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Did Jesus Exist ?
22:48:55 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Omg:

like i said i dont have it and i cant remember its name

22:54:25 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

I already granted that there was 4 that mention someone who some people interpret as Jesus, what more do you want? That doesn't explain all that other stuff I mentioned either.

22:58:15 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

dude, the reports proving jesus existance are in the exact time frame, coinciding with each other on the locations, describing the exact same miricles and some decribing his own commandments, stories and suchlike, it had already been accepted by serious debators on both sides that jesus existed, the only thing thats up for discussions were the miricles

23:23:01 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Omg:

i was talking to the other dude and also like i said before creationism is not fully explained and neither is evolution. I vote for creation but in the end their might be overwhelming proof the evolution was true. right now though their kinda tied...

23:27:49 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

lol, vote ;-)

00:01:40 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

i do believe in a god and most of the parts iof catholism but i hold evolution above creationism. Though almost all of my morals and values are christian

00:11:45 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

Says the brownie bandito...

00:50:26 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito: is rather hard to do a serious theoretical debate with a name like mine yes :P

03:55:24 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

Yeah fair enough I agree that he existed as well; I just think he was a regular Joe that had a lot of fanciful stories written about him after his death. There are crazy stories of magic and miracles from all kinds of famous people back then.

03:58:42 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Omg:

ok then this discussion has ended : ) by the way clamps what world are you on?

04:00:22 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

Well, I think the purpose was to discuss like if he had any powers... I'm on mant. Going to fant next era (needed to warm up again after a break from vu).

04:12:51 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Omg:

ahhh... ok i dont know where im going next era

16:37:45 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

This is not over, but I'm tired of arguing, so maybe it is.

19:34:51 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

the purpose of the thred was to see if he existed, not bout powers

20:31:10 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

Right, now we need a post, did Jesus have powers? and make me argue more.  I'm done arguing, I need a cider bottle...

20:34:19 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Yes, Jesus exists....I saw him in Mexico!

20:46:13 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

well, since you ask :-p

did he have supernatural powers or performed miracles?

21:00:47 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

He performed miracles.  Next post:  Who thinks people are crazy for banning Harry Potter in Christian schools?

21:05:07 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

no, he did not ... :-)  not one ...

they fear Harry, because he has better devilish 'powers' ... he can kill God!  and it's a much better story ofcourse ;-)  and true aswell ...

00:09:35 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Plato:


*hits Mushasji for being such a -insert some name here-*

"Yes, he did.  And, no Harry doesn't.  They just think that witchcraft isn't Christian and other silly reasons.  There are eye witnesses that saw his miracles.  Harry Potter is JUST A BOOK, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!"

00:44:10 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:


it's 'just' a book?

00:54:47 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

Here's a thought: if Jesus did all these miracles did all the other holy men and mythological miracles from all cultures actually occur? If so then isn't Jesus' god not the one true god and if not then what makes Jesus' myth so much more reliable? What is so special about him other than that he's the one you heard about when you were young as opposed to some other god. Team spirit?

15:28:30 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

because jesus has independant reports of the miracles and his existance, other ones are usually just mentioned in their own religious texts

15:55:43 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

independant reports about his miracles?

16:07:36 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

yes, the accounts that has been accepted as proof of jesus existance also describes the miracles he mde, though that part of the miracles is always disputed

16:08:38 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Well, this thread is over, then.

Back to Harry Potter:

16:15:30 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

other ones are usually just mentioned in their own religious texts

You ever check up on that or are you just randomly putting words together in hopes that no one challenges it lol? Never mind I know the answer to that. What you've said is false, the vast majority of god-men have far more sources claiming their existence than Jesus because their myths have been around longer. What's more is that the vast majority have no holy book. S0o0o0o, I can't say I have any idea where you got the notion you spoke above.

 Are you saying that it is enough to have sources backing them up because if so then you're about to pick up a whole pantheon =p Look at Dionysus. He was a god-man without any official holy book yet was said by the entire Mediterranean to have performed many miracles and there are more sources supporting him than Jesus. Osiris' info was mainly thought to be written on a certain monument in Egypt but then writings from their scribes were found to be referred to by other sources (we had just lost them in fire at Alexandria) We know a lot of what they said though about his rituals and miracles. Augustus was foretold by a pillar of fire (familiar?) and the story is found in a couple ancient sources. Repeated sources trace the lineage of Caesar, and Romulus and Remus (the supposed founders of Rome) back to Aphrodite and Ares. . The list really goes on I assure you.

