Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Jesus as a Roman
Jesus as a Roman | ||||
didnt they found out tht jesus was born around 40-30 bc..? may be wrong lol.. | ||||
there may have been a man named jesus back in the day (yes i know its a translated name but w/e) but until you can prove that man was the son of God i will remain in the conclusion he is a fictional character or a crazy many people today would be taken seriously if they proclaimed to be our saviour? i think it just shows how suggestable and ignorant people were back then, because there is no proof at all of jesus existing, the whole "i can ressurect myself making my body vanish and only to return to a few followers" who them selves maybe insane leaves the arguement of whether jesus was roman or not rather pointless (Edited by Lord Anubis 3/23/2007 5:50:18 PM) | ||||
Don't get me started on religious debate :) | ||||
depends rember brain is the real christ lol. | ||||
Ethiopian Christianity, which pre-dates European Christianity, always depicts Christ as an African and it generally agreed that people of the region where Jesus came from looked nothing like the general western stereotype. Of course Jesus was black, he called everybody 'brother', liked Gospel, and couldn't get a fair trial
Yours sick, you must be black or somthing... and how in the world did you get all of this information off of. were you there at the time jesus was living? i think not. i can't argue with you about jesus being a bit tannend. but look at it this way, he was born in Bethleham, and how many Native jewish people do you see that are black? and just living in africa doesn't mean your going to be black. | ||||
what in the world made you think that jesus did not exist and that there is no evidence. the Bible is the most reasuring peace of evidence that there was such a thing as jesus. and there are absulutly NO countridects in the bible. hundreds of books from old all point to the same conclusin, Jesus is real. and the devinchy code? BLAGH! all that is lies. they have absulutly no evedence what so ever. they could have easly added scirpture to those documents that they found. what if they were all wrighten by one person? there is only one of those documents concerning the same therie, and that proves that the bible and everything in it over powers the divinchy code or atheiast. | ||||
All i want to know its, | ||||
sigh swifty you make me chuckle :D lol @Paracelzus II the bible is not evidence, and i dunno why you started talking about the di vinci code, i dont believe in that stuff either....everybody needs their faith in something i guess im glad you found yours but please don't try to pu*beep* on others and be so arrogant, theres nothing wrong with me being an atheist im not harming you am i? ps im anubis from last era :P | ||||
"there may have been a man named jesus back in the day (yes i know its a
translated name but w/e) but until you can prove that man was the son
of God i will remain in the conclusion he is a fictional character or a
crazy person...." | ||||
the same evidence as when we look at egyptian pyramids, aztec temples and so on......there are too many people placing all this faith on a book that has be translated so many times, that its probably not the same book it was when it was written....the patrent (sp?) saint of england is george....he killed a dragon, now where are the remains of this dragon, is the dragon a metaphor for something else? theres no proof so why should i believe that's just word of mouth.....and like in chinese whispers details change. So jesus's story could be the same, maybe jesus was a metaphor....and people are missing it over bad translations. Not to mention the saviour of the whole world only seemed to care about the middle east....maybe if the man did live, only thought the middle east was the entire world? so making him the son of god seems unlikely no? | ||||
@Paracelzus II the bible is not evidence, and i dunno why you started
talking about the di vinci code, i dont believe in that stuff
either....everybody needs their faith in something i guess im glad you
found yours but please don't try to pu*beep* on others and be so
arrogant, theres nothing wrong with me being an atheist im not harming
you am i? ps im anubis from last era :P | ||||
Thank you Seraph. Lord Oya. Say you write a book, any book. Have it translated by a good publisher into german french and arabic. Now have an arab, a frechman and a german read the three versions. They all speak english. Have them read those books outloud in english, and guess what, they'll all have the same meaning! Amazing! What you don't seem to realise here is the fact that they didn't translate it from greek, to latin, to old french, to old english, to middle english then finnaly to modern english. They translated it from the greek to the latin, then someone else translated it from the greek to the old french, then one from the greek to the old english, another from the greek to the middle english, and another from the greek to modern english. Repeat process with the hebrew portions. And, by the way, it was (approx) 5000 people he appeared to after he died. Not a few insane followers. And he did care about the world, he told his disciples to go preach to all the world (paraphrasin here, I'll check the biblical source if you want me too...) The problem with them was that they wouldn't live long enough to take it very far. If they tried going to the far east (which they might not have thought existed) it would have takin years, across dangerous territory, and they wouldn't know where they were going. So what did they do? They spread the gospel in the most densely populated part of the known world before going far afield. | ||||
