All hail north korea! |
hold on "well actually im the kinda person that cant be a president" look at ur current one LMFAO he seems to jump into war after that attack on the world Trade Centers (which was horrific) your country needs new leadership, no offence (Edited by Mr. Smuff 10/10/2006 10:16:37 PM)
we all know that and for some reason i cant understand the retards voting actually voted him in anther term....i forgot how many years he has left so correct me if im wrong....wich u aperantly have no problem doing i think theres 2 years left of him about.
and anyone here whos not muslim or american wutd u think when u heard about world trade center being bombed.....and wutd u think when u heard of baghdad being bombed?(not trying to prove any pionts i really wanna know cuz i culdnt have cared less about either)
My first thought was totally honestly "what goes around comes around".
my thoughts almost but then i remembered something...if osama bin laden was responsibul wich im not possitive he was then y the hell did we go to war with iraq?and NOW were looking for him.wutd the president just say "well while the troops are out there y not take down a dictator.itd peak my interests"
but we realy went off topic now and shuld get bak to north korea and the nukes wich as long as they dont use them except for tests on deserts or something...i culdnt care less. (Edited by Mr. Asesino 10/10/2006 10:32:23 PM)
well sed.
but i was just as shocked with the bombing of bagdad as i was with the world trade centers
i was younger and didnt care bout the world when trade center stuff hapened...i still dont but atleast now i would act..alittle like i did but idk you guys so...w.e so i dont have to act
(Edited by Mr. Asesino 10/10/2006 10:50:38 PM)
After Pearl Harbor and WW2, the US used that as a free pass to invade
countries all over the world, topple governments and wage wars by proxy
on all continents. After 9/11 they started doing the same thing, but
they really screwed up in Iraq by not getting the international
support, and by fighting war on the cheap. If Iraq had been a sucess,
then the US could have been warring Iran, Syria and North Korea by now
while still tapping the good will they gained after 9/11.
As it is now, I dont see how the US could start another war, ever. The
presidents that come after Dubya wont be as strong (or as single
minded), and in 10-15 years it will be impossible for the US to send
armies around the world since China will be a balancing superpower.
In a way, perhaps the sad attack on Iraq has saved us a future without
more american attack wars. Once that happens, there wont be any reason
for ppl like Al Qaeda to be pissed anymore. Or at least they wont have
any popular support, so they can sit alone in their caves and be pissed
while watching Seinfeld reruns on satellite.
i find the ignorant americans ,as not all are ignorant amazingly (lol), are pretty funny to "listen" to. it still surprises me that a country built on old european values have yet to grow up as a nation. europe has matured, still has far to go however but when america realises another superpower equalling it but with population of 1.3 billion people, hey by the time its progressed it maybe much bigger than that and with a neighbouring country india who is almost as large in terms of population will more than likely ally with one another, as they both are the fastest growing economies right now...what will you do? declare war because the world has become unfair? i wouldnt be surprised to be honest....europe would no doubt side more with these new powers than america so this talk of north korea owning enriched uranium which it hasnt got the capability of an actual nuke yet is quite trivial. north korea could never hit america so why get involved, with power comes responsibility once america grows up then maybe it will deserve the right to be "responsible"
indeed, however north korea (administration) doesn share these values that european counrtys are based on. im sure that with a little pursuadeing they would sell the nukes to terrorists one way or another. once the north becomes a democracy then i will be much happier =]
You guys say all this *beep* about the US but you have no room to talk.I don't see you guys doing anything special right now.
I could be argued that europeans thrust america to the forefront themselves.
By not taking on a threat right next door they made it possible for hitler to thake checoslavacia(sp sorry) then waltz into poland. dadada history
Afterwords who put up the money to rebuild europe? who defended eorope in the following years? Later who complained about american military being there, but ohh so enjoyed the money they spent?
also, who tried to colonize a good portion of the unstable,poor, militaraly contested places in the world right now?
ohh Europeans....Left the whole continent of africa without any efective government, split up India, Pakistan, not to mention the ottoman empire...see current day Iraq.
You did not neccesarly grow up, you learned to retreat and ignore problems you helped create.
Hahaha, you american haters crack me up. Your arguements are all weak.
