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Global Warming II
13:45:58 Mar 13th 07 - Ms. Maat:

i hear saying that Gore's main interest is going for president again ... dunno if it's true.

14:40:21 Mar 13th 07 - Sir Crom:

lol this discussion should ve taken place 20-30years ago,anyways bomb red china!bomb the usa!

20:27:56 Mar 15th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

bah global warming scientists look on a short term scale 10-30 years if they look on a long term scale 100-200 years they would see that every 30-40 years or so it swiches from global warming to global cooling. i have a picture of it in an old science book it shows that it raises and drops THE SAME all the time. one of the explanations is sun spots i forget which way it goes but sun spots either make the earth colder or warmer. Guess what the sun spots show ever 30-40 years coincidence i think not.

no global warming and no global cooling =D

13:35:58 Mar 16th 07 - Mr. Leo:

And how bout that a previously unknown sunspot cycle.

15:47:37 Mar 16th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

previously unknown iv known about sun spot cycles for years its in a lot of science books that ive seen my little brother (9) i think has learned about a couple years back when studieng the solar system

17:06:39 Mar 16th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

I heared that when Al Gore started making his Documentary, his Electricity bills whent even HIGHER, he wants every body to think about the world, but he just keeps warming the water of his pool 
o\ /o
/     \


(Edited by Mr. Santa Claus 3/16/2007 5:07:39 PM)
(Edited by Mr. Santa Claus 3/16/2007 5:07:54 PM)

22:54:56 Mar 16th 07 - Mr. Yggur:

the improvements you seem to be talking about take more than 30-40 years. its thousands of years, or atleast hundreds, but youre right it does change alot. There have been variations of about 20 degrees celsius, supposedly. But the change takes a while. The reason is basaically down to the orbit of the earth, it doesnt always go in a perfect circle around the sun, its orbit improvements a little, getting closer, further away, whatever.  There are other reasons too, but ive forgotten them and theyre all around the same thing - the position of the earth to the sun.

Yes, the earth warms and cools naturally all the time. According to writings left by the vikings, in the tenth century greenland was quite literally green. Now, its frozen. The point about global warming is that its speeding up the change and making it more dramatic. Natural change is fact, but its not an excuse for humanity to escape the blame of forcing change. Just because a train goes round a bend in the tracks, doesnt mean you should turn the steering wheel to make it turn further, does it? not that trains have steering wheels.... But its the first metaphor i could think of.

13:23:19 Mar 17th 07 - Sir Crom:

bomb something!

15:11:56 Mar 17th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

So in other words, if we just get our CO2 uotput down by, say 40%, its doable if the governments pay the factorys for it, then Global Warming will go down a bit and Earth will warm/cold normal again. I just have one Q though:
Whats the use of getting the CO2 output down if the whole Atmosphere is already full of it? Shouldnt we try and make the whole Atmosphere clean instead?

19:50:44 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Viper:

Thats the trees job santa :P

23:36:07 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Yggur:

"Whats the use of getting the CO2 output down if the whole Atmosphere is already full of it?"

Firstly, the atmosphere is by no means full of CO2. like 80% of the atmosphere is nitrogen. But its a delicate balance. Think about it, life on earth has adapted to this atmosphere, the world lives in harmony, its what we breathe. In the simplest sense, animals breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide, plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. The world works. What do you think will happen when you start messing with that? Its like the food chain. Everything eats something else. If you kill all the zebras, the lions will get hungry. Did that make sense... ?

Anyway, to the point. There is supposed to be CO2 in the air, getting rid of it wont help. It's part of what keeps us warm in the first place, we need it, without it (and other greenhouse gases) we would literally freeze. Think of CO2 like the central heating in your house. It keeps the place nice and warm for your comfort. Think of carbon emissions as someone walking into your house and turning your central heating up to a higher level, so that now your house is too hot. There is nothing wrong with there being carbon dioxide in the air, as I've said, we need it, but there is a problem when there is too much. The amount produced by all the factories and cars and whatever is unnatural. How can it fail to have some effect?

05:28:43 Mar 26th 07 - Mr. Draven:

quit driving and back to horse drawn carriages, wait, then they'll be a methane prob, we're doomed!

14:00:33 Mar 26th 07 - Sir Crom:


03:03:32 Mar 27th 07 - Mr. Warfreak:

we shuld bomb factories! :P

14:55:28 Mar 27th 07 - Mr. Viper:

Yggur, yes your right but too much CO2 is a bad thing.

02:58:13 Mar 28th 07 - Mr. EW Its Crusty:

Prove it!

There is no correlation between periods of high temperature in the past, and high C02 levels.

16:42:22 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

Some (of the above posters) might be wiser now - let's test it and get some steam on this subject again.

Look here and tell if you or your children (or your grandchildren) have a fair chance to get their feets wet: .

Pollute the air and bring your favourite beach nearer to you!

Fresh fish to all - from your own backyard.

