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Forums / Questions and Answers / steal or loose

steal or loose
00:46:05 Jan 25th 12 - Mr. Jacobdl:

for steal science is it if the person has more OR less sciences then you that you get one?

01:32:04 Jan 25th 12 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):


01:33:35 Jan 25th 12 - Mr. Edd The Third:

less than you

03:29:20 Jan 25th 12 - Polydeuces (Mr. Marvin The Martian):

Don't listen to Edd, he is but a fool and disgraces this game with his presence and all who he places among himself.

If they have more invested into a science than you, yourself have - then you may have a chance to steal it.

03:52:38 Jan 25th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

Perhaps Edd was meaning it will still drain the science, the caster just doesn't get it

05:12:54 Jan 25th 12 - Mr. Edd The Barbarian:

The wording of the question is weird but what poly said is correct.

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