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Forums / In game politics / Eternity

16:27:32 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Bah, cheap shots. Abusing the time zone difference :(

I was wondering, surely players are only going to be interested in joining the good KD's in fant? You didn't even survive on Mant how do you expect to do so on Fant? :P

17:17:07 Feb 4th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

lol ?

17:18:28 Feb 4th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Have to use the timezone, Mr S - it's the only advantage I've got most of the time :P  And you know the abuse is only cuz i is jellus. As for survival,   if we don't we'll just end up back with you on Mant and you really wouldn't want that :-D

18:01:17 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Yes we would >:D

18:59:01 Feb 4th 08 - Lady Gangel:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Eternity
Members: 12
Tag: E
Created: 12/10/2007 2:01:17 AM
Leader: Ms. Selkirka


Eternity wishes for war and fun. Anything else received is just a side product.

Applications are being accepted again. If you wish to apply, write:

1.Why do you wish to join Eternity
2.How many eras have you played
3.How many times do you log on during the day
4.Previous names and kingdoms

Oh, and PS:
ROFLMAO. You are all going to die. <3


Now recruiting!!

20:08:59 Feb 4th 08 - Sir Soccerrogue:

i reccomend joining this kingdom, they are one of the greatest bunch of people in the game!

13:35:27 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

aww that is so nice soc! NOW WHY DIDN"T YOU JOIN??!!

15:57:48 Feb 9th 08 - Lady Gangel:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Eternity
Members: 12
Tag: E
Created: 12/10/2007 2:01:17 AM
Leader: Ms. Selkirka


Eternity wishes for war and fun. Anything else received is just a side product.

Applications are being accepted again. If you wish to apply, write:

1.Why do you wish to join Eternity
2.How many eras have you played
3.How many times do you log on during the day
4.Previous names and kingdoms

Oh, and PS:
ROFLMAO. You are all going to die. <3


Now recruiting!!

02:54:56 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

Just reading up a little on your kd history now that it seems you are interfering in our war with DB by attacking us. I will give you a last chance to withdraw your troops. If your army doesnt turn it will be killed, all armies coming our way will. Then when we've finished DB off we will come down and send you back to starta where you belong. This is, if you do not cease your agression.

The Messiah

03:10:24 Feb 12th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

well he cant cease since he is currently offline lol

Oh and sending us to Starta not happening anytime soon just ask DR we dont die even when we should just give up and restart on next world we prefer bein the biggest pain in the side as possible. :) nothin personal we just like doin that to kingdoms that think we should die and its fun


03:17:56 Feb 12th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

This is not the kingdom view just my opinion so if you get mad be mad at me :)

stupid edit time :(


04:08:16 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

I dont get mad. Its pure business. Next tick that army is dying, just dont send anything more up and we'll be fine.

20:15:32 Feb 12th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Mr Messiah, you funny guy.  You make me laugh lots :-D :-D :-D

Now get your facts right before you waste time in our thread again?  We were passing you to go and attack DB, but you killed the armies coming to help you.  Ahh, well, you'll be good food if there's any left for us by the time DB finish with you ;)

20:16:54 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

ooooh lol, thats bichy

13:19:11 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Mr. Messiah
2/12/2008 2:54:56 AM
..... Then when we've finished DB off we will come down and send you back to starta where you belong. This is, if you do not cease your agression.

The Messiah

Have you finished with DB yet?  Must say it's been a textbook defence of your area.... from that famous book of tactics "Whatever You Do, Don't Do It Like This"  :-D

15:16:59 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

I wasn't expecting Zeon to be so pompous truthfully.

17:02:14 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

Dne*beep*ou declined our NAP proposal and where sending up armies. We where hard pressed by DB so I was trying to scare you off.

18:04:14 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Didn't I mention that we don't scare easily? :P

04:32:34 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

All for Eternity say Aye.

04:39:15 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Nay (jk)

12:21:36 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

Aye to what now is the question???

13:26:24 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

oh come on are we great or what?

15:42:55 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

I'm afraid I have bad news Mr Dak.  It seems we only have a week to live.  So off to make my funeral arrangements now :(

Either that or Raptor's talking out his arrse again :P

(sent to Lady G and copied to our forums):

Mr. Raptor Returns [PKS] (2/15/2008 3:10:44 PM) GOOD BAD
haha uhave to be kidding... within one week i garentee u that u will be wiped out.. ur a joke

17:17:42 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Damn, no time for the funeral - they all want some now.  Or have we just found the annual VU Comedy Club outing?

