Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Universe Creation
Universe Creation | ||||
Heres what I think, and it oviously is what happened =P lol. I think since real life physics has little to do with maths physics, like, if you throw a rock at the wall, it will hit it, but math says that you can divide the distance by half, and that it will never actually touch the object it is thrown at, and the theory that "you cant eat spaghetti with your mouth full of friend elephant meat with sugar and ketchup, and hot sauce" that brings us closer to thinking... If you imagined a bridge in a river for 50 years, would it appear? you might say NO, but what proff do you have? NONE, we cant say if the world was created by god, because we dont have proof that he exists, we dont have proof the bible is real, as it is just a book, which I myself couldhave made... if I lived in the time it was made blah blah blah, I will belive, and i could bet nothing that you guys would belive in God if you saw a flying pig, shot it down with a sling, took its money, deposited it on the bank, then you go outside again, see the same flying pig, shoot it down, and you get double the money and experience, then you buy the legendary wepon that is suposed to be almost impossible to get, then you fart and sit on the weapon, once it melts drink the jelly, and then you should throw up... That explains that we have no proof god or the bible exists, neither does the big bang, because what proof do we have? a bunch of non sleeping late drinkingtreehoggers who kill trees sayd so, why belive them? why not belive the universe is one big Meat Ball, thats rolling around a skate park, with a three headed cigar waiting to catch the meatball and throw it away, to the killing park... Well I just wanted to say that we should not worry about this CR@P and we worry more about the families we have or will have, or will not have, and STOP thinking about things we CANT EXPLAIN, so yes, make atleast 2 children so someday your family might be the lucky one to discover the cure for Fretungaosys (a disease yet to come) and that nobody at all will remember you for, instead start working on a great game that many will play and admire you for, forever =) Yes, thats true what your thinking is true, just because you tought of it, so shove it up yours buddy, and dont think like THAT, think more civilezed, like the other guy tha read this, SHAME ON YOU!. | ||||
I am not retarded or mentally insane, I just wanted to say that we should stop worrying about things we cant explain and leave it to other people to do this cr@p and enjoy life to its fullest, without causing enourmous amounts of death. | ||||
Thanks for your reply Mr. Ironpick II. | ||||
Then if you define "God" differently, you will start realizing that it
is you who is creating God. You are defining a word of three letters to
your convenience. You could as well define any other word, anyway you
like. | ||||
"I think since real life physics has little to do with maths physics, like, if you throw a rock at the wall, it will hit it, but math says that you can divide the distance by half, and that it will never actually touch the object it is thrown at" Well, there's some math saying if you add an infinite series you can get a finite sum, which disprove this Greek guy's theory. I forget his name. "And the physical reality does not obey those laws, but the models are developed to try to obey the reality." Regardless, we are slaves to that physical reality whether or not we understand it. "Another thing, about the definition of God. For example, if you make a definition that God made the Big Bang happen, but is not personal, and does not affect our daily lives, then you shouldn't need that whole concept because its very definition makes it useless and unrelated to anything." But also by this, the Big Bang itself is worthless as a subject unless we are trying to measure galactic drift or whatnot (which most of us, give or take, don't do.) "Then if you define "God" differently, you will start realizing that it is you who is creating God. You are defining a word of three letters to your convenience. You could as well define any other word, anyway you like." Well, let's put it this way. Someone is holding up a cube, each side a different color. One person sees green, blue, and red. The other person sees green, purple, and orange. Yet another person can see something entirely different from the first, or a mixture, and each person may define it differently based on what they see. But nonetheless it is all the same cube. Couldn't God work the same way, seen many ways but in essence all the same? In terms of creation, many mythologies claim that in the beginning there was no earth or sky or space. The only thing that existed was "chaos." Well, chaos has no physical shape or form, and is as much a concept as anything else. Some of the theories mentioning what existed "before" the Big Bang mention stuff with quantum physics, energy turning into matter, etc. Obviously the Christian one and only God does not match with this big bang theory, but the idea of chaos "creating" is not all that distant from scientific theory. | ||||
