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Arma III
04:17:59 Mar 23rd 07 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

Seriously you can't win. Either you wipe out half the map and make enemies of everyone for next era, or you're deemed an explorer. And if we were such explorers, surely Legacy would have made some gains? Nope, you guys got desperate when you saw how much stronger we were, and ended up pumping and scout chaining first. Then you end up crying cause we used Bless back, pathetic.

Excuse me Asupice, but it was YOU who used bless first and you were the ONLY ones using the horribly over-powered bless.  In fact, you admitted getting over 5x troops strength from bless.  Due to Virgin's mage whoring no doubt, the most mages I could ever conjure up was 25k at a time.  It I was fed so damn much, couldn't I at least buy up 2-300k slaves and get a proper 100k mages for my 100k Archmages you accuse me of being pumped for?  Not to mention, If I was being pumped, would 2x troop costs really make me worried when sloth had his merge on my door? It was all the bless abuse, and that is when I discovered bless was so over powered and not really fixed.

Even after that, the most mages I had in ANY army was 20k, never the absurd 200-300k that you guys concentrated into one army.   And please, show some REAL PROOF that I was being fed, because I received no stone at .5 gold each until AFTER we had CONFIRMED information that YOU YOURSELF were being FED!!

04:45:30 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Auspex:

Maybe if you didn't stay 12k land you'd have had enough peasants.

09:59:57 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Knuckle Duster:

Its funny watching a pos scumbag like you try to give people crap for there land drops, pumps, ect, ect when you are the master at bending, breaking every mechanic/abuse you can find.

Why dont you grow a set of balls Auspex and learn to fight like a man, and not some coward biatch.. Why, because you dont have the skills for a real fight.

People have more respect for a steaming pile of dog *beep*, than there is for you.

16:36:39 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Bronkers:

It seems as if everything V has done has been whoring i mean we had good economies so we whored we had large armies which we whored and virgin, our mage, whored his mus.


16:52:59 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Bronkers:

Excuse me Asupice, but it was YOU who used bless first and you were the ONLY ones using the horribly over-powered bless.

hahahha now your blaming us for being better than you.

17:12:45 Mar 23rd 07 - Sir Brain:

Alright, so let's say one night while Zeta's pounding it into Auspice, Zeta leans over and whispers the new formula for bless and the mechanics of it, while saying it's 'fixed' to the rest of us. (Albeit, he didn't mention just 'how' it was fixed, now did he?)

To the rest of us sane thinkers, we'd think either: A. Nerf B. Working at a semi-logical level, C. Both.

Now, to people beliveing in fair play, we're not going to be like little baby-destructos and figure out just how we're going to break the system to suit our little whims. We play by the set of rules and have fun. Gee, kinda like what happens in most games now isn't it?

Like playing Candy Land with someone who always pulls Queen Frostine's card, or Texas Hold 'Em against someone who always seems to get Full Houses or Royal Flushes, people don't like playing with cheats. So either eventually, people are going to have to play at that 'level' (ugh, heaven-forbid), or just leave. Simple as that.

However, just because you can find a flaw in the game system, doesn't mean you're 'better' than someone. I'm betting if I find any other turn-based strategy game (like Heroes of Might and Magic, or Civilization IV), you wouldn't be lasting too long, I'm sure. Still, just lay over there and keep trying to stroke your own ego while we laugh at how pathetic you are.

17:56:28 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Bronkers:

hmmmm since when were we trying to find flaws in the game we were using bless and we stumbled over the fact that it hasnt really been fixed your whole auspice and zeta thing is cute but seriously we had better the better mage giving us the better bless you guys were using it to and if you were capable im sure would use it to the extent that we did so but that challenge would be fun vendetta vs legacy in a civilization :P

19:17:56 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Architect:

Ok guys this is retarted.  Right now, I am not condoning what either side may or may not have done, and I'm gonna try my best to keep my own personal Bias out of it.  That being said:

What is being discussed here is not who the winner is, though thats what it should be, it is people complaining (from both sides) who think personally that what the other side did was wrong.  These are their personal opinions and they are allowed to have them.  However, personal opinion has no place in an argument that should be about the facts.  If anyone can prove to me that any of the facts I am about to list are wrong, then I will check them out and reply accordingly.  Now, to the short list of facts:

1. Virgin is in the top position in the standings for Fantasia, and according to guidelines set down, the person in this position is proclaimed the winner of that era and the next era will bear his/her name.

