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Arma III
07:28:38 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Auspex:

Clearly bitter.

Our main core being who? Ang Sloth and me? The rest, just 2 eras together  and many just 1 era. If I remember right, it was someone in Legacy who suggested I go make my own Fant KD, so that is what I did. Thanks for the inspiration

07:30:47 Mar 22nd 07 - Sir Brain:

Well, I'll let someone who's non-biased judge who's correct. Someone who knows his own emotions (or lack thereof), or the known liar.

(Edited by Sir Brain 3/22/2007 7:32:08 AM)

07:32:32 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Auspex:

Liar? I never said anywhere I was going to stop Arma

07:48:16 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Byakuya:

Of course you didn't but Slot who is also V's spokeperson said it's an Armagedon block, I believe ALL the ppl from VU who reads the forum saw him writing them.

So are you trying to say Slot lied and V as a kd didn't? And Sloth being the CORE person in V doesn't have to be responsible for what HE LIED ABOUT?

He practically TRICK the entire VU into thinking that this armagedon is the SO CALLED ARMAGEDON BLOCK from V. A pretty sick joke and there is ppl who DOESN'T WANT THE ERA to end. Ppl who trusted Sloth's word and end up see that the Era have ended. Does Slot who is the CORE OF V's words represent V? If the answer is YES then V LIED and you Auspex who is the in charged LIED as well since you did not clarify what Slot said.

07:52:56 Mar 22nd 07 - General Ezatious:

haha V once again shame themselves


09:43:33 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

Edit: double post sry

(Edited by Mr. Dreadlord 3/22/2007 9:44:38 AM)

09:43:33 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

VU is a game and the goal is to win the era and V did that.

Becouse they did it so fast and did it the eazy way doesnt mean they deserve less credit in fact its pretty smart to find the eziest way to win.

couse untill now worse things have been done to win the era V just did it in a smart way and dint even bend a single rule.

Maybe the the rules are not perfect but V dint do anything wrong this era.

(Edited by Mr. Dreadlord 3/22/2007 9:44:16 AM)

10:13:58 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Yes V once again shame themselves,i agree with General Ez.Also maybe this will be a warning that whenever arma is cast,people would start to actually DO something about it instead of thinking that the casters would cancel it and recast it again...this is ,of course,if you enjoy playing more then 400 day eras....whoring FTL :(

(Edited by Mr. Andrei The Impaler 3/22/2007 10:14:11 AM)

10:38:44 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I wonder why so many are complaining, there is always a next era to make things better :)

And why blaming V for ending this era so fast ?

If I take a look in rankings and the developent in the last 2 weeks it was clear that V would win this era, if Arma would have been canceled or not.
So why waste time in farming week kingdoms and finally killing a busy lgc who had fights on several fronts ???
Why ?

I think V did fine to end this era that  a new one can start and this time more people might be prepared against this start-rush-cast-army-tactic from V...
(I even can think on future NAPs with the rule, if Arma get casted  the NAP can be refused within 24h =D)

so god job V :b

(Edited by Mr. Crissxcross 3/22/2007 10:40:54 AM)

10:39:26 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Byakuya:

First of all my stand is ... I didn't say V don't deserve to win. The problem is they won by LYING TO THE ENTIRE VU, they said that it is an armagedon block in the begining when they faced lot of objections from many other ppl.

I won't have a problem if they clarify at a later time or won without telling others IT'S AN ARMAGEDON BLOCK that basically put many others who wants to play on with this era not to take action against their armagedon colony. So they won, but won WITHOUT any bit of INTEGRITY in them and that I must stress to the whole VU gamers who played this game that V LIED in order to have the era ended and they win by lying to everyone.

10:58:09 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Larry Loverod:

See, what did we tell you guys? What did we tell you?

V are liars. Complete and utter, remorseless and degrading liars. They never had any intention whatso ever of it being an arma block. They've not only lied to their enemies, but their allies, and the rest of VU. It was a proper arma all along, as we had warned you.

They're deceitful, Architect especially, and all those goons who ran around here lying that it was an arma block to fool not only their enemies, but allies alike. They knew full well that it wasn't, and they deceived a large proportion of the game in doing so. Shame on you, Architect. Shame on you, you unhonourable, deceiving scum. Shame on Bronkers, shame on Sloth, shame on all the liars. We won't forget this.