But the ancient people had their gods, they had Zeus, and all the greek gods, they though the earth was a plate over a turtle and in the sky there was a big temple where the gods lived, In that time there where many gods, each one representing something different, so why did they all go away? why did this 1 god thing popup when they discovered land and when the greeks no longer lived, nobody remembers those gods anymore? so im guessing the god we think of will not exists after a few more generations, and people will come up with new ideas of supreme beings, we should start thinking of ourselves being the only supreme being, since we have control of our lives, belive it or not, god dosent pass a math test you do, god does not save you from an accident, or he might, it all depends, but what i do know, if god saves some1 with no desire to live, then why does he let the ones with desire to live die? its all one big idea we share, and what I belive is, I will find out once I die, but I will not speed up the event, I will actually enjoy life, and then if I go to the "devil" I will have enjoyed live, and all the bad things I did I will pay for, so what, if it will happen it will happen no matter what you do. Its all about how you see the "cube", because if you think about it, we dont SEE the cube, we imagine it, we imagin how it is and the colors it has. So, if we dont imagine the cube, and keep on with life, it would still be the same, you would have fun, love, anger, hapines, blah blah blah, even if you belive in god you will get angry and dont show it, and sad and lonely, god wont make your life better unless YOU want him to, dont belive only in it, belive in IT if YOU want to, and BELIVE what you WANT to BELIVE, and then you will find what you need, its just self support, Your the one that should know what to do foryourself,and if you belive in god, thats fine, you want to, so if you belive in him/her, he/r exists. | ||||
"so why did they all go away?" Some would argue that they never did; they simply evolved into more modern religious concepts. After all, is it really any coincidence that both God and Zeus are big, tall, old, with big white beards and sandals? "so im guessing the god we think of will not exists after a few more generations, and people will come up with new ideas of supreme beings," I doubt that. Christianity has been around for 2000 years, a few generations may only add 100 or 200 years on. "we should start thinking of ourselves being the only supreme being, since we have control of our lives," Of our own actions yes, but when it comes to floods and hurricances and volcanoes, humans for all our technology end up looking rather feeble. | ||||
Human science and technology may seem mighty and powerful to us, but maybe not so to the nature. In nature, what is important is balance. Our advances are mostly unbalanced, unsustainable. We can hardly call ourselves "supreme beings", if we cannot live in harmony with the rest of the world we depend on. | ||||
we dont think that, and what I meant by that was, that if theres any superior being in our lives, is ourselves, because u control your life in many aspects, the only thing u cant control is the nature around you, and your death. | ||||
Lol sakal, wow, you made a big post, answering something, but it wasent what I mean, its interesting tho =P | ||||
Well, the things about humans is that we really aren't like other animals. Instead of claws or body features we use our nimble fingers to build stuff. We choose to disrupt the "natural" cycle of nature, because that's not really how we live. In a way this makes us a higher being, but I agree the fact we butcher ourselves in war and other stuff like that doesn't speak well for our intelligence as a whole. | ||||
Dowlf, this is public discussion so it is not just about answering directly to individual posts. It is about what ideas the other people's writings bring to your mind, also answering, but just as well communicating your ideas in general. My posts can be read even if they were taken out of context because I have written them mostly in a generic fashion. | ||||
Lol, Sakaal Poop cake | ||||
" Well, the things about humans is that we really aren't like other animals" we are animals, classified as humans ... all living, airbreathing, craplaying things are animals ... no exceptions ... so don't feel too good about yourself ... the only difference, maybe, is that we should know better than the other classifications :-p (given that we are supposed to have a bigger brain ...) | ||||
Dwolf, we are both writing our own ideas. I'm writing mine and you are writing yours. | ||||
How many animals have built thriving cities? Boats? Journeyed to space, the moon, and came back again? Biologically we are descendants of monkeys, but clearly there are differences between a monkey and a human. Or a human and any other animal. It all boils down to definition. | ||||
not true, monkeys and men have the same predecessor. | ||||
if were not different then how come i havn't heard of a city built by monkeys then? | ||||
The difference isnt exactly that big... such as young children and young apes have the same iq for awhile. Just ours keeps growing where as theres seems to stop at some point. Pretty sure they have emotions too, and dreams when they sleep. Which implies a sense of imagination. | ||||
Other animals can do many things man cant. So what if man can do things other animals cant. All animals are unique in that they can do something or possess something others dont. Im not sure if the other animals feel they are superior too, but if they do, they will probably think they are the only ones who are that great, just like humans. This includes possible animals elsewhere in the Universe. Man may not be the only species stupid enough to think we are the finest, one and only. | ||||
Have you heard of an anthill built by man or a beehive, a jungle or a coral reef made by man? Maybe some beehive at least partially but that doesnt mean men want to be bees. Why would dolphins or gorillas build polluting cities when they can live in pure nature? Why would many animals develop symbolic thinking brain when that only helps in building polluting cities and more complex ways of being wrong, e.g. religions. Are you better off believing in God and fairytales, or the concept of abstract value (money) than not thinking at all? Do you still think so after destroying the life on this planet that produced you? | ||||
