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All hail north korea!
16:52:48 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Foghorn Leghorn:

The emperor was left in power, and Japans so called ask for peace was a joke. There was no way we were gonna leave Hitler in power, so why are they any different.

I think you forget the menatlity of war in those days. It was far from todays way.
back then it wasnt even a second thought to kill civilians. We are just as guilty as every other war fighting nation in history with that.

On the other hand of that, are we not the very first country to develop weapons that wont kill innocent? Are we not the first country to target military only with our big bad bombs?

Another thing that was said I forgot was. There is more torture in Iraq no than ever before.

You have to be flat out ignorant to actually believe that statement. A few picture of Iraq prisoners bent over each other nude and the world erupts into this off the wall stuf*beep*ain.

Remember German prisioners during ww2, they were housed, and feed better than the people who surrounded there prisions. Same with prisioners now at gitmo. How were ours treated in comparison(any allies)? Exactly!!!!!

Stop trying to use wit to make whay im saying look false, and use that same wit to actually research, and form your own opinion with ACTUAL facts and not some crap you think you remember hearing, or some tainted report from some Nazi asswhore.

17:01:27 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Ghouma:

1. Dont be to sure about that, England had concentration camps in the 1950's. The Holocaust does not prove they would have kileld billions. England and france was just as bad with their imperialism and race ideology as Germany.

2. How can you compare rich educated people from Europe and the United states with simple peasents in palestina? There is to much expectations on simple misstreated people.

3. -

4. You confuse companys with a base in America with the American Nation, they dosnt neccesary got to have a connetion. The US oil companies are making HUGE profits because of the Iraq and Afghanistan war. The military industry makes huge profits selling weapons to the american goverment for unnecesary wars, and companies like Haliburton takes the rest of your tax money. Oil and weapon companies makes such huge profits they are ruling the world and can tell the goverments what to do.

5. Ok.

6. The people of southern Iraq is not a homogen group, and maybe they dont get to share the profit like the Kurds.

7. You took half of Mexico for yourself, you took several Indian tribes lands for yourself. Just because a nation dont use your flag dosnt mean you dont have the power in thoose nations.

I know very well what the Monroe doctrine was, It allowed the latin american nations to drive of teh spanish and portugese. But what I ment with it was how USA came to think they could do anythign in the american continents. Pinochet is a good example. There was alot of dictarships in Southern and central america with support from the USA.

8. k.

9.  Again, you fool yourself by  thinking that because a nation dont have american flags you dont control a nation. You Control alot of nations by planting facist west friendly dictators in them, and theese guys lets your(ours) companies suck the nations dry of raw materials in exchange for continued support. Look at Uzebekistan, south korea was the same, you planted a facist dictator there.

For some direct ansvers to ur question: You took lands from the Spanish in the spanish-american war. At the russian revoluion you attacked Soviet.

To end it, I dotn really hate america. You have alot of good people over there. Western europes politics are almost as bad as urs but not to many see that. We talk about how bad your wars are but our companies sell loads of weapns to you and gett well rich.

17:06:10 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Ghouma:

A note, I love the fact that you have to compare ur nation to Nazi germany to make it look good :)

No one saying your worse then the Mongol horde but the fact that most americans think they are gods most beloved and innocent children is provoking to some.

About the statement of more torture now, its accually true and comes from the UN.

17:34:54 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Love:

So you agree to the fact that Japan was willing to make peace as long as they could keep their emperor. And then, just to try your new weapon you said; no peace and nuked 2 cities flat out. THEN you made peace and let the emperor stay.

A person i know got parents in Iraq, they say that nowdays the police arrests random people in the streets, and if you or your relatives lack sufficient funds you go to jail. This never happend under Saddam. I am not saying that Saddam is a nice fellow but its gotten worse since he got dethrowned.

One nice thing is the new law that will(has?) pass that makes torture legal in the united states. Thats a good one too! I agree with Ghouma, your people fight the war the companies reap the rewards.

17:37:41 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Foghorn Leghorn:

1. America had them also, but they, same as England where by far a holiday comopared to Germany. So your comparison is nuts.

2. When Israel was settled it was millions of homeless people completly torn apart by war. Thats why it was created, nobody wanted millions of refugees in there country, so we "the Christans" that rule the world gave them back there holy land. So in essence they had the same start. Also, the arabs have been around as long as any of us, so how is it those counties are still so far behind the west, and yet and an extreme amount of resources.

We all came from some sota mistreatment in our world history. Some grow, some dont. Who is to blame for that, the ones that grew?

4. I cant disagree about how buisness and goverment scratch each others balls. I stated earlier major change was needed.

7.You cant say americans attacked, and stole this land when it was Europeans that settled america.  Mexico, well I mean come on its mexico. We really, really, really wanted Texas, and southern cali, lol. Thats our excuse, so sue us.

9. Almost every European nation has just as much, if not more control over these same places you say. Just as we support dictators for our intrests, so do you across the pond.