2. Vendetta was and is in the top position for KD's in Fantasia this era, you can see for yourself by going to the KD page inside of the game and clicking on KD standings.  This number and position in that list means, according to guidelines, that Vendetta has won this era.

These numbers I have talked about in 1 and 2 are extremely contraversial among many players here, however this is the only system of rank that we have set up, therefore since its the only thing in place, we must adhere to it.  Other people stating that the people and KD's I have outlined should not have won will come across 2 problems, 1, they are not the ones cranking out the numbers or the ranking system so therefore they can have no real legitimate affect on the outcome of the game.  2, this would again be filed under personal beliefs, and in a factual conversation, a persons beliefs about how things happen mean utterly nothing.

What started out here as a factual conversation of who has won and who has lost has turned into a battle of peoples personal values, and it does not matter how much you repeat it, those beliefs and values will not be changed.

So, my whole point in this, it's a stupid conversation that is accomplishing nothing except wasting our time and our lives, both sides should just drop it.

20:30:23 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

<Posted by mistake>

(Edited by Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat 3/23/2007 8:31:29 PM)

20:30:23 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

<Posted by mistake>

(Edited by Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat 3/23/2007 8:32:03 PM)

20:43:43 Mar 23rd 07 - Sir Brain:

Hey Patrick, we've got another short era's worth of steam to blow off for the next two days, best way to stop the complaining is to go help Zeta get the next era up and ready to go so we can restart quicker. :-P

Bronkers - You know EU2 or Civ would probably be a better place to decide who are the better strategists within VU. ;-)

21:08:52 Mar 23rd 07 - Sir Brain:

*runs over real quick and dubs Architect 'Patrick Jr.'*

21:11:52 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

I agree with Architect on his post and both points he stated. Can't beat the facts. Let's just stop, a new era is starting soon :) <3

Now to comment on two previous affirmations :)

Mr. Troll King                  3/22/2007 1:27:43 PM

And an extra thought to "Carnage", Thx, you all are an superb group. Hope to anyday be your "trusted" NAP any time. ;-)

Just think, if you - V grouped as one. LOL, talk about an nightmare to the rest here...

I doubt such a group would be in any way more frightening than Legacy is (in case they wouldn't have a 40 man Kingdom..).

We have been NAPed to Carnage in Era Of Isabel and they got heavily pounded by Legacy until they got deleted. We thought it was bad luck.

We fought Carnage this era. They were also fighting the not-so-powerful Kingdoms of Jester (which is still pretty new) and BoW (which is trying to regain its former might -- at least they're not using the stupid "get a 50 man KD tactic") but I wouldn't say those Kingdoms troubled them even half of what Abydos troubled us.

Still we managed to defeat their first merge and slaughter their second one (while fighting Abydos on two other fronts).

Why would anyone be afraid of such a Kingdom? I do respect them but there's a lot of work to do for them to become a top Fantasia Kingdom. And they should get some blood into their balls.. NAPing both LGC and V is not an option for a Kingdom with their ambitions.

Mr. Auspex                            3/23/2007 4:35:01 AM

Andrei if anything we did PHI a favor. Carnage + Abydos in a 2v1 war would not have been good. With all the random swearing you really make your KD look bad. Your flame war with Holy last round was equally bad, and this era you guys broke your NAP with Abydos. At this rate PHI will soon have no allies at all just cause a few of you need to run your mouths and tempers.

Auspex, it is the unanimously opinion of Phi members that you have ruined it for us by casting Armageddon. Do you have any data on what the situation was in the middle west?

For your heart : We have been defending in the north (north of our core I mean) and slaughtering several loose, not-so-powerful Carnage and Abydos armies and defeating Carnage's merge for 10 RL days.

We've been defending in the north west from Abydos and trying to break their blocker (thanks Bearmachines for their small helping hand) but due to two of our strongest attacking players and to one of the probably oldest and most experienced mages of Fantasia being troubled in real life we have been unable to break their not-so-bad defence. Gratz Crom and Condinho for that, they're two very good players :)

We've made our first break through in the south west where with the extraordinary help of Only U (where we can find another incredible loyal, powerful and honourable pair of brothers -- of almost the same caliber as two of the guys I will never stop of trying to get back to Phi : Azaruc and Braveheart) we managed to beat down Abydos and head for certain areas within their territory we haven't reached before.

