skulls" "dummies" "i play and idgaf about you opinion", no matter how true they are, they are unrellevant

08:52:59 Mar 5th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Trollgaron):

"idgaf about you opinion", no matter how true they are, they are unrellevant"

Doesn´t that mean you are being retarded by illogically refusing to see truth from falsehood and even admitting to it?

09:02:48 Mar 5th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

No, it means that those statements doesnt have anything to do with what im saying. Ofc everyone have the right to play how they like, but saying everyone else is a sore loser as a cause of something where you did as you like, is the same as saying that murder is OK

09:25:59 Mar 5th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence):

Unfortunately, Stormy is a lot more patient and wise then me. His advice to me is always very simple.... ignore Legacy on the forums, beat them in the game. They will always find a way to excuse their losses.... that's what they have been doing even since before I (TBL) was playing.

And you know what, I really should be listening to Stormy... he's right. If it is not farming, then it is mass-NAPping, if it is not mass NApping, then it is mass-members.... and now, looks like the latest excuse is "the right NAP". I guess this is how low mighty Legacy has sunken.... they no longer seek a challenge, but they must dilute the challenge in order to be prove that they can match up it.

How the mighty have fallen, Warlock, how the mighty have fallen :)

09:54:04 Mar 5th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

I thought u said you didnt cared about crap, like me. How sad that you do.

10:04:59 Mar 5th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber):

Oh, you're right. Thanks for reminding me :)

10:08:14 Mar 5th 13 - Mr. Aussie:

Congrats Conspyre :)

10:49:29 Mar 5th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Warlock, we all want the game to be fun. But are you sure the probem with lack of fun for you these past eras hasn't really been the fact that you've been loosing rather than the eras not being "very even"? 

Before BEO came to fanta, it really wasn't more even - only difference from then is that back then LGC was on the winning side. So I conclude that your lack of fun must somehow be related to your lack of winning. Coz its really the only corrolation.

12:24:53 Mar 5th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

Not sure how far back you relate to, but i only joined Darkside (like what this KD was from the start when i joined) era 7 and it really havnt been all wins for lgc(that i/you can relate to a fun era)? right? The game was alot more fun when u had to fight for the win, EVEN though you lost in the end it was alot more fun.

The era when cxc broke DB core alone (i think he was alone) was a fun era, because it was a fight and not just a mob breaking in ^^

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