Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Religious Extremist terror
Religious Extremist terror | ||||
"though koran was only wrote once , or as i remeber twice , but the second time cuz they put the spots and all in that first time was one year after mohamad death , they wrote it in a book , second time was 12 year after mohamad's death , and they took it from the first book "
first you say, the koran is right, because mohammed himself wrote it ... how can he write a book one year after he's dead? | ||||
a miracle? | ||||
those only happen to christians :-p | ||||
Ffs, can you jsut drop this discussion. Prince has shown hes an uneducated, ignorant, arrogant 14 year old boy. Why continue discussing hte issues with him? Disucss something more relavant instead. Let me help you. | ||||
"not wrong in the meaning of not right , wrong in meaning , not god saying , so what if they have the same story , but at least 3/4 are not god saying , " What is so hard for you to believe God spoke to or divinely inspired 4 people, not just one? If God works in mysterious ways, why is it so unfeasible that maybe he wants us to consider one story in different ways, ie, thinking for our selves and not just hanging on one man's words? As for Ghoumsa: Yes, and yes. Eventually. | ||||
Yeah, the sub prime loan situation is interesting. | ||||
I seriously dont get it how you dont get tired of repeating the same nonsence over and over again....... | ||||
i didn't say he wrote it , i said , we wrote it after mohamad death in one year , mohamad was the first man who know all the koran cuz he ofcours gave it to us , koran wasn't gave as bible or the old testemnt a book , it was seprated , lol , whatever , make me the stupid , you won much and you didn't know how to lose , 14 years old boy made you about 20 people lose , at least not me , what god gave me man how old are you ithakan , we made the start !!!!! see history jews took palestine by americans wepons in 1948 israel attacked eygpt in 56 with brtian and france , and with americans wepons , and then america said we will make peace though israel wepons come from her in 67 israel attacked 5 countries in power wepons , after the war , israel size was doubled in 73 eygpt in a hard battle took sini back , if america didn't interupt , the eygptian flag would be put on the kenest and tel aviv in 82 israel attacked lebanon to kill the people who ran from palestine , in 87 israel attacked every man don't have the israeli passport , in 91 america entered iraq to make peace between kwit and iraq , though we didn't call anybody , in 93 israel sized control on all the things , gave us nothin and the dream of librity is gone , in 2001 sharon entered the aksa makin anther war is lasted to now ,
my country was destroyed and you people sitting saying that we are the bad , we started cuz we attacked 2 towers , and cuz they didn't find any nucler power in iraq , hell , i don't want your help , it wuld be better at least to ask me for one we didn't creat the dinmite actually a swedish man did , nobel i think we didn't made the nucler power , we didn't fight in the world wars , ther is no land belong to people are not muslim taken by muslims , BUT ther is lands belong to muslims are taken by non muslims ,
well i am thinking , 3 years on war , and you didn't take all the petrol yet , yea i am waiting till you take the gas , and makin at least more than one million iraqi dead , and say sorry
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hmm is it a sign that his post was the 666th... "New subject, global stock crash, yes or no? WIll we have a revolution?" so the world is heading towards another depression? and whos we?
heres the answer, burn the books and start over. (although i detest the thought of where that could lead...)
so just out of curiousity, can anyone point out any recent miracles?
anyway... I dont see why people think this stuff happened... what 2000 years ago or so magic existed and we have somehow forgotten since then? Why does it even matter? I mean hell, if you read a sci fi book or a fantasy novel, you dont come away thinking its all true word for word, usually the truth is in the perceptions and not the actions. (cant word for crap atm) anyway, if you read a fantasy or sci fi story and think its set in reality, you need help. No there are not jedis far far away. | ||||
people , prince have an idea number 1 , and you have the idea number 2 , as i see , you are trying to convens prince with number 2 , and prince is trying in number one , and it looks like no body will change his mind so end this please , | ||||
Take it easy prince, it was only one retard that blaimed palestine and that was a long time ago in this thread. Ithakan is another retard but he didnt really blaim palestine, who thinks the USA involvement started with 9/11 and who blaims all muslims for what 3 people did, by your logic the catholic church was responisible for the holocaust because Hitler was a catholic.. | ||||
I said that the attack on afghanistan was the result of the murder of random citizens in kamikaze attacks, not the other way around. I do not agree with the american policy and illegal attack on Iraq, but the fact that they are doing something wrong does not mean that you are right. And yes I find it quite odd that a religion wich states that unbelievers and ex-muslims should be battled with the sword calls itself peacefull. We currently have someone in the dutch news who is publicly ex-muslim and he is constantly threatend with death by the religion of peace, because he no longer shares their views. It seems something like: Islam is peace and if you dont agree with us we will kill you.