Lets start with WW2
America was involved in WW2 looong before pearl harbor, we were gathering info, supplying food, materials, weapons, ammo whatever you guys needed we gave whatever we could.
Russia was in no way capable of taking over Germany, no way, no chance, no how. The only reason they got the upper hand on the western front was because of the extra man/fire power US forces provided in the eastern front.
If the US didnt jump in when we did with actual troops, Europe would be speaking german, and eastern asia, austra, New Zea, and most of the southern pacific would be speaking Japanese. The we(america would have been next and we woulda had 0 chance.
Do you guys realixze how close we were to losing WW2? Japan had a huge air force of 12,000 jet fighters hidden in mountains. We had barely scratched jet technology at that time. Germany had worked out long range rockets(in effect the first long range misssles). So even with US help we got by that time in history by the hair of our collective balls.
Euorpe had more to do with the creation of half the countries on this planet, Mostly in the middle east after WW1, and again with US help after WW2. So the whole allied alliance is to blame for Israel, and that mess.
Israel is not fully to blame for there current mess. They have been victim of attacks since the very start of its exsistence. Anyone remeber the 1967 war?
Now lets talk about Osama bin laden. Yes the US created Usama, but why? Do you have any clue as to why? It goes back to Vietnam. Russia supplied and funded the Viet cong, and in all reality they caused us all the trouble we had there.
So what did we do? Good ol american payback. When Russia invaded Afghanastan we supported the rebals, we gave them training, weapons, money, and info on russian troops monements. There is no doubt american created Usam, Taliban, Saddam. So we play the game and we payed the price. Now we are trying to right the wrong we created.
While on topic, Saddam, another dictaror we created, but why? This time because of Iran. a fanatacial regime with some off the wall plans. So we couldnt let Iran control the middle east, that would hurt ALL western interests(yes europes also). Saddam went a bit power happy, Rape rooms, Chemical weapons, ect, ect, ect...
Look at Iraq now, Sectarian violence created by the *beep*es in Iran against the former ruling party sunies. So that is partly years of oppression now being paid back, and Iran trying to keep unrest to divert world attention(like they did in lebenon).
Peferct example is the Kurds in northern Iraq. They have elected their own president, they have their own security forces. There is no bombing, its econemy is rapidly growing and they are doing great. Why is that? Its because they have been able to keep the fanatics out and at bay. It can be done, but the people need to want it, and in and around Bagdahad there is just way to much outside interference, and the locals are still scared.
Alot of you guys need to go and do a little research for yourselves and not rely on propaganda, and radical points of view. I know we are to blame for some things, but if you look throughout history ever anywhere you will see.
There has NEVER been 1 country so powerful, and yet dont use that power to take over anyone. We dont abuse it nowhere near as much as you guys seem to think.
The real problem is the haters in the world, and every country has them. Why dont we all grow up, and put retarded differences aside and help the people that really need it and stop pointing fingers.
Every country in history as conqured and raped, pillaged, and plundered for profit(england, France, Russia, China, Spain, ect, ect) they have all had world empires at one time or another. Has the US? Nope, never. We dont want world domination, we want world peace, and harmony. Make love, no war *beep* like that.
Yes and also we can all agree that Bush is a dork.
His power ends november 2nd.
Yes, Bush is a dork, but damn if he aint funny as hell to watch.
Sir Juchi
10/11/2006 2:20:34 AM |
I could be argued that europeans thrust america to the forefront themselves.
By not taking on a threat right next door they made it possible for hitler to thake checoslavacia(sp sorry) then waltz into poland. dadada history
Afterwords who put up the money to rebuild europe? who defended eorope in the following years? Later who complained about american military being there, but ohh so enjoyed the money they spent?
also, who tried to colonize a good portion of the unstable,poor, militaraly contested places in the world right now?
ohh Europeans....Left the whole continent of africa without any efective government, split up India, Pakistan, not to mention the ottoman empire...see current day Iraq.
You did not neccesarly grow up, you learned to retreat and ignore problems you helped create.
Nicely said.......
Bush may be a dork, and does not know how to stand on his own two feet, but damn it all, the idea of John Kerry as President was more terrifying, might be the sentiment of many people, as it was a historic win of votes.......
