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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Iran

21:12:16 Apr 2nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

@ osi

Ow im sry

President of iran.
the people who crossed it also say it.
North korea?

tony blair

(Edited by Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed 4/2/2007 9:12:33 PM)

21:49:35 Apr 2nd 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

@ Dreadlord, i hate the CIA, i agree, i'm sure they have murdered more than Saddam did, never mind the conspiracies....but thats another thread all together.


21:51:29 Apr 2nd 07 - Lord Osiris:

Do Dont are you going to explain that list at all? Ps

International Boundaries Research Unit The UK the Indian Merchant ship and the Iraqis say the ship was in iraq :P the Iranians first said it was in iraq then changed it to a different location :D hmmm who looks more credible ;)

21:54:06 Apr 2nd 07 - Lord Oya:

world war 3 begins!!!
buy your t-shirts here!!

21:56:17 Apr 2nd 07 - Lord Osiris:

i want one! with a british flag plz! :D

23:10:05 Apr 2nd 07 - Lady Spooky:

Come on Dreadlord of course the sailors have said what the Iranians have told them to say.  So would you if you were facing trial in an iranian court FFS.  That is hardly evidence if obtained under duress is it?


23:26:41 Apr 2nd 07 - General Mika:

Well this is why the Iranians have done it, because people like Dreadlord will take it in and believe it. Daft. They have done nothing wrong here. Just political pawns

02:36:11 Apr 3rd 07 - Lord Oya:

Iran obviously just wants to make britian look like its doing wrong, that way they can make their case more solid about america etc....if they can get backing of some nuclear power ie: Russia or china, then they will have to be listened to, having power in the UN will give relief from the so called sanctions on enriched uranium, which they say is for power plants, even if that is all its for they will need backing from a powerful nation, these days only those countries who have nukes have power. its a god complex :P

10:41:39 Apr 3rd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

dude all im trying to piont out is your own certaincy.

you are alot more stubernt about what you  say is true then me. and u dont know anything.


ps UK said it was international watest at first later they say iraq coast lol

21:17:04 Apr 3rd 07 - Lady Spooky:

I think you'll find Dreadlord that the British Government has maintained from the beginning that the ship was in Iraqi waters where, like it or not, agree with it or not, there is a UN mandate for the multinational force to operate.

01:29:41 Apr 4th 07 - Mr. Smuff The Death Dealer:

'i hate the CIA, i agree, i'm sure they have murdered more than Saddam did, never mind the conspiracies'

you've got to be having a *beep*ing laugh! saddam gased thousands upon thousands of people, fact; he kidnapped thousands more that didnt retuern to their homes and families. to say that the CIA killed more than saddam is a rather rediculas stament to make, and a very immature one at that.

now im not a fan of the CIA or anyother special service, i dont think that anyone should have the option to kill another, but if it means the safety of others in some situaions its for the best.

and for all those people saying that its ok for these Brits to be forcfully held against their will, its a breach of the geneva convention that they are paraded around on Iran TV. moreover :

The present Convention shall be applied with the cooperation and under the scrutiny of the Protecting Powers whose duty it is to safeguard the interests of the Parties to the conflict. For this purpose, the Protecting Powers may appoint, apart from their diplomatic or consular staff, delegates from amongst their own nationals or the nationals of other neutral Powers. The said delegates shall be subject to the approval of the Power with which they are to carry out their duties.

it took four DAYS for Iran to let british delegates vist the Brits being help: breach of the convention!

Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.

they were shown on Iran TV: breach of the convention.


Edit: the list could go on!!

(Edited by Mr. Smuff The Death Dealer 4/4/2007 1:30:05 AM)

08:41:07 Apr 4th 07 - Mr. The Viking:

I ran
you ran
He/she/it  ran
we ran
you ran
They ran

W00t W00t W00t who's the real nerd now eh? no one beats me in this kinda stuff or money back!
           P.S when im gona get off from the planet or at least my spirit, you can report to ppl as Muscalu the great guy that lived in the 21st century and that turned from an athlete to a study beast at school =)

18:14:10 Apr 4th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Are you saying the CIA haven't killed over a thousand people?

Yes Saddam did probably kill more, but the CIA have still killed too many innocent people.

19:44:09 Apr 4th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

20:53:00 Apr 4th 07 - Mr. Simba:

Firstly I must say that you never cite whole f---ng internet sites in ur post, its annoying and no one even bothers enough to look thru it.

