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George Bush
15:52:02 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. The Mighty Hammer:

this is true

16:09:06 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

Mr. Rubyian


6/28/2007 8:33:53 PM
Lol Anatoliy, your theory is pretty funny. Where do you live?Unless you live in america you can't talk. That thing about the colleges is actually a good opportunity. Colleges are expensive, the government can't just say "here you go, free college education". The schooling itself costs alot to run. Joining the military is worth it for alot of people. Do you get free colleges where you live?
Mr. Dakarius


6/28/2007 8:40:57 PM
The Thing about America is you can better yourself in the system no matter how poor you start. It's not neccesarily easy, but if it were it wouldn't be worth as much. So many Anti-Americans don't have a clue as to what they are talking about.


First of all, i live in NYC.  Second, what if you dont want to join the military? Every person should have equal opprotunity to attend college, not matter how much money they have. 


And no, you cannot better yourself in America.  You are told you can, but you die tyring.  My grandfather was a rich man in tsarist russia, he had to exile to usa when the revolution came.  He left all his riches in Russia.  he worked in a textile mill all his life and died doing so.  His son, my father, worked for federal express all his life.  He now has a broken back.  I don't want pity for myself from nobody, i just want to say that the "freedom of opprotunity" is also the freedom of the rich people to oppress workingmen.


and yes, i am proudly a marxist.

16:14:59 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Well, my Father came from a poor family of 9. He managed to atend colledge through an ROTC scholorship and is now quite a successful Doctor. One of my Uncles managed to become a city planner for Chicago while another works as the second highest ranked IT guy in the largest shipping company in the world. So yes, I say you can better yourself. Do you know how Bill Gates got rich?

16:40:20 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Ithakan:

here college IS fee, you get a loan wich is transfered into a gift when you finish your study in time. So you get money for studying not when you are "voluntarily" shooting people in other parts of the world

16:44:20 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

We have student loans also.

16:52:41 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Alot of student loans lol. And Anatoliy, How can you talk about how bad america is if you've never been anywhere else then. Also, we have great scholarships, you just have to be willing to work for them. If you will actually try, America is the land of oppurtunity. Nowhere is it easy, but  in America it can at least be done. What kind of education does your father have? Did he ever try for college? If you don't truely try then your not going anywhere in this world.

21:18:53 Jun 28th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

"2. Though it poses to be "democractic" America's leaders have always overidden the people's view (Vietnam war, Persian Gulf War, Iraq/Afghan War)."

Where is this not true?  Looking at history, usually only the weaker states.

"3.  If you have ever been to America, you will see the US flag everywhere, there is no real "anti american oppostion" newsletter allowed. And "America is the Best" is incorperated into everyones life frmo birth to death.  This is called ultranationationalism; a fascist tactic used by the nazis to make the people at bay."

You don't really know what you're talking about.  Americans are raised to be pro-American, but that says nothing for political party or w*beep*tc.  By middle and high school Americans are taught to be wary of propoganda, government, commercial, or other.  Not to mention America has some of the loosest media laws in the world; the media can be as critical of America as it wants.

You should also know that America is not a Democracy.  It is a Republic.  And regarding the military, many politicans are war veterans, so yes, they have seen war firsthand.

"revolution is what we need though.  Once all the fighting is over, there will be no rich leaders or countries left, so people will unite and there will be peace."

You forgot the chaos, starvation, loss of technology, etc.  And no--people will not unite.  Trust me.

"ya it's volunteer only because the military is all american kids see from day one and they fcaking brainwash them from kindergarten up. "

No, that is just plain wrong.  Yes, there is pro-army propoganda.  But Americans don't eat, sleep, drink it in.  It won't be until high school that you meet a recruiter unless you join ROTC or some other military/school organization.

"First of all, i live in NYC.  Second, what if you dont want to join the military? Every person should have equal opprotunity to attend college, not matter how much money they have."

Most everyone does have a chance to attend a school of some sort.  However, Harvard isn't about to open it's gates up to anyone because of "equal opportunity."

"And no, you cannot better yourself in America.  You are told you can, but you die tyring."

You can succeed or you can fail.  That's opportunity.

21:35:38 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

In my country we have student loans too, but additionally you get paid by the government for studying and you don't have to pay it back. So you actually do get paid for getting yourself a better education. You can take a loan too on top of the government-provided student allowance and the government will secure your loan.
 Furthermore the (college / university) education itself is free. So you don't need  the loan or allowance to pay for it. You can use the allowance and loan for your own living. You only have to buy your books, or you can loan them (again free) from the school library.

01:54:40 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. The Mighty Hammer:

that would be crazy nice

03:37:11 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

There are too many people in America who pay for college, so they don't need to change it to the way you guys do it.
Too bad though =(

13:33:00 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

you can also get a green card if your not an american. all you have to do is serve in the military for like 1.5 years....
ofcourse non americans cant fight so good sinse they are woesies.they make up 80% of the casualties........ or wait a min they are sent to the mose dangerous places sinse it is more profitable for the army if those people die... but its prbabaly the first..

13:34:12 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

ow and they dont count in the death count.,

13:34:41 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

lol thats a true

13:35:05 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

to say that they dont lose much and they control the setuation

13:35:05 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

to say that they dont lose much and they control the setuation

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