Furthermore, it's hilarious for V to even attempt to assert that they had beaten LGC. Beaten what, you ask? Our armouries stationed outside your core, after 1-2 weeks of being unable to dislodge them? Such a shallow victory. In the eras we've beaten you, we've chased you from the map like the cowards you are. When you "win", you whore for the first few weeks, cast armageddon, fight half a days march outside  your core, then claim a complete victory without having set foot inside our core. Pathetic.

Nobody forget Architect's deceit, Sloth's deceit, Bronker's deceit, in fact all of V's deceit to the world of VU.

11:03:03 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

I agree 100% to Larry Loverod's post

11:27:43 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Troll King:

LGC, stop your crying... You all to well know "as many others" you were abusing the bless spell when V was kicking you around.

Well, I guess my responce to that would be...

Well we did not have to abuse bugs "the bless spell" just in order to "manage" being able to fight.

I know without the over powering problem, they would have mopped you up even faster then what V was already doing to you...

So get off your "high-horse"...

And an extra thought to "Carnage", Thx, you all are an superb group. Hope to anyday be your "trusted" NAP any time. ;-)

Just think, if you - V grouped as one. LOL, talk about an nightmare to the rest here...



11:38:48 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Randy Rockhard:

Lol at people saying V would've beaten LGC anyway, sayin it was good they ended the era early - LGC's demise was inevitable....


Good luck walking your massive merge across the map... V knew they could never beat LGC in a full strength fight so they cast arma early. Simple as that.

11:45:09 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Knuckle Duster:

The funnies thing out of all of this is V accusing use of bug abuse, even when they "win" an era they still accuse us of cheating. We dont pick up your bad habits.

Trust in the fact if LGC were cheating V would be on starta. Zeta said last era that the bless spell was fixed, or would be fixed for this era. Half of LGC didnt even try the bless spell until V beat dvs's army.

You retards in V cant claim victoy without even seening our core. The monks made it through or blocker and into our core for a minute, so if anything they did more damage to LGC than you did against our 5 players up north, me, Draik, Larry, Dvs, and Sal. Those were the 5 up there. So be proud it took your whole KD 2 weeks to beat back 5 lgc players, kudos you guys rock.

(Edited by Mr. Knuckle Duster 3/22/2007 11:46:00 AM)

11:47:59 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Troll King:

Oh yah, "Sorry", LGC would "never" use ruthless tactics or abuse game machanics to win now would they?

Yah right...


11:55:41 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Knuckle Duster:

I never said we didnt in eras past, long ago, but LGC has not used any bug abuses in at least 6-7 eras.(maybe a chain merge here or there, but ceratinly nothing on your level). Since I started, and we all blame Roxbury for that one.

I think you guys need to get off your high horse and stop thinking your all that.

I mean to take first place in a war game by whoring and barely raising an army to fight a real enemy, but hey you guys keep stroking your manhood with that big I win, but im still a loser smile you must all be wearing.

(Edited by Mr. Knuckle Duster 3/22/2007 11:57:03 AM)

12:14:39 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

nope LGC would stand a good chanse winning the why?

 they would somehow make shure one guy get all the buildings and work on him and if he got on top for a single second they would cast arma no doubt about it.

12:23:30 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Super Sloth:

Half of LGC didnt even try the bless spell until V beat dvs's army.

Then you used bless far more than us. Bless might have been cast a total of 3 times by us all era long.

I'll say it again. If we cast arma again, it would have proven nothing. The high scores would have been even more heavily slanted in our favour, and I estimate we'd probably pick up 15 of the top 20 spots.

If there were only 5 of you up north, then you certainly pumped them hard, because your score dropped from 70% to 50% of ours in about 2 days as we crushed your armies into dust.

12:23:50 Mar 22nd 07 - Ms. Stroberi:

i wonder if legacy would accept me if i apply...

12:42:39 Mar 22nd 07 - Ms. Stroberi:

or v maybe...

14:11:11 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Larry Loverod:

I think Venomz's post in the other thread sums up V pretty well.

"Mr. Venozz

3/22/2007 12:40:58 PM V Dominated the era?


1,2,3... parts of era

1 - Farming
2 - Farming
3 - Farming
4 - Farming

And so on..

Oh then they cleared some guys, dunno some small kingdom.

