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Help me pick countries
01:32:52 Nov 1st 11 - Mr. Spork:

Did you enjoy Egypt? I've been asked to go and help start up a 'BBC-like' radio station next summer meant for the Egyptian people. It seems cool but I'm afraid that the military/politicians are not exactly in favor of any non-oppressed medium. So setting such a thing up with a team would come down to bribing every single government official. Did you have any particular experiences on this part?

08:47:41 Nov 1st 11 - Pirate Lewatha:

Egypt is no longer as corrupt as it once was. We heard stories from the local Egyptians that under the rule of Mubarak, you'd often meet corrupt policemen or government officials. Who'd for example randomly stop you while driving a car, and would take your drivers license/pasport unless you gave them some cash. With the revolution however, this has all disapeared. If there's even a slight sign of a policeman being corrupt, he'll get fired right away. They even lynch cops that are corrupt these days. They're kind of oversensitive about this. So I don't think you'll have to do a lot of bribing.

I'm not sure where exactly you'll be building this radio station. In northern Egypt you normally shouldn't have anything to fear. They're very liberal up there, and Muslim girls sometimes even walk around without (how do you translate it? the piece of cloth around their hair.). There are ofcourse fundamentalists but the majority of the Northern Egyptians are very liberal and broad-minded.

However, in the South. A lot of the old traditions remain... Alcohol is looked down upon. So are drugs, and women. Women's genitals are actually mutilated at birth by their parents. There's still a lot of taboo's. Especially in the smaller communities. Make sure that if you go to southern Egypt, you don't let a woman be the boss. Because it'll be guaranteed you don't achieve anything. Women are supposed to be tools by the thoughts of the standard Southern Egyptian. This is not the case in the very large cities like Luxor. But more so the case in the smaller communities. (where I stayed). It's truly shocking to see and hear about some things that are still traditions in these communities. Also, make sure if you're a woman in southern Egypt, that you always have a man with you. And if you want respect, try not to smoke. When a woman is smoking in public in Egypt. That's the sign that they are whores. We actually had people coming up to us to ask how much we cost for the night.. O.o

13:46:37 Nov 1st 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Puppy Ismy Beyotch):

How much DO you cost for the night?

14:26:57 Nov 1st 11 - Mr. Lokey:

That's a little harsh, lynching the corrupt. That's pretty much the other side of the story that we'll have to watch out for if we 'take it up' for them. Ohwell. I'm looking forward to it!

14:31:49 Nov 1st 11 - Zond (Mr. Hostility):

Sounds like an awesome place i need to be.

21:00:48 Nov 1st 11 - Mr. Bran:

the postcard you sent me appears to have gotten lost in the post, cos i didnt receive one :(

12:10:35 Jan 18th 12 - Pirate Lewatha:

Egypt was awesome indeed. I don't believe they deliver postcards to cars these days Bran :(

04:07:03 Jan 19th 12 - Orin (Mr. Vesta Orin):


10:16:50 Jan 19th 12 - Santa (Sir Santa):

I've been on a 16-day tour through Costa Rica just a few weeks ago. It's a beautiful country with pleasant people. But those poeple barely speak English. So they need yóur help! Go and teach! ^^

15:39:52 Jan 24th 12 - Mr. Mielo:

You can start with santa, poeple like that could use it too :).

15:43:44 Jan 24th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

If you're interested in this, I would recommend joining an organization first. That way, you're guaranteed a position overseas. The obvious choice is the Peace Corps, but there are other ways through first, like this link:

That's an actual job, but I heard the pay is so low it might as well be volunteering :D

Where are you in Belgium? I spent my last two years of high school going to the International School of Brussels

01:41:01 Feb 8th 12 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

no worries, i dont live in a car so that shouldnt be an issue!

01:23:07 Feb 19th 12 - Mr. Muammar Gaddafi:


18:32:56 Mar 30th 12 - Mr. Ody:

09:21:38 May 10th 12 - Pirate Lewatha:

Going to Cambodia this summer! I'll be teaching English to children who otherwise wouldn't have any education. Wish me luck! <3

09:23:18 May 10th 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Hungriest Horse):

Good luck Lew. PS, come on skype sometime? :)

09:33:20 May 10th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Be very very careful with two things while you are in Cambodia: i) your money, especially if you are carrying a lot of USD (make sure you keep it in a very secure place, do not carry too much with you when you go out, and make sure you don't get ripped off on the exchange rates.... I cannot emphasise the last part), and ii) the water you drink (Cambodia is a very cholera and typhoid heavy country, due to poor water sanitation). Even a bowel disorder is not comfortable if you drink the poorly sanitized water.

