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Forums / Questions and Answers / Why not rainbow cities

Why not rainbow cities
17:18:39 Jun 16th 14 - Mr. Incompetent Bob:

If resource production scales down with the amount of relevant buildings (which according to my limited experience, it does rapidly), does that mean eventually they'll produce only 1 resource per building? If so, is it really that bad to rainbow cities?

18:40:00 Jun 16th 14 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XXVI):

I haven't noticed much of a difference in rainbow cities long term, but there is a significant difference early on.

Location is a major factor too, on one world that I am playing on I have 2 90k cities, one is a mine/farm city the other is pure mining.  The pure miner is about 3 scout tics further away from the mountains as the mine/farm yet makes 2 less gold per turn and 6 less stone per turn.
This is with 10 mining, there is low production in the cities right now, and low taxes because I needed to use the peasants.

18:00:33 Jun 17th 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybanes):

Rainbowing means you don't really benefit from the bonus as much.. though having some farms is usually something I end up doing, to avoid having to pay ridiculous food prices when the market fluctuates. 

18:31:59 Jun 17th 14 - Mr. Cult of Skaro:

I try to take advantage of the bonuses whenever possible but in certain situations I think rainbowing Cities is beneficial. Sucks to destroy a lightly defended city but it is even worse when you destroy resource income with it:)

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