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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / vet

12:48:43 Jan 23rd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

dunno the game probably changed too much ur a has been now :D

16:09:05 Jan 27th 07 - Sir Argyle:

Maybe there should be some sort of question sheet to find out if someone is a vet, that contains questions only a real vet will be able to answer (I)! sometimes I get the brightest ideas, this is one of thoose times. =)

00:39:54 Jan 28th 07 - Sir Senturu:

yea i dont think so. what will the questions be? how many troops does it take to make a brigade? or, what type of city is best at producing gold. or which is stronger an army  of 10 swords from human. or an army from 10k swords from dwarf?

11:54:37 Jan 28th 07 - Sir Argyle:

No Senturu, I was thinking of a question about the past, like Who lead SaC (not so hard though), which kingdom did the administrator played in, in the beggining?, Who originally created and led the Saiyan Empire? etc, questions that only a vet would be able to answer, or a new player who have asked a vet for the answer...

(Edited by Sir Argyle 1/28/2007 11:57:07 AM)

13:31:55 Jan 28th 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

Listen, you may aswell forget this whole "vet" thing. There is no real definition of a vet. I've seen people who have played 5 eras claim to be vets, others up to 10. Some of us have played in the region of 30 eras, and call ourselves vets. Does it really matter?

A vet doesn't need to answer a silly questionnaire, as in their heart, they know whether or not they are one. If (relatively) newer people want to kid themselves and proclaim their vets from their experience they've had, then let them I suppose if it makes them feel better.

13:53:05 Jan 28th 07 - Sir Argyle:

Do you think my idea about questions are silly, because you don't know the answers? :P

No really, I think the admin should know who the vets are...

My new definition of a vet:

1. Have more VU friends then RL friends.
2. Be idle on irc 24/7 in the kd chatt.
3. Have more then 500 posts in the forum.
4. Know alot of old unesesary info about vu history.
5. Always get angry when the games become updated and improvements appear.
6. Have played for more then 4 years.
7. Being a smart aleck in the forums.
8. Do not claim to be a vet, hence that's just a way of bragging.

If ALL this definition fits on you, you can feel vet-like all the time.

14:04:41 Jan 28th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

Be idle on irc 24/7 in the kd chatt.
 thats just sad :P no one does that

14:05:55 Jan 28th 07 - Lord Spoon:

*cough* Salamon *cough* ^^

14:06:51 Jan 28th 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

No, I probably know the answers, but as I said, there is no clear interpretation of a vet. Vets do not come from one period, you could give the vets a questionnaire pertaining to 30 rounds ago, and only a select few will be able to answer, whereas the ones that came thereafter will be unable to answer, and thus considered not to be vets, while they clearly are.

But, it's clear you, yourself, have no idea of what a vet is either, as your questions don't describe a vet in any shape, nor form, but rather in most cases, an over-active, addicted player.

Question 1, 2 ,3 5, 7, and 8 all do not pertain to being a veteran. Question 4 tests their memory,  and question 6 is too specific, which is why such a test is all rather futile, and points out the inconsistencies in the characterization of a vet.

15:05:53 Jan 28th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

Hmm Vets how do you define a vet? by time or by grasp of the game?

Certainly i am no vet so if it is done by time that rules a few people out :)

Thier are very few vets Imho. Those in the Lgc core.. yes they are probably vets :) Ez Roxy Draik etc
Ponsa Ford Fred they are vets, not all in lgc are vets by a long shot, most i would consider vets have quit the game
Augh Love? you can call them vets so i think the question of who is a vet is a stupid one :) everyone has thier own opinions trying to define it just wont work.

19:38:13 Jan 28th 07 - Mr. Sezymon:

/me slaps Osiris

19:59:16 Jan 28th 07 - Sir Argyle:

Oh, it was a joke, that list of definitions, but I guess you didn't get that...

20:07:41 Jan 28th 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

Jokes are supposed to be funny. ;)

20:20:03 Jan 28th 07 - Mr. Ace:


21:33:25 Jan 28th 07 - Sir Argyle:

yeah, I though it was funny when I wrote it, but I guess my humour late at night is different to my humour the other wasn't that funny

22:41:49 Jan 28th 07 - Sir Senturu:

i know who lead the saiyan empire, i think, anyway. my answer it frederick

22:45:00 Jan 28th 07 - Sir Argyle:


00:07:06 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Sezymon:

still missing some answers Senturu;)

so sorry, ur not a vet:P

00:16:06 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

yeah i think a disabled man with no penis led sac ;)

00:54:14 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Sezymon:

nah, you got it mixed up, you're talking about the Abydos thingy;)

00:57:41 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

what? you mean you actually have a penis :o because when i was SaC all i remember is you bra shopping ;)

01:09:16 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Sezymon:

no! uhm...that was for my gf!!!

notice: i could've said my sister, but that would have made Weirdgrivi go into a total fuzz:P

(Edited by Mr. Sezymon 1/29/2007 1:10:04 AM)

01:10:41 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

well you do have a hot sister :D

01:10:42 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

hmmm it double posted so i should say something deep here. hmmmm England so own sweden (with the exception of Swifty and Hamish)

(Edited by Mr. Osiris 1/29/2007 1:13:33 AM)

01:38:36 Jan 29th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

For God's sake Sezy, you know I couldn't really choose if I'd have to hump either your sis or your gf :P

Don't get offended, it's just that those scandinavian girls kick ass... And what's that hearing you have no penor? Does that mean Caroline is free? hehe, hope my post is not that mean... Late hours make my brain get full of dirty thoughts of... Ehh, nevermind :)

11:01:46 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

1 era amde me a vet i think

11:10:52 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Swan:


You sure are!

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