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Forums / Questions and Answers / Science Research Order for Dwa

Science Research Order for Dwa
06:59:16 Sep 14th 12 - Dragoria (Mr. Dorian The Second):

Would someone assist me by explaining what science orders to research for a dwarf during the current era?  When I last played dwarf many eras ago, the order was:

- Magic Science 2 or 4
- Military Science  as high as possible
- Gold Science as high as possible
- Medicine as high as possible

07:10:18 Sep 14th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland II):

Rise mining as possible then it depends on whats your role, if you're mage go for magic and if you are attacker go for military.

07:37:44 Sep 14th 12 - Dragoria (Mr. Dorian The Second):

So raise mining first as high as possible first... perfect, thanks for letting me know.

So, what about if you are being forced to play solo as the kingdom you dropped in have been dead half the time you were gone (about 6 months) and you haven't been able to find a new kingdom to join yet?

08:28:11 Sep 14th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland II):

I would say as a personal opinion mil 6-5 and magic 4-5.

08:33:16 Sep 14th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

If you have time to farm and are attacker:

Mining 10, Military 8 or 9.

If you have no time to farm and are attacker:

Mining 8 or 9, Military 8


Military 8 first, then Mining 8

(depending on how far the enemies are from you...).

If you are mage.... then you are playing the wrong race.

10:59:26 Sep 14th 12 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Mining 10 ---> Mill 7 --->Magic2 --->Med 4 --->Farm 3

Dwarf dont need tree to build, but for science upgrades the do, so invest a bit in lumbermills at the start

13:50:43 Sep 14th 12 - squirrel (Mr. Shadysquirrel):

Also as a dwarf lumber can be great to sell at the market depending on how the market is moving.

14:18:32 Sep 14th 12 - HorusPanic (Mr. Ecstasy II):

First Mining 8/9, then Mili 8

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