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Fantasia countdown.
20:50:14 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Again Jim, know what your talking about before you post. This 'stepping on allies' bull that you think you know about.

This all happened because DB refused to break a NAP with a KD thats new to Fant and let our ally walk in and eat them. *That would be pretty shady*.

As for Music, they blocked our path to PKS, so we took a few cities on the way down. Ask any of the legacy players if they were entirely wiped before we moved on PKS. We took every single enemy city north of Music before we moved down. We gave our allies the chance to get their gains, and they did get them for the most part.

So please, i ask again, learn the facts before you post crap like that.

I would like to see you post one time DB has been dishonorable, except stealing that era win from Abydos....but it was funny, Osiris was pissed off. =p

20:50:56 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison: make very good points. But i am not in a leadership role in PKS. So when the leaders make that decision i have to stand behind that if i like it or not. i hope you as well as everyone else on here can understand that. Should we have 40 people in our KD...NO! but we do, and there is nothing i can say to change that. 

I love playing this game and this is my sixth era. I hope to be playing for a long time. The Shyers thing is worked out..good for you all. I would hate to lose someone as good as he is. I DO HOWEVER hope that next era we can cut PKS down to a few strong players and then DB vs. PKS can be a great fight. 

I have my opinions...none of you have to agree with my opinions, because QUENCH..opinions are like @$$ holes and everyone's got one! :) 

20:51:08 Aug 22nd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

18 hours? man even when i was leading the top fant kd i only spent like 2


I would like to see you post one time DB has been dishonorable, except stealing that era win from Abydos....but it was funny, Osiris was pissed off. =p


oh well how about lgc and raist townswapping blockers to try to stop us hurting lgc ;)

20:55:38 Aug 22nd 08 - Lady Quietone:

same era doesnt count!! :P

20:58:29 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

from what i was a twilight member, there were cities taken from a KD and then your "allies" weren't allowed to get through. Then your leader was asked not to touch Music be they were being worn out by twilight...and your leader responded by saying no, that would give you points and we want the era win. I read the messages. To me thats stepping on someone else to get what you you it could be different. My opinion...and my opinions don't need to mean anything to you...that's fine with me.

21:01:43 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

osiris, i would like to be a top player...and to do that i have messaged MOST of the top players and asked how they did it...all of them said you have to play a lot, so sorry i assumed. and that's pretty impressive if you only played two hours a day.

The only reason i never asked for DB's hints and tips is because i know you'd never give them to me... :).

21:02:43 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Kayn:

from what i was a...
My opinion...and my opinions...


21:05:15 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

Yes Dude?

21:06:17 Aug 22nd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Jim ask to join a top kd then ;) kds like DB etc usually have 1-2 uber active players at once. the rest are no more active then most players just more organised and active at the right times. IE changing army paths so it gets somewhere when you can be active not going strait and not being online at the critical point

21:19:57 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

hopefully that'll be an option for me next era ;)

21:27:34 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

WOW! i just talked to Grim and i have to say..OYA and Q..i have found a new respect for the two of you.

21:39:16 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

rude...i was part of that decision =(((

21:54:17 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

quench sorry sir..RESPECT!

21:59:53 Aug 22nd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

respect for what? :P

22:07:34 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

well i heard that DB doesn't want to fight us while we have a traitor running amuck in our core...They want to wait and fight us when we can send everything at you! That deserves some Props!

22:09:41 Aug 22nd 08 - Ms. Natalia:

DB just doesn't want to fight. They'd prefer to just sit back and whore.

22:10:31 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

shush camwhore


22:19:49 Aug 22nd 08 - General Ezatious:

To say DB dont fight is silly, otherwise why would LGC be dead :) theres whorers in every kd assens.

So DB is full of betrayal or just trust issues? hehe poor Fordius

22:39:29 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

sit back and whore? after beating carnage, sheolic, and legacy.............that sounds like a marvelous idea!

please q? :)

22:42:49 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Jdquench:


22:43:41 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

:( Shame...

I hear word from my troops they'd like to swap profession to miners and farmers. Guess they'll be disappointed.


00:45:49 Aug 23rd 08 - General Ezatious:

single handedly ey soc?

00:52:44 Aug 23rd 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Ez you never ease up do you? Go play some tetris or something to keep your overactive fingers occupied instead of trolling around here :)

01:06:52 Aug 23rd 08 - Prince Butthurt:


01:18:00 Aug 23rd 08 - General Ezatious:

hehehe well look he makes out it was some mighty victory by DB alone!

02:15:48 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

General Ezatious


8/22/2008 4:45:49 PM
single handedly ey soc?


clearly. DB is all there will ever be. we are gods among mere mortals. all shall bow to us in our amazing VU world! ez, ur only half mortal............the other half we don't talk about :)


02:17:43 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

EZ did u pay him to say that so you would have more ammo?

02:44:30 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Game And Watch:

Ahhh it burns!  Such hatred!

