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Forums / Questions and Answers / Mining Science

Mining Science
17:49:50 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Galthazorammy:

mining science only increases gold mines not taxes right? and does the 10% stack or does it keep adding 10% of what you get without the bonus?

18:17:12 Jul 28th 09 - Fire Lord Nova The Cheese:

if you have lv1 mining (10% Bonus) you get 10% more on the BASE gold Mines bring in. IE, the total before mining science is applied.
lv2 (20%) adds 20% to the BASE gold mines bring in.
so on, son on.

18:18:35 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Theophilus XI:

I think with lvl 1, you get 110% of your normal gold that would be mined.
With level 2, you would get 120% of your normal gold that would be mined.

I dont think it stacks, as in 100, 110, 121, 133, 146....

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