First of all, I never claimed superiority of humanity. I claimed that humans differ from animals in fundamental ways. All in all you wield a double-edged sword. Yes, humans pollute the earth and kill species. But consider that humans also produce medicine and science to save and prolong lives, to assist the young and elderly, provide for isolated communities, etc. Additionally, many have tried to protect environments not only from our own maldoing but from natural disasters, predators, bacteria and viruses, etc. "they will probably think they are the only ones who are that great, just like humans." Until they're being hunted down, poached, etc. "Man may not be the only species stupid enough to think we are the finest, one and only." Not all man believe we are alone. Rather, many believe there is other life out there yet unfound, and others believe there are intelligent, sentient species. "Why would many animals develop symbolic thinking brain when that only helps in building polluting cities and more complex ways of being wrong, e.g. religions." Would you rather live in a world ruled by laws and governments where your health, security, and very life are protected, or would you rather return to a darwinistic world where there are no consequences to murder, stealing, rape, etc, and no way to protect yourself except for being stronger than the aggressor? Double-edged again. "Have you heard of an anthill built by man or a beehive" Yes, subway/apartment complex "a jungle or a coral reef" Yes, Arboretum/aquarium. | ||||
yes, double-edged, my point exactly | ||||
IRONPRICK, you're thinking is just flawed ... | ||||
"Would you rather live in a world ruled by laws and governments where your health, security, and very life are protected, or would you rather return to a darwinistic world where there are no consequences to murder, stealing, rape, etc, and no way to protect yourself except for being stronger than the aggressor? Double-edged again." did you just imply darwininism is all the bad traits of a civilization? do you even know how society works? | ||||
"IRONPRICK, you're thinking is just flawed ..." Explain. "In our symbolic thinking, you parallel subways and apartment complexes with anthills effectively saying ants build (thriving) cities. If you say this parallelism goes one way only that would be man misusing his symbolic thinking to claim he can do what other animals cant, but not the other way around." However, ants and bees still lack technology, and anthills today are largely unchanged from anthills 5000, 10,000, 100,000 years ago. Yes, they build thriving cities in some degree, but beyond this they are static and unchanging species except for slight evolution. "I wouldnt compare man-isolated jungle/reef bits with the real thing. Firstly they are just isolated by man, not really made. Secondly they just arent the same anymore being isolated from the rest of the nature and too small.I wouldnt compare man-isolated jungle/reef bits with the real thing. Firstly they are just isolated by man, not really made. Secondly they just arent the same anymore being isolated from the rest of the nature and too small" Well no one natural force "builds" a coral reef anyway. Nature arranges them--just as humans can. Humans are also capable of "planting" coral reefs in the ocean (though it has proven to be a difficult task.) "did you just imply darwininism is all the bad traits of a civilization?" In a sense, yes. If society can't keep you safe and protect you from the elements, you basically are forced to live in a darwininstic world, aren't you? "do you even know how society works?" Yes, I do. Explain your thinking. You might be thinking of social darwinism, capitalism, free trade, etc, and using that as a counterexample to say society is darwinistic. In some degree this is correct, but in any decently good country if you "fail" in the above concepts you are not going to physically perish as an animal would in the wild. | ||||
"Yes, I do. Explain your thinking. You might be thinking of social darwinism, capitalism, free trade, etc, and using that as a counterexample to say society is darwinistic. In some degree this is correct, but in any decently good country if you "fail" in the above concepts you are not going to physically perish as an animal would in the wild." first off, who said you dont die? People do starve to death still. secondly its not so bad anymore because people tend to help others out, its the whole pack instincts and what not. | ||||
if you can't see your own mistake, then sorry ... go back to school, to the library, get older ... your logic is just wrong. | ||||
"first off, who said you dont die? People do starve to death still." In any decently good country is social security of some method, or soup kitchens, or relief aid. "secondly its not so bad anymore because people tend to help others out, its the whole pack instincts and what not." But in the animal kingdom packs are localized. Humans will send aid to the opposite end of the earth to complete strangers of a different "pack". They'll even send aid to other species, animals and wildlife. "if you can't see your own mistake, then sorry ... go back to school, to the library, get older ... your logic is just wrong." How about this: you look up the definition of a debate. Prove that my logic is wrong, don't just sit there saying it is. | ||||
you're logic is flawed, no use in debating with you, you clearly miss the brains ... a calf can drink from another cow, dogs sometimes take care of other dogs puppies, etc, etc, there are many examples in nature where non-human-creatures work together in some way ... sure, some people have logic, which may make them smarter than others ... but they are still animals ... | ||||