Btw Thanks Jdquench for the chat w/ Grimm <3   (since Jim didnt mention it before) 

@Oya - Booo at you for sleeping! jkjk <3

03:43:03 Aug 23rd 08 - Lord Oya:

sleep = win thankyou very much!

04:49:46 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Game And Watch:

Well if sleep = win I definitely have been getting butt-wooped out there :(

06:25:22 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

wow, what a bunch of bltchers!
well, might as well join then,
I thought DB came after Music cause It finally got a little rough for me down there. Goth almost beat me back.
You decieved me!
DB=loveless liers
and you said I could have your baby Raist!!!
you Ali took my virginity (well, at least thats what i told you)

gosh all those memories, lies!!!!!

btw as a side note to DB haters that think they cheat, I've asked them all era to feed off me and stuff...their answer, NO...sure, I'm an honorable guy, but if momma broke the law, I'll tell the cops I did it.

06:56:43 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:


09:12:54 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Lykou:

This would be a bit easier to foolow if I know which KD everyone was actually in, that way I can understand wtf is going on lol..

All I know is, what ever really did happen at the boo blocker kind of sucked, and even though basically every player in NEBC is new to the game except Ark, and now Ninja, we're doing pretty well I'd say.

10:43:37 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Soc wrote: "sit back and whore? after beating carnage, sheolic, and legacy..."

Really? So the small matter of Twilight doesn't count, eh? No wonder Fordius was getting a mite irritated--see previous page. Well, like I said much earlier, kid brother will be ignored when the "glorious history" of the DB "victories" is written.

But in fact it was the all-orc kd's which changed the course of the era. Props to Fordius--Twilight were really good.

10:47:08 Aug 23rd 08 - Lord Oya:

tbh same with most kingdoms this era, you didnt fight anyone substantial oop because of the shear size of the map. please dont credit yourself when you have only now seen a proper battle

11:30:15 Aug 23rd 08 - Lord Oya:

and gothrim, shut up... you really have no idea what your talking about

11:40:01 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

everyone knows what everyone is talking about.. they simply have to read back.. on the past conversations... whats the big deal "_"

12:02:04 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

I can't believe everyone missed this:

you guys stayed away from us all era...and now finally you want to talk and come at us RIGHT before the era is up?

Not trying to be an @rse or anything... but I just have to say (although you've become half-likeable now, giving ali, q, oya respect) what the hell? How could you have said that... we only just reached you because we had to fight our way through to you!

Please tell me you regret putting that and tried to edit it, but it turns out you didn't edit it quick enough... because thats just SOOO flame worthy right now.

12:49:32 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Xerxez:

leave the flames be. not worth starting anything more. be the bigger person and just walk away from it all.....

...right into my 90K tavern city with a special red light option for those acquantied with the city,

yes that's right im so much of a whore i spent 18 or so million to drop a 90K town jsut to be devoted to taverns.

13:00:06 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

You know me, I definatly am a regular in your tavern city.

For all who would like to visit this tavern city... turn off on junction 3 and follow the road, past my 90k armoury base and its the next city. Enjoy... bring al your troops there... get them drunk...


and killed

13:41:14 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Fordius:

Haha Laughing my ass off because of osiris :)

yes I've done pretty bad things myself :)
but have I ever denied it ? I've always been open about my dirty tactics.

I misused that merge system when it just got implented ( but was it really a abuse ? ) cause lordpaul was attacking me with a nazgul army that he gained from a game error ( so we were equals ) as I didn't use that system on any1 else :)

than you remember the time with binh that I pretended to be Draiken and got his login info :) I've openly appologised in the forums about what I've done.
I took that joke a bit to far :)

yes I've done some other stuff too but I've never hidden it and always came out for it in honesty if you make a accusation towards me and it's true I'll accept it else I will defend it you can't say I've been open about what I've done wrong or bad :)

when it comes to arrogance yes I'm arrogance to some people indeed.
that's me just playing cause if I was really doing so I would be doing it 24/7 like you and your abydos hehe :)

I'm just doing it on some occasions just to annoy people or whatsoever :)
cause as far as I know when I'm an enemy of some1 it doesn't matter what kd I'm trying to be nice aswell.

tell me 1 more other vet player that keeps game & life seperated.
I'm doing my fights yet I'm trying to teach the new guys some playing.

go ask around Jeker a long time ago was our enemy yet while I was in war with them I teached them. LGC have been my enemies forever but I seem to get along with them next to the game. yes we had our problems with Roxy but we always solved it :) cause we threaten each other with respect.

