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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Wars (Era 35)

Mantrax Wars (Era 35)
09:17:26 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Stirlin:

why Miller not leader of Druggies anymore? <3 Miller

11:39:13 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Ghost, don't know you - but you are silly if you think this way; immagine you play with someone for a full era, in the same KD, and suddenly he leaves the KD and Miller ('the soldier with no brain') is sucking his towns. It is very easy to notice that, and this is what Mpesh did.
And that wouldn't be the first time - last era Miller did something similar (this is what we could noticed - he may have done many other things): he left his KD, let his last gold town to Killstone and then he was sucking it, so that he couls train cheap but have a constant income. He thinks is clever by doing that - but I think he is a man without honour. Cheating and not sleeping are his only tools to compensate his lack of brain - however, he needs more than that.

14:39:19 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:

Mr. Korg Hobwitchewer


9/30/2008 10:11:17 PM
ok first, ghost how the hell do you get off saying that we're fighting with lvl 1's and 2's I'm pretty sure nazguls arent level 1s hmmm.... and also I foget who but one of the *beep*s in your kingdom is only sending out fvcking swordsman... ummm not lvl 3 try .1 L2 count dumbfvck oh and by the way Samual you're a traitor you got kicked because you were disrespectful to our vices and were the most negative littl piece of crap that I have ever seen. I've stepped on crap that was better at VU then you are. Also by sending eveyone in our KD a message (except for Chaos) that you werent fighting them.... WTF you're giving the enmy hints on how to get into our core you're a dumb*beep*

you heard wat he said i thought id repay the favor

14:48:04 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:

@glad: I was wonderin why miller is no longer leader of drugs kl

16:34:25 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Miller:

Mr. Gladiatorul


10/1/2008 5:39:13 AM
Ghost, don't know you - but you are silly if you think this way; immagine you play with someone for a full era, in the same KD, and suddenly he leaves the KD and Miller ('the soldier with no brain') is sucking his towns. It is very easy to notice that, and this is what Mpesh did.
And that wouldn't be the first time - last era Miller did something similar (this is what we could noticed - he may have done many other things): he left his KD, let his last gold town to Killstone and then he was sucking it, so that he couls train cheap but have a constant income. He thinks is clever by doing that - but I think he is a man without honour. Cheating and not sleeping are his only tools to compensate his lack of brain - however, he needs more than that.

all i got to say to you is shut the *beep* up with that nonsense

21:33:40 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:

yes agreed with miller hes left for a reason he dont have to share if he dont want

00:27:09 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Korg Hobwitchewer:

P.S Samual is a faggot

02:31:33 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen


10/1/2008 12:57:14 AM
i dunno ghost i felt like sayin something though you should know that by now ghost XD         =-P

haha ya i do. And Glad i have no idea wat the fuk your talking about. Everything you said in that has nothing to do what i was talking about to Mpesh

10:18:07 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

'wat the fuk' - are you another retard Ghost? Is that hard to understand that someone who plays someone a full era can easily feel what's Miller doing. While you a retard reading this forum has no idea about?
Don't ask for further clarification, as you won't get it.

11:52:02 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Novborn:

Oh noes, he left teh kingdom.
Cry a river ya saps.
Get the hell over it, It's none of your buissness.
Who gives a s*** honestly.
If you do, maybe you should QQ to your mother about it.

12:05:47 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Samual:

Mr. Korg Hobwitchewer


10/1/2008 11:27:09 PM
P.S Samual is a faggot


get a *beep*in grip korg its a game!!!

15:13:45 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Glad your a fuking dumbass seriously. Miller is not my teammate. He wasnt the person i was talking about and i clarified that on the other page LEARN TO FUKING READ YOU ASS WHORE!!!!!

15:49:34 Oct 2nd 08 - Sir Stirlin:

now now children play nice or dont play at all

16:16:52 Oct 2nd 08 - Sir Gallyon:

Agree with stirlin ;)
we don't want this topic to get closed because of all the insults :D..
can't we just all get along and act like adults??

16:38:13 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

we can, but miller stays the most hated player on mant. atm.

22:41:41 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Brutii:

 lol i dunno aragorn korg and chaos might give miller a run for his money

22:55:49 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

what has Miller done to be hated?

23:19:51 Oct 2nd 08 - Prince Heavensfrontdoor:

Do i eaven have to talk or behaps you can just check hoh ;) ?

00:29:24 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Snoppiora:

Or do we need to hear it from a bragger?

03:22:35 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Homanil III:

Does AOA really need that horde right now.

03:25:52 Oct 3rd 08 - Lord Random:

probably not, but it looks pretty doesn't it :P

03:26:42 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

i dont like it -_-

03:36:05 Oct 3rd 08 - Sir Miller:

numbers doesnt matter, that could be all lvl 1's :P

05:34:39 Oct 3rd 08 - Lord Random:

they're not :P
....well i don't think they are....
... well mine aren't....

05:37:41 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Lol Chaos just sped up BCs destruction. He either got kicked or left.Either way the destruction of BC is jsut around the corner.