Oh yea, The UN is so right on top of things when it comes to world issues. How can you respect a world body with such a terrible track record. How in the blue hell can you rely on a Human rights council with members like China, Cuba, Mexico, Nigera, Zambia, all places of huge human suffering.

The UN is more corupt than most the world goverments. Imagine all the corupt leaders of the world go and create a world body org. Its wrecks of *beep* over there. They're loaded with anti american setaments, its ridiculous.

17:49:58 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Foghorn Leghorn:

There was no peace to be made with Japan. It was unconditional surrender. Which means put down your gun put your hands up and do as i say. Japan had no intentions of ever doing that.

It was a choice, millions of american, and Japanese lives in a long bloody land war, or drop a bomb. The world was alreay war tired, and needed to rebuild. The bomb was in development by axis powers as well, so we got to it first. Another case of blame US for helping in world conflict.

18:13:34 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Love:

The war could had ended, thats my point. The Japaneese did not want unconditional surrender because they where afraid of loosing their emperor.

SO you nuked them and let them keep their emperor.

18:32:09 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Hyde:

"I have faith I will eat dinner tonite, does that make my food holier than thou?"

It gives you the feeling that there is something to strife for and life is not senseless and that doing good without getting something back is not a "worthless deed".


18:41:29 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Ghouma:

1. I didnt mean your concentrations camps for japanenese, I ment the british ones for black people in africa, where people were regulary killed. Not in the same ammount as in germany ofc but you dont have to go long back from that time to find Britain as cruel as the germans.

That is not the point however, the point is that people tend not to think to much of mass murders of people you feel no connection with, all human lives should be worth the same but this is not the case. So if germany had won and europe belonged to them, most people wouldnt think to much of the holocaust. Just as we dont think to much of the 20.000.000 milion indians died (and still do) in Potosi(a silver mine) in Bolivia. And thats 4 times the holocaust.

2. You begin to amaze me aswell, the arabs in palestina was a simple people.  Jews were extremly well educated, to a much higher degree then regular euros at that time. They didnt create Israel because nobody wanted to have them after the second world war, but becasue they wanted a nation of their own. Why arabs wasnt as advanced as the Euros? The arab world was devastated after the crusades and the Mongol invasion. And after that the turks came. And by 1850 european nations were far ahead of any other nations. So the europeans colonized most of the middle east. I shouldnt have to tell you this....

4. Good, I also think we should change the system.

7. ...

9. YES! Europeans are bad aswell as americans! We have the same corrupt system with huge comnpanies telling our goverments what to do. England and fance never let their colonies truly go. They just changed to the same system of control as you have, where you instead of annexing a nation put a regime whos friendly to you in power!

Who should be in the human rights council then? USA? You torture people aswell. Sweden? We send swedish citizens to be tortured bu you. What nation are good enoug? I suppose Cuba is the most fitting member since they never torture anyone, they just send people who dont like Cuba to america.

I thought the UN wmd inspectors did a good job in iraq, they were right and you were wrong..

18:43:44 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Ghouma:

Hyde, that is why Atheist got higher morals then theists. We dont need the threat of going to hell to do good. We do it to do good. In america Christains make up 70% of the population and take up 70% of the jail cells. Atheists and agnostics make up 10%, and take up 0.4% (edit: of the prision cells).

So religion fails in morals.

(Edited by Mr. Ghouma 10/11/2006 6:45:26 PM)

18:49:55 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Hyde:

"There was no peace to be made with Japan. It was unconditional surrender. Which means put down your gun put your hands up and do as i say. Japan had no intentions of ever doing that.

It was a choice, millions of american, and Japanese lives in a long bloody land war, or drop a bomb. The world was alreay war tired, and needed to rebuild. The bomb was in development by axis powers as well, so we got to it first. Another case of blame US for helping in world conflict."


Millions of american and japanese lives in a long bloody land war? Japanese wanted to surrender, not unconditional but they wanted to surrender. So USA made the choice of nuking 1 million civilians cuz they wanted unconditional surrender and NOT like you said saving millions of lifes. A conditional surrender wouldnt have costed millions of lives ... it was YOUR choice.


and btw. USA killed double the people in vietnam than germany EVER in holocaust. thats a FACT and no ones speaking of a vietnam holocaust. why? History is always written by the winner of wars i.e. the most brutal i.e. the most ruthless who want to win NO MATTER WHAT i.e. USA.

Are you growing up where someones calling you *beep* and you call him *beep* back and because hes ALSO a foreigner youre a nazi? i dont think so... youre so busy pledging allegiance to your flag... even in lower grade schools - if one german would dare that (before championship though ;P ) he would instantly be called nazi - a school making a whole class raise their hand and pledge allegiance to the german flag... a SCANDAL. THATS how it is here.