in animal world nothing is really localized. everything affects everything. we were debating for example if symbolic thinking per se was a good thing in the first place. planning is an application of symbolic thinking, and so are many forms of human communication. it is an invalid approach to say something caused by the abstract communication in itself already somehow proved it is superior to the inability of it. maybe over long term people screw the balance of nature being able to communicate information and physical resources around the globe so easily. then this ability would turn out to be a vice and definitely not a blessing. humans would be a cancer, a pest and not the crown of evolution. how do you know it is good that people send aid all over the globe? maybe it will disturb our planet instead of helping anything over a long term. | ||||
abstract thought = a view of the world, mostly incomplete and flawed | ||||
you can't beat shakaal's point ... | ||||
" calf can drink from another cow, dogs sometimes take care of other dogs puppies, etc, etc, there are many examples in nature where non-human-creatures work together in some way ... sure, some people have logic, which may make them smarter than others ... but they are still animals ..." All your examples take place between animals of the same species. Duh, a calf can drink another mother's milk. Duh, dogs may take care of other puppies. If you really wanted to be smart you'd bring up mutually beneficial symbiotic interaction. Regardless, how is this supposed to refute my arguement above? "is an invalid approach to say something caused by the abstract communication in itself already somehow proved it is superior to the inability of it." I never was arguing superiority, however. Only difference. "maybe over long term people screw the balance of nature being able to communicate information and physical resources around the globe so easily. then this ability would turn out to be a vice and definitely not a blessing. humans would be a cancer, a pest and not the crown of evolution. how do you know it is good that people send aid all over the globe? maybe it will disturb our planet instead of helping anything over a long term." To put it simply, life itself contradicts the "natural" state of being. I call it "good" that humans send aid across the globe so people don't die, but of course it can always be argued that humans are bad because we're not dying when we're "supposed" to die. I'm not trying to argue superiority because superiority itself is subjective and open to interpretation by different viewpoints. "abstract thought = a view of the world, mostly incomplete and flawed" Technically, there is nothing to measure an abstract thought to, therefore it cannot be safely called incomplete or flawed. A truly abstract thought is free from physical earthly items, mass, science, etc. If one believed in God and thought it was proof the world was only 8000 years old, then that thought is not really abstract because the world is a physical existance. "how can incomplete and flawed view help an animal capable of having such view?" What animal bears as complex communal and social stresses as the human? What other animal is capable of terminating its life out of its own logic? "why would it be a proof of us being somehow better than the other lifeforms, if we can develop an incomplete, biased and distorted view of the world? and quite frankly that is all we are capable of." Well first of all, let's define "better." The most capable of surviving? Of defeating neighboring species? Of traveling furthest, building the largest homes, hoarding the most food, living the longest lives? 'you can't beat shakaal's point ... " That's because we're not really arguing the same point. | ||||
we are still nothing more than just animals ... | ||||
sir ironpick, i think i have made my point. You just dont get it. Even in your own reply you first say you dont mean man was superior, just different, then go on praising humans and subdoing other animals. That is because your abstract thought is incapable of questioning its human-centric high views of itself. | ||||
"But in the animal kingdom packs are localized. Humans will send aid to the opposite end of the earth to complete strangers of a different "pack". They'll even send aid to other species, animals and wildlife." The telephone, the television, the internet. thats why. | ||||
"then go on praising humans and subdoing other animals." What I have noted is mankind's difference between animals, not necessarily praising or subdoing either. "That is because your abstract thought is incapable of questioning its human-centric high views of itself." No. Read my posts; in several of them I downplay humanity. War is just about the stupidest representation of humanity and progress. "That is the concept of The almighty God, The excuse of man for his self-promotion, to try to mask this purely selfish intention behind a righteous facade so he wouldnt see his own lies and feel ashamed of himself." Again, tell me that justice and love is a lie, that it can be stuck under a microscope and viewed as "right" or "wrong," "true" or "false." Abstract thought, by it's very nature, is neutral. Get past the fact that religion is NOT all about a claim on how the world was made or that there is a big guy in the sky waiting to strike us down with lightning. "Rather well have we managed in blinding our very own eyes, havent we." Tell me, do you the "truth" any better than I? "The telephone, the television, the internet. thats why" ...yes... which we made. | ||||
""The telephone, the television, the internet. thats why" ...yes... which we made."
