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All hail north korea!
20:34:34 Oct 15th 06 - Mr. Pyron:

That's it!!I am tired of Earth!!As soon as people colonize another planet I'm leaving!!And there will be a law of no nuces or guns or any weapons other than sticks and stones unless you work for the government or have a pass by them to carry one and then it will only be a knife or sword!!

02:33:16 Oct 16th 06 - Sir Xiax:

Pyron, haven't you ever heard that sticks and stones will break your bones? Trust me, you want those weapons of destruction outlawed as well.

12:31:50 Oct 16th 06 - Mr. Ghouma:

Almost all propaganda in Swedish media is right wing Meme. And how do you think I would know what kind of people was asked in the poll. I can only assume it was serious and if not accurate at least gave some idea. You have to agree that even 20% would be a crazy amount....

02:41:32 Oct 18th 06 - Mr. Heriot:

"And about the whole Japan thing...  If I recall they did attack us during WW2 during peace treaties.We merely ended the fight before it got any worse...  Not to mention again japan attacked during peace negotiations... Matter of fact pearl harbor happened almost 2 hours after japan ceased the negotiations that day..  Sooo the nuke was not dropped when japan wanted peace."

Where do you find the data for the above? The peace talks came to an end Nov. US was aware that Japan had intend to attack South East Asia and Indies, but did not expect Japan to attack on US itself.

The US's anger on Pearl Harbour was mainly due to the fact that it was a "sneak" attack without the prior diplomatic formalities (formal declaration of war). Then again "pre-emptive strike" is much more common and "acceptable" military action nowadays as compared to 1941.

17:53:41 Jan 8th 07 - Mr. Rbc:

I whole heartedly agree, had the nuclear warheads 'little boy' and 'fat man' not been dropped thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of U.S and Japanese troops would've died. Japanese civilians would've probably defended until the last man

18:23:31 Jan 8th 07 - Sir Drunken:

Well no <3 for Japonese here..

I have this South Korean friend who used to stay with me for awhile he was telling me of hes total respect for N Korea and their leadership... Ok hes parents are from N Korea but he served in the S Korean army for three years. He told me how the US forced his government to buy expensive but useless equipment and how US soldiers got away with murders in his country... And how ofc I won't reveal the whole extend of US's control over the South's government. But towards N Korea the US got to be Mr Nice guy cause someone have Nukes. So for once lets not look from the US point of view. Hope I dun get sh*t banged here for this post :\

Conclusion: Get Nukes or be bullied but for the love of god make love not bombs.

20:22:26 Jan 8th 07 - Mr. Deathace:

Drunken: You'll get *beep* beaten out of you for being a terrorist (apparently everyone could be terrorist if the powers that be wanted:D) and posting propaganda in here, US liberated S-Korea!! And people love Americans there, that's why they get operations on their tongues so it would be easier to talk English and stuff. You liar!!!

PS: Don't take it too seriously, I tend to agree on Drunken's view, but the tongue cutting is true though. They do it massively there. Cutting your tongue to speak a foreign language better, kind of shows how the brainwashing works real well, but that's just my opinion again of course.

00:06:31 Jan 9th 07 - Ms. Avril Lavigne:

Actually a majority of the S Korean pop is against US military prescence in their country. And RBC, fact is that Japan wanted to surrender even before the nukes where dropped, just not unconditionally. After the first bomb they offered to surrender unconditionally. US blew another bomb before accepting - just becouse they could.

00:26:50 Jan 9th 07 - Mr. Deathace:

Think I heard the same thing about Japan from History channel documentary? There was a little arguing in the top branches in military and government and stuff, but in the end those who wanted to show off their power and test the nuke in action won. (first nuke was plutonium and second uranium or the other way around, no other difference really besides the fact that they were different)

04:43:00 Jan 10th 07 - Mr. Pallando:

First, i completly support isreal, they fight for there survivial and will NEVER use a nuclear weapon, merely deter muslims, think of how they would act if isreal did not have nuclear deterant? it may ju*beep*el more nuclear arms race and a egerness for it but Isreal is kinda surrounded by aggressive states.