5 - Farming
6 - Farming
7 - Casting arma
8 - Farming
9 - Farming
10 - Ending era

As you see they didnt do.. $h1t"

Liars and whores to the end. Even the kingdoms you allied recognise this. V should be shamed of themselves.

Edit: Sloth, what you seem to be missing is that LGC's drop wasn't due to V. BACCUS had broken into our core at the timeas  our north armouries fell, and MAD begun their counter attack. If anything, our fall in size was due to their invasions than V's minor victory up north. You see, they (BACCUS and MAD) are true warring kingdoms, and they deserve the victory far more than a kingdom with 20 dwarves, who ran away from a fight.

(Edited by Mr. Larry Loverod 3/22/2007 2:15:32 PM)

14:12:29 Mar 22nd 07 - Ms. Quietone:

Sloth your "might have been" theories mean nothing babe--  You know as well as anyone else playing this game that you can not predict how this game will go- dont try to assume you'd beat legacy until you actually do-there's nothing to say

You took the easy way out- you didnt earn the win   you know it , we know it, all of VU knows it---  hell there were plenty of good wars going on in the game when you ruined it with your little "get the win" campaign--  just like you always do ruin the game rather than play it.   We (lgc) have lost before, we have been beaten, we are not immune to loss and we recognize when that happens- this era it did not- no one won because the era was not allowed to be played out because you as usual manipulated the game-- So stop coming up with what might have been- this game improvements constantly on the battle front and even if you did push us out of your core that doesnt mean we couldnt have beat you later on in the era- You didnt want to risk that- You didnt want to see how your kd could actually stand up and fight- easy way out - typical V-

(Edited by Ms. Quietone 3/22/2007 2:13:12 PM)
(Edited by Ms. Quietone 3/22/2007 2:14:15 PM)

14:22:26 Mar 22nd 07 - Sir Brain:

An irony about this whole thing, is that, even with Lgc excluded, there's a large amount of people making known their displeasure at the end of the era. Where's the massive supporters that wanted the era to end? Surely they'd be vocal in their defense of V?

*someone sends an IGM to Brain*

What? Oh? They're either figments of Auspex's information or more likely another lie. That's what I thought.

14:51:15 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Androgeos:

Liars ?!??

I never expected LGC to be so sore losers ...

The game is played in the field, not in the forum!
V has won the era fair and square.

You keep forgetting that we play a game of strategy and politics.
Yup, politics it is. We made the smartest moves this era. Allied the ones we had to, fought the ones we had to, got much stronger than anybody else.

Had we renewed the arma once more, the final score would be 100-51 instead of 100-64.

So, if LGC players form a honourable kingdom, they should be honourable in their loss as well.

15:01:16 Mar 22nd 07 - Ms. Quietone:

HAD we - IF we ---- those words mean nothing

the facts are you took an overpowered race early era- dwarf- and whore to the top spot the first 13 days of a new era-  that is no big feat-- that isnt a strategy that's a  joke-- anyone that has played the game for any length of time knows how easy dwarves rank on hoh early era-- that means nothing--

fight and win a war- beat a kingdom and then cast and hold arma-- then you will get your kudos-- Legacy isnt "sore" losers-- As I said- we have lost before - we have been beaten-- and will be again I am sure of it-- it just didnt happen this era.... that's all

You guys manipulated the game and got a dwarf in the top spot at the beginning of the era-- that's all you did anyone that wanted to do that could have--- nothing special-- you guys forget this is a war game-- a game of battles and strategy and you chickened out of the game entirely... that's all there is to it-- so when V stands up and fights and doesnt bug abuse or manipulate and manages to beat us then you will have earned that win.

(Edited by Ms. Quietone 3/22/2007 3:01:48 PM)

15:04:13 Mar 22nd 07 - Sir Brain:

And trust me, Legacy will acknowledge that win and give you the kudos you're so trying to get right now.

15:04:39 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Larry Loverod:

It'd be hard for LGC to be sore losers when LGC didn't lose.

You NAPed the only strong kd next to you, explored for weeks until LGC arrived and set up, casted arma, lied about its intention, took a considerable amount of time to dislodge us, then removed some of our armouries by your core and claimed victory. What an absurd interpretation of a "victory" you have.