Say you write a book, any book. Have it translated by a good publisher into german french and arabic. Now have an arab, a frechman and a german read the three versions. They all speak english. Have them read those books outloud in english, and guess what, they'll all have the same meaning! Amazing! actually no they don't....words are changed alot in translation, some languages don't even have words for things that another language might have, and therefore it would be changed. your basing your knowledge of translating books in the modern age, the bible has been translated over 2000 years in many countries, and with many conflicting ideas on what is the meaning of the books (see the many denominations in christianity for example). and where is your proove he was seen by 5000 people? is their that many eye witness's can they all really be verified as people actually seeing they can't which again leads us to the point of faith, im glad people have found faith in w/e religion/philosphy what my point was for me to have faith i must first be shown evidence that is more substantial than just one book and word of mouth. Finally about traveling the world, he was the son of god...he could have made it around the world easily and then be sacrificied for our sins. I still find it strange that all over the world, where for many centuries hell millenia people made their own believe systems, had their gods and attributed them to things they saw around them, until ofc they saw the weathly europeans and their chritianity......just a thought. | ||||
Alright then Oya, what proof woul dyou need to believe in something? What do you believe in? Nothing? Evolution? | ||||
Oh, by the way Oya, they will not be the same word for word, but they will have the same meaning, the main character will only be wounded in the gunfight, shot in the arm, the german version won't say he got his block blown off now will it??? And why do you believe that people a long time ago didn't know how to translate something? A monk translated a book in ireland, (in the 500's) even though he disapproved/disagreed with most of what it said (which he said in his post script at the end of the last page) yet he didn't change something cuz he didn't like it... | ||||
your speaking of one mans principles, doesn't mean the bible hasn't been altered.....history has been changed numerous times to make certain parties look better. what do i believe in? i believe that this is all just a big coincidence,there isn't a god and once we die that is the end of it all, we are lucky to exist and therefore we should appreciate it, instead of trying to debunk others. and no, it is only your opinion that says the bible does not conflict with itself.....yes i believe in evolution, but im not a darwiniunist as some of the things he wrote i believe to be slightly in correct....i personally do not rely on one set of beliefs or principles to live my life, there are over 6 billion people in this world, 6 billion opinions and 6 billion stories....why should man decide what is right and what is wrong? to me its very arrogant to believe that we are the chosen ones just because we have a greater inteligence. we are very creative and we look for meaning in our view is the very fact we exist is meaning, we shouldn't pretty it up with an all knowing and loving god (which in the bible he isn't always very loving he's rather jealous and childish at times) you have your view and i have mine.....i merely believe what i want to, but i don't try to push my belief onto any one else, we all must decide for our selves what we think is right.....pushing a belief on people isn't fair | ||||
Jealous and childish? Where the heck do you get that from? So, life happened by chance did it? Let's give you a metaphor here... Imagine you have a 10000 piece jigsaw puzzle. You shake that puzzle. You continue to shake that puzzle. You shake it for a billion years and finnaly it stops breaking apart and comes together! Wow! The pieces themselves don't even break! Cool! You have just made a strand of DNA~! By chance! Now that that's done, you see five billion more people, just like you, doing the same (in various stages) Eventually they are all done. So you take the jigsaw puzzles out of a box, and lo and behold, There, in your hand is a larger box, containing all the other puzzles, and they look rather like pieces of a puzzle to you, oh, you get it! You start shakin' box again. After 10 bil or so years the puzzles have stopped breaking apart, and have all miraculously come together! Oh wait, no god, no miracles. Hrm. You shake for another 100 or so bil years, and somehow it all comes together. You have a single celled organism. Repeat last process. just larger. Keep repeating. If that ever finnaly finishes, that's what it'd take to make one living creature. Only, where did the first puzzle peices come from, anyhow? And where did you and your puzzle shaking come from? The other part is the reason to believe. #1. heaven or hell, your choice.... #2. You like livin a lie? I personnaly have a drive to learn the truth, but that's just me. See ya round, hope you learn the truth. | ||||
