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Forums / Questions and Answers / Armoury

11:57:45 Jan 18th 15 - Mr. Bartez:

Hey guys just a question about armouries,
i started off with two armouries at 1:5 (1000 - 5000)
after a period of training troops my training time for axeman went from 24ticks
to 30 ticks, so i ran the same ratio 1:5 but (2000 - 10000) training time has only decreased to 29ticks. is there anyway i can decrease the time further? i've heard different levels for getting bonuses and why did it increase in tick time?

13:26:26 Jan 18th 15 - Legend (I am Legendary):

Every military science increases training time by one tick. For example ponies with 0 military science takes 25 ticks to train but when you got 5 military science it takes 30 ticks. This is with maximum decrease in training time.

Also you got the buildings:armory ratio correct but when you pass 7500 armories it wont decrease training time anymore. So in all your armories you should make 7500 arms. 

23:22:17 Jan 18th 15 - Mr. Bartez:

alright thank you very much.

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