CIA got rid of the democraticly elected goverment in Iran and gave fundamentalists the oputunity to take over, CIA put Saddam in power and made him start the war with Iran. Since you say Saddam killed 3 million people Dreadlord, I  can only assume you counted the US-supported Iran-Iraq war wich led to about ~1 million dead. And do you count the US led sanctions on Iraq wich resulted in 500.000 dead children as Mind said? And the maybe 800.000 dead in this Iraq war?

USA put saddam in power, but you insist on blaming the Iraqis or Iranians, it isnt the goverments who suffer, it is the people. 3 million innocent people, and america/britain is behind all of thoose in some way.

Almost any nation on earth can get WMDs, so if plans on getting WMDs are enough to get a war going, anyone who judges the intension can start a war with anyone they would like.

CIA not killing as many as Saddam? LMAO, 2.5 million dead in USA terrorism in Nicaragua alone. Colombia is the nation in the western hemisphere who by far commit most human rights violations, and is also "by chance" the nation who recives by far most support from America in the western hemisphere.

England does whatever america tells them to do, not what is right. Does it matter weather your soldiers where on Iranian or Iraqi water? You have nothign to do in either of the places. On the subject, your goverment has no credebility whatsoever.

00:05:14 Apr 5th 07 - Mr. Smuff The Death Dealer:

'CIA not killing as many as Saddam? LMAO, 2.5 million dead in USA terrorism in Nicaragua alone.'

i never said anything about the CIA not killing people, and i am talking about saddams DIRECT envolvment in the deaths, the CIA's actions MAY have lead to the situation in Nicaragua as a knock on effect, do you have proof of the CIAs direct involvment. i also  must state that i dont like special services so dont get all high and mightly on that point.


'Firstly I must say that you never cite whole f---ng internet sites in ur post, its annoying and no one even bothers enough to look thru it.'

i took me a lot of time to post RELEVANT points to the situation in Iran, if you care to look im sure you shall see them. i did not just copy and past a whole load of crap.


there are other points in your post above that need adressing as they are miss guided and from a quite ignorant point of view, but i supose all budding politicians need to go to bed at some point ;P



13:43:25 Apr 5th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

'since you say Saddam killed 3 million people Dreadlord'

lol simba i never said that
 i do agree with what you say but that was too much for some people to hear :D.
they will just block it out :D

22:24:23 Apr 6th 07 - Mr. Simba:

The CIA wasnt behind all of thoose dead people, there was several US marine landings etc, read about it, its interesting. Personally I dont have proof the CIA was involved, to quote wikipedia tho:

  • 1981-90: CIA directs exile (Contra) revolution, plants harbor mines against government

22:39:35 Apr 6th 07 - Mr. Simba:

And dread, im sorry it was soccerplayer who typed that. And lets be honest, britain and america would never go to war for things such as freedom or to stop genocide. If you think so you better give me some good examples.

12:52:40 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:


ow uhm sry jews got killed the moment they landed.

they where put in camps the moment US declared war.

They where killed in Russia when US made russia declare war lolz. link?

Hitler tought US was cotrolled by jews. Ik hope it wasnt.

12:54:02 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

or they have alot on their countionce

13:09:00 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Simba:

What ar eu on about dread?

14:36:06 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

ow conspiracy theories.

cant i have em :D

15:47:34 Apr 7th 07 - Lord Oya:

no cos ghouma asked for evidence not a conspiracy :P

20:27:57 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

hmm sow he asks for facts?
why does he need him does he doubt his facts?
do you live in the west :P

20:32:15 Apr 7th 07 - Lord Osiris:

99% of vu live in the "west"

22:19:48 Apr 7th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

u forget PHi empire on its own is more 5 %

23:33:22 Apr 7th 07 - Lord Osiris:

PHI isnt all from asia i would think

13:13:46 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Smuff The Death Dealer:

people have got to understand that thinking about the world as divided between teh west and east is what creates the problem. everyone is a living breathing human, regardless of which side of the world they are on.

13:18:38 Apr 8th 07 - Ms. Mind:

But there is a imbalance between west and the rest of the world. North America and Europe are really making cash on the poverty of the rest.

