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Forums / Questions and Answers / How do i calculate Exp

How do i calculate Exp
02:59:26 Nov 13th 12 - Mr. Twister:

i want to calculate how powerful an army is, ithas high exp, how do i calculate this?

03:06:01 Nov 13th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

there was a vu calculator but never got updated

04:12:03 Nov 13th 12 - Mr. Twister:

ok i found an answer in the FAQ thread. but its a post from 2009, how accurate do you think that is?

it says +1.5OP per exp point(im assuming that goes for each troop, would that include MUs? id guess yes. but it could be just for the entire army, i hope not) anyone know about this at all??

04:19:14 Nov 13th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

no its doesnt include mus. many things have happened since 2009. the current FAQ is outdated.

I will update it when I find the available time for gathering every possible question and the right answer of course.

04:23:09 Nov 13th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Each point of XP gives an army an extra 2% power (I could be underquoting it... I vaguely recall being told it was 2.5%, but better to be on the low end).

(The figures were given by the mighty Binh, the real god of VU, whom I worship at his church for blessings in game mechanics knowledge and strategy... yeah I am a fanboy, so sue me...).

04:31:36 Nov 13th 12 - Zond (Mr. Skype Orgy):

5 exp grants 1 military level. 

08:03:53 Nov 13th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Ie 1 xp = 2% army strength.

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