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Dogs getting stoned
16:52:40 Aug 31st 06 - Sir Xiax:

@Twamao: Yeah I was exaggerating.

16:54:06 Aug 31st 06 - Admiral Krum:

All I'm saying is after 15 years of smoking, including more than 4 of my friends, we have not done harder drugs...I hardly drink....maybe 1 beer a week.

And yes smoking pot does make me somewhat of an expert on it, more of an expert than any of you who only know what you read in science journals.

(Edited by Admiral Krum 8/31/2006 4:55:12 PM)

16:59:58 Aug 31st 06 - Sir Xiax:

Your group of friends may not have but that doesn't every group won't.



17:03:28 Aug 31st 06 - Admiral Krum:

My only suggestion is if you want to save money and live a long healthy life free a cancer...don't smoke pot!

But don't tell me or the world that pot will make you do hard drugs, those people who do harder drugs would do them without the help of pot anyway.

17:08:52 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

Well actually theres alot less of catching cancer than there is to smoking cigarettes....anyhu i was listing to this song and i thought it went quite well with this topic....

Underwear Goes Inside The Pants

Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal?
It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt.
Do you know what's not natural?
80 year old dudes with hard-ons. That's not natural.
But we got pills for that.
We're dedicating all our medical resources to keeping the old guys erect,
but we're putting people in jail for something that grows in the dirt?

17:10:12 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

If you havent heard that song then download it.... its very meaningful and no the whole songs not about smoking pot its about alot of things in our society today...

Its by Lazy Boy and its a very meaningful song

17:12:26 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Larry Flynt:

Yes, Id say 15 years of smoking pot, and having most of your friends and faimly smoking pot kinda makes you an expert in the subject.

More so than some researcher who puts false facts in journals and he never experienced any of it, he is just piecing it together by going through piles of paperwork.

Instead of reading, and quoting false garbage, do some real looking into the subject.

Myth: Marijuana is a gateway drug--it leads to harder drugs.
The U.S. government's own statistics show that over 75 percent of all Americans who use marijuana never use harder drugs. The gateway-drug theory is derived by using blatantly-flawed logic. Using such blatantly-flawed logic, alcohol should be considered the gateway drug because most cocaine and heroin addicts began their drug use with beer or wine--not marijuana.

That was my post, I never said 25%.

Lets not forget all the other benifits of hemp, whicj always seems to get lost in these debates.

17:23:18 Aug 31st 06 - Sir Xiax:

So whats on the other side of the 75? Is it not supposed to be out of 100? I just did some simple math and put a new light on cleverly veiled "facts".

17:43:33 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

yes but you could say 25% of all i dont know macdonalds users will go on to use stronger drugs...

18:12:49 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

75% NEVER use harder drugs. That means 25% may use harder drugs ONCE or twice and maybe 5% will stay with them. The point is the MJ didnt make them use harder drugs. It was their own curiosity (or -ness sorry im not native engly) that made them try harder drugs. Just like it made them try MJ. That doesnt mean in a single word that MJ makes them use harder ones.

18:36:24 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

jst for a poll can we see whos for and against?

18:36:36 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

Cus im with Flynt on this one

18:58:08 Aug 31st 06 - Admiral Krum:

I don't think there should be a poll, that isn't the point of this debate.

19:23:31 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

Yes, this isnt about if its good or not. Its about people spreading untrue rumours they call facts.

20:21:45 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

well no actually i made this thread...

20:38:19 Aug 31st 06 - Admiral Krum:

...and it's morphed into a life of it's own.

This is NOT a debate whether weed is right or wrong.

20:42:48 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

....cuz that doesnt belong here and if it turns into it, zeta would have to delete it.

21:11:21 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

lol well kinda it was whether it was right or was talking about the pros and cons..

21:15:59 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Honor:

pro = good or right

con = bad or wrong

basicly u said the same thing there

04:21:51 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Larry Flynt:

So many of these debates always focus on the health aspects, when they are really not that great.Why not focus on the more important issues?