22:31:37 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Asesino:

japan chose to enter the war allied to the germans and plus they were responsible for pearl harbor.wut now that the tables were turned and they wanna bak out like babies were supposed to blow it off

22:49:09 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Smuff:

jesus. this has got a little out of hand. we are going round in circles =P none of us are going to agree! we have all be brainwashed by our national media!

i say we hug and make up, these sorts of threads always turn into a *beep*ing contest

23:09:10 Oct 11th 06 - Mr. Ghouma:

Asesino, you were not the good guys in the drama with Japan, remember you attacked them earlier (forst) to force them to change their islationist politics?

23:55:39 Oct 11th 06 - Sir Juchi:

I remember, believe 1999, Bill Clinton, Yasir Arafat, The Prime Minister of Isreal at the time on a nice long retreat on the american east coast.

The Isrealies had met aprox 95% of the palistians demands, do you rem what Arafat said?

Real easy to rem.  NOTHING, no counter, no lets work on it no nothing.

Also the palistinians were turned away by all their arab neighbors.  Was not, is not just Isreals problems.

I find it appaling that people keep blaming Isreal for this, they were offered a state, turned it down. They voted for another crappy gov thats major plank was the destruction of Isreal(wow that will win the hearts and minds of the enemy).  So tell me what are the palistinians are trying to acomplish besides the death of a jewish state?

00:03:37 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Civilisator:

so therefor its ok to occupy palestine and make life for the palestinians a living hell?

00:04:49 Oct 12th 06 - Sir Efrandor:

How did it come all the way to this from hailing Korea?

00:07:21 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Jynglfut:

Mr. Asesino

10/11/2006 10:31:37 PM

japan chose to enter the war allied to the germans and plus they were responsible for pearl harbor.wut now that the tables were turned and they wanna bak out like babies were supposed to blow it off


Uhm...yes. Yes, we were supposed to blow it off. That's the thing about surrender--or don't you care about that?

Just so everyone knows where I come from, I'm an agnostic in an extremely Christian and Republican (or are they becoming synonimis?) state in the US. People here are not very tolerant of others, and are ready to jump down the world's throat--just like everyone in this thread is. We could debate these points day and night--and I love a good political debate--but we'll never get anywhere.

However, something much more alarming for all of us US citizens--HABEUS CORPUS--The Great Writ--has been viciously murdered by President Bush and his anti-Brain Trust.

For those not so well versed in the Bill of Rights, Habeus Corpus deals with the right to know why you're going to prison. THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHY YOU'RE GOING TO PRISON. If Habeus Corpus is dead, can we lull ourselves into the false sense of security that perhaps the rest of the Bill is intact? Bah! Are you kidding me? Watch this and tell me you aren't scared to death.

00:44:47 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Smuff:

will everyone just calm down, jesus christ. there is so much racial hatetrid about in our days we cant even play an onlinegame without arguing. can we atleast have a decusion about it rarther than just slagging each other off?

01:07:10 Oct 12th 06 - Sir Juchi:

with ya Smuff:)

02:32:26 Oct 12th 06 - Sir Fafnir:

war of 1812, WW1, WW2, Korean, Vietnam, Iraq 1, Iraq 2. Now tell me in those lots of wars, what one do we still control and run? Iraq, and we are handing that over as best we can.

How could you consider the war of 1812 a war? The texans only fought for independance. WW1 and WW2 almost every European country was in that war, and you had to get into that one, or else we would of been screwed. Iraq 1, don't know much about this one, but what if it didn't happen, maybe Iraq would team up with Korea or some other nation and try to destroy the U.S. and other good countries. Iraq 2, well atleast we got rid of Suddam, he was a dictator, it's a better world with one dictator less.

03:55:44 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Commander Kael:

Hello, I am an American. I do not hate Europe nor think they are deficient in anyway. Of course, I do have some arrogance that comes with being American, having been beat into us through society, but I try to look past this. Now, you all accuse America of this and that, but only a few have used the right term for it: The ADMINISTRATION! The public at most times, doesnt even know most of the issues going on, because either a) they arent informed or dont bother to look it up or b) we are lied to by the government. And another point, people say how we can change it. Bullcrap. Only if immense amounts of emails from people from all across the states will cause them to, for example, stop the antagonizing of N.K. for example. And most of us don't bother, or don't care enough to.

I would like to do something about Bush, especially with that Habaeus Corpus right and basically 9 out of 10 bill of rights amendments getting annihilated because of it. To any who don't watch the video, Corpus is basically having the right to ask, "Why am I in jail?" Anyways, I will say my society, government, etc, is not perfect, in fact far from it. It is about high time America struggled with  it's problems, the poverty, social security, all that good stuff. However, Europe has done many things too, and is having problems of their own, we just don't hear about it as much.

And a word about the media, it is a corrupt, crap-ridden beast that needs to be shot and then fixed. For example, we have two stories, one about a child who painted something for an American soldier and helped them around the camp, or we can post the vicious rapings of a 10-year-old. Oh wait, to add more ratings, let's make it a six-year-old. Yes, that will get us great ratings! Hail Satan! *cough cough* As you can see I despise the media. As much as we hate to actually do work, we Americans need to get up off the couch and research the subjects we talk about, as Hyde and several others have in certain subjects. We are no perfect, as I have said. But so aren't a lot of people and we need to ge off our high horses and maybe starting advocating what we believe in, instead of this racial/societal hatred bullcrap.