11:17:56 Jun 27th 13 - Ms. Imightbelewatha:

Heh, going to keep this thread up to date still!

Went to Cambodia for volunteers work last year IT WAS GREAT (but had to be hospitalized after), made many new friends, taught a class of kids between 9 and 15 a lot of English and a bit of Chinese.. Then made a railroadtrip through eastern europe (Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Bulgaria and Croatia). great experience!

This year:

Catching my plane to India in 2 days, staying there for a month, backpacking through the northern part, maybe doing a week of volunteers work allong the way. After that, I'll be back in Belgium for about a week or so, after which I'm going to Uzbekistan with 2 friends of mine to see that country aswell... Maybe a small part of Tajikistan and/or Afghanistan if we can make it across the border. Then a month of school and then going to Israel for two weeks with another friend to see the country, hopefully including the gaza strip but the regulations concerning all that are quite confusing and incredibly demanding. After that, starting an internship with a Flemish investment company in China (Beijing and Shanghai). Hoping to improve my Chinese and just getting a lot of experience.

Not sure if anyone actually cares. Not even sure if anyone I used to know still plays this game. Not even sure if ANYONE actually plays this game. But still.... It's nice talking about my life :) 

13:17:50 Jun 27th 13 - Bran (Duke Bran):

aaand now i feel sad about my life

17:04:08 Jun 27th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

you should do bran

07:46:51 Jun 28th 13 - Electric (Electric Galactic Avenger):

Thats great to hear, But what about a love life?

22:21:43 Jun 28th 13 - Ms. Imightbelewatha:

Braaan, all this wouldn't have been possible without my sixteenth birthday present! (I'm going to keep reminding you of that until you quit this game..)

And uh, yeah.. love life.. Used to have a stable relationship two-ish years ago.. Broke up though and now I'm just enjoying my freedom. There's plenty of time for a stable love life when I decide to settle (not anytime soon but maybe by my thirties, who knows..). Having freedom and sleeping around whenever you feel like it is quite nice, even though it tends to be lonely from time to time.. That's why I have friends to talk with.  :)

22:46:19 Jun 28th 13 - SFD (Lord Spying For Death):

lol i dont buy any of that bahahaha!!!
It sounds like a scene from a fcking porno, making small talk with the plumber before....... well you know rofl..

23:35:38 Jun 28th 13 - Bran (Mr. Brannigan The Pedant):

heh i suppose i should give up any hope of pretending that didnt happen

06:57:26 Jun 30th 13 - Zephyr (Marquess Esmeralda):

The plumber is getting a bit over-used, what about the tech guy or the pizza guy?

20:40:35 Jun 30th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers From Zerus):

pick texas :-)

22:02:45 Jun 30th 13 - Konspyre (Captain Binh There Done That):

Pick Friesland. It ends with -land, so it's a country.

22:39:01 Jun 30th 13 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

Shyers, you're in Texas? I have family there - Columbus. Hour west of Houston.

20:44:26 Oct 18th 13 - Pirate Lewatha:

Well branbran, time to make you feel sad again.

In about one week time I'm going on my trip to Israel, my friend had to cancel due to broken legs (fuck) so I'm going to go there alone. It'll be my first time doing a trip alone and I'm kind of scared of it but at the same time excited since it's complete independence. 
I failed to get my job in china with the investment company, but I'll be working for the very same company in Bangkok for half a year. After that I'll just buy myself a plane ticket to Beijing from there so I can tour China like I wanted to.

Is anyone still playing this game? Because as exciting as Bangkok might be, I figure I might get lonely there not knowing anyone and not really having much time getting to meet people outside of work. So I might take up the game again.. Any kingdoms that can use another member?

22:00:07 Oct 18th 13 - Mr. Ignis The Tyran:

Welcome back 

Join the grim reaper :p

Aldo china has somr deliciouse chicken food that u wont see anywhere else :p

Ps: be careful as some of the food isnt suited for europens or americans.

Never been to Israel u plz tell how its afterwards

00:50:58 Oct 19th 13 - MUSE (Lord Middle Earth):

Get me a honest opinion about the Israel-Palistina thing while you are there :-)
. I have my own opinion about it but I have never been there so it might be usefull to see it from another point of view!

