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Help me pick countries
20:17:13 Jun 4th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir The Dung Beetle):

Ooh, nice article, Bling.

I think this one is good too, maybe Lewatha can draw some inspiration from it:

08:27:33 Jun 5th 15 - Mr. Cribhunter:

TBL, rapid population growth is only a problem in africa and a few minor asian nations. Sure, Bangladesh isnt quite there yet but soon they will be. In many countries the natural population growth is negative - Japan, Russia, France etc. The only problem is africa, but then again its a huge continent with very innefficent agriculture. They can support a population much bigger than today with no problem.

As per the climate change, sure it will bring about changes. But we humans are adaptable. If world leaders wake up and actually do something the development can be curbed. Sure it will cost some moneys but if we could build the panama canal and fly to the moon surely we can impose some higher taxes on air travel, coal, oil and meat then take those funds and invest in green tech/energy/etc. Easy.

10:17:27 Jun 5th 15 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

I takes many steps to reach the goal, but only one step to cross the finish line.

11:47:02 Jun 5th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Spoken like the runner he is!

16:06:58 Jun 5th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

IT HAS SPOKEN... *prepares sacrificial bbq pit to roast TBL to the gods

16:22:38 Jun 5th 15 - Zephyr (Marquess Hartmut):

Only TBL? Why stop there when you can also roast Bran and Pure!

16:39:31 Jun 5th 15 - Bran (Mr. Sly Sloth):

i can tolerate the burning, just dont put me in the same bbq as pure thatd be unbearable!

00:02:24 Jun 9th 15 - Ms. Imactuallyapirate:

I get what you are saying Bling, and I appreciate the effort you make to get out of your troll persona and actually make a reasonable argument for once. 

However, I cannot agree. I really can not. I am not driven by ideology, nor religion. I am driven by idealism. The girl that does not get raped in India, the kid that stays off meth in Brasil are all very worthwhile causes as well. But I refuse to believe that the middle east is not. The people that live there, most of them do not choose the life they are living now. Many were born into misery and spend their whole lives in it. It is not the common Syrians fault what happened there, neither the Palestinians fault, neither the Israeli's fault. The lives of the many are ruined by the few.

In my opinion nothing is a lost cause if you believe in it. I am not planning to get my head chopped off, there is a very large amount of aid workers active in those countries and those neighboring it. Some of them sadly do get kidnapped but it is only a minority. I can only hope I will never be among them but this does not scare me. I will always try to remain vigilant and never take risks that can be avoided.

If you think I am a naive young girl, maybe you are right. In fact, you probably are right. But I have thought about this long and hard, I have spoken to many people, other aid workers, friends from those (and other) countries, my family, teachers, ... I have thought this through over the past few years and I have never changed my mind. I am not taking this decision lightly.

<3 you all and update you next year


01:22:09 Jun 9th 15 - Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude:

Good luck and safe journey then

19:51:28 Jun 10th 15 - Bran (Mr. Sly Sloth):

im sceptical that vu will be a thing in a years time, but good luck with your adventure

14:28:26 May 29th 16 - Pirate Lewatha:

And another year has passed and thus another yearly update.

I have traveled China for about a month and a half, practicing my Mandarin further and meeting interesting new people. 

Been to Egypt for two weeks aswel, was held at gunpoint by Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai desert while travelling to St. Catherine Monastery. There is quite an influx of IS fighters in the Sinai desert and thus they were very mistrustful of everyone, ofcourse, speaking no arabic but being in a place where most tourists don't dare to go anymore didn't help I guess. I was in the Sinai when the Russian passenger plane crashed there but I was in the far south and the crash was in the north. Quite weird to think about though.

Everything's been kind of boring over the past year, been studying and writing my thesis about migration. Recently booked a ticket to Iran in September where I'll be backpacking with a friend for three weeks.

After that, I saved a lot of money from my weekend jobs to travel the world, I'd like to challenge myself while doing so by not taking any airplanes whatsoever and seeing where my journey brings me, I plan to travel for about a year and after that I'll probably apply for a job in the humanitarian sector, possibly in the Middle East. 

I'm not even sure if VU is still running but it seems like it is. Hope all is fine with all of you! <3


16:21:12 May 29th 16 - Woody (Mr. Lui Zhang):

Glad to hear your safe lew! <3

16:50:31 May 29th 16 - Mr. Peregrin Toke:

Asesome travels! I love the Middle East.