The worst part is that many stories of gods walking the earth doing this and that exist outside of holy books because holy books were rather rare back then. One of the only holy books to even come out of that period was the New Testament and the information discussing Jesus outside of it is negligible. Essentially, your reasoning for believing in Jesus and not in dozens of other gods actually makes a lot more sense simply turned against you because they ONLY had outside sources and Jesus practically speaking has ONLY his holy book.

16:17:01 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Are you saying that it is enough to have sources backing them up


16:17:51 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

So you believe that all those gods and famous men like Augustus had supernatural powers?....

16:41:54 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

clamps your taking my post the wrong way mushaji asked what independant reports there were about jesus powers, i was saying that all the reports describing jesus were made because he had performed some miracle and i should have been more accurate, its normaklly the believers who put down the accounts of the miracles where in jesus case it wasnt

16:43:05 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Plato:

So you believe that all those gods and famous men like Augustus had supernatural powers?....


16:56:43 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

my grandfather's grandfather told him a story, which my grandfather then again told me ... (how many years is that inbetween? ... )(when were your reports written)( text, hieroglifs(?), rossetta-stone, much older then the bible say the same things ... but only your stories are the true ones?)

do the rest of your thinking yourself

well then Plato, nice of you to display your oratorical(?) skillz ... you might want to look up some stuff about your character ;-)

16:57:37 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

I've been checking in to some things this afternoon on the ancient sources and it's not looking good so far. I start at some random Christian website that claims ancient evidence of Jesus with quotes like "there was a wise man named Jesus, and he performed many surprising miracles" with a citation to, say, Josephus. I then check my Josephus translated by unbiased publishers and find the quote reading "there was a wise man named Jesus who did many good works." I'm sure you can see how I don't like where this is going. Good works can mean a lot of things, namely his standing up for the poor and oppressed... I don't see miracles in that passage. Also one Christian source says "he appeared three days later restored to life" and the actual translation says "he appeared alive three days later"... doesn't even say he died =p, but he is writing decades after and wasn't a witness himself; he's just repeating a story he heard so I don't  put much stock into his account anyway.

17:19:28 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

you forget that in those days most knowledge was remembered by people, not always written down. Back then people had much healthier memories its only in our time when we put most knowledge in computers and books that we are skepticle about human sources of memory and suchlike.

17:24:48 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

oh really? i forget that? you probably know that they also exagerated a lot? added stuff? changed things? that they all did that?

17:35:40 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

and thats where belief comes in, a scientist will never accept anything unless they see it with their own eyes and a believer doesnt need to constantly prove themselves. And this is the reason that ther will be no winner in these types of debates because neither side will accept the other

17:56:55 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

belief? or denial?

do you think that today, things don't get overexagerated? because people 'believe' in something? can you believe in something, but refute analogies?

if you accept/believe jesus did miracles, then so did all the others before him ... and then what? which one of them would be the 'true' one?

i'll 'vote' for Odin...

18:48:54 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

do you think that today, things don't get overexagerated? because people 'believe' in something? can you believe in something, but refute analogies?

it may today but the bible has already been written, if someone over exaggerates you can go and check for yourself, how can you be so sure that everything that people remembered back then is over eggagerated? sounds like you're in denial, you wont accept un-biased written testimony or the word of mouth

19:01:44 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

un-biased testimony?

it was biased when it was first written, and then lateron it even got worse (when the romans, blablabla ... )

what about those other texts that are found? the church doesn't 'accept' them ... wondering why (because it may contradict what their 'holy bible' says?)

tell your friend a story, let him tell it to someone else, etc ... after a few times check with your original story  ... then imagine this going on for hundreds or thousands of years ... what story could you get?

19:18:54 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

you wont accept un-biased written testimony or the word of mouth

How many times do you have to hear this? The same unbiased people talked about Zeus walking the earth, giants with one eye, magic and supermen. How can you take them seriously when they talk about Jesus? We can believe them when they say where certain cities were or when a battle took place (SOMEtimes) but it amazes me that you put the same belief into what they say about the supernatural phenomena that suit you and then not the ones that don't.