01:20:13 Oct 19th 13 - Bran (Mr. Brannigans Law):

personally i  prefer to stay away from conflict zones but im crazy like that lol

and get on skype

16:52:56 Oct 19th 13 - Pirate Lewatha:

I forgot my skype username and password >.< 

Send me a PM about joining that kingdom please :)

22:51:25 Oct 19th 13 - Struddles (Mr. Mcgriddle):

Welcome back lew.

10:41:42 Oct 20th 13 - Bran (Duke Bran):

ok well its coxy901 if you remember your logins

14:49:15 Oct 20th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Mr. Brannigans Law


00:20:13 Oct 19th 13
personally i  prefer to stay away from conflict zones but im crazy like that lol

and get on skype

like you've ever been abroad, at all.

20:00:57 Oct 20th 13 - Zond (General Zondervan):

i have, but they didnt seem to like me in the UK..

06:09:16 Oct 22nd 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Welcome back Lew ;)

08:37:47 Oct 23rd 13 - Penguin (Clown Thebornloser):

Lew <3333

13:57:41 May 30th 14 - Pirate Lewlew:

Okay so that didn't really go according to plan. After coming back from Israel I kissed the person I've been in love with for about three years. We became a couple, had a great three months and then I had to leave for Bangkok to do my internship. After lots of crying I took my leave vowing that our relationship would survive this long distance over the next 3/4 months.

Sadly, after about 2-3 weeks my love started forgetting about me. I started getting less and less texts, she showed me less affections, etc. She broke up with me 2 days before I would've seen her when I came back to Belgium.

Totally heartbroken I arrived in Belgium and now I've figured I may aswell do what I've always wanted to do. In the next few weeks I'm going to see if I can go and work as a volunteer for the UN/red cross/medecins sans frontières/ ... to see if I can go to conflict areas and help people. My biggest interests currently being:

(South) Sudan
Pretty much everything in the central african area

Wish me luck! My backup option would be a masters degree in ngo management.

(Isn't it funny how this thread has turned into my diary for other people to read?)

By the way, I'll be at home for the next 4 months without anything to do (I have no cash left) so if anyone is looking for a kingdom member. Preferably on one of the lower worlds.

14:01:52 May 30th 14 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

Where you at in Belgium? I spent two years in Brussels from 2004-2006

14:02:19 May 30th 14 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

And damn, sorry about that.... :(

14:20:14 May 30th 14 - Woodeh (Mr. Woodey):

Sorry to hear that lewlew at least your back where you belong (with us!)

14:21:08 May 30th 14 - Mr. Binh The Romanian:

"to see if I can go to conflict areas and help people. My biggest interests currently being: 

(South) Sudan
Pretty much everything in the central african area"

Umm yeah... you gonna get raped. Sorry for the bad news.

14:37:06 May 30th 14 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):


15:02:00 May 30th 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

(South) Sudan
Pretty much everything in the central african area

Why the hell do you want to go to such dangerous places?

I have friends working as engineers in places / countries like these. They go out ONLY in the daytime, in a guarded convoy, their bodyguards are heavily armed former military professionals, their SUVs pack 0.5 caliber machine-guns (both for the firepower and the deterrence effect), and they travel to only a handful of places. They live behind heavily fortified compounds, and under no circumstances whatsoever do they go out at night. EVER.

And they have no insurance coverage when they travel to such areas (no insurance company is going to cover for anyone foolish enough to travel to such a dangerous zone.... that's why they are paid mega-bucks to put their lives on the line when they go to work at such places...).

Not to mention that you are exposed to deadly diseases like malaria, yellow fever, cholera, etc. And the nearest hospital (let alone competent medical help) could very well be hours away (though this is not really a factor if you are part of Red Cross or Medicines Sans Frontiers).

This is akin to what my parents tell me during my younger days (when I was as stupid as Wilber): "the young buffalo that does not know about the tiger has no fear of it." I hope you seriously reconsider your options.

15:03:27 May 30th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

15:04:14 May 30th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

welcome back lew, still waiting  for your  shaolins app!

17:26:48 May 30th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Lew is back :O yay!!

06:44:56 May 31st 14 - Mr. Palpy Orcface:

incidentally i taught English in Uzbekistan for a year, about 6 years in Russia and then a year in Turkey...and got back a year ago. So i know what it's like, i would love to go back and also to explore more and probably will. hence why i am studying nursing. might catch up with you in a conflict zone...

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