And, to the guy who posted something about this being predicted...I am all for God and any religion since you have that right, I find it utterly ridiculous that some book can possible predict this. It is quite literally impossible. but anyways, just had to say something, I am done. Go on ahead with the thread, be it hate or actually some good debate. It's up to you guys to continue the hate and etc. Hyde, Foghorn, you guys and the others who's names I cannot remember but you know who you are, good quotes and nice job keeping the hate to a minimum. If you wish to challenge my stance, please do, I will defend myself as best as I am able. Though, you do have years on me Hyde, I am only 17.

~Commander Kael

04:37:24 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Boogey:

and btw. USA killed double the people in vietnam than germany EVER in holocaust. thats a FACT and no ones speaking of a vietnam holocaust. why? History is always written by the winner of wars i.e. the most brutal i.e. the most ruthless who want to win NO MATTER WHAT i.e. USA.

Sorry im a little late in this convesation but THIS IS NOT A FACT. no more than 3 million vietnamese were killed in that war. 12 million people were killed in the halocaust 6 million were jews. That is just the halocaust that does not include all the people germany killed in the actual war.

07:36:26 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Mememememe:

just to clarify... When we nuked japan the negotiations were off the table.... when they hit pearl harbor was when we were in the so called negotiations in which they incoincedently decided to bomb/suicide on pearl harbor... look it up don't be dumb....

 as for the torture in iraq... i was there in 2005 with the 168th inf.. they had torture before just as they do now... only reason it is being talked about is because pictures on the news...

 saying all americans think themselves as gods is plain outright ridiculous.. thats so stereotypical its not even funny. "most" americans don't give a rats ass about what happens, but that does not mean they think they are gods.. its called free speach free thinking.. what the usa was made from....and you really can't have a opinion of another country unless you have been there

. and as for putting fascist leaders into power. the usa has always allowed a "fair" democratic vote to happen. as with afghanistan and iraq.. 

and finally more people dead in vietnam then in ww2 from the germans? highly doubt it.... if you believe that... i am guessing you beleive everything on the news to??? news stations lie more then politics....


(Edited by Mr. Mememememe 10/12/2006 7:37:29 AM)

07:47:22 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Mememememe:

Also this was quoted by hyde....

Are you growing up where someones calling you *beep* and you call him *beep* back and because hes ALSO a foreigner youre a nazi? i dont think so... youre so busy pledging allegiance to your flag... even in lower grade schools - if one german would dare that (before championship though ;P ) he would instantly be called nazi - a school making a whole class raise their hand and pledge allegiance to the german flag... a SCANDAL. THATS how it is here.


to put it bluntly you are way off.... it hasn't been a mandatory requirement to swear allegiance to the flag for awhile now... it was decided by the supreme court as a freedom to do what one wishes when the pledge of allegiance is said along with the national anthem.. most do it out of courtesy and respect.... the ones that don't just don't do it and usually have the messed up morals... Why would you not want to support the men and women you gave you freedom so long ago or support your country?

To go along with that... If soooooooo many people in america hated our country they would just leave.. We do not force anyone to stay in our country...

08:47:48 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Hyde:

I just wanted to say - its not that i hate all americans. No, definately not. I hate the attitude that some have. And how the administration behaves towards the rest of the world.

These are my last words here. Blaming each other does not lead anywhere.

12:35:28 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Ghouma:

"just to clarify... When we nuked japan the negotiations were off the table.... when they hit pearl harbor was when we were in the so called negotiations in which they incoincedently decided to bomb/suicide on pearl harbor... look it up don't be dumb...."

If japan had nukes when you attacked them in the 19th century, and nuked chicago. Would you think they did the right thing, (because it would die japanese soldiers if they were to land troops)? Have you looked up weather Japan was open to surrender before you nuked them?

" as for the torture in iraq... i was there in 2005 with the 168th inf.. they had torture before just as they do now... only reason it is being talked about is because pictures on the news..."

Dont you think its terrible and unaccepteble with torture? There is more torture now that you are in charge in Iraq, 600.000 people are dead. The iraq war cant be defended.

 "saying all americans think themselves as gods is plain outright ridiculous.. thats so stereotypical its not even funny. "most" americans don't give a rats ass about what happens, but that does not mean they think they are gods.. its called free speach free thinking.. what the usa was made from....and you really can't have a opinion of another country unless you have been there"

Who said all americans think of themselfs as gods? I hope you didnt draw that conclusion from my post. There is alot if *beep*s posting here, defending america and slagging america off. Dont take them to seriously.

Some stuff in america  makes you wonder tho, like when you hear 45% of the population belives the earth is younger then 10.000 years....