Now, if we can clone Reagans and Thatchers and JFK's........ (Edited by Duchess Ginger Rogers 10/11/2006 3:21:39 AM)
We need new ideas, and to end political parties altogether. It only encourages seperatisim.and petty arguments. Goverment is way to many rich old guys sucking the ass of big buisness.and stuffing there own pockets. To many old world ideas in a new world.
We have the chance to change history, amd usher in unity, but yet to many old politics at play. Give it ten years, or so, and hope change sweeps through with a new generation.
An ideal idealogy, Mr. Foghorn, but it is human nature, men from the beginning has been seduced by power and money and scratch my back deals, no political party player is immune to fact, if the public knew one quarter of what goes on with lawmakers........of all parties.......
thanks for the support Duchess Ginger Rogers, but i would have taken Kerry over bush any day of the week. In fact i would have taken a mostly dead turtle over GW.
Btw dont copy and paste names here it improvements fonts.
Ill leane towards england here and say america needs a parlement, having 2 parties sucks. And the party in charge is, if not the most, corrupt in american history.
My basic point is that no matter what you say the US has done alot of good in this world and to blame them(us) for all its problems is *beep*ic.
Lets go back to GHouma saying the US spends the smallest % of gov spending on other countries.
#1 he completely ignored my point that the Us was the Major Contributer after to the Two hugest disasasters in the last what 50 years? #2 i would rather take 1% of 100 dollars then 10% of 5. #3 those figures also don't include what the american people donate to the rrest of the world. hmmm Bill gates and warn buffet done anything lately? and by the way in the 1970 the US had ag programs in a good portion of the world, they worked in South America and Asia. Failed in Africa the gates foundation is putting that as a priority. Also a big priority right now in the US is malaria, kills more the any stupid terriorists group ever could.
What an interesting post. I am an American. I didn't vote for Bush but I would have had I been registered at the time. I used to care a great deal for politics and would have been inflamed by a post such as this. No more though.
There is a larger thing happening here. Do any of you guys believe in the Bible? Believe in God? Jesus? If you do read through prophesy or listen to teachings about such. If you don't I challenge you to prove it false.
I am not a teacher, so I will not bore you all with a bible study. All I want to point out is this all is prophesied in the bible "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdoom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24:6-8.
Isaiah chapter 27 predicts the restoration of Israel as a nation. This happened in 1948 (I believe) and marks the 1st and only time in history that a nation has ceased to exist and has then been reformed. This marks the last thing that has to happen before the end of times. We are living in the end of days. Israel is and always has been God's people. How else do you think that one little small country surrounded by countries which hate them not only survives but thrives.
I'm not trying to say the world will end at such and such a time, I don't know when it will happen. In fact if anyone claims that the world will end at a specific time, don't believe it. Nobody but God knows. I can see the times and know that it is coming.
I urge all to seek out Jesus. Pray to God to show you that He is real. Find a good church and ask those there to show you the way to Jesus. I cannot make you, God won't force you. It is your decision.
I urge you to stop believing in a book written by man, 40-50 years after so called events happen. A book that has been translated so many different times its actual real translation is lost in the interpretation of the translator himself.
Dont get me wrong I believe in God, but not any book about him. I do believe in science more than a book
But we don't really need to let this become a religon nashing thread.
They all belong behind bars. But it's all part of government. There are only three things that matter in the world of politics, and thats power, money and sex. Always has been. It will never change.
The most effective form of government is a benevolent dictatership. Unfortunately, very few has ever existed. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Democracies are not immune to this. The people do not hold the power. The power belongs to the power-elite, the lower 5-percent of the poulation that controls 70-80 percent of the worlds finances. Only if the power shifts will there be significant change. And that just isn't going to happen. They say here in the US anybody can be president. There is no bigger f*beep* in the world.
Sorry, I'm rambling.
The whole world's a giant mess, and there's really no one to blame. For every one finger thats pointed, there's fifteen pointing back. Everybody's contributed to this mess and it's going to take everybody to help clean it up. This includes Europe (the passive pacifist weenies), the US (the over-aggressive, oil-hungry war mongers), China (the evil environment damaging, human rights violating, enemy of the world, hellbent on domination of all), Russia (journalist murdering, communist-in-disguise ex-superpower who thinks they still matter) and all the other smaller third-world powers who have been the bane of the larger first world powers. We all need to come together, forget our differences and sing kumbaya around the campfire. LOL! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Lets just all kill each other and get it over with already...