With their main armies being killed and us on the offensive for the first time within 10 days, the outcome of the PHI - Only U vs Abydos - Carnage war was clear.

Sure they can say that they had more armies, that they could build more armies, that they had more blockers, that their core was two map-lengths far from our last position before era ended. All these are just excuses, they couldn't take us down when Only U was in crisis and we fought alone, how could they stop us when both of our Kingdoms were on an ascendent curve of power and our armies were constantly getting stronger and theirs weaker?

I'm not denying the power of these two Kingdoms and in no way would I deny their qualities and that they deserve a place on HoH (although they should be lower than they were when Arma was cast) but this era they just didn't do as good as to win this war.

Turning to the Andrei issue, I must say that I hope all Kingdoms take him as no more than he is. A not-so-grown-up adolescent who is having fun by bashing and flaming anyone who does the littlest thing to upset him :) He doesn't express an official opinion of Phi Empire and his words are only taken as an insult by those who don't know him or don't have a dirtier sense of humour like he does :)

I suggest you should get more info on our diplomatical issue with Abydos.

I agree about our last eras mistake about the Holy flame war. If I'm not wrong though, things are ok now with both Salamon and Dvsmasta as they both are highly respected by those who know them better within Phi Empire and are on semi-friendly relations with Andrei too :) How's that for weird?

During the last eras Phi Empire has earned the friendship of some real great guys in Fantasia and we are doing our best in maintaing those friendships. I can't remember of ever upsetting our allies like V has done with both of their important allied Kingdoms in the previous two eras :)

Now I feel better.

*heads to the kitchen to grab some wine and then wait for next eras start* :)

21:30:38 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

Weird you didnt kill our main armies.... you have no clue about what was going on in that war do you ? i will say again when you guys broke nap we had NO i repeat NO NADDA NOTHING in all but one of the blockers to our core and EVERY SINGLE GOOD ARMY we had was over 2 days walk away and yet you and your kd couldnt get into our core.. and you have the balls to sit thier saying how great your kd is and how ours sucked. yes ours may have sucked at warring this era as its our second era and we are filled with newbs. and you still couldnt win? PHI have no power ...

21:39:03 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Condinho:

wierd, my(not only mine) armies were only getting stronger, and i had a next wave ready to go merge with my army, it was stronger that anything yuo guys had in the area, and we still had 4 other strong armies there too, like osiris said you had no clue what was going on!
you are talking big cuz one of your armies was near one of our blockers and killed an army from osiris, we had more ready and waiting for that one!

21:48:19 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Larry Loverod:

"During the last eras Phi Empire has earned the friendship of some real great guys in Fantasia and we are doing our best in maintaing those friendships. I can't remember of ever upsetting our allies like V has done with both of their important allied Kingdoms in the previous two eras :)"

That is a very good point, Grivi. Although you do talk a lot of nonsense most of the time ;), that comment has a lot of weight to it, and it poses an important question:

How many unaffliated kingdoms are there left for V to ally, that they haven't already screwed over deliberately? Every era V seems to tred on the toes of every single kingdom in VU, and delibately *beep* over/piss on their allies for the "fun" of it.

Last era it was BoW, where V lied (what, V lied? Where have we heard that before? =P) to BoW, stating that V would MAP BoW and fight all other kingdoms around them together, then when BoW got into conflict with other kingdoms, V deliberately NAPed every single one of them without telling BoW, leading to BoW getting smashed. And what's worse? V mocked them  and bragged about their unhonourable stunt after it.

This era? This era they're trash talking their other ally, Carnage, who are otherwise a pretty good kd and don't deserve such an attack from the V scum.

So how many other kingdoms are still open to ally V in the coming eras? I can't imagine there are many kingdoms left who aren't pissed off at V. Of course, they claim they have a massive 50/50 silent majority backing them, but that's yet to be seen. :)

I smell the stench of fear from V. It'll will be interesting to see whether they bother to play at all next era now, seeing how many people they've managed to piss off. Perhaps "labs" are coming up? ;)

21:57:02 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Condinho, Osiris, hold your horses.

I'm off to eat, talk to my girl friend and watch Schindler's List for the first time. Then I'll answer to your over-confident posts.

"Sure they can say that they had more armies, that they could build more armies, that they had more blockers, that their core was two map-lengths far from our last position before era ended. All these are just excuses, they couldn't take us down when Only U was in crisis and we fought alone, how could they stop us when both of our Kingdoms were on an ascendent curve of power and our armies were constantly getting stronger and theirs weaker?"