". and as for putting fascist leaders into power. the usa has always allowed a "fair" democratic vote to happen. as with afghanistan and iraq.. "

As for fair, peopel who didnt vote didnt get anything to eat. Thats why it was a high % of voters.

"and finally more people dead in vietnam then in ww2 from the germans? highly doubt it.... if you believe that... i am guessing you beleive everything on the news to??? news stations lie more then politics...."

The guy who said this was just stupid. And no news station would say anything like that, not in western europe at least.

13:12:31 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Foghorn Leghorn:

Man I told myself I would stay away from this thread. Its really not worth talking to a wall.

Ghouma, I have no clue where you get your info, but its as crazy as much of what I heard in this thread.

In the mid-19th century Japan was "opened" by the Americans, whose warships landed in Tokyo harbor with a demand that the ruling shoguns unlock Japanese trade for American capitalists. This led to the "Meiji restoration," in which the shoguns were displaced by a modernizing regime under the newly restored emperor. Japan quickly learned the rules of modern colonialism, and soon became a rival power to the Europeans and the Americans, threatening the already-claimed colonies in Southeast Asia and establishing new ones in China. Japan did what every colonial power of the 19th century did, what all "modern industrialized" nations did: invaded and plundered the resources of weaker countries.

I dont really call that attacking japan in the 19th century, granted we installed new regime, but WHAT western country wasnt doing that at the time? We are giving hell for using the bomb, but if japan, or Germany had used it first, then yes it woulda been ok, why? Because its WAR, you may not like it, or agrre with it, but your opinion cont matter over the 4 billion others that were somehow involved in one way or another.

Japan was not gonna surrender unconditional, they were not gonna give up land they had ins asia, or anywhere else in the south pacific.

So your saying it would have been a better idea, to have a long, drawn out land invasion of japan, where millions of Allied troops have to die, along with the enemy population?

Because in war the goal is to kill the enemy, and survive yourself, right?  I mean, please enlighten me if im wrong. So we did what ANY other country would have done, we spared our own allied lives with an invention sure to win us the war.

Toture in Iraq is only in the news for one reason, and one reason only. The anti-US media. They feel they cant report whatever crap they want. Here is a perfect example that was release yesterday.

Iraq death toll since war started.

US figures - 50, 0000 dead
International Media org. - 650,000 dead

Do you want to know where they got the numbers? American got it by counting actual bodies. Int. media got it, by asking around and talking with the iraq people.

Thats the exact same anti-US BS we have to put up with, and its running rampant in this thread.

Someone posted in this thread, the reason he hates americans in because we think we are God. I ignored his ignorant statement.

45% of the US population believes the world is 10k years old. Where did you pull that one from, gotta be another one of those US friendly world media giants right?

So your saying if the people in those counties didnt vote they were not gonna eat?

Ghouma smarten up, wheres your common sense. You can't actual believe we would starve a country for not voting. You're friggin high dude.

Ghouma a page or 2 back, you said you were going to proove me wrong about a bunch of points I made, you have yet to do so, and your posts are getting weaker and weaker.

As a Chemical/Medical engineer let me enlighten you as to what causes hate in a person.

Jealousy is a strong human emotion, and it cause a chemical reaction in a persons brain. The exact same chemical reaction is also the reason for hate.

90% of hate is breed from being jealous. This is a study out of Hong Kong, not an american study.

To Mr. Memememe good post, and Thank you for your service, you have my respect.

(Edited by Mr. Foghorn Leghorn 10/12/2006 1:15:46 PM)

13:23:26 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Love:

Now first of all i agree that it is not the people of america thats the bad guy. Same goes with Europe and the rest of the world. Its the goverment and the international companies that rule us all. Its time to realize that.

In iraq people got tortured before the invasion the same as they get tortured now. Today it might not be because they are accused of something but more for fun. The kind of torture that saddam did is going to be legal in the United States(sucks to be american).

Under Saddam there was LAW and ORDER. I would not consider present day Iraq to be free and i whish all of thoose who returned to Iraq to rebuild the country to come back home to Sweden. They have nothing down there to do. At least in Europe they can live in peace.

Oh also, thoose 45% is the creationists. And the general view as far as i understand it is that its a constant battle in the US about this. Heck i even saw it  on the Simpsons the other day. I also saw a documentary about a trial of some sort about this *beep*. Here in sweden we got a few schools who is teching that crap and they should be banned. Christian, Jewish, Islamic heck all religious schools should be banned.

13:48:23 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Foghorn Leghorn:

Love, dude. Wake up man.

You really think we are in Iraq toturing people and getting a giggle out of it? Your one *beep*ed up individual to even consider that, and it prooves you know nothing about the US, or its people.

Under Saddam there was Law and Order, hmm I guess your right if being scared every second of every day for your life for no reason then sure.

Im my 32 years alive, living, going to school, and working here I have never once heard any group say retarded crap like that..