If America would use the same tactics used in WWII, the middle east and N. Korea would be defeated. Sending in troops and then waiting for something to happen is making us lose the war. This is a war being run by yellow politicians and the media. The politicians are too worried about offending, hurting or being too hard on our enemy. Our soldiers are being arrested and tried for murder for doing what's supposed to be their job and torture using loud music and cold rooms is said to be "cruel punishment" to the Islamofascists. Hezbollah runs free because we're too worried about the "innocent civilians" to bomb the hell out of them. The liberals in this country are making Israel out to be our enemy and making people like Hugo Chaves of Venezuela and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran to be good people. And our President sits idly by lets all this stuff happen. Bush and his people need to smarten up or they are going to be the death of this country.
These things would never have happened if things were done like they were done in WWII. Then we bombed cities we needed to even though there would be civilian casualites. Just look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was done to lower morale and to show just a hint of what we are capable of. We went in to Japan and Europe and got things done. Period. No matter what anyone thought or how many people we hurt. That's war. Its not pretty but if we have to go to war it needs to be done right. If North Korea are trying to flex their nuclear muscle we need to bomb the hell out them and show them that our muscles are bigger. But in the state of things right now, we won't. We'll contemplate, speculate, talk and bicker amongst ourselves about the issues and nothing will get done. Then all the 3rd world nations will stand up against us because we are showing way too much weakness and guess what we won't do anything to make them sit back down.
Alright done ranting.
Lots of nice posts, I was almost onna defend america myself after reading all anti american posts before Juchi and Fonghorn, now I dont have to :) But you have to wait until I get back from my studys in a few hours <3
Edit: Especially Foghorn, nice post.
(Edited by Mr. Ghouma 10/11/2006 7:32:40 AM)
The problem with your philosophy Shahal, was our reasoning behind going to war with Iraq in the first place. They wanted to remove the dictator and make life better for Iraqi's (or so they said), and bombing the hell out of anything that moves doesn't not make anything better for anyone, therefore defeating the purpose of doing it in the first place.
Removing Saddam from power was the only thing that has really gone right in the war and I didn't mean like bomb the countries out of existance. I meant to show a measure of strength and power. In WWII both Japan and the Nazi regimes surrendered to a show of force and ferocity of attacks. Just sending mainly ground troops to a place where your enemies have the advantage will never win the war and will end up with way too many american casualties. Kind of like what happened in Vietnam. The same tactics used now were being used in Vietnam and look what happened there.
"These things would never have happened if things were done like they were done in WWII. Then we bombed cities we needed to even though there would be civilian casualites. Just look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was done to lower morale and to show just a hint of what we are capable of."
Exactly, thats the point. America got attacked in THEIR own country one time. They paniced -- and threw the bomb. The only ones EVER in history using a nuclear bomb. THEY are the ones you should be afraid of. Cuz they dont care if they wipe our entire civil cities to get their goal / if they panic. And they will be the only ones doing it ever again.
"If North Korea are trying to flex their nuclear muscle we need to bomb the hell out them and show them that our muscles are bigger. But in the state of things right now, we won't. We'll contemplate, speculate, talk and bicker amongst ourselves about the issues and nothing will get done. Then all the 3rd world nations will stand up against us because we are showing way too much weakness and guess what we won't do anything to make them sit back down. "
Yeah, sure big talk - no clue. I would want to see YOU if you would sit in Europe with all those US military barracks and soldiers stationed here and then US pissing off all the middle east countries that have only weapon range into europe and US continent is far away and safe. You can have big words from over the Ocean but you would shut your mouth if you would live in Europe right besides barracks that are inside the weapon range AND a no.1 target for pissed of fanatics. I would want to see YOU living 100m away from the targets that get bombed first if a real war would start.
lol there was nothing anti american about my posts. its was aimed at the administration, and the simple minded few who believe that euroup ows america something for jumping into WW2. the fact of the matter is that, yes u did supply stuff long before u jumped in, however, u lot could have saved more lives if u had backed us the men as well. end of.
now shall we get bk to north korea?=P
Mr Hyde, Half are *beep*nault is in Europe.30% of the US nuke misslies are in Poland, England, France, and germany.