Mr. Ftw [DB] (2/15/2008 4:14:51 PM) GOOD BAD
plz plz stop attacking!! omg im a nub i dunnno how to fighht
Oh poo ur mighty KD is beating me.
My god i cant wait till i single handedly take on your kingdom.
You will be laughed off the map.

Of course, if you fail to single handedly wipe us out, you may be the one laughed off the map ;)

21:29:17 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Last era we assaulted by two kingdoms and not only survived, but thrived. we shall see if they can take us down :)

21:38:59 Feb 15th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Eternity ROCKS!!!


Ok, well, maybe im biased towards Dnega and Gangel, but hey, THEY ROCK!!!

21:42:43 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Oh Toenut...good to see you and G back on fantasia.

22:30:06 Feb 15th 08 - Lady Quietone:

wow Donut... you really are dense arent you?  You're fighting one DB player and you seriously think that if he just "happens" to lose against you that he will be the one laughed off the map?   one player lol..... i hardly think that would happen but just like usual you post a partial conversation and make it seem one sided...


You seem to have lost all dignity in this game and need an ego fix so badly that you even make your own thread to boast..... sad sad sad

22:36:31 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Mr. DnegaT! you made your own boasting thread? Where is it? I want to see it!
Oh is this it? how sad. and you're not even boasting very well. In fact it looks like you are preparing for your own funeral. damn, you suck. Ms. Q is right sad sad sad.

22:46:39 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

Of course, if you fail to single handedly wipe us out, you may be the one laughed off the map ;)


I dont see why i would be laughed off the map. So far eternity has come at me, yes, me alone. No other DB player has defended my cities, killed any of their armies. All you have done is taken 7 cities that were wreckaged when i took them. *and your rebuilding them for me...thanx,   luv u guys xx*

So if I succeed in the defeat your entire kingdom on my own then my god, what does that say about your KD? 1 player is better than all of yours together?


If I fail, i will hardly be laughed off the map. Its one player vs a KD which is 83% of his own KD.

I face unlikely odds. But my success will be oh so sweet to rub in your over confident face donut.

This is not to say i hate all eternity. Just rocket face who thinks he can steal cities from 2 players of DB who have just defeated the Zeon core alone. And then obviously Donut cus he is just too confident in beating a single player.



You may say im over confident in beating an entire KD alone. But Donut has been sending PMs as though he is acheiving something killing the 1k hob armies i had moving around picking the last few Zeon cities off. BIG ACHEIVEMENT lol

22:50:34 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

yeah you dont hate me thats a good at least :)


23:28:59 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

u have actually been quite civil. No real taunting, just ur usual warring banter.


Werid that it comes from the only one with a decent army.

23:39:42 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

I'm not sure where my own boasting thread is, Mr Dak - maybe NoisyMany is accusing me of being a multi for whoever started this embassy?

As for your points, Mr Ftw, it's not about the "one player against" - it's about you being enough of an arrogant and deluded tosser to go on record saying that you'll do it.  So, if you fail, you'll be seen for the arrogant, deluded tosser you are.  And that will be funny ;)

23:43:59 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Ps for Ftw - you say about me "bragging"?  Care to explain this one of your early messages where you're claiming that the HoH has got it wrong cos your armies are stronger than the ones on there?  I say again, arrogant tosser ;)

Mr. Ftw [DB] (2/13/2008 6:17:14 PM) GOOD BAD
Our KD is small in power % but trust me our armies will dominate you guys. The HOH lies aswell. Me and Ford have 4 maybe 5 top 10 armies on the map of fant between us.
But the HOH misleads you.
Hell neither of my big ones are up there and they are about 3-4 times stronger than the halfer armies that were up.
11k gaia made it on yesterday and when my army was 2k warlords it didnt, thats nearly double OP power.
Bah i shud so be higher lol

00:22:40 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

How is that arrogance? It was the truth? Have u faced one of fords armies yet? If we saw ur KD as more of a threat then maybe he woulda sent one over. But alas the DB KD has other interests besides you.

At that time it was the truth. I compared our armies to Binhs armies *the halfer armies on HOH* and we were likke 3-4 times stronger. The truth as i said

At that time we were friendly and i was telling you how it was.