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LOL you got thing turned around | ||||
Is it so unlikely that of millions of people somebody doesnt like it. | ||||
you might notice the word "extremist" before muslims | ||||
wtf are you talking about you dint use that word in you last post. | ||||
I did say it in my previous one, I did not state a subject in my last one, wich meanes it is still concerning the last one stated wich was extremist muslims. | ||||
ghouma , if all what i said didn't happen , i wouldn't care to answer on these topics , past made the reality , and IF we are the people who destoyed the world trade centre , well do the same , only the same ,
oh , "extremist" before muslim , do you want to say
Religious islam Extremist terror
click here , and see , well you don't need to understand the song talken , just see the photo's
and then judge
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i swear and god witness , i swear and god witness , i swear and god witness that i am ready to give whatever it needs , to make palestine goes free
we will broke down and cry maybe crying give us hope
my brother , the eneimes is gone too far and so it's right to fight and right to secrfise | ||||
all im saying is in your last post you talk about(blame) the following. | ||||
prince pictues work alot better then words. :D | ||||
That is sad, Isreal has no right to use a living being as a sheild. | ||||
aben , belive me , you saw nothin yet .
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i think, that if the normal muslim-community, would protest against the suicide-attacks, and against the extreme, against the missuse of their religion, alot more people would be willing to put pressure (to help) ... normal muslims get blamed for things they can't help, why don't they react against that? it's not like all football-supporters are hooligans, the normal fans protest against them, show the world that they do not agree ... by not reacting, they would show it's ok, hooligans are our heros! ... so, muslims, why don't they condemn the 'rotten' part of their communtity? (we didn't hear anyone say bin laden is wrong with what he did, but then some months later you all protest against some cartoons?) (and this not just about the palestine-issue, generally speaking) | ||||
breadlord: Afganistan is indeed the country that was invaded by the USA, also the holy writings of the islam (a religion) in fact state that non believers should be battled with the sword. Also the sentence with islam in it was revering to the people who threatend ex muslims. But as I said before it was a missunderstanding. I dont blame any muslim for the acts of another @prince of Darkness: I dont see what is so wrong about removing a goverment that supports people who kill citizens. You think it would have been fairer if they just executed a couple of thousand random citizens??!!! in fact I also believe that palastine should become independant. I have always been stunned by the fact that Israel never learned anything from the cruelties that their people have been through. But it does not justify killing inocent citizens. as long as the palastinians continue to support hamas Israel cant possibly give them independence. Their is no good or bad in the conflict both sides are doing terrible things. | ||||
Prince of darkness and Ithakas stop posting in this thread, you are both *beep*s. You can debate with each other with ingame messages. Anyone who isnt 18 years old, stay the *beep* out of this discussion. | ||||
let me get it clear , you are saying , ok when you are killed , just don't do anything shut up , don't defend your selves , just make it quite , we are using this rate , we kill one jew , they kill 1000 arabian , we can win at the end , make it like this
ghouma , your the one must shut up , respect your self if you want people do the same to you , 18 years old , all i find here is people going to work and play a childrens game , ther wasn't request for me that i am too young , if i am 18 , my idea won't change , though i will be happier leaving school now , hehehe
actually you can't make a talk if i am not ther , cuz you all have the same point , and i am the only one who is deffernt ,
palestine must not be an independint country , cuz we will be an islam united country ,
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*ignores ghouma* what I am saying is that you should not kill INNOCENT CITIZENS a rebel kills soldiers, a terrorist kills citizens. if the palastinians keep killing citizens then the UN nor any country will support palastinian independence, and that is the only way Israel will ever grant it. But I presume your peacefull religion says they should continue to kill their citizens and keep this conflict going. Their is NOTHING they will accomplish by spoiling more innocent blood.