So the general view as you understand it is dead wrong. Take it from one who lives here and not reading some swedish anti US proganda. Oh wait you seen it on a cartoon dan, I must be wrong.

14:03:03 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Love:

No i am not saying the Us soldiers are torturing people. Did i ever say that? No i am saying people are getting tortured.

There is no such thing as anti US propaganda on swedish television. You are one of our biggest trade partners and the goverment would not allow such a thing.

"According to a 2006 gallup poll, about 46% of Americans believe in strict creationism, concurring with the statement that "God created man pretty much in his present form at one time within the last 10,000 years," and 36% believe that God guided the process of evolution. Only 13% believe that humans evolved over millions of years, without any supernatural intervention. Belief in creationism is inversely correlated to education; of those with post-graduate degrees, only 22% believe in strict creationism.

In 2000, aPeople for the American Way poll estimated that:

20% of Americans believe public schools should teach evolution only;
17% of Americans believe that only evolution should be taught in science classes — religious explanations should be taught in another class;
29% of Americans believe that Creationism should be discussed in science class as a 'belief,' not a scientific theory;
13% of Americans believe that Creationism and evolution should be taught as 'scientific theories' in science class;
16% of Americans believe that only Creationism should be taught;"
So i guess 45% that ghouma said was not THAT off. Just like in Sweden you have diffrent communities in the United states. I do not hang out with the fundamentalists, i guess you dont do that either.

14:45:46 Oct 12th 06 - Sir Pupilous:

Not a man of figures, but with regards to some of the posts above:
1) Americans did open the trade doors to Japan by landing war ships there.

2) Shoguns are generals, but they still have respect for the Emperor, who were there all the time. It is just that the military power was with the shoguns. During the Meiji Restoration, the Emperor was not empowered like the President of the US. In other words, the Japanese politicians used the respect of the Emperor to start the Pacific War. After the war, US did help, in a very big way, in restoring the economy of Japan.

3) The ex-European colonies inherited the system of government from their former masters. Some of them are good students, the rest were not so good students. Look at India and Malaysia, who were the good students.

4) Back to the subject of Korea. China and Korea had very patchy relationships with each other since the ancient days. They can be peaceful for a few decades, then war will start again. It was during the communist revolutions and WWII that China and Korea became very close to one another. Then, the war between Communist Korea and Capitalist Korea started. US stepped in to help South Korea (which was run by a dictator then, I think), while China sided, obviously, with the North.

5) With regards to the wars fought or supported by US, as least those after WWII and before the first Gulf War, it is a known fact that US fought them for trade purposes. South Vietnam, Taiwan and South Korea were never democracies to start with. The US companies needed growing economies to buy their technologies which were fast becoming obselete in the US. Japan alone was not enough. History will tell that US lost Vietnam, never broke the deadlock in Korea and trying to be neutral for Taiwan. The only prime shining trophy is Japan. But then, as history will state as well, 2 atomic bombs were the cost for Japan's current economy. No amount of money will replace the lives lost there, and most of them lost in the most horrifying way. (But then again, the Japanese Army did a lot of horrible things as well...the US should had nuked the Japanese Army, not the peaceful folks...)

6) However, the countries that US did help to build post WWII, all of them managed to boom. South Korea, Japan and Taiwan are good examples. Though, I have to add, the technologies transferred to them were not state of the art, not that they can use or comprehend anyway. Of course, not to take away credit from the South Koreans, Japanese and Taiwanese, they did, and are still, putting a lot of hardwork in.

(Edited by Sir Pupilous 10/12/2006 2:48:52 PM)

15:40:30 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Hyde:

Its simple. Bomb someones house to pieces - then sell him a new one. You sold a bomb AND a house.

15:48:08 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Benjamin Syrsa:

haha :D

16:41:39 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Ghouma:

Hi Foghorn.
Lets try and keep it focused, you have yet to ansver me on my previous post in wich we numberd the issues.

I just said the things about japan to get my point thourgh, I wasnt serious about the coindtions. The point was that maybe alot of deaths could have been avoided by not only accepting uncondtional surrender. Dont think to much of it. The figures with 1.000.000 dead american soldiers isnt neccesarly true either. But your right, it was war.

It wasnt some journalists who made a survei, it was scientists who did an estimation. Why would you trust your lieing goverment over scientists with no other agenda then the truth? (Please keep in mind that its the right wingers who got the money and the power to fool people and pay scientists).

i got the fact with 45% belvied the world was younger then 10.000 years in a Richard dawkins documentary on BBC (or channel 4) wich was called The root of all evil.

Most of our large newspapers are right wing here and dont talk as low of america as you think. Papers are owned by rich people and rich people are almost always right wingers.

Again, please ansver my previous large posts where we alreeady discussed alot of stuff.

Edit: And yes, lets not pass of Imperialism as a good thing just because the eurpeoans did it aswell.

