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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / What is this shit

What is this shit
22:48:32 Jun 28th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I hit restart and I get landed on Latha.

I have played VU for over 25 eras, and I have to play with people who started VU yesterday? Bump me up the the real worlds please, before I slaughter this era's wave of newcomers. I dont want to wait 90 days to restart again; and even if I did it wouldnt let me pick a real world.

23:21:44 Jun 28th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

I guess it's expected for vets to be in a kingdom.

I doubt the restart calculates your eras and skill before putting you on a world.  The news says "All people restarting will go to Latha now" since the higher worlds are "full."

23:44:31 Jun 28th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

I think hes asking for a manual restart charleynub ;)

ask zeta on msn barney....

Then he should just have messaged Zeta or asked him on MSN then.  Posting here may not get as much attention and probably will just end up being overlooked. 

23:50:37 Jun 28th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

stop copying meh charley xD

I basically said that he should have messaged or talked to on MSN before posting a topic because topics can be overlooked.  You said to ask Zeta on MSN. 

00:18:35 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I messaged Zeta in-game, I dont care to MSN him. But yeah this is sort of ridiculous. Look HERE

03:05:18 Jun 29th 09 - VU Admin:

We need veterans on the new worlds to teach the new comers.

04:05:55 Jun 29th 09 - Duke Kev The Angry:

Zeta sides with Charley..... the Apocalypse is upon us!

Silence grandpa! >.>

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