 Obviously you would believe in whatever the hell someone told you when you were young whether it be Jesus or Muhammed or Osiris because you have nothing to explain your faith. Doesn't it ever cross your mind that you just believe in the Christian god because you were born into his "team"? Isn't your faith directly caused by your family, community and/or culture? Can you not imagine being a Shintoist or Muslim just as easily as Christian?

20:20:32 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

And another thing: what about psychics today with far more witnesses than Jesus had? Is that not enough to convince you? If not then why? Isn't "proven" even better?

What about those magnetic bracelets that cure athritis? Lots of people come on the ads for those telling you how well they work. Obviously that has lots of witnesses so those must be true as well right?

What about hicks and weirdos in the USA being abducted by aliens? There are hundreds of these people swearing that it's true so then it must be right? Surely several hundred (thousand maybe? I'm not sure) people TODAY saying it is better than a couple dozen people 2k years ago right?

Surely there is something more important than the fact that some people have talked about supernatural things happening. We need something else. You guys wanna say that that thing is faith yet your faith falls on whoever got to you first or else your personal preference. Please for the love of everything great could you be honest with yourselves and everyone else and ask yourself "why?" What really IS this "faith" you have? I have my ideas but I'd love to know what believers think it is (and preferably in doing so come up with anything at all to answer to the things I've said about it).

21:33:07 Feb 24th 08 - Duke Ulgrin The Bastard:

"you forget that in those days most knowledge was remembered by people, not always written down. Back then people had much healthier memories its only in our time when we put most knowledge in computers and books that we are skepticle about human sources of memory and suchlike."

You can't remember something if you weren't actually there.  By the time the stories of Jesus had been written down, generations had already passed and those who would have met Jesus in person would have been dead.  Plus, I'm not really sure you can make a claim that people had better memories back then.  It wasn't that you remembered more since you had no referance--you just took someone's word when you asked them.

The entire concept of "history" is surprisingly young, when Greek and Roman writers decided to write down events as they most likely happened, not as magnificent or heroic or legendary as myths would attempt to tell.  Although the middle east did have significant Greek influence, considering the culture and location, I doubt the storytellers were as concerned with the truth.

21:34:29 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

lol people cant seem to get into their heads that just because someone is born into a religion doesnt mean thats the only reason its still going, there are huge numbers of converts and suchlike to prove that wrong. I say unbiased because the reports are not written by believers of chirstianity, stop using the tired old excues that people only stay with the religion because of birth it just doesnt work anymore

19:56:51 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

Tired and old points are ones that have been shown wrong a long time ago and some people are slow to accept it. My point is not tired just because you've heard it before; you still haven't answered to it. It works perfectly well; the stats are going to show way more people sticking with the religion of their family (or becoming atheist) than people changing from the most readily available one to something else (as soon as I can think of where to locate such statistics). So, my questions again to be answered by any person with "faith" in a religion:

1) Isn't your faith directly caused by your family, community and/or culture?

2) What about psychics today with far more witnesses than Jesus had? Is that not enough to convince you? If not then why?

 3) Isn't it true that your faith falls on whoever got to you first or else your personal preference a little later in life?

I'll answer them myself and you can tell me how I'm wrong. 1)Yes, unless you are a statistical anomally or simply no longer have a religion, your religion is the same as your parents. Depending on the country you live in, I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of people are one particular religion and that you are a member of that religion (just guessing on that last point cuz families move around, but I know you're not Christian born of Muslims unless you're one in a million.)

2) Two options: Yes it is enough to convince you. You believe what most people say about supernatural things because you don't think so many people could lie or fool themselves. OR No it is not enough to convince you. You believe in your religion but not other religions or supernatural things because those things are not directly a part of your religion and your religion is the only supernatural account that has ever been truthful. You realize that you can't just believe everything anyone says but do believe what the people who wrote your holy book said.

3) Yes, you are a member of the first religion you've ever been exposed to, again, most certainly your parents. If not, then you are Christian because you had disagreements with the philosophies and tennents of your previous religion but found that Christianity was a better fit for you so you just decided to change.