13:47:26 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Simba:

Im sorry, you say the west is making money of the rest of the world, but im not seeing the benefits of that. The welfare workers in the west has today comes from fighting for socialism in the two previous centuries. The ones whos making money out of it is the capitalists. Blaming the workingclass for the suffering in other parts of the world is not right, we are the ones who with taxes has to pay aid to poor nations as a slight compensation for what they lose to comapnies in unjust tradeagreements (poor nations lose 14 times more on unjust tradeagreements then they recive in aid).

13:52:14 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

but wear are not doing anything about it. working class does support it whter they know it or not.

13:53:42 Apr 8th 07 - Lord Osiris:

People are selfish. countries wont sacrifice thier wellbeing to help poor counties its never gonna happen

13:58:17 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Cobra:

No! Don't let Ghouma start his anti-establishment propaganda, we have enough of it on IRC! :)

13:59:22 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

What poor countries. South America is shaping up under socialist/capitalist governments, Asia is booming. Africa is a hopeless case, because theyre just not fit to create working societies down there. Sad, but true.

14:00:44 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

shure blame it on them.

14:35:23 Apr 8th 07 - Ms. Mind:

When I say countries I mean those who claim to be the representatives of the countries. Ofc it is the capitalists that gain from this worldorder, but they are represented by governments (countries).

15:29:17 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

agree :D

23:55:19 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale Shlong:

its very very easy to blame the west for all the troubles in the east, but blaming the west isnt going to make the problem go away, so stop it.

after the last G8 summit in Britain millions of pounds and dollars of debt to the poorest counties in africa was written off, millions and millions of pounds of charity money is spent on trying to help the poor throughout the whole world.

the people of the develpoing countries need to take control over their own finaces. the other day for example my uncle came back from a trip to Nigeria and to get from the airport to your hotel you need $2000 worth of bribes. they need a stable and uncorrupt political infurstructure to combat this. the middle east and africa just arnt doing it.

East Asian countries like Japan Philipines New Zeland and Russia have a stable infurstructure which allows justice, law and democracy to thrive.

00:07:07 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Simba:

Smuff, as I said before, the third world loses 14 times more in unjust trade agreements then they get in aid.

01:35:46 Apr 9th 07 - Lord Osiris:

Aid to africa is pointless thier dictators use it to buy guns and shoot eachother. now if we really wanted to help them we would topple thier govts and creat colonies ;)

01:48:34 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Dimmurgh:

lol... who would want colonies in africa?

my opinion is just leave africa alone.  they'll sort themselves out.  every single region has gone through exactly what africa is going through right now, just most did it earlier.  This turbulence is just a phase that everywhere has to go through before they can prosper.  and nobody ever complains about the genocide that the romans, turks, chinese, and virtually every other civilization that has ever existed  has commited in the past, so why start now?  Every country has its own problems, and they should be more concerned about those problems than those of other countries.  thats why we get into useless wars.

11:23:34 Apr 9th 07 - Sir Crom:

Mr. Roxbury


4/8/2007 12:59:22 PM
What poor countries. South America is shaping up under socialist/capitalist governments, Asia is booming. Africa is a hopeless case, because theyre just not fit to create working societies down there. Sad, but true.


Mr Rox i allways thought i am the only facistic antisocial out here but i was wrong,Africa had some hard working societies for example the Somalians, well some others didn t need to create such thing because nature gave em plenty,i would think most civilized cultures have established hard daywork only because of need or violent force of the greedy,the common hottentot of today only would work (be exploited)by  some Imperialistic foreign company so he is a good patriot and free man if he keeps sittin on the dock of the bay =)

I say those africans will get civilised if they get weapons for resources,Remember the Hooto/Tutsi civilwar,no style to massmurder with a machete,can t someone bring this poor dehumanized ppl Zyklon B? our splendit industries would give tons for bananas and hand-digged copper,what gets us back to the china problem.....but well may be they are not barbaric but just purposefull, imagine the all american nice boy pilots had to kill via machete not pressing on a button never facing the enemy child,would we have the appocalypse now if?

02:37:32 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Dimmurgh:

I agree.  africa can sort it self out, as long as people stop meddling in their affairs.  they have all the natural resources they need to build strong economies and nations, but outsiders (europeans, americans, middle easterners) are too busy supporting one side or another in their conflicts to give them a chance.

And Sir Crom, about the last thing you said, wars are started by the rich, whether they are American politicians or middle eastern oil tycoons supporting terrorists.  this is why in the US some politicians are trying to bring back the draft, because politicians are less likely to go to war if there's a chance their own children may die.