And to this " what has america ever gained from war, WWI WWII and every other war uve gotten stuck in" u support your policy, and get government hands and favours put into every culture ,  WWII u got stuck in it because u finally realized if the other nations lost, you lost, u sat back and watched other nations take a beating and suffer massive casualties while u waited and stockpiled, hell, u had enough supplies to end the war. it wasnt great strategy on the behalf  of some great  american general " anyone seen pattons armies casualties". ( may i add that d-day was a great achievement and i have the utmost respect for its planning , although in my opinion it could have been done better, faster)  it was just a simple numbers game, not you guys saving us, we needed more people, not more intelligent soldiers cause we were to dumb,

back to what  i was trying to make a main point on, you put yourselves in these wars to make a profit, so maybe one day when that country gains something america could use , they can say " hey remember when u were in the little pickle with such and such"  and strike a deal, making a profit, And in WWII , most countries paid off its debt to you in full.

I am not saying all americans are ignorant, but i am saying your foreign policy is one of " saving my own ass and making a buck" not " lets live in harmony" because just cause they dont gain land from a war doesnt mean they dont gain something, and with the damned internet these days all you really need is a room and a computer with a internet connection to make your own web country.

and  a real fact about the Korean war , more bombs were dropped during  that war then all the bombs and artillery shells during WWII.. Maybe the losses were not as bad, but look at aerial pictures of N korean cities after the war, its just dust,



there was also a earlier post saying someone thought america would one day attack India Or china because they will soon become a counterbalancing superpower .... note , they already are in my opinion and within 15 years will be at the forefront of world technology ( unless a new sars or birdflu hits em good), anyways i believe america probably one day will as it stands once china stands up and says no to some american push,

(Edited by Mr. Pallando 1/10/2007 4:47:35 AM)

12:45:50 Jan 10th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

This is a better thread to post this pic in.

18:20:35 Jan 10th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

And this.

18:57:52 Jan 10th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

19:02:06 Jan 10th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

anyone see the resemblance?



BTW not even nazi's make planes drop bomb in their banners

they know waht it feels like to be bombed its not something to be proud of maybe u guys could learn something

if you dont other will eventually

02:07:04 Jan 11th 07 - Mr. Deathace:

Pallando: actually US and China are extremely close economically nowadays so an all out conflict between those two countries seems unlikely to me. Neither would benefit (not to mention the risk of nuclear war...). But of course since you said 15 ye*beep*verything could change.

14:33:50 Jan 11th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

18:54:12 Jan 11th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Shouldn't the banner say a socialist GORILLA? Hehe, Monkey News :)

15:36:11 Apr 16th 07 - Mr. Morgan:


00:27:26 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Yuran:

"That's it!!I am tired of Earth!!As soon as people colonize another planet I'm leaving!!And there will be a law of no nuces or guns or any weapons other than sticks and stones unless you work for the government or have a pass by them to carry one and then it will only be a knife or sword!!"


It really doesn't matter where you go even if you go to another planet there will still be war. In millions of years. there will still be war, with even more powerful weapons. War is a natural thing. Im not saying its good by any means, but war keeps the population under control(somewhat). Ever since Man made their first kill we have had war. War is fueled by alot of things, Pride, Anger, Pain, Panic, a feeling of safety and sometimes even Honor. Its the same thing as if some kid walked up and punched you in the Nose, you either ignore it, or fight back. it will always happen as long as Life exists.

And as for your weapon theory, by the time we colonize another planet we will have far more powerful weapons than we do now. There will be no law for NO WEAPONS, then what would they defend themselves with? their hands??? Weapons are meant to harm another being, Some use it for Defence and Some for Offence, there is no "Neutral" You are either Defensive or Offensive.

08:47:21 May 6th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

History always hates the big guy.  The big guy is evil, because how else could he grow to be the big guy?  Nevermind that you yourself would scratch and kick and kill to become the big guy.  Everyone wants #1.  (Hell, that's the reason we play VU and not Sim City in the first place!)

The only means for completely safety is total resignation of our human rights.

The only means for total human rights is resignation for our safety.

Humanity itself is what is flawed.  Yet, the only way to fix these flaws are, in essence, to become animals.

10:51:55 May 6th 07 - Mr. Joseph:

We are already animals. As Karl Marx sais - the thing that separates humans from animals is labour. But becouse of capitalism we are alienated from our work, we feel like animals doing it. And we really only feel human during our spare time when we eat, sleep, *beep*, etc. Thus we feel like animals while doing human things and human while doing animal things.

12:46:56 May 6th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

that what they want us to belive noone kill becoue he wants to they eighter forcew someone else to do it or they get forced bye someone else. its the system that couses all these wars. if bush had to pick up a gun and go to iraq himspef there would never be any wars.

