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Forums / Questions and Answers / Ownage Question

Ownage Question
03:03:19 Dec 14th 12 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

What does ownage effect?

Like, to be able to take control of an army/city, does the mage using ownage have to be the same race as the "victim"?

I.e. In order for a halfer-mage to take control of an army, that army has to be a halfer?

Or can any race cast it on any other?
     - If that's the case, what would the troops in an orc army become if a halfer casted ownage?

03:04:07 Dec 14th 12 - Mr. Salazar:

Ownage isn't racist. It only picks on the same race type.

03:06:10 Dec 14th 12 - Zond (Mr. Lucrative):

Races can only ownage same races.

Sorry to hear about your stuff on Nirvana btw.

03:07:32 Dec 14th 12 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

Lol, shut up Zond.

03:12:35 Dec 14th 12 - Zond (Mr. Lucrative):

No i really am.. ive waiting for like 2 weeks for an aotd. And he sees you and decides he rather take all that and now i get nothing -_-

03:14:37 Dec 14th 12 - Dakarta (Duke Dakata):

Lol, trust me, I'd rather that too. That way I'd be able to keep my troops.

03:15:43 Dec 14th 12 - Zond (Mr. Lucrative):

Lol. well now you know XD

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