your metaphor is a rather naive and uneducated way to try and debunk evolution, many various factors take place for live starting on this planet.....but because we exist we must be special right? the perfect distance from the sun, that lucky chance we have oxygen in our atmosphere oh hell we even got water, stone me! what are the odds? the point is we are lucky and we exist because these parameters have occured by chance, there are hundreds of trillions of stars and planets in our universe eventually just one might be right for life. evolution takes time and alot of luck....but once it got going it wasn't just pure chance, life adapted to its the eye for example, cells become sensitive to light for some reason maybe they are damaged or mutated (the chance part) now these cells have become of millions of years photogenic, ie affected by light, eventually these cells become more adapted to understanding the light its being affected by, then another mutation happens, simply by chance, maybe one of the offsprings DNA was structured happens (its why i dont look like you :P) then the cells form a cove in the epidurmas...lots of photogenic cells affected by light....another mutation maybe the DNA produced to many of these cells and caused an overlap of cells, maybe these cells arent photogenic and there for the ones that are become even more specialised. another mutation for any given reason (chance that i role a 6 on a die is 1/6....but sometimes the 6 comes up) the cells overlap entirely creating a lens, the cells are very thin and light passes through easily onto the photogenic cells....after all this time of having these specialised cells mutations in the brain may have occured to cope/understand them better.....a link between brain and soon to be eye! then after while the rest mutates bla bla bla....and before you know it an eye has been created....not designed. playing this game you should know that there is still a chance something can can fail an attack at 99% or even win at 1%.....a chance is a chance | ||||
"it happens (its why i dont look like you :P)" That's funny. I didn't think you had three foot long ears so you could hear better..... Small dehabilitations or difference between species does occur, gain of information does not. There has not been a single animal that has actually gained information and mutated, all improvements recorded have been from lost information. One animal had two tails, it was studied and studied until something was noticed, the animal had lost the information to only grow one ear while being concieved. Nothing was gained. Therefore, this does not happen, unless you meant to say that a single celled organism with simple DNA lost information to not grow bigger, and it was a loss of information that allowed skin etc. And then there is the matter of how the single celled organism came into being. How did that happen, may I ask? "the perfect distance from the sun, that lucky chance we have oxygen in our atmosphere oh hell we even got water, stone me! what are the odds? the point is we are lucky and we exist because these parameters have occured by chance, there are hundreds of trillions of stars and planets in our universe eventually just one might be right for life. evolution takes time and alot of luck...." Yet you call my metaphor childish???? Doesn't the fact that we aren't all burnt to a crisp speak to you of a creator? That we are in the perfect spot??? | ||||
no....of course it doesn't, why must things be created in order for you to feel it a scary thought to you that things just happened without a conscienceness who loves us? and your theory on DNA losing information is incorrect....information isn't lost or is rearranged. And would only be lost or gained if say a mutation occured because of radiation exposure. | ||||
oya you said the Bible has no proof???? that is VERY WRONG! Jericho was discovered jsut the bible said it was the walls collapsed out i cannot think of anything else right now off the top of my head but there is plenty of proof | ||||
Ah, you think I feel safe? Yes, because I know I'm not going to hell. Now, what does it take for you to feel safe? Obviously you can't come to grasp with the fact that you are not, in fact, in complete control? And in order for an organism to "evolve" Information has to be gained, they must gain some information. It cannot be rearranged to change from a tiny little droplet into a human.... It has too be there in the first place. | ||||
if you are a christian what the bible says gives you biased infomation.....thats why it is not proof, espically when we're still not sure on when the thing was written. and please don't say its "very wrong" what i say...your being arrogant | ||||