17:21:04 May 6th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

I don't think that really covers all of humanity, though, Joseph.  There are many people who enjoy their jobs and don't feel like monkeys shoving paperwork all day.  And I can't think of many animals that build skyscrapers :)

Dreadlord, Bush served in the military already.  Though I admit, he didn't really do crap in it.  But there are other countless presidents--Eisenhowar, Jackson, hell, even Washington--who fought war in person, saw the action and risked their lives, and sent America into war again later.

13:03:39 May 7th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

if you really belive something like that there is nothing i can say or do to make you think otherwise.

23:08:33 May 7th 07 - Ms. Tantulii:

What, that some people enjoy their jobs, or that Bush served in the military?

11:55:04 May 8th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

well first off, of all that i said he picks the less important parts and say they are wrong. sow he already has his opinion and is only looking for a way to disagree with me.

he cant possiblely belive that any president fought in a war like any soldier did. or any army soldier fights out of 'free will'.all they fight for are is the wealth of the already rich people who dont even fight themselves.

its hard to belive he forms his opinion out of logics.Its rather he tries to convinse himself of that becouse he think taht wil make him feel better (dont know the exact reason).

My argument are based and logics and they obviously wont have any effect on him.


22:34:11 May 8th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

"he cant possiblely belive that any president fought in a war like any soldier did"

Most of the presidents who also served in wars were captains, and often at the front line... what do you mean they didn't fight wars like soldiers did?


Why don't your write that a few more times, this time in larger text?  I'm sure that'll make everything all better again.

22:31:23 May 9th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

president are puppets
damm the capitalist


22:32:54 May 9th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

History is one big change twist of the truth.
Nobody everyt tells you the truth only what suits them best.

03:46:30 May 10th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

president are puppets
As in representative o*beep*reater body?  In such scenario, the only people who are NOT puppets would be despots and monarchs.

damm the capitalist
Damn the noncapitalist ones too.  Capitalism itself has nothing to do with it.

22:06:09 May 10th 07 - Mr. Saint Just:

Tant, sure. I was kinda tired and was just making a lame joke writing "BUSH, FACIST, MUDERER" repeatedly. Its not all wrong tho, the murderer part is easy, a million dead innocent civilians in an illegal war. I wouldnt call bush a facist but hes not that far away either. I might write more tomorow.

18:57:16 May 14th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

'' As in representative o*beep*reater body?  In such scenario, the only people who are NOT puppets would be despots and monarchs.''

they are puppets of the few elite richest.
and the people are puppets of the media. ( at least the majority who keeps voting for him) or you dont have a democratie.

(sry if others feel attack couse of my anger for lady tantulii's ignorance)

''Capitalism itself has nothing to do with it''

let me gues waht you wanna say

blablabla lenin bababab monster bblalaalblal  kill millions inocents
blablabal Videl castro blablabla .....

18:57:47 May 14th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

LIES of the media

00:09:42 May 15th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

"they are puppets of the few elite richest.
and the people are puppets of the media. ( at least the majority who keeps voting for him) or you dont have a democratie."

1.  So, better to be a puppet to the rich, or a mindless drone to a despot?

2.  You are not a person?  (Might really explain your lack of logic though...)

"LIES of the media "

Tell me, oh wise one... where do you learn about George Bush?

08:46:21 May 15th 07 - Mr. Saint Just:

The little Democracy we have does not come from the rich, its the working class who demanded the right to some power, and we didn't get that right free. In America it was different but there was still property requirements for the white males who was allowed to vote. Whats sad is that the class struggle stopped due to the decadent reformism of the social democrats, so our power is limited to vote between two alternatives once every four years. In America it is different of course, the socialists in America was just gunned down as soon as they opened their mouth by capitalists who had been appointed sheriffs or by the police. Three and a half million people was killed by the police or starved to death during the depression in USA and Canada.

08:53:38 May 15th 07 - Mr. Saint Just:

And using Democracy as an argument to go to war is the most retarded argument ever. The rich and powerful never wants real democracy, look at how your own government in America got nations like El Salvador, Nicaragua or Liberia to go from democracy to authoritarian dictatorships. Not to mention that near the end of WW2 America tried to get a Nazi government to rule France.

