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Forums / Questions and Answers / Need orc vets help

Need orc vets help
03:02:38 Nov 27th 12 - Mr. Sartius:

Please message me. I have a question about what to do in a certain situation in one of the worlds. 


03:31:39 Nov 27th 12 - Mr. Sartius:

Or, can someone direct me to the different attack options and the differences between them (pros and cons).

03:49:25 Nov 27th 12 - Zond (General of Love):

Burn and destroy : completely burns city down like it never existed.

take over: you get the city.

siege: it stops making resources and stops pez influx.

kama: you suicide your army on the city. 

04:39:50 Nov 27th 12 - Mr. Sartius:


I risked a takeover with a 42%. 

thanks to all those who helped!

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