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people are always just people jew are not much diffrent from arabs or whoever. Like Gourma said the religions in their base are not diffrent from eachother specialy the Monotheist 3.. | ||||
ithaken we are not saying you are wrong you jsut look at it too personally.. | ||||
whats circled around the kids arm... also why would they use him as a shield... i mean the damn thing looks armored already.
honestly it looks like hes just sitting there to me | ||||
news u dont see on CNN | ||||
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@breadlord: yes and they are bastards for doing that.
If Russia fires a nuke on europe, that wouldnt be a reason to start a war because a war will kill more people then the nuke did? I am NOT supporting neo-zeonism and im NOT supporting hamas but somehow their needs to be a solution to the conflict. If the palastinians continue to kill Israeli citizens they will be only given an excuse to continue the ocupation | ||||
so, again, why doesn't the muslimcomunity condemn the malicious actions? (the actions done in the name of allah or muhammed or whatever? and these actions DO kill other muslims aswell ... why is there no response to that?) | ||||
No prince, you are the one saying the same *beep* all over again, all posts u make point to islam saying thats the solution... | ||||
"normal muslims get blamed for things they can't help, why don't they react against that? " I'm sad to say it but it's not so much different from America... the popular opinion is against the war, but most Americans who believe the war is wrong will do nothing out of their way to stop it.. So thus all Americans are labeled by others. Anyway, PoD, you never did answer me as to why God couldn't have spoken to 4 people. | ||||
ihtaken no matter what we say.. to you the cosue is still the palastinians you think they dont want peace.. in fact even the suicide bomber wanted peace and peace until he had nothing left to live for/taken away by the isreali military.. | ||||
I did not say that. I just stated that as long as they bomb there wont be peace, if they want it or not. Israel will just not accept it, because they are *beep*s too. No it was not the people of afganistan who did it, that is why the attacks where aimed at the taliban. They refused to stop aiding al Quada wich was demanded in the ultimatum. Thus supporting the attacks. Wich I think is a valid reason to attack a country | ||||
taliban woulnt even exist and been long overtrwons if it wast for the billions in US aid to taliban even till right before the 9/11 attacks. | ||||
Al quada is a US tool. | ||||
Yes, they are, and that is why muslims should speak up, let everyone know, they don't stand for this, defend themselves by spreading information and show to the world they mean it (not by fighting and killing, not by discussing tiny details in different 'holy works', but by giving clear statements about how they don't support the terrorists) the people in america are just as mislead as anyone else ... every side made/makes mistakes ... you can just keep blaming eachother, but in the end we'll all have to work together to weed out the 'crazy' elements. | ||||
we dont support al quida.. | ||||
afganistan is a totally different story then Iraq, I was againts the invasion of Iraq even before it started (im not american btw). The taliban rebels in fact kill more citizens then the NATO, especially extremist pakistani who come to afganistan to fight. Also the NATO is adjusting their strategy to minimize civilian casualties. It is inevitable that in a war civilian cassualties happen. There was a valid reason to invade. Iraq is really made a big mess by the USA, The idea was stupid, the reasons given were stupid and the organisation was stupid. If they stay it will continue, if they leave it will also becoming a big chaotic mess. it is a lose or lose situation, but the least stupid idea is to leave. | ||||
everything they do they do on purpose it was their intention to create a civil war. | ||||
afganistan and iraq diffrent? senseless killing is the same everywhere you think it matters what started it 6 years ago? There is no diffrence in buchering people. | ||||
"There is no diffrence in buchering people." What if you're butchering butchers? Afghanistan was a clear-cut goal, attack and remove Taliban forces, aimed at known terrorists. Do you sacrafice a few civilian lives to kill terrorists, which may or may not save more lives in the future? Iraq was indeed a bad and costly excuse for war against unknown enemies, but it did take down Saddam and many terrorists or terrorist-related groups. But it is quite likely it has bred new terrorists to take place of the old ones. What about being granted democracy after decades of dictatorship? It certainyl has helped some, but it's taken the lives of thousands. Who can say whether conflict will be "worth it" until it'll all over and being looked at in retrospect? It is said "the most disadvantageous peace is better than the most justified war," but clearly many feel it is worth their lives to take away the disadvantages, whether it's the US Marine or Iraqi insurgent. Where is the answer to it all? | ||||
prince of darkness has left the meeting , nothin more to say , and i didn't go cuz ghouma wanted , get boring repeating , but the man who got the right is always power , and that man who is doing unfair things , is always weak . later !!! | ||||
kol 5ara | ||||
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