(Edited by Mr. Ghouma 10/12/2006 4:43:34 PM)

21:29:56 Oct 12th 06 - Mr. Asesino:

bush sucks...thats all i got to say now

02:45:06 Oct 13th 06 - Mr. Prubor:

I would just like to point out a few things...

On the issue of America "opening" the doors of Japan, well, it was more of a case of sailing in their warship into Japan harbour and firing a few shots for good measures, this was done to gain trade into Japan. Trade was the key goal.

It made Japan realise that how far back in technology they were as they had implemented a "close door with other nation" policy. With that, Japan modernise their military and began to extend their influence into Asia. Korea was annex by Japan before the WWII began...

Maybe if America did not force Japan to open up, there would not be a WWII. hehee... Just being cheeky here. (Am not Anti-US, neither am I Pro)

As to why the bomb was drop on Japan? Only the leaders of US at that time know the reasons. To avoid more american death? Payback for Pearl Harbour? To test out a new weapon? Who knows for sure.

Civilian lives were not of a major consideration in WWII, German bomb Britain, British DamBuster flooded a Ruhr Valley, Japan raped Nanking, US nuke Hiroshima, Nagasaki.

US did not supply equipments and food to Britain during WWII, US was selling them.

I find it strange to hear mention of US being not train and ill-equiped at start of WWII, even more strange to hear that they were using french machince gun. As France had already fallen to German at that time, maybe that's why those guns are faulty. I guess the ships that Japan destroyed in Pearl Harbour was just merchant vessals.

Isreal and Palestine were formed as a nation after WWII, to understand their situation, you would have to look into an entire histroy of that area, looking before WWI, before Ottoman Empire...
To cut it short, they were neighbours and on the day that they got their independence, Palestine attack Isreal and landed in its current state.
Ever wonder why Isreal is fighting so hard?? They are fighting for their existence, fighting to keep Isreal as a nation. If any nation was threaten, would they fight at all cost? Look at Iraq, they are feeling that there is a foriegn power invading their country, even though they do not like Saddam, but they like a foreign power lesser.

13:29:52 Oct 13th 06 - Mr. Civilisator:

You are saying Israel is defending itself from being occupyed, Prubor?

In fact they are the occupyers. They have the strongest military in the area, not especially threatened in other words.

14:26:52 Oct 13th 06 - Mr. Pyron:

This is getting stupid.When are people going to get back on the topic of North Korea and it's nukes!

16:11:41 Oct 13th 06 - Mr. Prubor:

Civilisator> It is true that Israel has one of the strongest military in its area. If they aren't so, there wouldn't be a state of Israel today... Look back and see the wars that they fought, one nation against many, fighting on multiple fronts.

Occupied terrorities were gained during Yom Kippur war, Six Days War, Lebanon Wars.
Palestine attack first and in turn got overrun, self rule given to PA in return for peace, that did not go anywhere, the peace roadmap is now a distant memory., Senai Desert taken from Eygpt and returned to Eygpt for a peace deal (recognition of the rights for the state of Israel to exist).
Golan Height taken from Syria, offered to return for a peace deal but rejected.

Israel is not defending from being occupied but being totally eliminated, that is how their people feel. Israel politics is very diverse and the different political groups could hardly ever agree on a single thing, however, when their state is being threaten, they would all stand united to face the crisis. Crisis over and they would be back at it....

I do not fully agree with how Israel handle the Palestine issue, the constant conflict is disappointing,

Several years back, Arafet turn down Israel when Israel agree to almost all his request and decided to remain as it is. Palestine had self-rule for many years now, but what has it achieve so far? Really nothing much to show, if they were willing to grow their economy instead of fighting, their people would be in a better situtation today. Thus can't say it is all Israel's fault.

Now back to the regular program of North Korea's Nukes....
North Korea has continue to perform nuke test, however that is a major mistake. To grow their economy and stop US from placing more sanction on them, they should instead perform nude test, that why they could show US that they truely are democratic, freedom to expess themselve in the buff is the ultimate democracy.

17:48:06 Oct 13th 06 - Mr. Architect:

@ Mr. Love:

"And you know why Japan did not want unconditional surrender before the nuke? THE ONLY THING THEY WANTED, was to keep their Emperor. Because of this YOU NUKE them. Thats a tad bit silly id say."

So what, because I am an American I dropped the bomb on Hiroshima?  I was not even born then, dont even go about trying to pin that bomb being dropped on me or any other American that was not there and did not have a direct hand in dropping that. 

Yeah, we wanted Unconditional Surrender, think about it, how did this whole thing start?  Oh yeah, Pearl Harbor, remember that little event, December 7th, 1941 "The day we will live in infamy."  It's called war, they attack, we reataliate.  And just to say that a Nuke has never been dropped by an enemy nation on U.S. soil means nothing, so what, we have a better defensive game?  Get off it and realise some of the facts, and some of your untwisted ones, not like the ones you posted before.  You have no idea what happens here, live it and then you might have some credibility.

