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Forums / Questions and Answers / Question for a Noob Mage

Question for a Noob Mage
05:23:08 Jun 3rd 16 - Mr. Solo Tres:

I've heard conflicting claims on best magic city practices. 

I've heard The best return on investment is 9-12k. I've also heard that the number is closer to 24k magic towers.

What is the ideal maximum city size allowed for a magic city, and what is the ideal maximum magic towers that one SHOULD build (not can build). Additionally, what is the maximum amount of magic units one should keep in the city vs in reserves in an army?

Lastly, does researching additional magic sciences increase the likelihood of a successful cast of lower level spells? Thank you.

06:17:18 Jun 3rd 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin):

After 18k towers range per tower increase drops off hard.

Max tower bonus is 50 percent. Tower bonus is based on the percent of the town that is mt (if a town has 10k buildings, if 8k are homes and 2k are towers, the mu inside will get a 20 percent tower bonus when casting froom that town)

City size depends on situation. Sometimes a large super mc makes the most sense, even though its not very efficient (towers per cast cost rise with total towers)

A "puremage" hypothetically shouldnt have an army. You shouldnt puremage unless those around you are worth empowering, since youre almost useless without them. 

Researching higher levels of magic give you more magic power per mu, so although it doesnt change the chance with the same magic power, it does mean it will take less mu to get that chance. 

After this era of Fant is over I plan on taking a break from the game and before doing so I want to write an advanced magic guide since there is alot of misconceptions about maging, even among high quality players that would otherwise be described as vets. Even in the latest magic guide I found which was written by a former game guide there was some blatant inaccuracies. :(

08:08:23 Jun 3rd 16 - Mr. Solo Tres:

I sincerely appreciate it. 

Though the constant Orc Gaia bombs seem to prevent being able to mage on most maps, in most cases.

Thank you for your help!

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