i don't need to feel in control, i dont't have any real fears.....i don't have to feel like someones watching over me to feel safe, i got my own back for that.....and if something goes wrong im the one that made the mistake...i cant blame it on a god or anything thats just a cop out. also your knowledge of DNA is very lacking please don't speak about things you clearly need to research first.....DNA/RNA lose information constantly in cells, thats why they see the mutation your describing is known as cancer, adding segmants to DNA does not help the being, DNA is rearranged as it is a code to change a certian attribute of said being | ||||
Neither side of this debate can be proven. The Bible is a very old set of diffrent books that have been translated thousands of times with several mistranslations and parts that have been lost. It all comes down to faith and that you trust the idea of Jesus. You have to have faith in any religion because nothing in any religion can ever be proven true without some sceptic saying that it isn't true. This debate is pointless because the people that have faith wont be perswaded to not have faith and the ones w/o faith wont be perswaded to belive in the Bible, God, or Jesus. It is all a road that each one of us must take and find on our own time. | ||||
First off, dragons are dinos, dinosuars had small nostrils like the size of horses. When they were endanger they breathed heavy through small holes. Lots of hot air comes out, thus the rise of legends of fire breathing. Who knows we do have a fire breathing beetle in africa. | ||||
According to the first or second law of biogenesis( genesis referring to to its Latin meaning of beginning, not having to do with the first book of the bible) Non-loving matter cannot create living matter. This would have had to take place for evolution to take place, but it goes against the very laws of nature. | ||||
hail to GOD the only god. "jesus is no god" jesus came to jews to make their relegion easier because god put so many hard things on them cuz they were bad so he then sent jesus to make jews life better and jesus came in weard way that he has no father cuz ther was no good man to marry mary to make a prophet so he came in strang way . also jesus didnt creat the chrtion relegion which mean chrtions are wrong though jesus life was hard but he was kinda like by people which made people like him but priests of jews hate him so they start it with romans as same point priests hate jesus and romans didnt want a rebalion or anther rebellion in judiea so the allince between jews and romans began and they agreed to make jesus come to court ask him qutions no problem what the answers just to make it justice in look of people cuz people liked jesus what he done by merecals god gave him and they was gona excute him whatever he say and the murder began jesus didnt put on cross and didnt die to make the humans fult gone and he didnt secfise jesus didnt die cuz he must die at end whch i will explain later after what happened with him in court. so jews was judges and romans was the soliders they bring him but not jesus before they find him was teaching his 12 student he asked them who give his life for me so the youngest said i give it my teacher he said ok in anther merecale and in seconds jesus was lifted to paradise and that man the student was four i mean his face into jesus face so they the romans men fond the student and they thought its jesus and bring him to court cuz he was jesus student he was cleaver and answered the jews judges well and perfect which made them what they wanted to do is kill him and that what happened . as holy koran say : "they didnt put him on cross and didnt kill him it was the like him and we have it in paradise after we left him up skies" god is the greatest always truly say. now why jesus didnt die what was the reason the rason was for this what the life would be before it ends muslims and jews this is the war between muslims (good people) jews ( bad people) on the holy land of palestine as the master and the prophet mohamad say : muslims fight on eastern side of river and jews on the west " this was the river jordan as he continued that muslims want to libra palestine from jews from jordan as he said also : you muslims will fight as heros so the tree and stone fight with you telling you and speaking if there was a jew hidden behind only 1 kind of tree wont talk its grkad and its jews holy tree . wher is jesus turm its here in the great battle of world and its a sowrd only fighting all the guns will gone the leaders of muslims in the battle are the reall jesus and elmhdy which jesus is the real man not the faked jesus and elmhdy is a man a muslim god made him the smartest man ever knowing every thing in math scince almost every thing from the earth scince and the leaders of jews are the faked jesus and the devil and the battle were between muslims men powerred by god and jews and devil elves this battle was said who will win and i proudly say muslims and the time is max of 100 years forward and the battle comes like this the real jesus kill the fake jesus in lod a city west from jerusalem whcih mean the muslims won at the river and they are in jerusalem but devil will not be killed but he will back in central earth and elmhdy kill the pig and drop the wine to tell the world that its time for humans to end from adam gone from paradise to earth and adam only gone from paradise to back in it . i wish i cleared the thing as possiable for people espeasily chrtions as the koran say the orthudx will be near muslims and catholick be near jews and god give us peace till that and make u muslims . i forgot to tell jesus is a muslim | ||||