09:56:44 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:



when people started attacks on the G8 aid to 3rd world countries tripled.

i gues they are going to weapons or something to prevent such attacks but still do you suggest they all start doing that instead of complaining?

06:30:56 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Chamillionaire:

  Well, I just have to say too all those people who say that "it was a good war at the time" is there were rumours that Saddam had WMD's no actually evidence. Now, rumours can start anywhere. So what the US did was get those rumours and spin it in the media to look like Saddam defiantly has WMD's. Doing that, I see how the American people, could support this un-just war on Iraq. Cause after all, who would be expecting a lie to this magnitude from someone you elected to run your country. So the U.S went and bombed Iraq. They removed Saddam but found no WMD's. Well they then said that removing Saddam was a good enough reason for the war. But to date, more people have been killed during the war then Saddam killed. So know, the country is in WAY more chaos then when Saddam was in power. The 2 main groups in Iraq are now having a brutal civil war. Some of the same tactics that Saddam used to extract information" is being used by the 2 sides of the civil war. And America with all it's military strength cant stop this. Saddam was a pretty bad guy speaking in terms of his actions, BUT things were better under him then they are now. He killed that many people not because he was a racist or anything like that. It was because he was afraid that there would be a "Shia" (the main group Saddam targeted and the majority of his country) revolution like the one there was in Iran (Iraq’s neighbour) against the Shah (the ruling dictatorship in Iran before the revolution by the Shias) 6 months before Saddam started his killing spree. And with him being a "Sunni" (The 2ed largest group in his country) he wanted the Sunni’s but more only himself, to stay in power. But after the American bombardment destroyed all law and his army that kept things in place, the Shias wanted to take power but the Sunnis said that the power the Shia wanted was overly exaggerated even to per capita standards and so the 2 biggest groups in Iraq (which don’t have that much over each other) are in a bloody civil war which seems to have no end.

  Some people may be thinking, well the rumours were good enough for me because what if he actually did have them. And to you people I say, how do you feel if America wasn’t a super power (and it won’t be for long, its Chinas turn) and got bombed on allegations that you were a threat to some super power people? Wouldn’t you be angry and the millions of lives that that other country destroyed on allegations which turned out to be false? And then some people might be saying, better safe then sorry and I say to you that “Do you think that your life is worth more then anyone else’s?” News flash, people on the other side of the world are actually human to. They have the same feelings as Americans or any other race. So if you would be angry if this happened to your country, then they also would/are be angry to. And anger, leads to violence. And the easiest target and who they see as the blame for all this is America and so they attack your soldiers. So your soldiers attack back (which they have every right to) killing even more of there brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, moms dads ect then the brother, sister, aunt, uncle of that dead family member attacks more American soldiers, killing them. Then the America soldiers take revenge then the people take revenge and so on…creating a never ending cycle of violence.

   Something interesting to note; Before the Saddam became paranoid, when he loved shia and Sunni equally (or close to equally) he was a great leader. And during that time Iraq had the fourth largest army  in the world at the time(900,000 men). (This was Between 1980 and the summer of 1990)

  To sum this all up, Bush is a *beep*head and the war with Iraq is un-justified especially by the so called WMD theory that America invaded on.


15:00:19 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

dont forget the al qaida link cells in irak :D

05:17:17 Apr 25th 07 - Mr. Chamillionaire:

  Actually to the contrary, Osama and Saddam disliked each other. Osama (and Saddam) have publicized there feelings toward each other of dislike. This is well known information, and Bush knew this prior to the invasion of Iraq. So by removing Saddam, Bush gave the chance for Al-Qaeda to seep in now that there is no Saddam to stop them. Without Iraq, Al-Qaeda wouldn’t have such an easy place to attack American soldiers and not a lot of political leverage against the U.S. Also, Al-Qaeda controls whole areas of Iraq where American soldiers dare not go without heavy, heavy support. In those areas, Al-Qaeda literally has training grounds and collects taxes from the local population. As an American general put it "In those areas, America may own the streets but Al-Qaeda owns everything else"

So one might say that, this Administration, has played right in the hands of Al-Qaeda.



13:07:48 Apr 25th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

yes fundementalist did gain the power in iraq now.
just dotn think its all about al qaida
if it is then i would have to say they where pretty good at it.(bush helping his buddy osama).

18:22:43 Apr 25th 07 - Mr. Simba:

Chamillionaire ur name is fekkin gold.

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