  • On an annual basis, 1 acre of hemp will produce as much fiber as 2 to 3 acres of cotton. Hemp fiber is stronger and softer than cotton, lasts twice as long as cotton, and will not mildew. Many textile products (shirts, jackets, pants, backpacks, etc.) made from 100% hemp are now available.
  • Cotton grows only in moderate climates and requires more water than hemp; but hemp is frost tolerant, requires only moderate amounts of water, and grows in all 50 states. Cotton requires large quantities of pesticides and herbicides--50% of the world's pesticides/herbicides are used on cotton. But hemp requires no pesticides, no herbicides, and only moderate amounts of fertilizer.
  • On an annual basis, 1 acre of hemp will produce as much paper as 2 to 4 acres of trees. From tissue paper to cardboard, all types of paper products can be produced from hemp. Global demand for paper will double within 25 years. Unless tree-free sources of paper are developed, there is no way to meet future demand without causing massive deforestation and environmental damage. Hemp is the world's most promising source of tree-free paper.
  • The quality of hemp paper is superior to tree-based paper. Hemp paper will last hundreds of years without degrading, can be recycled many more times than tree-based paper, and requires less toxic chemicals in the manufacturing process than does paper made from trees.
  • Hemp can be used to produce fiberboard that is stronger than wood, lighter than wood, and fire retardant. Substituting hemp fiberboard for timber would further reduce the need to cut down our forests. Hemp can also be used to produce strong, durable and environmentally-friendly plastic substitutes. Thousands of products made from petroleum-based plastics can be produced from hemp-based composites. Mercedes Benz of Germany has recently begun manufacturing automobile bodies and dashboards made from hemp.
  • It takes years for trees to grow until they can be harvested for paper or wood, but hemp is ready for harvesting only 120 days after it is planted. Hemp can grow on most land suitable for farming, but forests and tree farms require large tracts of land available in few locations. Harvesting hemp rather than trees would also eliminate erosion due to logging, thereby reducing topsoil loss and water pollution caused by soil runoff.
  • Hemp seeds contain a protein that is more nutritious and more economical to produce than soybean protein. Hemp seeds are not intoxicating. Hemp seed protein can be used to produce virtually any product made from soybean: tofu, veggie burgers, butter, cheese, salad oils, ice cream, milk, etc. Hemp seed can also be ground into a nutritious flour that can be used to produce baked goods such as pasta, cookies, and breads.
  • Hemp seed oil can be used to produce non-toxic diesel fuel, paint, varnish, detergent, ink and lubricating oil. Because hemp seeds account for up to half the weight of a mature hemp plant, hemp seed is a viable source for these products.
  • Just as corn can be converted into clean-burning ethanol fuel, so can hemp. Because hemp produces more biomass than any plant species (including corn) that can be grown in a wide range of climates and locations, hemp has great potential to become a major source of ethanol fuel.
  • Literally millions of wild hemp plants currently grow throughout the U.S. Wild hemp, like hemp grown for industrial use, has no drug properties because of its low THC content. U.S. marijuana laws prevent farmers from growing the same hemp plant that proliferates in nature by the millions.
  • From 1776 to 1937, hemp was a major American crop and textiles made from hemp were common. Yet, The American Textile Museum, The Smithsonian Institute, and most American history books contain no mention of hemp. The government's War on Marijuana Smokers has created an atmosphere of self censorship--speaking of hemp in a positive manner is considered taboo.
  • United States Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp, used products made from hemp, and praised the hemp plant in some of their writings. Under the laws written by today's politicians, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be considered a threat to society--they would be arrested and thrown in prison for the felony crime of growing plants.
  • No other natural resource offers the potential of hemp. Cannabis Hemp is capable of producing significant quantities of paer, textiles, building materials, food, medicine, paint, detergent, varnish, oil, ink, and fuel. Unlike other crops, hemp can grow in most climates and on most farmland throughout the world with moderate water and fertilizer requirements, no pesticides, and no herbicides. Cannabis Hemp (also known as Indian Hemp) has enormous potential to become a major natural resource that can benefit both the economy and the environment.

"Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere."
--President George Washington, 1794

I think ignorance is the real problem, just my opinion though.

05:48:34 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Twamao:

oh well, the whole point for me on debating against Huo was because in my view it was irresponsible to post pros and cons of an illegal drugs.  Because by putting pros of marijuana you are indirectly/directly encouraging its use.  There are kids that are viewing this forums.  You are right, Marijuana has some good benefits.  Cigarette has also and also alcohol and Phentermine, ketamine, amphetamines, they have good medical benfits the list goes a very long way.  But most of them are regulated/banned drugs simply because THE RISK OUTWEIGHS THE BENEFITS.  And please dont quote outdated knowledge.  Quoting a 1794 president is really not a factor. dont you quote those ignorant person from the last century or so. I say ignorant because they dont know what they are talking about.  Science is advancing and with it knowledge.  Opium was legel then, its not today.  Hemp was legal then, not today. 

So i ask Marijuana users, why do you use it?  Dont you dare tell me its a personal choice.

08:20:30 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

I used it cuz i was curious and then it felt nice and i was young and it was cool. Nowadays it only makes me tired. It was bringing nothing positive in my life anymore .. thats why i stopped.

But in fact both are personal choices. What else? You think we fell from heaven on earth and were "addicted" ?

