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How long do an era last
13:53:57 Mar 10th 13 - Mr. Enky:

How long do eras use to last? Im a newcomer, and I'd like to play in for example Midgaard, to learn the whole game, and after some time start again within the first days of another world so... how long would it take, and how long has this world era been going on? (I mean Midgard). Thanks in advance?

14:04:21 Mar 10th 13 - Princess Blood Rayne:

There is no specific length of the era, it lasts until a mage casts level 9 spell called Armageddon. Then the world ends.
That is usually done after one kingdom wins the map, or some alliance wins the map, kills all enemies and then all that needs to be done is cast Armageddon.

Sometimes kingdoms do not have a good mage, so if they can not cast Armageddon so then they need to write to game admin and ask for him to end the world. Sometimes it can last for few months till its over. And sometimes it goes fast if kingdom is well organized, kills enemies and casts army quickly.

14:14:08 Mar 10th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Trollgaron):

1-3 months is the usual length I would say. But as Rayne said it warries a lot.

17:53:25 Mar 10th 13 - Mr. Enky:

Nice system, I thought that each era would last longer.

Thanks for the answers!

19:38:29 Mar 10th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

It keeps things interesting yeah :)

And np.

00:59:30 Mar 11th 13 - Mr. Hecticpreet II:

i finished talents in 9 days one era

01:16:46 Mar 11th 13 - The Wolflord (Mr. Reddragon):

Yeah? Well.. I finished the tutorial in like... 8 days once.... wait....

10:03:46 Mar 11th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol :P

00:03:22 Mar 12th 13 - Mr. Bier Bitte:

You can see how long every world has been running HERE.

Both Latha and Zetamania have a armageddon count wich means they are (most likely) about to restart. So my tip is to restart (make a new character) and join Zetamania in 8-9 days when it restarts.

00:07:53 Mar 12th 13 - Mr. Enky:

That's what I'll probably do, keep practising in the other World, and start in a better way in any of the new ones ^^
Thanks for the answers!

04:24:40 Mar 12th 13 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion):

Eras rarely if ever go past 60 days around 30-40 people look to cast armageddon

Enky also you can create multiple character thus play on several worlds at once, I suggest having a character on Zetamania because its the only world cool enough to be able to build Great walls and merge armies


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