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Forums / Questions and Answers / For aotd cast magic power

For aotd cast magic power
10:24:36 Jun 14th 15 - Mr. Terrible The Crusher:

When you cast army of the dead, does it matter what magic power you have?
For example I noticed casting with 150k Mages I have 67% and mad losses
But using just 30k Mages I have 62% and low losses...

The outcome if the cast is successful, is it the same?
Or does more magic power bring back more dead?

02:52:35 Jun 15th 15 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia The Prism):

As I understand the spell the outcome would be the same. Meaning it's a random number of revived troops based on the total number of dead in the army...

As for casting on a city, power definitely plays a role in the resulting army as does city size and population...

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