We didnt panic as you said and dropped a bomb. learn your histyory before jumping like that.
The main reason we dropped bombs on Japan is simple. If you invaded japans homeland that would cost at min. 1 million american/allied lives. Stretch the war out after Germany surrenderd, and surely Japan would have never surrendered.
The bomb cost lots of lives, but it saved more than it killed.
No look at Japan, the most techmologicaly advanced nation in the world. With our help they managed to get back on there feet.
We learned from wars, we now never target civilian areas. We spent billions of dollars trying to create pin point weapons just to make sure.
Knight of Chaos, do you know what your saying? At the start of WW2 american had one of the weakest armies in the world, our equipment was terrible, we where poorly trained, basically in shambles from ww1 still.
Even when we joined up, we still had to use french machine guns that didnt work. Our tanks where death traps for our men. So the US was really in no shape to help much sooner with troops than we actually did.
Hahaha, so lets see a 15 year old german kid knows more about WW2 than a guy who has minored in WW2 history basied on the theory he lives in Germany?
I could tell you more about Germany during WW2 then you could ever even begin to imagine my friend. Just because you live there dont make you the resident expert.
yes, we learn more about WW2 in school than you ever in your whole life.
"Hahaha, so lets see a 15 year old german kid knows more about WW2 than a guy who has minored in WW2 history basied on the theory he lives in Germany?"
So a 12 year old US Kid think it knows more than somebody whos parents actually lived the war? Fought in it? Lost 3 brothers in it?
I could tell you more about Germany during WW2 then you could ever even begin to imagine my friend. Just because you live there dont make you the resident expert.
Aha - and you can tell that i didnt study german history, smartass US-kid? And you did ?
Smarty im more than double your age, btw.
If your more than double my age, how are the diapers, and retirement treating you? You on the viagra yet, or you past those days already also? Do they blend your food for you to make it easier to eat at your age?
Im not here to make new enemies, trust me I have made many. But you cant run around assuming you are the smartest guy on the planet. This isnt a pissing contest its a debate.
Just as you were taught history in school, so was I. Except I took it further. I am a history buff, I know exactly what im posting. I didnt specify German history, but WW2.
Since I am at school I dont have time to respond right now, but tonight I will submit a lenghtier reply to you Foghorn, alot of your statements are based on false information. Interesting discussion btw.
Yes please enlighten me as to the false information. I may not be always right(contrary to my belief), but I surely dont post false info as the truth.
Seems we have a bunch of raving lunatics here, Shalal you must be mental, get some real education before speaking. Did you read what you read? Your saying you should have went to war with a sovergin nation, without any other cause then money (the elections in Iraq is a joke so dont even try and say you did it for freedom, and its more torture in Iraq now then it was during sadam so its not of humanitarian reasons), and just massacred the civil population. I hope your king of thoughts are an exeption among Americans... You amaze me.
OOOG Splat, we had a religous debate in another thread. I would be gratefull if you could prove that God existed. The burden of proof is ON YOU. If I said we was created by space monkeys you could not prove me wrong, so dont tell me to prove you wrong. You dont amaze me as much as Shalal but ur equally as stupid.
Foghorn, you dont seem as mental as the others but what point are you trying to make? No one is denying that the second world war probably would have been lost if it was not for America. However, it might have been lost if not for the Free french aswell, wich you should know since your specialized in WW2 (at least the liberation of france would have failed).
As for Japan in WW2, there is ALOT of *beep*ING BULL*beep* from the americans here. The japanasese had begged to surrender for MONTHS before you used your nuclear weapons on civilians. And before that in the bombings of Tokyo it died 500.000 people for example. A pointless massacre. If you knew alot of WW2 you would have known this. So lets suppose you kew about this and you still say your bull*beep* about invading japan would cost 1.000.000 milion soldiers lifes.. Maybe not mental but a lier. Sorry for the harsh words but I cant stand it when people patheticly tries and justify pointless murder of civilians (lots of Euroes do that aswell so dont slag me off about it).
No you dont have your facts straight.
Your trying to tell me Japan, the masters of death before surrender was asking for peace? Your way off base, way, way, way off. Under no time did japan ask for peace, not once. Not until the bombs dropped.