If anyone would like to point out where they don't fit into the statements above  I'd love to hear it, since I'm getting the idea that not everyone who says they have faith even knows what they mean by that.

20:17:15 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

1. yes of course it does, that doesnt necisarily mean its just because of your parents, it just means you have spent a longer time around the religion therefore you have had time to reflect upon it so if someone has been scrutinising their religion all their life and still stick with it they truly believe, not just because they were raised that way.

2. have i ever said i disagree with physics and suchlike, are you even aware of the amount of catholic, jewish, musilim etc physists or scientists there are? I dont see why your talking about physics anyway what bearing does that have upon this?

3. of course people choose religion to fit what ever they beliee to be true/ better fit or w/e its exactly the same with physics, you make an idea that fits with the universe and it becomes a rule, every point of view is based on "whats the best fit for you"

finally i sed that the idea was tired BECAUSE its been used so many times and answered so many times. If a person is raised within a religion sure they will be influenced by it but when someone gets to 20 or 30 then they are capable of really looking at it and as they stick with it it must be true to them.

20:39:41 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

1. true,we all just copy what we see around us around (everything)

2. physics help us understand how things really work ... they bring proof, or ... not, in which case the search continues ... their is no such thing as magic, every problem has a solution.

3. true, in physics you look for the answer you would like ... and if you can't find the answer you like, then you're a)not smart enough, or b)you're wrong, and you will have to accept the conclusion you didn't like and/or continue your research

it becomes a rule AFTER it has been irrefutably been PROVEN, not sooner, otherwise it's a theory


so, saying all that, isn't it normal that it is difficult to not see the flaws in any religion, or dogmatic thinking?

21:13:13 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

I wrote "psy-chics", as in people who claim to have psychic powers. I was saying what about fraudulent claims of supernatural things that are supported by hundreds or thousands of people who are naive and ignorant? They have tons of claims, witnesses, supporters etc, right now in our day and age. Most reasonable people know it's all fake but some don't. Also some religious people believe it (I dunno it just seems to go hand in hand if you ask me) but some don't. I was asking then why does anyone believe "spooky stuff" and secondly how can someone think it is false yet still rely on the comparatively scanty evidence for Jesus for example. What makes the bible more reliable than the many people who support psychics (or aliens or bigfoot or magic spells etc)?

Anyway to respond to that stuff you said Kass:
so if someone has been scrutinising their religion all their life and still stick with it they truly believe, not just because they were raised that way.

What about people who were born Shinto, scrutinized it their entire life and stuck with it? Are they just as correct as a Christian who does so? If not then why? If so then how is any religion "right"? If no religion is right then what is the point in it and why should people entertain discussion with religious people who think they are "right"?

of course people choose religion to fit what ever they believe to be true/ better fit or w/e...

Religions attempt to give a complete account of the meaning of existence and everything that came before and will come after. The truth of these questions does not change based on what I choose to believe. How can that fact be responsibly overlooked when speaking of the philosophy of religion?

you make an idea that fits with the universe and it becomes a rule

Now this is just you talking, because no scientist of any kind and only very particular philosophical schools (who are dismissed as extremist and decadent by the rest of the philosophical community) would ever say this. The idea that what I think to be true becomes a law of the universe is absurd.

23:56:28 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Plato:

*gets bored and decides to call the next person to post a name*

00:35:23 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mushasji wrote: "it becomes a rule AFTER it has been irrefutably been PROVEN, not sooner, otherwise it's a theory"

Not entirely so. There are no "proofs" in physics, only in mathematics. Scientific theories exist to generate hypotheses which are subject to testing. As a result, such hypotheses may be corroborated (pass the test) or refuted (fail the test). A theory with many corroborated hypotheses and no refuted ones is said to be well supported, but it remains a theory for all eternity, eg. the Theory of Relativity.

00:36:55 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

You now i have read man book made by pure evolutionists and pure creationists
and im inclined to beleive creation because there are many things the evolutionists dont explain and just ignore. They just plain dont even admit of these things. Creationists though they tell me about what they havent proven and what they have they didnt ignore their weakness, in fact one i read said plain as daylight that because of how the bible has been published so many times that even though it kept most of itself some things were changed. as for growing up in a family and that being your religion i kinda beleive that because thats what you were exposed to first and so youve had more time to think about that one.

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