13:47:10 May 31st 16 - Erica (Lady Erica The Damned):

Lew so awesome!

If that's boring, iv'e been living under a rock lmao.

11:29:25 Jun 3rd 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

hey lew, has it been a year already? middle east is the last place id want to be in atm

woody - i have to ask, how are you voting mate?

15:33:15 Jun 3rd 16 - Woody (Mr. Arma Farma):

Out, been voting for ukip in last 2 generals, not even a race thing. Work with Slovaks, Polish etc at work and get on mostly.

15:54:20 Jun 3rd 16 - Pirate Lewatha:

I would encourage the Brits to vote out too, I'd like to see Europe increase its power over national governments of member states and that will never happen as long as the British are part of the EU.

16:01:55 Jun 3rd 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

i voted ukip in the last generals too. i want immigration but it has to be low levels and they have to be working. we cant possibly integrate these levels of people entering the country. we are already  twice as densely populated than france. the way things are going we will have to build on our countryside and i dont see how its worth it for us
i personally think that once britain leaves, then french and germans will demand their own referendums next year. i hope they do

18:49:48 Jun 3rd 16 - Woody (Mr. Woodeh):

The thing that gets me with immigration is that we have x amount of low paid low skilled immigrants, cleaners, couriers, packers, etc but we have z amount of unemployed brit's on dole etc.

Reduce net immigration, force people to work, problem solved.

19:02:40 Jun 3rd 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

i can understand the labour party doing this, but i dont understand why the conservatives would want these migration levels. they cant blame it on the eu since they havent restricted non-eu migration either!
why is it that all politicial platforms have enacted a policy of mass-migration without this being on their manifesto, and despite the public voicing their concerns on this years ago, and despite cameron admitting multi-culturalism doesnt work? what are they trying to acheive?
ill leave that question open before the cynic in me starts speculating, but this seems to be the theme all over europe, except the east nations.
i fear that the concept of democracy is dying out, particularly in younger voters. if we dont vote leave then i fear for the future

16:03:00 Jun 4th 16 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

I'm guessing Donald is Bran. Nobody else can consistently come out with such retarded thoughts in VU.

The epitome of a mong.

13:07:56 Mar 27th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

oi ladies and gents,

So I have finished my master's degree in public policy. After that, I traveled some more. Went to Iran for a few weeks in September 2016 and after that in October, I traveled to Indonesia. Started in Bali, went to Java. After that I flew to Singapore, traveled to Malaysia, went all the way north in peninsular Malaysia, went all the way south again. Flew from Kuala Lumpur to Shanghai. Spent new years there, traveled through China and spent Chinese new year in Hong Kong. After that I traveled Taiwan for a few weeks. Went back to Hong Kong. Took a train to Vietnam. Went from the north of Vietnam to the south and finally came back home. All in all that took me about half a year.

Now I'm out of money and probably going to have to start looking for an actual job. I'm mostly looking in the humanitarian sector but also seriously contemplating competing in an exam for chief detective for the specialized federal police in Belgium.

I might even play some VU while looking for a job since I have time for it.

13:13:29 Mar 27th 17 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Kurt Barlow):

The detective job sounds interesting. In another life, I would have wanted to be a detective. Make sure you do not retch looking at dead bodies :P Alternatively, white collar crime should be quite.... a mental challenge :D

If you were in Hong Kong, you should have given me a shout. Or in Malaysia :P

That's a massive load of traveling experience. Unfortunately for me, I stopped doing backpacking almost 10 years ago; too used to comfort and luxury. I will probably do my own world traveling after retirement.... if the world is still in good shape that is.

14:08:50 Mar 27th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

It would basically be white collar crime. I'd work (if I actually pass the examinations) for a seperate unit that deals with economic, social and financial crime. So basically I'd be able to apply some of the expertise I learned in my master's there which is why I consider applying. It's still very diverse though, they also chase terrorist cells etc. It  seems really exciting but it's a pretty big step to take so I am taking my time trying to decide.

Backpacking is great, I actually meet a lot (or atleast quite a few) elderly people (Yes, I just called you elderly) chilling out in hostels everywhere. I honestly would never imagine my parents traveling alone - staying in hostels. I think it takes a special kind of person to do that and be able to deal with the binge drinking 18 year olds.

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