22:05:03 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Osiris,if your main armies were 2 days away from us when we started aggresions on eachother,then would you care to explain why was it that 9-10 days into the fight your main armies never came?Where they slowed for 200 days or all this are lame bs excuses?Please allow me to think the latter version is correct...

As for Condinho,you do realize that our guys were all over you in that area,and we had 3 hoh armies marching your way,yet you still claim that you could stop us are pathetic..

22:13:51 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

    Wierd why do you post so small dont you have the balls to talk big? and Andrei your even more retarded then i thought. 2 days that early in the era is enough to make an army nearly obsolete so they wernt big when they got down thier.  Andrei you are pathetic your HOH armies were weak it really wouldnt have been hard to defend against those.

22:16:18 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Osiris, I take your comment as your joke as I don't suppose you'd lower yourself that much as to try to bash and flame me because I like to keep my quotes in font size = 1 and in italics.

Check other threads to see the way I quote lol..


22:16:52 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Condinho:

3 hoh armies? men you are on the pipe aren't you? right... you have 3 hoh(maybe) but not near my armies, where i was there was like what? 1 army i think that was strong, there rest not really, compared to mine!
you should think of what you say before you say it, or you will get many enemies along the way, not forgeting why this war started in the first place!

22:19:46 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

Look we dont like Napbreakers you dont like us so why dont you Shut the *beep* up and stop talking as if you have won some major war?

22:20:14 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Hobgoblins: 4 0
Rockthrowers: 0 0
Warlords: 45201 0
Mages: 97123
Berserkers: 30399 0
Peasants: 0 0

I had this army 7-8 ticks south of Condinho's area with a force just as big from Lelouch in that area.Were this armies easy to defeat,pushovers for the weak armies that abydos bearly still had in that area?I am sorry,but I must say that you are the retarded one...

22:24:40 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

and you think thats a great army? you must be on crack

22:38:21 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

I'm sorry for Andrei being so stupid, he's a fuc*in loser huh?

I'm aware that you held armies with 3million OP's (Andrei's only had 1.5 million, too bad) in your towns. You prolly thought you'd need to defend yourselves in case the aliens came and tried to take over your planet or in case the wild animals would start to eat your damn, sacred egyptian cats huh?

*slaps Andrei*

"You n0ob, how can you think you can kill Condinho's 40k axemens or Osiris's 70k warlords with that PoS army? Go to your room, little one... Argh!"

*slaps Andrei's butt this time*

"Hmm... Soft but firm, not that big but round... Nice ass"

*Follows Andrei to his room to teach him some Michael Jackson dance moves*

P.S. :

"Sure they can say that they had more armies, that they could build more armies, that they had more blockers, that their core was two map-lengths far from our last position before era ended. All these are just excuses, they couldn't take us down when Only U was in crisis and we fought alone, how could they stop us when both of our Kingdoms were on an ascendent curve of power and our armies were constantly getting stronger and theirs weaker?"

(Edited by Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat 3/23/2007 10:39:33 PM)

22:43:56 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

A bit odd that those bigger armies you so claim to have were never seen by anyone,don't you think?

22:44:08 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

P.P.S. : For how long must I repeat this bit of my first post till you cut me some slack on this silly excuses? Let's stop this garbage, you know that you are the only one that wants/decides for how many eras this war will go on.

You can fool the guys in other Kingdoms into believing you'd actually last another 10 more days on Fantasia but how will you explain your next-era failure?

Or will ya "push" Legacy into attacking us to make up for Carnage's not-so-good help this era?

23:25:44 Mar 23rd 07 - Ms. Quietone:

All these posts show that this Era was by no means over--  V ruined this era by ending it when it had just started and the real true winner was yet to be seen.  Wars were just starting and the fun just beginning when they eased out of it and ruined it for all vu players.   They want to claim that they won by every sense of the word but that is the true fact regardless of anything thing else they have said since day one.   They manipulated the game to get their top spot - and they wouldnt recast because they knew they couldnt hold that top spot if they were made to fight out a full war/era.   

23:29:11 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

I get an erection when Quietone does such nice posts :)

<3 ya and you're right bout era not being over.. at least not for us :(

23:33:17 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Well at least Abydos is glad that they escaped a cruel and inevitable DEATH.GJ YOU GUYS ROCK!

