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Forums / Questions and Answers / When is Kamikaze good

When is Kamikaze good
10:48:14 Sep 25th 12 - Mr. Assasin The Silent:

I cant seem to understand when is kamikaze good?

What is that attack option good for?

11:50:30 Sep 25th 12 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Yirmaleon):

It kills a % of your enemy troops based on your OP.

But, its not very useful unless you are using gaia spam.

12:57:39 Sep 25th 12 - Konspyre (Mr. Pineapple):

It's good for ragequitting VU. And getting rid of your useless troops.

14:47:59 Sep 25th 12 - Legend (Mr. Willy The Wanker):

When you mass spam gaia's in a city to defend it. And when they get useless kamikaze a city.

Or save yourself the upkeep from moving and don't worry about killing VERY bare minimum enemy troops, and just release them.

Useless attack in every situation, except being unable to settle a city/take a city with useless spam that can't get killed for some reason and is closer to an enemy city than your own city.

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