The scores highlight nothing but how much you explored, so please, keep reiterating it, it only strengthens our argument. How much of our economy did we lose to V for there to be such a size difference? Well, we lost nothing. In fact we gained off V (thanks for the 70k mine, btw). VU didn't attack our economies, just our armouries outside their core. So how did V get such a high score? Well, as we've said: they explored, then ended the round out of fear, lying through their teeth about it being a block.

15:05:10 Mar 22nd 07 - Lord Anubis:

*Oya chuckles to himself and greets his other personality*
Is it me, or are all these people crazy?
*Anubis rolls his eyes*
I think you might be right there son
*Oya wanders off into the night to reinvent fire*
Hopefully by the time i have managed this, the end of era bickering might have ended, but i'm probably deluding mysel*beep*ain
*Anubis sighs*
Why am i stuck in this useless body

15:09:38 Mar 22nd 07 - Sir Brain:

*Fizban points at Oya*

"Look Brain! Someone who has multiple personalities just like us!"

*Brain then smacks Fizban upside the head*

"Don't be absurd Fizban, you don't actually think some form of fictional diety would actually share a space with a mere human? Come, we must prepare for Sunday night!"

*Fizban rubs his head*

"Why Brain, what are we gonna do Sunday night?"

*Brain rubs his hands*

"Same thing we do every other night, try to take over the world!"

(I couldn't end this run without doing that once.)

15:13:50 Mar 22nd 07 - Lord Anubis:

:D nice fizban

20:51:43 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

If the rules dont change i pretict:
next era LGC will do the same and suddenly there will be alot less complainers.
I really Really wonder why such things repeat themselves.

i will redir. to this post later to prove i was right :p

Ps im not trying to insult anyone its just what i think will happen.

20:59:35 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Auspex:

That already happened in Era 20 Dreadlord. Look at those scores, half of this era even.

21:03:06 Mar 22nd 07 - Sir Arzun:

My predictions... LGC and V will actually fight each other... I hope...

Did V even attack LGC one? I saw them take Draiken's blocker but, was that it? And I know LGC had many fronts, but you would have thought V was one of them.

Not really their fault, I blame the VU comunity! They biþch and biþch about V and their whoring and farming and early arma, then they attack LGC at the same time? The Kingdom with the best chance at beating them is geting attacked and insulted at doing nothing while being assaulted on like 6 fronts?


21:06:47 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Logic is that people shouldn't nap lamer kingdoms like V?I would rather see Lgc win another 10 eras in a row by fair-play then see one more era like this one being whored to death by the LAMERS.

21:30:18 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Truefailure:

Ehhh...i'm still waiting to see the list of the "people" that wanted the era to end...i'm hoping that list doesn't include your own members that were afraid of LGC kicking their ass lmao, I talk about how you could have had more of a % of power over Legacy...why didn't you simply wipe them out then? hmmm...fear? intimidated? just plain cowardly...i choose D, all of the before you go off your handle and cry about everything possible...i just wanna say yeah ok, great job *coughs* wow...saying that hurt more than i thought it would

21:38:16 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Larry Loverod:

Well, who wants to take bets on that V will leave/disband next era, like they did last era in the face of overwhelming opposition from LGC? I see they've managed to piss off the vast majority of the VU populace with their selfish, lying stunt, and nobody has come to their defence, despite their proclaimation it was a 50/50 support decision (another lie there, I presume?), so next era will only be more difficult for them.

Personally, I think we'll end up with V on mantrax next era, as they usually do, killing every new player in sight because they are bored and are in search of new bugs to exploit. They're afraid of a loss, you see. If they don't play on fantasia, the fall won't be nearly as hard, it's basically an attempt to save face on their part. But what can you expect? Exploring kds like them can't stand the heat on fant, warring gets too much for them.

Of course, they won't say they are on mantrax next era because they are bored, or in search of new bugs, they will use some pathetic excuse like "we have labs" or "exams".  =P

22:05:51 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Super Sloth:

These are my final thoughts :) So many replies to make. I'll keep it simple.

the facts are you took an overpowered race early era- dwarf- and whore to the top spot the first 13 days of a new era-

Give me a break. Legacy doesn't construct buildings or build an economy? haha haha haha. These false "its honorable to train armies and attack" ideas totally ignore the fact you need an economy to do so. We had the largest economy and the largest and most powerful armies.

If we recast arma, the scores would have been more slanted in our favor. Do you deny this? Nothing would have changed.

