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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Randys Tavern

Randys Tavern
06:24:49 May 14th 10 - Duke Random:


Increases the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
Built: 90000 Build:
In construction: 0

is now open :)

06:35:27 May 14th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Haha, nice

I'd like to see an orc prepping on THAT city and try to demoralize it

06:42:13 May 15th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

They'd take it in 1 tick hahaha

06:38:25 May 16th 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

They Can kill our Women and Children but they cant Kill our Spirits!

06:41:16 May 16th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

"they can chop of our d!cks and button up our fannies but thy will never stop us from reproducing"

is this true :O????

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