23:33:36 Mar 23rd 07 - Sir Arzun:

I have and still agree with everything you have said this era. The Illuminati were just rising from their fall and then we were just shoved back down before anyhting had happened. It was stupid, selfish and frankly very ignorant choice. No one but a few small players (first and second era) that said end the era. Everyone else was just begining the real fun.

Well thank you very much, I mean why go to war? Why not end the era if you can, who cares, no one can stop you? Not like it's a war game. As Auspice so clearly stated, it is "Visual Utopia". He even had the dignity to post the definition of utopia, and clearly it had no reference to war, so I guess all we can do is thank the victors of this game. Congrats on an era well done V.

23:40:38 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Anubis:

Andrei you annoy me.....

23:42:08 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

My d!ck is really hard now. Please stop :)

Arzun, be my husband! I need a "hard" roleplayer :)

23:42:27 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Oya, Andrei is cool! He likes little boys :)

23:43:38 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Omg, I'm having too much fun from that wine, I guess I'll start making hundreds of posts in a minuets length just like that Beckham guy :)

Please don't delete me, you know I <3 U Salamon :)

I'll give you a blow job if you don't delete my posts!

23:49:50 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Lord Anubis,you were probably the last person in Abydos for whom I had a little respect left but now you show me that you are also blinded and cannot find the truth anymore.I am deeply disappointed in you... :(

(Edited by Mr. Andrei The Impaler 3/23/2007 11:50:04 PM)

23:51:04 Mar 23rd 07 - Lord Anubis:

what the hell is going on?

ps.. why andrei, you been bad mouthing everyone in my kingdom, i dont care for your respect if you talk like that to members of my kingdom....

(Edited by Lord Anubis 3/23/2007 11:52:40 PM)

23:55:16 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

And why do your kingdom mates called Phi "nap-breaking whores" when that is cleary not the TRUTH.Do you find that ok?

23:58:07 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Bronkers:

Bronkers - You know EU2 or Civ would probably be a better place to decide who are the better strategists within VU. ;-)

I actually just started playing EU2 never played online yet but alot of it seems to be diplomacy maybe if we had more than just vendetta and legacy it would work. Anyways im up for it

00:05:55 Mar 24th 07 - Lord Anubis:

well you did break the nap, attacking iscolated and unrelated cities is nap breaking, when your leaders could have come to me or osiris and asked what was going on? falazaar didnt break a nap as he didnt attack any cities or plan to attack any :P

00:07:23 Mar 24th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

and the whore part?:)

00:19:14 Mar 24th 07 - Lord Anubis:

well weirdgrivi did say you like little boys, do i need to say anymore?

03:33:09 Mar 24th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Oya, if you would stop talking to Andrei and start using that mouth of yours for something better I might give you a special, ultra-licious, humongous DIVINE RAPIER!!!!

I don't like Andrei getting all the attention here :(

13:05:27 Mar 24th 07 - Mr. Larry Loverod:

Quit the spam for *beep*s sake.

You may not like flaming, but we find your spam equally as irritating. Go to the other forum for christ sake.

20:50:51 Mar 24th 07 - Khan Senki Business:

I say Andrei = Weirdgrivi. I can't even blame him for multiying, cause he sound just a natural schyzo :) He prolly doesnt even know himself...

21:26:00 Mar 24th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Lol Khan you are so right! Weirdgrivi is my multi MUHAHAHAHA!!!!

23:03:56 Mar 24th 07 - Khan Senki Business:

No, no, that does not work like that. You cant say you know he is you too now, because than you will have to try to get rid of that half of yourself, then you will sooner or later realise that you cant get rid of him, unless you get rid of both of you, and we all know where that leads... So no, he is not you, believe me

00:16:04 Mar 25th 07 - Sir Arzun:

Virgin's score this era has a difference of 3004641 points to that of Ezatious last era... definetly too short.

It wasn't very high at all...

1. Mr. Virgin V For Vendetta Dwarf 670197

81. Mr. Kheldar Xiv The one and only Dwarf 670132


Era was WAY TOO SHORT : (

00:19:23 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

1.Mr. DraikenLegacyTroll3797006
95.Mr. JezustPhi EmpireDwarf669580

you can also compare it to era 22...bah it's all gone now,a new era awaits,what's done is done :D

(Edited by Mr. Andrei The SEX GOD3/25/2007 12:20:10 AM)
(Edited by Mr. Andrei The Impaler 3/25/2007 12:21:17 AM)

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