P.S. Hemp IS legal, you have to differ between Mary Jane and Industrial Hemp that is used and is legal. I know farmers who grow it. Its modified thou.

11:39:47 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Larry Flynt:

Mr Twamao, your wrong. The risks of pot DO NOT outweigh the benifits. You are right about one thing, science is advancing, and as it does it prooves you wrong, time and time again.

Personal choice, or for medical reason are the only 2 reasons to smoke pot, so personal choice.

12:56:38 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

Flyntt Twamao is really not worth m8 lol hes just like  an old grandma thats got her mind set on 11 opinion and is not willing to accept other viwes on the subject.. i know your right... i think the majority of people here also do but its just narrow minded people that cant

14:32:12 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Twamao:

in the future, would you allow your children to use pot?  id like to hear what you would tell if your children ask you if using pot is alright. :P

(Edited by Mr. Twamao 9/1/2006 2:34:02 PM)

14:33:58 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

Could my parents influence my decision? Unnecessary question...

14:53:30 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Twamao:

nope. but they can sometimes be a guide on your choices in life. specially if you are young

15:10:22 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Larry Flynt:

Im not a hipocrate. My kids already know about drugs, sex, alcohol. They have been brought up to make there own choices, and think for themselves. Not to blindly follow what everyone else thinks.

15:26:53 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

Mr. Twamao

9/1/2006 2:53:30 PM
nope. but they can sometimes be a guide on your choices in life. specially if you are young


How shall i understand that now? That my parents failed and werent a guide cuz i was smoking?

(Edited by Mr. Dwarflinger 9/1/2006 3:29:51 PM)

15:34:58 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Twamao:


16:12:34 Sep 1st 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

im really close to my dad (im 17) and he smokes it with me...BUT hes very strict on how bad other drugs are higher than dope

19:09:45 Sep 1st 06 - Lord Drakos:

Have smoked it since I was 18, had a perfect 4.0 grade throughout college, obtained my Mech. Eng. Degree, am a rated Chess Player and program CNC machines on the fly, and do Statics equations in my from my perspective, it is not a bad thing.

 BUT I raised my kids to not do it when they lived at home, they never knew I did it until they turned 18, then I sat them down and told them I do it as they had reached adult age and had a right to know. They were shocked, as the hype is you are stupid if you do it, and they know I have a brain. Now they know why dad disappeared into the bedroom and came out happy 10 minutes later after a hard days work. :P

 You could consider it hypocritical, but I wanted them to reach 18, clean and sober, then to make up their own mind concerning it. Not to do it because their dad does it. On reaching 18, one tried it, one didn't, they both don't touch it, and I am glad.

 It is my Martini after a hard days work. It should never have been made illegal, you can thank the brewers and distillers for that. It was legal until prohibition in the USA, then the brewers had it made illegal as people started to turn to hemp. When prohibition was lifted, hemp was kept illegal.

 Imagine if they made it legal, and sold it for $20.00 a pack, it would employ many farmers, create a big tax income for the government, and stop the wasted money spent on enforcement and keeping people locked up who's only crime is smoking one, driving slow, and being hungry.

 Smoke one, drive slow, drink a few, drive like a race car driver. which is worse? Smoke one, laugh and veg, drink, get obnoxious and belligerent. Liquor/beer is the worst imho.

 I have never been to a pot party and witnessed a fight, have witnessed people looking for something they just set down and can't remember where it is, but no fights. :P

 keg parties on the other hand...a fight almost every time.

19:41:24 Sep 1st 06 - Admiral Krum:

Drakos, well put!

03:46:34 Sep 2nd 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:



06:57:24 Sep 2nd 06 - Mr. Quixote:

    amen to that

13:47:56 Sep 4th 06 - Mr. Cleon:

Well there are two directly negative cosequenses from smoking pot that makes it worse then alcohol.

 First off, after smoking once you can get high at any point in the future without smkoing. A friend of mine got high in the middle the day were we worked, that was fun as hell, but imaging driving a car and get stoned.

Secondly, you can get a psychoic. And you can also get stuck in one for the rest of your life. If that happens your entire life is wasted.

13:59:27 Sep 4th 06 - Mr. Cobra:

You can get high without smoking in the future? What the hell are you on about? And what do you mean you can get a psychoic and get stuck where?

14:34:27 Sep 4th 06 - Mr. Cleon:

Well I dont know what happens, but when you smoke its gonna go to your fat and when the fat is used your gonan get high even if you didnt smoke for years.

You may get stuck in teh psychosis, thats what I ment.

15:31:47 Sep 4th 06 - Mr. Larry Flynt:

THC can be stored if fats cells, but no where near enough to get high off of. Your body just cant store that much of it.