whats the fact we made it have to do with our innate caring for one of our own? this carries on in other ways. People learn to associate with those most like them. | ||||
It is the standard religious defence to tie god with all good and when someone suggests god is a misconception, try to twist it so that the someone is against all good. Well, love and justice were there long before man invented god. I can love and be just, and I dont need any god for that. | ||||
"whats the fact we made it have to do with our innate caring for one of our own?" I don't know, what was your original contention? "It is the standard religious defence to tie god with all good and when someone suggests god is a misconception, try to twist it so that the someone is against all good. Well, love and justice were there long before man invented god. I can love and be just, and I dont need any god for that." Regardless, these concepts exist in religion and are not completely invalidated due to belief in a central figure of power. "The abstract thoughts of both of us, ironpick, are incomplete, biased and need correction. The main difference is probably that science teaches that and actively seeks to enhance its views. In overall the scientific models do a far better job in explaining the world as demostrated by objective measurements and the progress science has created. Still science criticizes itself and its fruits and acknowledges human can be very wrong." Abstract thought--philosophy (metaphysical concepts such as love, justice, honor) Scientific thought--science (physical concepts like earth, gravity, planets) Philosophy can't explain science and science can't explain philosophy. The two are seperate entities. There is a reason why I like to break up religion into both catagories, morals and mythology. Mythology as stated as direct fact I personally don't care much about. | ||||
You say philosophy cant explain science. What do you mean by that? For example: When you keep looking for better theories and remain critical with your views, even with what you think you already know, you are bound to accumulate better understanding over time. Apply that to the society and not just individuals. Didnt I just explain science in simple logical terms, and isnt logic a part of philosophy. | ||||
In this thread I have not made a distinction between symbolic thought and abstract thought. I know one could say symbolic communication and thought was the first level where people started giving symbolic names to denote concepts or meaning that is quite unrelated to the symbol (word) used for it. Then one could say that abstract thought is the next level where the concepts themselves are not directly related to perceivable entities but instead built on other concepts, which again may or may not be abstract or more concrete. | ||||
(My posts are split because I use a limited web browser, a mobile phone actually.) | ||||
""whats the fact we made it have to do with our innate caring for one of our own?" I don't know, what was your original contention?" o sorry, i meant that we give aid to the otherside of the world because these devices show us the other side of the world. Animals dont give aid to other animals they dont know about. People are the same way. | ||||
"You say philosophy cant explain science. What do you mean by that?" Philosophy explains from a "should," "moral," or "just" basis. Science cannot explain those. Instead, science may look at effectiveness, but even in the end what is considered "best" has no defined definition and thus is philosophy. "Apply that to the society and not just individuals. Didnt I just explain science in simple logical terms, and isnt logic a part of philosophy." Yes and no. Scientific logic varies from philosophic logic, for the reason given above. "For example many ethical questions can be approached from sociological, psychological or sometimes even biological or purely logical point of view." Approached in a scientific manner, yes. But scientific thought is reliant on having a defined answer, such as what works longest, what helps the most people, or whatnot. But the true answer to "best" improvements constantly because "best", being subjective, is naturally unapproachable in a completely scientific manner. "o sorry, i meant that we give aid to the otherside of the world because these devices show us the other side of the world. Animals dont give aid to other animals they dont know about. People are the same way." Well yes, but we built the devices so we could, and animals have not. | ||||
lets just say we all have the right to beleiv in what we think...? right or wrong who knows maybe 1 religion is right? | ||||
I did not think philosophy was primarily about trying to find what is "best", but what is "true". Well I know parts of philosophy, like ethics, deal with the first, but mostly it is about the nature of truth. I still think science and philosophy can describe a great deal about each other, lets say the history of religion, philosophy and science for starters. Sure you can make philosophical arguments, which are practically impossible to explain by science, but you can explain the schools in general and you can explain countless arguments in both schools. At least we have to say they overlap greatly although some areas may be separate. | ||||
how about *pop* and the world was created? | ||||
A religion is never right ... | ||||
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