Alot of you guys are just blinded by hate for americans, and your views are manupulated by those feelings.
I think you guys should stop reading old history books and read all the declassified info about the war. It is a real eye opener.
I never said Europe woulda lost ww2 without america, what I did say was we came this close to losing it with america. It really is a matter of bad timing/luck for the axis powers. They had the weapons/technology to beat us badly. They just didnt have the time to train people for the weapons they had.
"OOOG Splat, we had a religous debate in another thread. I would be gratefull if you could prove that God existed. The burden of proof is ON YOU. If I said we was created by space monkeys you could not prove me wrong"
why should he? He already believes in god - what burden are you talking of ? You think we care about what you believe? Were not missionaries... We (the believers) have no problems, if you have problems believing - thats yours. And if we say he exists why dont YOU prove US wrong? Yes, sure im just turning it around - but its still the truth. We live like we want, so do you - so why should WE prove YOU ANYthing?
God exists.
And foghorn... youre still a smartass. I LIVE in the history WW2 created. you dont.
"Your trying to tell me Japan, the masters of death before surrender was asking for peace? Your way off base, way, way, way off. Under no time did japan ask for peace, not once. Not until the bombs dropped."
Not everyone lives in Samurai least not in Japan...
I think you guys should stop reading old history books and read all the declassified info about the war. It is a real eye opener.
Declassified by the USA? lol....
Hahaha, I think I live in the history also. The whole world lives in the history, get over yourself.
Theres an invisable man who lives in the clouds and he wants all to love and cherish, yet millions die in his name. I think the proof you asked for is right in front of your eyes.
As much as you wanna hate. The US is one of the most honest goverments with its people. The documents come from all parts of the world.
You ever see russias declassified info, or Japans? Germany dont have any since we took everything they had, the allies released those ones. Grab a bowl of popcorn, some beverage and catch up man.
"Theres an invisable man who lives in the clouds and he wants all to love and cherish, yet millions die in his name. I think the proof you asked for is right in front of your eyes."
Again the most utterly stupid reason mankind was able to create for hating god. God didnt kill anything. Fanatics who THOUGHT they know what god wants killed millions. If i kill someone in your name is it YOUR responsibility? no..
God offered the free will to mankind and mankind accepted, they could all be nice lil puppies who never do anything wrong, but they wanted to be able to DECIDE and now that they decide wrong you blame god ? rofl... thats like Person A giving a 100 dollars to Person B and Person B buying a train ticket from it, the train crashed and he gets his legs severed and then blaming person A that he gave him 100 dollars...
Yeah youre right... he wants all to love and cherish - not his fault that were too stupid to do it and ABUSE his name for OUR violence.
"the allies released those ones"
The allies released the ones that sounded good for them.
"Germany dont have any since we took everything they had"
Lol? More stupid than i thought.. yeah yeah and the USA also thought they found Osama... 15 times.. What you dont find isnt there - right? Search better next time...
Just like your arguments are only based on your fellings, not fact.
Just like your God, its not fact but a theory. Religon has changed so much to suit the people spewwing that crap just to suit there needs of the time.
So if god is real than so is the devil right?
Oh wait, the devil is a made up story used to scare kids into behaving, and believing. So look it up. If God was real, science woulda picked up on something, but all science had done is dis proove lots of bible stories and myths.
We can look back millions of years find creatures, humans from way back then, yet we cant find a single solid piece of evidence about god.
Keep preaching faith, but all faith is, is an idea, a belief nothing solid, nothing in fact.
I have faith I will eat dinner tonite, does that make my food holier than thou?
lol to where this thread has gone to just lol........ everybody has done something wrong, we're human and we make mistakes all i was saying is that really europe has made mistakes done wrong etc etc, but we are working towards something better, USA has done something wrong and is doing things that are considered wrong to most of the world (im talking truely global here not just western counties ^^) america is a young country compared to european countries, thats what i meant when i said grow up....i did not mean america is immature just maybe you have more power and wealth than you understand because if i was an american and seeing all the poverty still in my own country i would ask the question why?
Here is my real respone to your first post Foghorn, took some time.
"If the US didnt jump in when we did with actual troops, Europe would be speaking german, and eastern asia, austra, New Zea, and most of the southern pacific would be speaking Japanese. The we(america would have been next and we woulda had 0 chance."
