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Forums / Questions and Answers / Humans and Magic

Humans and Magic
17:59:21 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Another Endo:

the only race i've used magic with is elf,with the exception of starting magic late era with adventurer finds. i've seen partial and even full magic builds from people playing human, and i'd like to try that. the problem is, i'm not sure how to go about doing so. help/suggestions anyone?

18:45:25 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Tremendous Mewlings:

Depends on your emphasis - OOP, Mid era/Late era casting. 

Depends on your situation - free to build, well protected by allies, or surrounded by foes

19:21:39 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Another Endo:

well, the era just started, but it looks like a free to build scenario. just in general though, i suppose

19:46:48 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Tremendous Mewlings:

Drop a 90k as soon as possible. If you are permitted to continue building, drop a 200k.

The incredible pez growth rate accompanied by massive income should be more than enough to supply yourself some magic. 

Keep the MC nearby, but not out of necessity. 

The needs of your kingdom must be weighed with the timeliness of 200k construction. 
You need to consider what magic level you're aiming for, and at what cost. Factoring that in will allow you to determine when you'll get those important mining sciences. 

And will you be fighting? better consider those military sciences too!

00:31:39 Mar 14th 14 - Mr. Pang Tong:

13:46:48 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Tremendous Mewlings:

Drop a 90k as soon as possible. If you are permitted to continue building, drop a 200k.

- Human's don't get "90k", they only get 200k cities as maximum level for a city (fyi). But if you make it for every other race, then yes, it would be a 90k.

If you are magic as a Human, i would suggest get your income up with a 200k and then another city for arms and mts

You be focusing mainly on magic, then mining and then military from SS.

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