mbeidas, u have no idea. burn in hell. | ||||
errrrrmmmmm thats the biggest load of sht ive ever seen | ||||
the chet your talking about is god saying allah... i give u a promise 1 day i go in a way and your in anther my way will be leaded by angels and your by angels but angels will take me paradice and angels will take you hell the pens are up and the paper ink is dry . | ||||
why does your god divide people in two categories and send them to either heaven or hell? isnt that a bit naive, black and white thinking? maybe he is still a child and not a fullgrown god yet. what happens after the apocalypse? why did god give the church a monopoly on religious matters. could i be a jew, a christian, and a muslim at the same time? can i play visual-utopia in heaven or hell? | ||||
i donno i find mbeidas story little convencing i mean each of us later will go heaven and hell as his doing am i wrong ? | ||||
sometimes i really hate us 6 billion apes living on this planet most of them actually believing they are some godly creatures above other lifeforms... i have never understood how so many people can be so blind. god save us from the believers. we have to educate billions to start to get it right. religious people should not be allowed to talk to anyone under 18. mindwashing innocent children is just wrong. who cares if jesus existed or not. it is a 2000+ years old story for gods sake. try to come up with new ones. | ||||
And yet to all those Christians it makes the most sense out of anything in this world and is the most logical to them. Just as what you believe makes the most sense to you and is the most logical. should I say to you, not to share what you think is right to other people because you might be brainwashing them. | ||||
the god dont divide people he give all of us a chance and its our desigen wanna not worship him and not folo his orders go hell you want to worship him and folo orders and change your life for him come to paradise . GOD must be respected and the god i am talking about is who chrtions say he is the father GOD gave you eyes to see and gave you legs to walk and all that if he made you blind for 2 reasons 1) he want to see how loyal are you and 2)if he make you blind he give you somtimes anther good thing like good thinking, happy family, or anther sence. and i told you the black and white is your disigen i only talked about jesus cuz that stupid he is chrtion and hate jesus !!! i only told him no and told the great story about jesus if we muslims like him cuz he will do for us . and you cant say about the most almighty a child for 2 reasons most of it respect .1) if you mean child to the greatest almighty dont you go to a rives or see the sea can a child creat this wonderfull universe with no mistakes .and the second 2)cant you respect . look at animals GOD respect you and made you think and gave you good brain he respected you why you dont respect him? i know he powerfull than you and he dont need you but but you need him . i need you to translate me "apocalypse" to answer you ? the relegions of jews and chrtions is ways to serve GOD but since the jews and chrtions preists dameged these relegions GOD sened anther relegion to show them the good way. about hell and heaven .... in heaven ther is beutythat you will forget visual utopia and in hell ther is suffering that will not let you think of visual u topia but you can wish that in heaven if you want . | ||||
and i didnt see the new guest saakal . i really be ammezed when i hear that people worship nothing and they think all the universe only come with no date i give you the freedom to say what you want not cuz i want you no matter to beleive what i beleve i only say for maybe i am convence of your belives or you convence of mine or we togather find a C option
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dear arthion you said me not to say that chrtions are bad people look what saakal said and he is chrtion that he dont care about jesus wanna me to translate how can a chrtion hate jesus is it good or bad chrtion in your think
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and if you mean i must not hate all chrtion i respect you and i will try but i will give you an example why world hate america because bush is the president a whole and one of biggest countries only been hated cuz of 1 person | ||||
I was talking to Sakaal in the first place not you. | ||||
ok and talk about the stupid who made this fourm with the adress and the idea | ||||
mohamad exist if its not how could be ther 1.3 billion muslims and jesus exists how ther is 2.5 billion chrtion and these 2 got folowers mor than the half of the world who told you that is only maybe stupid or a jew | ||||
i respect jews but ther is preists which u can see they are jews saying that . | ||||
i only learned 1 thing in my lifewhich is : jesus = mohammad . mohammad = jesus. chritions=muslims. muslims=chrtions. testement=koran. koran=testement. GOD= muslims and chrtions and muslims and chrtions = GOD | ||||
who can say i am wrong tell me the reason. | ||||