You NAPed the only strong kd next to you

You neglect to mention OnlyU, who were the #1-2 kingdom in the first 3 days, who we were co-located with at the start. They have a lot of good players, and unfortunately we had to crush them OOP. Why don't you ask them if we're explorers OOP? Maybe taking their cities propelled us to the #1 spot?

If anything, Legacy had the easy start, all by yourselves in the corner of the map. Of course, that's all luck, but V managed through war and diplomacy to secure our spot in an obviously much more dangerous northwest corner.

You know as well as anyone else playing this game that you can not predict how this game will go

Yes, didn't Legacy make that fatal mistake one era, determined to crush Auspex even though they controlled 90% of the map? How did that turn out for you? We didn't control 90% of the map but we didn't see anything in four weeks to suggest that it would change.

Sloth, what you seem to be missing is that LGC's drop wasn't due to V.

So forcing you to commit some of your best players and your only STG'er to a proxy war in the north had no effect on your other fronts? Come on.. thats basic strategy. You overcommitted resources to us (which still wasn't nearly enough), and as a result you were ill prepared to fight both MAD and Baccus. Fighitng poorly on three fronts does not a successful era make.

our 5 players up north, me, Draik, Larry, Dvs, and Sal.

This is so laughable to be an embarrasement to you. So when I had 100% kills on General Ezatious's HoH army and killed 110,000 troops, he was just visiting was he? And what about the other 4-5 players who provided armies for your blocker? Quietone was there too, although sending 10k warlords with 0 mages wasn't exactly demonstrating tactical genius.

And finally.. yes I did say it was an armageddon block. Guess I was wrong. Then again, I didn't control the armageddon city either so there wasn't much I could do when I was overruled.

If I take a look in rankings and the developent in the last 2 weeks it was clear that V would win this era, if Arma would have been canceled or not.

Bingo Crisscrossx! If we had recast once more, it would be an even bigger V victory in the scores (which aren't important when Legacy loses, but are important when Legacy wins). There's absolutely no doubt it would have been a huge V victory. Actually that was my preferred option, I'd prefer to see us with an even more dominant finish :)

i wonder if legacy would accept me if i apply...

or v maybe...

Ah, V accepted many, many many new players last era. We are open to any active players who are willing to learn. We cap'd our membership at 25 this era unfortunately, which is the only reason we stopped recruiting, but we were taking new members as late as 7 days into the era.

They never had any intention whatso ever of it being an arma block. They've not only lied to their enemies, but their allies, and the rest of VU. It was a proper arma all along, as we had warned you.

So to finish off, we ended the era IN CONSULTATION WITH our allies and other players and kingdoms. Almost every complainer about the arma ending comes from Mantrax or other worlds where they just began. And also Arzun and Venomz, and some guy from Phi who insults everyone. The ratio of for to against was generally about 80-20. (random complains from Venomz, Arzun and Andrei do not a majority make) Note Carnage were hardly our allies, since Venomz did not want to fight Legacy (scared?) and NAP'd Legacy also (thus being safe from the two biggest threats), and didn't really get in any major wars. Nice! And they wanted the era to continue? Why? Because they were in a 2v1 fight versus Phi? How much different would the era have been if we NAP'd with OnlyU and went after Carnage?

If you to prevent arma from being casted early, it's simple. Change it to a Level 12 spell, such that it requires around 1,250,000,000 gold in resources to cast. That should hold off even a determined Kingdom for at least 3-4 weeks.

My final words, to all of Legacy who flood the forums with accusations of V being liars, cheats, unhonorable, untrustworthy, etc etc etc devil spawns and Satan himself leading them, for all of your efforts, it has gone for naught. Aside from Legacy, 98% of players in VU have been respectful of Vendetta and us to them. These false images you place in the forums are having no effect, certainly not diplomatically, as V had no problems entering into mutually beneficial agreements with those who chose to. The only black mark is being placed on you, with your endless flames and complaints.

22:21:24 Mar 22nd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

"And also Arzun and Venomz, and some guy from Phi who insults everyone."

Don't get Andrei wrong, he's only spreading his love.. In a weird manner, but still, he loves you all :)

Seriously now Sloth, you might have not talked to us in Phi but I can tell you that I don't think you would have found a player who would have said he'd like the era to end.