14:24:06 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Samual:

YEY!! : )

14:44:43 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Ghost, I don't care who your friends are; but I wouldn't be surprised if Miller was - you two have many things in common (that may make you happy - but you shouldn't be).

15:00:24 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

And i care what a nub like you thinks Gladiatorul why?

15:08:20 Oct 3rd 08 - Sir Gallyon:

I don't hate miller...

15:14:12 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Miller isnt a bad guy. Hard Headed maybe but he isnt bad. Glad is just mad cuz now he has both his feet in his mouth.

22:30:01 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

Miller is Multi (mabey 4 accounts) so his a cheater
He did the same as last era... attacking AoA and then wrecking all his cities and disapear for the rest of the era...
He dont word together with other players... his just ego.
He said bad things about AoA when he lost last era


22:44:49 Oct 3rd 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:

D will loose :P


23:09:09 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

they lost

their blocker is taken. 300M troops slaughterd!

23:09:55 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

whos ghost btw? i think i dont like him!

00:44:33 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

You think? >.> I stopped liking him the first time I saw him post on the forums.....

300 Million troops? o.O

00:50:42 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Miller - ask for Ghost to send you some help; you can't help him to come to the army; he seems same stupid as you are.

I am really angry I got to your core and there is no army of your left for me to kill. Where are you hiding girl? Maybe I should look for Ghost - anyone willing to tell which kindom is Ghost part of? Open your mouth iiddioott and tell me you KD you belong to.

00:53:29 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Sokine:

ghost in tds and as we are naper let not start war.

00:53:38 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Ah - I remember Miller: 'I give my word'; you have just proven your word woths nothing. Go to Starta same as last era, you still have 3 weeks left.

00:54:04 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Take Down

City Info
Owner: Mr. GhostKingdom Banner
Size: 6000 building(s).
Kingdom: The Devastators
Gates: closed

TDS.... Go get him :)

00:54:31 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

ah - I know who the iiddiioott must be, then - my old friend

00:58:48 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

thanks Rub - he is lucky we have a NAP with The Devastators

01:07:16 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Send him my way then >:-)

01:10:40 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

The same *beep* claiming to be Miller's friend. Why did you change you u.n. Justin? So that we can't remember how ssttuuppiidd you are?
Mr. Justin

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heirs (Ghost) and was a member of The Devastators

01:12:27 Oct 4th 08 - Sir Miller:

Mr. Aragorn II


10/3/2008 4:30:01 PM

Miller is Multi (mabey 4 accounts) so his a cheater
He did the same as last era... attacking AoA and then wrecking all his cities and disapear for the rest of the era...
He dont word together with other players... his just ego.
He said bad things about AoA when he lost last era

I would love to see your proof, if you have none then shut the *beep* up and quit accusing people of this you have no idea about. quit bieng jealous.

Mr. Aragorn II


10/3/2008 5:09:09 PM

they lost

their blocker is taken. 300M troops slaughterd!

We have lost to a horde we had 200k troops, you have no reason to brag so shut it.

Mr. Gladiatorul


10/3/2008 6:50:42 PM
Miller - ask for Ghost to send you some help; you can't help him to come to the army; he seems same stupid as you are.

I am really angry I got to your core and there is no army of your left for me to kill. Where are you hiding girl? Maybe I should look for Ghost - anyone willing to tell which kindom is Ghost part of? Open your mouth iiddioott and tell me you KD you belong to.

If you want to talk some *beep*, quit bieng a pussy and trash talking behind a comp. im male by the way...ive got balls unlike you. you brag about bringing down a kd who had just been taken down by a multi in the are dumbass nub.

01:18:27 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

ha ha - so it is all Mpesh's  fault; after he saved your ass so many times; you iiddiioott; I see you claim as having balls, but not brains. Or maybe your brain is there.

01:21:26 Oct 4th 08 - Sir Miller:

okay let me put a multi in your kd who has about 4-5 accnts and see if you can deal with that and a horde of 20 members....i think not. your more of a dumbass than anyone in this game, you have made so many mistakes. i know nubs who can play better than you. most of your kds orcs HAD to landdrop to stop MY army from getting in your core.

01:24:29 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

hm - cant xpect more from a retard, can you;

01:25:36 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

now be sincere - you going to Starta for 3 weeks? (you may enjoy there)

01:29:27 Oct 4th 08 - Sir Miller:

is that the best you can do is call me stupid or a girl?

what are you some 8 yr old child with no life?

you are stupid for taking a GAME so seriously, is this the best thing in your life? i'd hate to be you. seriously you need to go out and get laid! go buy a hooker if you must.

01:36:54 Oct 4th 08 - Sir Miller:

The kd you are in has taken down Drugs. YOU have done nothing. YOU earn no credit for taking me down. I admit defeat to the kd you serve. If you can beat my army 1on1 i will give you credit and shut up right here right now. tell your kd to back the merge off and you come face me 1on1. you win i give you credit and youll never see me again. you will shut up. deal?

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