Come on I've flamed LGC so many times , I've fought LGC so many times.
but never ever they came to me to call me names so that prolly makes them more mature than some of the DB people :)

When oya contacted me I said I rather keep it intern than going out on the forums :) you guys didn't give a *beep* :) well than don't come complaining here that I flame or something :)

Look true maybe i'm an *beep* and do bad things.
but when I get confronted with the truth I accept it and admit it.
and I never said I did good when I played dirty :)

well the draiken - binh part was kinda funny :P lol :P

ah well :)
people will judge me nomather what I do :)
I know @least some like me some don't well that's same as life :)
Keep on Living :)

13:58:02 Aug 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

funny all the guys in #lgc seem to get on with each other and we have all been enemies and some still are. so yes ok your the only vet who doesnt live VU.

14:55:10 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

Mr. Gothrim


8/23/2008 2:43:37 AM
Soc wrote: "sit back and whore? after beating carnage, sheolic, and legacy..."

Really? So the small matter of Twilight doesn't count, eh? No wonder Fordius was getting a mite irritated--see previous page. Well, like I said much earlier, kid brother will be ignored when the "glorious history" of the DB "victories" is written.

But in fact it was the all-orc kd's which changed the course of the era. Props to Fordius--Twilight were really good.


hahahahahahahah can't read sarcasm? wait, i thought u had given up on this game?

15:31:06 Aug 23rd 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Gothrim gave up on trying to be good in VU. Thats about all he gave up on. He is mastering the art of Whining pretty thoroughly tho. I wonder whats next, the art of I'm gonna pay ZeTa for an "Iwin" button or the art of I'm gonna hide under different aliases and behave like an even bigger retard.

Gothrim go tell about your grievances to somebody who gives a f***.

15:34:34 Aug 23rd 08 - General Ezatious:

Lord Oya


8/23/2008 10:30:15 AM

and gothrim, shut up... you really have no idea what your talking about

this is like an auto reply now Oya? =p

15:36:22 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

well at least you live up to your name... Grumpy Old *beep*

15:51:58 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Jdquench: it deserves more a reply....copy, paste FTW

We got a thread dedicated to replying to Goth with a few replys to just send out straight away....Raist prefers to make up his own stuff but meh.


@Ford - When oya contacted me I said I rather keep it intern than going out on the forums :) you guys didn't give a *beep* :) well than don't come complaining here that I flame or something :)

Your the one who dragged it onto the forum with your post about how your starting to dislike DB. Shoulda kept your whining private.

but when I get confronted with the truth I accept it and admit it.

So basically you lie untill you are forced to tell the truth, like yesterday on IRC where you claimed you never cared about an era win and defended yourself, 5minutes later you were admitting you wanted the era win and that you will quit the era you do get it because everyone showed evidence of you whoring for the win this era.

Thats what Quiet meant about twisting, you dont tell the truth unless theres no alternative.

Like Osiris said, we get along in the #lgc channel and play other games together, sure every 2 days or so me and Ez end up arguing over something, but its fun. *and im always right =D*

Your the one who dragged it onto the forum to try and make a stab at DB, but instead all you have done is show how crappy an ally you are.

Note: I dont mean twilight, people such as Von and Dalak were great allies, its just Ford that is a sucky ally.

16:06:49 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Brutii:

I definately think Gothrim is a way better player than any of you.  Grumpy old star ur the one who needs to stop tryin to drag players better than u down b/c ur not as good as u used to be

16:14:46 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

Has DB stopped Fighting PKS?

16:21:52 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Fordius:

Ah well some people can't life with critics ;) suicide ali :)

when I came to you guys in the first place it was like F*ck you :)
than I said something in the forums ( it's a free country so why not )

than you contacted me saying you don't give a sh*t yet your replying here :)

nah I tell the truth when I did something wrong right away :)
I mean come on it's a game sometimes you do dirty things to win no point in denying when it's obvious but some people aren't just mature enough :)

like Q said yesterday I don't know what your talking about :)
yet later on mirc she's admitting that she knew maybe you guys should take a look @ yourself :)
ah well I'm done argueing :)

not worth my time hehe :)
like I said before I don't really give a ratsass what you guys think off me :)
I'm here to tell what I think.

1, you don't give a ratsass what I think and be quiet :)
2. you actually do care and reply :)

like I said lately :)
I was going for a era win but I'm not interested in having the era win over my other goals :) like having my allies pleased or archieving my own war victories or whatsoever :)

while you care more about the era victory than the alliance :)
it's your own words :) wasn't that what you said to 1 of our members :)

so who makes a good ally ?
I think your a good ally when you careless about the era win and more about the ally itself than vice versa think about it :)

ah well like I said I'm doing argueing :)
you guys kept saying stuff I've answered them honestly than never got replies on the same problem and you guys keep looking up for new things :)

while I still stick to the problems that are :)
isn't that strange that when it's about you you guys turn into somebody else.
we all still didn't have gained good explanations from you guys while all my accusations got honestly accepted / denied depends on what the truth was :)

I never denied that I'm not a dirty player I never said it was good that I did dirty tactics but I @least have the guts to admit when I did wrong :)

ah well some people still have to grow up and learn to accept things :)
childs deny things :)

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