Where is The Global Warming when it's needed!

17:42:33 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

I know right?   Lot's of places in Europe and Asia get new beach-side homes, but the only a couple of big improvements in the U.S  ..... Sacramento and Louisiana are screwed..... Texas would probably lose Corpus Christi and Galveston, but those are big tourist towns anyway.   :)

 Edit: I guess Florida is screwed also... no big loss there either, they get hit by a hurricane every year anyway

18:33:34 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Vorkosigan:

If you haven't I would suggest reading "Earth" by David Brin.  It is a good sci-fi story, but Dr. Brin is also an astrophysicist at NASA and his story does a wonderful job of painting what life will look like with a 2-3 ft (almost a meter for those of you not dumb enough to be stuck on the old system like those of us in the U.S.) rise in ocean levels.



21:08:42 Jan 28th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

I blame Global Warming on Disney Corporation!

22:52:14 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

Mickey mouse clubhouse is a cult 0_0

02:06:46 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:


Global Warming doesn't exist. Its a concept created by people bent on lining their pockets with gold, any way possible and through lies and trickery.

Any heating on the Earth is from a natural process. Then once a new ice age comes (however long that may be) whats that going to be, the fault of nuclear warfare? Pfft.

Btw, I'm considering becoming a Marxist. Yeah, get over it. I like to criticize everything and anything. Don't get me freaking started on radical feminists either.

02:26:08 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Ftutctktytotu:


02:36:33 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Ftutctktytotu:

Well, we still need to switch to renewable energy scources because sooner or later our non-renewable ones WILL run out, so it would just be better to switch now instead of later when the needed equipment would be greater because of greater population.

02:43:29 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Btw, I'm considering becoming a Marxist. Yeah, get over it. I like to criticize everything and anything. Don't get me freaking started on radical feminists either.

Get over it?  What is 'it'?  Is there something wrong with being a Marxist?  Who says one has to criticize everything and anything in order to be a Marxist?

02:51:17 Jan 29th 09 - Endless Delerium:

Mr. Ftutctktytotu


1/28/2009 5:36:33 PM
Well, we still need to switch to renewable energy scources because sooner or later our non-renewable ones WILL run out, so it would just be better to switch now instead of later when the needed equipment would be greater because of greater population.

Populate Canada, build an igloo or something ^_^

03:55:18 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Get over it?  What is 'it'?  Is there something wrong with being a Marxist?  Who says one has to criticize everything and anything in order to be a Marxist?

Oh the IRONY of debating whether we can debate... :P

20:33:35 Jan 31st 09 - Agent Smith:

I would just like everyone who has seen "An Inconvenient Truth"  to keep an open mind and download "The Great Global Warming Swindle."  What people need to understand is that there are alot of socialists in the world who hate "consumerism", capitalism, basically the whole western way of life.  I don't see what's so terrible about people liking nice things and trying to make a better life, but I digress.   When socialism was discredited with the fall of the USSR and other socialist governments in the early 90s these people were forced to find some other means of undermining western civilization.  The answer for them was the environmental movement.  Thus began the global warming myth.

20:56:13 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Moose Jaw:

agent smith..i am a firm believer in the Swindle myself. This past winter has been one of the COLDEST in the US in the last eight years. I have taken meterology in college and even my professor is on board with the Swindle theory.

Did anyone see the "new" version of truth? It has a disclaimer in front of it...anyone know why? The supreme court ruled that because Gore stands to gain around 150mil off of the products he's indorsing, there had to be a disclaimer. The head of meterology at MIT doesn't believe that there is global warming.

Three of the interviewers of Truth have since recanted their statements. All of the actions shots in the movie....yeah thank Toby Emmerich and The Day After Tomorrow..fishy?

21:19:27 Jan 31st 09 - Agent Smith:

Yeah I know what you mean Moose.  I live in Canada and it's been an exceptionally cold winter here too.  Ever notice that when it's cold like this the media doesn't mention climate change, but as soon as there is some hot weather in the summer or a hurricane it all gets blamed on climate change.

21:20:45 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

lol global warming isnt fake, the ice caps and glaciers are melting and receding more and more each year, the sea levels are rising, the weather is becoming more unpredictable, the earth IS heating up etc. etc. And YES, it is partly/mostly our fault, there's still that big gaping hole in the ozone layer btw from a few decades ago. It's just plain out RET*RDED to deny all that. And the main reason no country will do anything about it is because it would be too expensive. Plus all the countries want to leave it to last minute to see if someone else will fix it for them. There are machines that have been invented to cool the earth down, eg. cloud machines. If someone were to make a fleet of cloud ships and place them in the atlantic then we'd actually be able to CONTROL the temperature by deciding how many clouds to make.

Some goverments are so certain that global warming is going to ruin everything that they've created underground tunnels to retreat to, and america is trying to get a base up on mars just incase things on earth go wrong lol. Something tells me these people aren't very concerned what happens to the average every-day person... We're probly all doomed but eh, life goes on...Well until the time when we're doomed I mean....