His second point, back in the mid 20's to mid 30's, one of the ways the goverment scared people away for pot was to say it can cause psychotic episodes in people, also another myth.

It is feasible, if you have THC in its purest form, and inject thousands of cc's into your blood stream, which is equal to eating about 10 pounds pot.

So again another weak arguement from someone who didnt read the whole thread and felt like trying to diss the greast plant in the world.

16:27:20 Sep 4th 06 - Mr. Cleon:

The fat cells can store enough for you to be affected by it.

16:59:28 Sep 4th 06 - Mr. Larry Flynt:

No, it cant. Even if your body released every ounce of THC at once you wouldnt feel a thing.

Your confusing pot, with acid flashbacks.

23:35:59 Sep 4th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

 Cleon im sorry but your wrong thats the biggest load of bull*beep* ive ever heard... Your basically just quoted an urban Myth with no scientific evidence behind your ridiculous "theory"

To me it just sounds like another scare tactic

00:18:45 Sep 8th 06 - Sir Shyers The Sinister:

well.. i think this thread is out of control... the woest thing about pot... uneducated people about pot...Pot is bad for you, as any thing that gives you a feeling of eupophia. I does have benefits, medically speaking, eating disorders, depression, sick pep with no hunger, various other things.
but to debate the pro and cons of pot is stupid. Pot is iliegal in the US because the government didn't want pep of the time getting high/drinking/etc. so they filled the nation with propagana (watch reefer maddness, true)
you can die from pot, but very hard, your blood would have to be dialuted. you can die from pure nicotine, enough to fill a pin head.
THC doesn't get you as high as the CNA and CNG also found in high grade pot.
There is no drug test for THC, they find other by products in your blood stream that are stored in  your fat with the THC. However you can't get high from burning fat, unless you are very skinny, and smoke pot while gaining 200+ pounds in a year of HEAVY pot usage... stop smoking and then lose that 200 lbs within a very stort time, your lvl of highness will be like one hit of dirt weed.
Pot does affect short term memory cells, it kinda "numbs" them, the carsinogens of pot/cigs/polution, kills them.
Hemp is NOT pot... same genis differnt species. close relative, pot is Canabis Sativa and Canabis Indi. don't remember hemps.
Pot is a "gateway drug", but the same can be said about any drug. what makes you do other drugs is choice, infualnced greatly by peer pressure. but by doing a drug you are more likly to do another than to start just one.
legalizing it now would be stupid cuz it would take the fight out of the "bad" drugs-herion, crack, etc. De-crimianlizing it would be best, look at Canada's laws... the best pot i've seen came from BC.
and Hao... my dog loved to get stoned. he would come up to us everytime we smoked around him asking for a puff. We shotguned him, he got high, not dead.
But it's also right that young people read this and don't need to be encourgaed to smoke anything, they will find thier own vices. But the worst thing about pot is it "laziness" affeact as all drugs have.
and Cleon's an idoit. learn facts not fiction!
if you need more info, contact me through msgs, i'll not post my knowledge...and yes, i an a bit of an expert as i have done sci studies on pot as well a dabbed in other drugs...and i use to be a heavy smoker... now very very lit.
And i wish Zeta would have deleted this thread before anyone read you are corrupted... but better to be corrupted with facts than propaganda... don't belive what the government tells you.

oh and twamoa-- i use because it gets me high, lol... just like drinking, the euphoiric affect makes me feel good, ironic isn't it, lol. It's nice to have abreak from the real world and have something alter your state of mind to help relieve your worldly mental troubles.

18:58:20 Sep 8th 06 - Mr. Catey:

in briten we call it a *beep* of sigarete to me it sounds werid cause i thought pots were meatl lol


(or wood lol)

22:16:33 Sep 19th 06 - Mr. Killer:

idk if u guys r even remotly on the topic of dogs anymore cuz i dont feel like reading it but yea it reminded me of this picture

22:16:42 Sep 19th 06 - Mr. Killer:

03:39:02 Jan 17th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:

this is a quote from zeta (from another thread)

VU Admin

1/8/2007 1:04:09 PMIt was deleted because I though it was old.


19:37:57 Jan 20th 07 - Mr. Katsumoto:

lmao i cant believe this thread is still going :P back when my name was Mr. Huo Yuanjia lol

19:42:28 Jan 20th 07 - Mr. Katsumoto:

and Hao... my dog loved to get stoned. he would come up to us everytime we smoked around him asking for a puff. We shotguned him, he got high, not dead

i know thtas what i was saying lol it confused the *beep* out of him lol

20:00:50 Jan 20th 07 - Mr. Arzun:


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