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Forums / Questions and Answers / How Do Armories Function

How Do Armories Function
02:37:32 Jul 2nd 17 - Mr. Sutep:

When you build an armory city, does that benefit any city that you build army troops in, or do you have to train the troops in the armory city and move them into your other locations when they are done training?

02:50:07 Jul 2nd 17 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Troops train in each individual city. You select the city in the dropdowndropdownBuilding armories makes troopa train faster. The mqximum benefit is half traibing time by having 7500 armories in the city you are training in.

19:12:13 Jul 2nd 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Eros The Smart):

Also training mil science adds time to training troops. For every mil science you buy training time is increased by 1 day and I do not believe that armories affect the military science time increase to training (although I could be wrong).

ex: (initial) 40 tic training time / 2 (b/c 7500 armories built) = 20 tic training time.
      Then you buy mil lvl 5 = 20 + 5 = 25 tic training time ending

The armories built will only affect training time for the cities they are built in, but military science lvl's will affect the training time in every city you have under your control.

00:21:34 Jul 3rd 17 - Mr. Sutep:

thanks guys!

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