i believe the scientific method works in finding better ways of explaining the universe. i cant really see what is screwed in that you can suggest theories and make measurements to see if they work. after a new theory seems to work well it becomes more generally accepted, but you can still criticize it if you find new evidence to prove the theory does not work under some circumstances. and you can always suggest new theories even if they do disprove some earlier ones. now how screwed up is that and where is the weakness? | ||||
mbeidas, i appreciate your input for i have never tried to debate with a muslim. if you are honest and real in what you write, i must say that our cultural difference is huge. the way how you debate is called pathos in western terms. it might be very useful for you from the point of view of this discussion, if you did some homework and looked up the different definitions of the words "pathos" for the style of your own writing and the word "apocalypse" for the substance of one of my earlier points. | ||||
mbeidas, i appreciate your input for i have never tried to debate with a muslim. if you are honest and real in what you write, i must say that our cultural difference is huge. the way how you debate is called pathos in western terms. it might be very useful for you from the point of view of this discussion, if you did some homework and looked up the different definitions of the words "pathos" for the style of your own writing and the word "apocalypse" for the substance of one of my earlier points. | ||||
MR. SAKAAL i know that well most of the world not to be naming think i am opposite what i am saying u will be amazed because this is what islam and muslims all think even i have no clue wher you starting to calling us terorest it really took me time then i saw that the turning point was 11/9 i said well done lol i was sleeping in that time do u know something really and really amezed me non and i mean non jews gone to work in that day and if you go history its maid i think in thursday so no weekend . the people killed are 3000 its easy number in my country each day ther is 100 or at least a number <40 killed so take your time meusering . the jews didnt go to work was 3000 why who is the most powerfull money dealer in the world wants to kill the twins . i really see no reason call us terorest i mean i should call u terorest but in the american army or any army uniform look at this past : palestine was taken in 1948 . egypt was been attacked by 3 big countries in 1956. anther share of palestine was been taken in 1964. in the 1973 eygpt tried to attack but the attack only gone well to take senie back. IN 1982 ISRAEL ATTACKED LEBANON TO KILL PALESTINE MAKE MURDERS AND KILLING MORE THAN 5000 PALESTINIAN. in 1987 we palestiaian said that we dont need anther people help this is our land and the rpove we are living on it WHY THE AMERICAN DIDNT CALLED TEROREST THE TOOK THE NORTH AMERICA IN POWER FROM THE INDIANS. AND FOR SOME INFO THE WHSHINTON MAN OR GEORGE YEAH WAS CALLED A TEROREST VY BRITISH BUT HE WAS HERO IN AMERICAN EYES AND HE WON . i forgot the caps lock open tell me and i even didnt mension the 1990 america in quite 1995 israel attacked us and the 2001 sharon got in the aqasa and that made us worry about that building look at SHARON NOW HE IS NOT DEEID AND NOT ALIVE THAT THE MIGHTY OF GOD I AM SAYING .and 2006 a war with lebanon . so from history can u find me a time of peace why we are called terorest only because most or all jews own the news papers and they put and say what they want . the talk your talking about is defferent we are trying to solve a problem not to leave it unsolve and creat anther . | ||||
i only learned 1 thing in my lifewhich is : jesus = mohammad . mohammad = jesus. chritions=muslims. muslims=chrtions. testement=koran. koran=testement. GOD= muslims and chrtions and muslims and chrtions = GOD wher is jews in my world ? i read the history of palestine and their history is black i will translate a peace of book. after moses runed with the jews from the pharos . they found a people from palestine (as we said jews are the first people worship go but look) worshoping stones so the jews said to moses can u make us a god like what they are serving he was amazed by them . they saw 10 mercals in their eys the latest was make a road in the sea to let them rune from pharos . then moses gone to the mountain i dont what his name its tor in ours . after he come back from 40 days he found them worsoping a goat made by the gold they stole from pharos before they run , moses get angried and he said your fult can be repaired if you kill yourselves and you even go heaven i would do it myself but they refject moses said: hear and obby but they said we heared and we arent obbying . so GOD was also angried hearing them saying this so the mountain the tor got up of them then moses wanted to save his people saying :hear and obby . so those crepy said we heared and we obbied . so moses chosed 70 men from them to apologies from GOD when they saw him talking to GOD . they said we will not beleive in GOD till we see him so GOD killed them with the thunder but he didnt kill moses . moses beged the GOD that those are the best from people . so GOD give them life again. are they worth entering my world and my mind well they took a part in fights . | ||||
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