18:12:36 Oct 13th 06 - Mr. Love:

No you are not responsible of the nuke on hiroshima. But if you are an american and defend the nuclear bombing of Japan i might use the term "you".  Yes there is nothing wrong with undconditional surrender, but there is nothing wrong with simple peaceterms. All of the terms that was established AFTER the occupation of Japan would more then likely been accepted by the Emperor(the one who wanted peace the most, tho not the one with the absolute power).

I think that by nuking not one but 2 innocent cities you are practically doing the same thing that Japan did in Nanking. Killing innocent people for no apparent reason whatsoever except that its fun.

All sources point out that the only nation in the western world that got people actually beliving(more then 1% of the pop) in creationism is the United states. That does not mean that 55% percent that do not belive in it are stupid and ignorant. 45% of the pop that belives in it do so because of their family and their education. Nobody gets born beliving *beep*.

When we are born we are all the same, small evil mother*beep*ers who want to survive and get tons of attention. You have to be taught how to be a good citizen and a good person and all of that crap.

Now we have fundamentalists here in Europe too, but in NO WAY the amount that exists in the United states.

20:55:09 Oct 13th 06 - Mr. Pyron:

Would you people get off the topic of  WWII.If you want to fight about it then go create your own thread about it and you can talk all you want about it but this is about N.Korea and it's nukes.Not about Japan or WWII or USA bombing Japan or Europe being better than USA or USA being better than Europe.This is about N.Korea and it having nukes.

01:58:42 Oct 14th 06 - Mr. Asesino:

exactly pyron.

08:37:59 Oct 14th 06 - Mr. Prubor:

@ Pyron, Asesino
Errr... since you wish to talk about N Korea and its nukes, then post something about it, else people will just continue to response to the post above...

@Mr. Architect
What is the big concern of a Conditional Surrender? Could the terms not be discussed? If a party is willing to surrender, it would indicate a willingness to cease hostility. Or would it just look better to the winner to achieve Unconditional Surrender?

I remember Pearl Harbour, it was what that drag US into the war. But its not a justification for dropping the bomb. If its a valid justification, then would the  invasion of Iraqi also justify a nuke on a US city? You may argue about "look what started it first", so what started it?? Gulf War? 9/11? Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Its pointless, the world is in its current state beside everyone seems to have a valid "justification/ reason" to do harm to someone else... and its all twisted. Twisted because of being mis-informed or not looking back in history to realise why certain things happen....

18:33:29 Oct 14th 06 - Mr. Mememememe:

The only thing I really have to say is LMAO about the swedish television not being anti american.... Almost all news stations in the world are or have some degree of political propaganda.... You cant even beleive the death toll figures for iraq any more... BTW if I recall there was a european nation who said the US death toll for soldiers was higher then it was at one point.  Just because you are a ally of the US does not mean your news stations don't report BS or mislead the truth... The media makes money off of getting people to watch their shows/news they won't get many viewers by not reporting on people getting blown up shot or dead with the war in iraq.... Its been proven that society now adays would rather hear about death then of a kitten stuck in a tree... I sincerely hope none of you take the media as full truth..


And about the whole Japan thing...  If I recall they did attack us during WW2 during peace treaties... We merely ended the fight before it got any worse...  Not to mention again japan attacked during peace negotiations... Matter of fact pearl harbor happened almost 2 hours after japan ceased the negotiations that day..  Sooo the nuke was not dropped when japan wanted peace.

(Edited by Mr. Mememememe 10/14/2006 6:36:41 PM)

18:42:45 Oct 14th 06 - Mr. Mememememe:

Btw on the creationsim post.. How many people in the USa were polled and from what side? West midwest or eastern or southern.. In the USA different areas believe in different things...  You wont find as many evangelics in iowa as you will in utah ... or same thing with mormons...   Not to mention what age group was polled?   If a poll does not show what factors were involved in the poll then i probably wouldnt call it a poll at all
(Edited by Mr. Mememememe 10/14/2006 6:43:25 PM)

03:18:48 Oct 15th 06 - Mr. Asesino:

prubor...i had said things about N.korea and im not about to repeat myself 50 times to get people on the topic... WICH PEOPLE SHOULD BE ON RIGHT NOW...:p

11:12:31 Oct 15th 06 - Lord Venomoz:

How about we test a nuke on Korea? :)

18:23:02 Oct 15th 06 - Mr. Civilisator:

Ok, let's say we give everyone a free nuke and everyone wants to live a normal happy life. Result: peace and harmony.

2. There is only one person in the world with a nuclear bomb. Result: Let's all salute our dear leader and legitimate ruler "Owner of the Nuclear Bomb"

3. Everyone's got nukes and some of us are pissed off and suicidal. Result: bad

4. Nobody has nukes and we all live happily ever after.

Conclusion: Since we can't make people give up their toys we'll have to reduce the amount of people that feel they have nothing to loose.

I'd that the best way to achieve this is by minding your own business, not occupying other peoples countries, not supporting dictatorships and not demanding money from people that have none.

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