I dont think we would have been forced to speak German, but I get your point. However if Germany had won I think most people would just think of the Holocaust as just somethign unfortunate today, just as we think of the extinction of milions of people aroudn the world today wich was no less horrible.
"Euorpe had more to do with the creation of half the countries on this planet, Mostly in the middle east after WW1, and again with US help after WW2. So the whole allied alliance is to blame for Israel, and that mess."
True, no one is deneing that the European natiosn were imperialsts. Imperialism is the worst thing humans has ever done and the USA goes in the footsteps of the Euros.
"Israel is not fully to blame for there current mess. They have been victim of attacks since the very start of its exsistence. Anyone remeber the 1967 war?"
Israel got so much more money and power then their arabs neighbouts that its not even close to fair to compare them, Israel got the power to stop the mess, but choose to have their racist laws and not taking responsibility for their murders. Israel kills 10 palestinians for every 1 israeli that dies, thoose fackts speak for themself.
"Now lets talk about Osama bin laden. Yes the US created Usama, but why? Do you have any clue as to why? It goes back to Vietnam. Russia supplied and funded the Viet cong, and in all reality they caused us all the trouble we had there."
Viet cong is a racist saying, please dont use it. Soviet didnt help NFL from start, they started late. And why shouldnt they have helped Vietnam? That was a good thing of them, america have killed 4 million people in south east asia, HOW can you even try and defend that?
"So what did we do? Good ol american payback. When Russia invaded Afghanastan we supported the rebals, we gave them training, weapons, money, and info on russian troops monements. There is no doubt american created Usam, Taliban, Saddam. So we play the game and we payed the price. Now we are trying to right the wrong we created."
Yes everyone know CIA gave Osama bilions of dollars to stop the soviet and trained him men. But its not for Usama you invaded Iraq or Afghatnistan. It was for Oil. Afghanistans president (dont think he was elected fairly) worked at an Oil company before. The first decision he made was to build a pipeline the taliban didnt allow. Saying your trying to right your wrongs is extremly naive, I dont think that came from your heart.
"While on topic, Saddam, another dictaror we created, but why? This time because of Iran. a fanatacial regime with some off the wall plans. So we couldnt let Iran control the middle east, that would hurt ALL western interests(yes europes also). Saddam went a bit power happy, Rape rooms, Chemical weapons, ect, ect, ect..."
Ah, but please, mention that it was due to america that there was a fanatical regime in Iran, after you removed the democraticly elected president. Again, there is more torture in Iraq now thanks to america then it was when saddam was in power. Where did your morals go? I dont think ever had any... CIA said there would be consequences for what you did in Iran but Bush didnt listen.
"Look at Iraq now, Sectarian violence created by the *beep*es in Iran against the former ruling party sunies. So that is partly years of oppression now being paid back, and Iran trying to keep unrest to divert world attention(like they did in lebenon)."
Iran got democratic elections, so dont they have has much right as you to help dictatorships around the world?
"Peferct example is the Kurds in northern Iraq. They have elected their own president, they have their own security forces. There is no bombing, its econemy is rapidly growing and they are doing great. Why is that? Its because they have been able to keep the fanatics out and at bay. It can be done, but the people need to want it, and in and around Bagdahad there is just way to much outside interference, and the locals are still scared."
No, its because the Kurds have alot of Oil their economy is going great. The arabs are mad because you kill them, support Israels apartheid laws, and because you give terrible despots power over their anations like in Saudi arabia right now.
"Alot of you guys need to go and do a little research for yourselves and not rely on propaganda, and radical points of view. I know we are to blame for some things, but if you look throughout history ever anywhere you will see.
There has NEVER been 1 country so powerful, and yet dont use that power to take over anyone. We dont abuse it nowhere near as much as you guys seem to think."
Its making me laugh that you want to compare USA to nations for a century ago :) For 100 years ago simple peoples lifes was more similar to how people lived at the bronze age then how it is today. And you are wrong, you abuse your power more then you seem to be able to imagine. You have no idea what kind of economic pressure you can put on smaller nations, thats the main reasons that the EU was created so the US would have to trade fairly to European nations.