21:27:38 Jan 31st 09 - Agent Smith:

It isn't so much that the earth hasn't gotten warmer over that last little while, this can be shown fairly easily just by simple temperature measurement.  It's the idea that it is being caused by human activity/carbon dioxide emissions that can't be proven at all.  That and the rate at which warming is occurring is completely exaggerated.  This is shown by how cold this winter has been.  If warming was really happening that quickly then every year would get progressively warmer.

21:33:54 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

not really, if you compare temperatures from this decade to the decade 1950-1960 then you'd see it used to be ALOT colder. For one thing, when my mum was little, she said she remembers it always having alot of snow in winter, up to her knees most days. But NOW, you're lucky to even SEE snow 5 times a year. And of that you're lucky to have one day that the snow actually settles slightly. Even when I was little there was more snow than now, I mean, admittedly it's up and down but in general the snow is getting less and less. We haven't had a proper blizzard for 2 years now. Besides, the areas you've got to concentrate on are the poles and glaciers. Scientists have actually put the time until one summer when the north poles ice will be completely gone within the next 50 years.

22:50:24 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Sir Hirgon Sadron


1/29/2009 2:43:29 AM
Btw, I'm considering becoming a Marxist. Yeah, get over it. I like to criticize everything and anything. Don't get me freaking started on radical feminists either.

Get over it?  What is 'it'?  Is there something wrong with being a Marxist?  Who says one has to criticize everything and anything in order to be a Marxist?

Sorry, I was drunk at the time of writing that so perhaps I didn't word it very well. You can get the jist of what I'm trying to say if you think about if for a minute though.

07:28:19 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Jet:

woot. my old thread ressurected.

13:39:36 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

omg, 1-2 days after I made that comment (yesterday) about not having proper snow for a couple of decades, I woke up to the most snow I've ever seen, and when I turned on the news apparently it's the most we've had in 18 years. Coincidence? Lol. But once again, this kind of snowfall was pretty common back when my mum was a kid, infact it was even more snow back then but it was still cool, I spent about 3-5 hours having snow ball fights with my mates and random people I didnt even know (=

18:53:01 Jan 3rd 14 - McMax (Mr. Lookaround):

Now "Hercules" more-or-less just leaving Northern America (or the next snowstorm following in a week or so according to the Danish Meteologic Institute) is/are of course not related to the Global Warming.

Nor is the last 4 real hard winters, that hit the northwestern part of Europe. Or the extreme high summer temperatures the same years.

Nor is the warmest year they ever have had in Australia (2013).


Well then. What is/are the reason/reasons then? Who has pissed in the shoe/shoes of our God/Gods??????



19:11:40 Jan 3rd 14 - Mr. Dimwit:

Simple:  Big, adjustable umbrella at the Sun-Earth L1 Lagrange point.  

19:27:54 Jan 3rd 14 - McMax (Mr. Lookaround):

And when a larger vulcano (not Yellowstone or another of the real big ones) blows up. Then what?

Who's gonna decide how that umbrella shoud be ajusted?????

19:29:15 Jan 3rd 14 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Werewolf):

It's a theory that that the hot summers are causing the winters to get colder and vice versa. In not sure all the details and reasonings but that's the jist.

19:57:35 Jan 3rd 14 - McMax (Mr. Lookaround):

I have read that too Xerxes.

But I feel more to the theory, that it's all about where the socalled Polarfront are placed.

The warmer global temperature the higher north its't placed (read pressed). Right now it seems like some parts of the arctic ocean heats up changing "normal" high- or lowpreassures in the areas and thereby the directions, from where the wind comes from.

I'm not sure the all the details either.

I can just say: Let the weather in MY area stay as it is right now (sunny, clouded, rain, calm, wind, storm...... but NOT very cold and/or with much snow - I have had enough of that the past years). I want the "Green Winters" back!!!!!

00:49:45 Jan 4th 14 - Mr. Dimwit:

>>Who's gonna decide how that umbrella shoud be ajusted?????<<  

Obviously, the United Nations -- after all they're a model of efficient and effective cooperation among all the nations of the planet.  

(If a thread about global warming can't ignite a flame war, maybe this can help.)    ;-)

16:31:14 Jan 13th 14 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax):


It looks like either all our fellowplayers here at VU agrees upon Global Warming.


They are all a bunch of lazy ignorants, who have mislaid their keyboards.



Right now King Winter has invaded Denmark with a larger number of frost- and snowmen. But his opponent CrownPrince Spring defends the area, trying to press the invasion back towards the dark cold mountains of Norway and the deep forrests of Sweden.

And right now, it doesn't look good for King Winter. Though he has had several weeks to build up his forces, this his first attack this season seems to be a complete failure.

Shall the brave CrownPrince Spring win and turn the winter green instead of white? Well for now it looks so.


And now for something completely different:



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