11k gaia made it on yesterday and when my army was 2k warlords it didnt, thats nearly double OP power.

Dont see you pointing that out. 20k raw vs 11k raw, should have atleast been #10 in my opinion with that kinda difference in power.


you're the arrogant deluded tosser who thinks because you  manage to run off and build an "escape" town every era so that you dont "technically" get killed off even tho you always lose everything you own every single era Donut that you're some VU god and you speak to people very rudely and demanding when the situation does not call for such. 

like marching your armies thru our captured Zeon core to fight LDK

00:45:39 Feb 16th 08 - Lady Gangel:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Eternity
Members: 12
Tag: E
Created: 12/10/2007 2:01:17 AM
Leader: Lady Selkirka


Eternity wishes for war and fun. Anything else received is just a side product.

Applications are being accepted again. If you wish to apply, write:

1.Why do you wish to join Eternity
2.How many eras have you played
3.How many times do you log on during the day
4.Previous names and kingdoms

Oh, and PS:
ROFLMAO. You are all going to die. <3


00:50:28 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

good change of subject there. Very suttle. lol

00:51:16 Feb 16th 08 - Lord Oya:

subtle* you irish twit!

00:56:40 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

Wait how many grammar correcting people are their in VU!!!

00:59:22 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

an update is in order


Kingdom Banner

Name: Eternity
Members: 12
Tag: E
Created: 12/10/2007 2:01:17 AM
Leader: Lady Selkirka


Eternity wishes for war and fun. Anything else received is just a side product.

Applications are being accepted again. If you wish to apply, write:

1.Why do you wish to join Eternity
2.How many eras have you played
3.How many times do you log on during the day
4.Previous names and kingdoms

Oh, and PS:
ROFLMAO. You are all going to die. <3


01:00:09 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Dnega Toenut:

Irish?  No wonder we get no sense out of him :(

03:36:29 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

its there not their you irish monkey lol

04:03:58 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Soccerrogue:

yay eternity! what an AMAZING group of people!

11:01:21 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

but soccer. I thought i was the amazing person :( We ruined the tree market last era together.....remember the good times.

Take my side. Its like 13 vs 1 here.

Well more like 6 vs 1 if i only count those who ive attacked or have attacked me.

Wheres every1 else at?

12:02:54 Feb 16th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Deathstar


2/16/2008 3:36:29 AMits there not their you irish monkey lol

... you nub!! it's 'there' to situate something, not to point towards a person his stuff he owns (theirs) ...

It's a leprechaun, NOT a monkey!!!

13:42:35 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

Shhhh FTW dont tell but their protecting the cupcakes from the evilll people!

15:04:20 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

My precious
*eats cupcake*

00:21:32 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

i want a cup cake :(

you did you eat them all dakarius!

00:46:19 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

Sir Dnega Toenut [E] (2/16/2008 6:22:02 PM) GOOD BAD
Been eating the cookies all day, so they're probably not in a state you'd want them in :P

Not in any hurry to attack Ford - even though he's destroyed all those towns. But be wary of our tactics - they're not the usual "Merge up and have a stalemate" that Fantasia's got used to ;)



But alas, what has developed here?

E are wholing up in a city while i prep on them. I pump lords into my army, they move several armies north into the city to merge up and try to bounce my one army

Getslaughtered with XXXXX soldiers awaiting your orders, Mr. Ftw...

Hoihoi is defended by 13493 soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. The city is also defended by 2 peasants.
Hoihoi has 349 walls, which provide 76% extra defence.

Our strategists say that we currently have around XX% chance for a successful attack, XX% for a successful siege assault or .
We have prepared XX days for this attack. It will take another X days before our soldiers are fully prepared.

Essentially a stalemate on a smaller level.

Lol, this is what people in the lower worlds dont understand. The sides are evenly matched *1 vs 6*. So unless there is a stroke of brilliance *or use of many BTs* then the stalemate develops.


P.S.   Im not *beep*ing or anything but, how many of you E guys buy BTs. Cus im seen so many used by some of your guys in the past day that im sure ZeTa is a lil bit closer to a new server lol.

But oh well we will have have to find a way to break the stalemate somehow.

00:59:03 Feb 17th 08 - Lady Quietone:

i have an idea...

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