14:58:19 May 15th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

@ tantulii


OMG u admit that you/we are puppets(have nothing to say over anything that happens in the name of 'america' in your case) and accept it and are gratefull for it becouse you are afraid of the altarnitive? Shure keep thinking that but remember the only reason you have what little you do is becosue of other who did stood up for their rights.If it wher upto people like you your situation woulnt be much diffrent than the worst places in africa.


Media doent nessesarily lie in most fact they tell. They just decieve you greatly.Lies are the opinions of most news presetators. and ofcourse how they twist hide or Bloat certain types of news.

22:11:05 May 17th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

"OMG u admit that you/we are puppets(have nothing to say over anything that happens in the name of 'america' in your case) and accept it and are gratefull for it becouse you are afraid of the altarnitive?"

Everyone is a puppet in some manner.  A puppet to a corporation.  A puppet to a president.  A puppet to a government.  To their parents.  To the media.  Generally, If you're not a puppet, you starve.  Because you're not useful.

If you think the rich have COMPLETE control, however, you are wrong.  A president could spend billions of dollars on a campaign and not win.  A president niether inherits nor purchases presidency.  They do it by winning the trust of the general populace (except in certain occasions like the 2000 elections, due to the electoral college) and retaining it to try and get re-elected again.  Not to mention that for every government leader there are a system of checks that can be invoked if necessary.

"If it wher upto people like you your situation woulnt be much diffrent than the worst places in africa."

You really have no basis for this accusation.  I do not support all of Bush's policies, just because I may defend them from crazed liberals who spew propoganda no better than the republicans do.  I am a registered voter, and have done so, and plan to continue to do so.

"2.  Media doent nessesarily lie in most fact they tell. They just decieve you greatly.Lies are the opinions of most news presetators. and ofcourse how they twist hide or Bloat certain types of news."

Ah... so you are completely immune to this decievement?  Your logic and reasoning against America has been built off of perfectly objective and logical conclusion?  Gotcha.

"Not to mention that near the end of WW2 America tried to get a Nazi government to rule France."

Can you expand on this?

10:38:32 May 18th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

owkey so your saying i might not be right?...

shure thats true  but i do think about it more and are probably closer to the truth.:D. If you can just try and see things for yourself instead of just following what 'others'/tv whatever il be satisfied :D.


13:16:06 May 18th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Hahah, no, popular media doesn't support Bush.

And what do you mean by following others?  By providing a counterarguement to common and ignorant assaults against America and Bush?

14:01:58 May 18th 07 - Mr. Saint Just:

Isnt Fox news larger then all the other newsstations together?

About the nazi frenchie, america wanted a vichy guy who had initiated persecution of jews in Algeria.  My source is a book in swedish about De Gaulle by Knut Ståhlberg based on his memoars.

22:52:44 May 18th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

why would they support bush he already got more then he wanted unless you guys wanna change the constitution to re-elect such a great leader a 3rd time :D

22:53:58 May 18th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

btw dint they find out right after his first elections that there was a miscount and actually gore won?

00:23:31 May 19th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

"why would they support bush he already got more then he wanted "

Bush could always use more.  Like a 2/3 Republican majority in both houses.  But the Democrats gained seats in the house the second election, which shows Bush is losing support, not gaining it.

"unless you guys wanna change the constitution to re-elect such a great leader a 3rd time :D"

Actually, Bill Clinton is already proposing this... but it seems very unlikely to gain any ground.

It is true that news stations announced winner prematurely... twice.  But in the Supreme Court case Bush v Gore, Bush was granted the win by a marginal number of votes.

What should be scarier, though, is that Bush was re-elected with a better vote rate than in his first term.

11:12:31 May 21st 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

oh the supreme courst granted bush a win OMG i dint knew that (-_-') (sarcasm)

i said there was a obvious miscount that got ignored

16:27:20 May 21st 07 - Lady Tantulii:

That wasn't my focus, it was that a branch OTHER than the executive was the one that decided the case.

At any rate, it is virtually impossible to get a perfect count in any election.  Florida was using old crappy machines that were screwing up the punch cards.  It's not really safe to say Gore should have/would have won the election, and at any rate if he had, he'd probably be doing the same thing as Bush.

22:14:30 May 21st 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

what does any of this have to do with North Korea?
btw, I don't know about the North Koreans, but the South Koreans are realy nice

05:08:43 May 22nd 07 - Lady Tantulii:

The part of the US still occupies today?

Yeah, this thread has wandered far.

16:25:43 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

the US have troops in more then a hundred countries :D.

16:26:08 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

back to the subject north korea is cewl and brave :D.

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