"The real problem is the haters in the world, and every country has them. Why dont we all grow up, and put retarded differences aside and help the people that really need it and stop pointing fingers."
Why is questioning what the west world does to the third world the real PROBLEM in the world? I hope you have a good explanation for that... I think we should help people that needs help like you, but I dont think the american goverment is doing that. Sorry mate.
"Every country in history as conqured and raped, pillaged, and plundered for profit(england, France, Russia, China, Spain, ect, ect) they have all had world empires at one time or another. Has the US? Nope, never. We dont want world domination, we want world peace, and harmony. Make love, no war *beep* like that."
China never had a world empire, they had isolationist politics after Zeng he. Sure you never wanted domination, look at the philipines. Look what you did with the Monroe doctrine. America has been in alot of Wars since it was created. World war 2 is the only one I think was good.
!1. If Germany won ww2, there would be no, jews, blacks, arabs, spanish. The Germans were the Master race remember that. They woulda killed off billions. Haullacost prooves that.
2. Who started killing who first in Israel? Also, you blame Israel for being successful in the middle of nowhere? How is it they can, yet all those poverty stricken muslims cant? Its how they all choose to live.
3. I wasnt trying to be racist, and i wont even try to defend what went on over there.
4. That pipeline was built to help the econemy. We have no had any oil [profits in the US, just look at our gas prices.
5. On Iran, and us removing there democracy
Abu'l-Hasan Bani Sadr was elected first president of Islamic Republic, having
received 75 percent of the vote and the blessing of Khomeini. Mehdi Bazargan
was prime minister. He had been imprisoned several times during the 1960s and
1970s for non-violent opposition to the Shah's regime. Within one year he resigned,
complaining that clerics were undermining his government. in June 1981 Bani
Sadr was impeached by clerics wishing to exercise political authority. Bani
Sadr went into hiding and in late July was flown into exile by sympathetic persons
in Iran's air force.
Other former supporters of Khomeini suffered ostracism. Former Khomeini aide
and foreign minister, Qotbzadeh, was arrested with 170 others, seventy military
officers and some clerics, charged with plotting to kill Khomeini and take power.
The respected religious leader Shariatmadari was arrested and executed. And
a campaign discredit against Ayatollah Ahari'at-madari ended with his being
6. There is nowhere near the oil in northern Iraq, compared to southern Iraq. By that logic, the *beep*es, and sunies should be light years ahead of the Kurds. 7. That same pressure has been used throughout history by many other nations. Name 1 country we took over for ourselves. The monroe doctrine was drawn up to stop Europe from trying to claim american land as there own. The Monroe Doctrine,in 1823, proclaimed the United States' opinion that European powers should no longer colonize the Americas or interfere with the affairs of sovereign nations located in the Americas, such as the United States of America, Mexico,
and others. In return, the United States planned to stay neutral in
wars between European powers and in wars between a European power and
its colonies. However, if these latter type of wars were to occur in
the Americas, the U.S. would view such action as hostile toward itself. 8. your respone to stopping the hate makes no sense whatsoever. 9. Lets list US wars, we will leave out revolution, and civil war. war of 1812, WW1, WW2, Korean, Vietnam, Iraq 1, Iraq 2. Now tell me in those lots of wars, what one do we still control and run? Iraq, and we are handing that over as best we can. We rebuilt every country we ever attacked, name any others in history who has done that. name any country that spends so much of its money, goverment, and private to help others. Once again, i see so many off the wall views, purely from hate for america. It really is mind blowing to see so much of it.
First off, lets clarify. Japan had seeking peace for months before the
Nuclear bomb was dropped. The americans rejected peace negotiations
why? Because they wanted unconditional surrender. So because of that
they nuked and killed 1 million innocent civilians for nothing.
And you know why Japan did not want unconditional surrender before the
nuke? THE ONLY THING THEY WANTED, was to keep their Emperor. Because of
this YOU NUKE them. Thats a tad bit silly id say.
Japan never needed any help from the US, that country went from the dark ages to the industrial age in 10 years. They work for 12 hours a day!
So lets summarize, what you are saying is, its OK to bomb and kill millions, as long as we blend som concrete and build a few new houses. All this because of 1 man who was not even involved in starting the war in the first place. Thats kewl.
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