We launched the counter attack against Abydos and Carnage (who seiged us for 8 days or so) and in less than a week our armies would have reached Arma Not. The fun for Phi was just beginning :(

And passing to Carnage now.. I'm hugely disappointed.. I was sure they were fighting Legacy as well. I can't understand what's up with Kingdoms these days.. They fought such a pathetic war against us, I could have sworn they were doing something else than us (oh and fighting a Kingdom which is rebuilding this era -- BoW).

Like someone said in another thread (can't remember who), some of the current VU players should go play SIMCity.

Psssst, Sloth ... I can't judge if your post is lying or saying the truth but it's nicely built, I love reading good, coherent posts <3                      (like Andrei's)

Hope your warring skills are as good as your writing ones :)

P.S. : Do you have a coloured penis? I like them orange :)

(Edited by Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat 3/22/2007 10:25:30 PM)
(Edited by Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat 3/22/2007 10:25:49 PM)

22:44:30 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:


22:46:14 Mar 22nd 07 - Lord Osiris:

We launched the counter attack against Abydos and Carnage (who seiged us for 8 days or so) and in less than a week our armies would have reached Arma Not. The fun for Phi was just beginning :(

if thats what you think lol a bit confident Carnage and Abydos had no armies

22:46:43 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Truefailure:

So much for andrei having good coherent posts XD lol

22:47:31 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Super Sloth:

Hope your warring skills are as good as your writing ones :)

They're much better :)

22:59:55 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Osiris,taking a break from my all-out flaming war on all the ppl who pissed me,could you tell me if we did not push you back from all our blockers and starting making headway into your lands?Could you deny the fact that we would have owned you,were we given the chance by THE LAMERS?

P.S.:I love my coherent posts :)

23:05:15 Mar 22nd 07 - Lord Osiris:

yes i am denying that fact and no you were not making any headway into our core.

01:11:33 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Ignis Pius The Walker:

I think it might have taken 2-3 weeks, more if we got reckless...but it would've happened.

Back on topic:
I don't think many people will respect V until they prove they can actually beat legacy, and completely destroy them like Legacy did to them last era. Do that, and legacy can't say anything can they? This isn't rl, you don't have to take the easy way out...

Legacy does have my respect, and did surprisingly well fighting on so many fronts. I did think it was a bit stupid to not have at least 1-2 NAPs with a couple kingdom's around them though, (and even having a few divisions running around to attract more enemies) but it's probably hard to do that since most kingdom's want to beat the best kingdom (legacy still...maybe V will try to change that.) and won't NAP legacy.

(Edited by Mr. Ignis Pius The Walker 3/23/2007 1:14:04 AM)

01:22:07 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

In order to prevent a whole series of flame posts from V, I will tell my mate that, Lgc didn't destroy V last era.

V had to leave for Starta since the rhythm of play on Fantasia was to high from them.

(Edited by Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat 3/23/2007 1:23:02 AM)

01:51:23 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Byakuya:

Mr. Super Sloth

3/23/2007 5:05:51 AM

And finally.. yes I did say it was an armageddon block. Guess I was wrong. Then again, I didn't control the armageddon city either so there wasn't much I could do when I was overruled.

If I take a look in rankings and the developent in the last 2 weeks it was clear that V would win this era, if Arma would have been canceled or not.

Quit bragging you are saying BARCUS, MAD, PHI, ABYDOS, CARNAGE and of course LGC can't match up to your whoring kd?


Instead being apologetic about it SINCE YOU LIED, you are cooking out MORE EXCUSES TO KEEP YOU AND YOUR KD CLEAR FROM LYING?

02:35:01 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Auspex:

Andrei if anything we did PHI a favor. Carnage + Abydos in a 2v1 war would not have been good. With all the random swearing you really make your KD look bad. Your flame war with Holy last round was equally bad, and this era you guys broke your NAP with Abydos. At this rate PHI will soon have no allies at all just cause a few of you need to run your mouths and tempers.

Seriously you can't win. Either you wipe out half the map and make enemies of everyone for next era, or you're deemed an explorer. And if we were such explorers, surely Legacy would have made some gains? Nope, you guys got desperate when you saw how much stronger we were, and ended up pumping and scout chaining first. Then you end up crying cause we used Bless back, pathetic.

02:39:47 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Thor:

wtf! I didn't search for this just came across it ! V..ery strange

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