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Forums / Roleplaying / BFR-Battle for Rome

BFR-Battle for Rome
02:53:53 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

This is my second try at getting people to join. Because of my apparent fame in the Elemental Championship I think this will be taken a bit more seriously and enough people will join.

59 BC

"In Vino Veritas"
-Truth in Wine

Egpyt, Rome, Parthea, Gaul, Greece, Scythia, Germania… all great nations. These great nations need great leaders. Who will win, and who will die by the blade?

Now is the time. The world is ready for a good leader to rise up and destroy all enemies.

Can you be that leader?

You may use your skills in battle, and you must choose wisely which men to recruit with your limited resources. Choose wisely, and you will rest on the throne of Rome. Choose wrongly, and you will rest on the spears of your foes! Let us begin the remake of the legendary Battle for Rome!

The Roman Army

The Roman army is the force from Italy, deadly with legions of troops. Once in control of so much more then they currently do, can the roman army take its place and rule the world?

*Leader* Julius Caesar -
*Consul* Pompey -
*Consul* Crassus -

Gallic Tribes

Not united in any way, these tribes are fearsome and competitive. They are deadly in their homeland, and have a bitter hate for Romans. Handle with care, sons of Mars!

*Vercengetes* Vercengetorix -
*Gestenores* Gestenorox -
*Feriendores* Feriendore -


Devastating force from the south, Egypt is not bound by a particular hatred for any Faction. Egypt is one of the superpowers of the ancient world. Great monuments are not this Faction's only strength!

*Leader* Ptolemy XII -
*General* Abayomi Lateef -
*General* Apophis Kneph -


Parthia, (otherwise known as Persia) is a great force, and brilliant with cavalry, Parthia once had a strong empire rivalry Rome. Can they do the same this time? Certainly if other Factions underestimate these horsemen.

*Leader* Orodes II -
*General* Gorus Tynet -
*General* Marinea Youssul -


Northern brothers of the Gauls, the Germanians had great axemen and sturdy fortresses. They are a major threat to any invaders!

*King* Ambiorix –
*General* Vorro - 
*General* Geir –


Civilised, cultured, a nation of thinkers and philosophers... just don't disagree, or find yourself on the point of the invincible Spartan Hoplites! Do not underestimate these warriors.

*Leader* Kleomenes -
*General* Antigonos -
*General* Eumenes -


Eurasian 'barbarians', this faction was legendarily the first to domesticate the horse. As such, their horsmanship is unmatched by even the Parthian steeds. Their archers are also mighty, their warriors feirce and strong. Be wary of their prowess in battle, or weep for your lost men and honour!

*King* Palokus -
*General* Tasius -
*General* Maecotia -

[Inactive] = Does not post often, has not been here in a while. Place may be open for others.
[Warning] = *beep*med, Flammed or Broke the rules. Place may be open for others.
[Son of...] = Good player either at tactics, helpfulness or just posting often.

Do not expect the history to go according to the books, in this Rome, you decide your fate!
I shall assume the role of Jupiter, and make sure that all goes well in the world of mortals.


Getting Started:

Please post on the thread asking to be accepted, and the character and faction you wish to belong to. Do not *beep* or go ahead and post after your applictaion, or you will be ignored.


Only leaders can get points, but you can help! Points can be used to buy troops, and points can be gained by winning battles. So, you buy troops, use them to battle, and get more points! Sometimes if you settle a situation without bloodshed you get the points without using Troops. Once you win a battle, your leader will get the points to give to his generals as he likes. Please be patient, as most of the leaders aren't robots... most...


To battle you need men. Small battles can sometimes include yourself, but generally you need an army. You also need to reach the battlefield, which will normally take a few days or even weeks. Once you are there, you may fight. You can do anything you like on the battlefield, but please wait for me to reply to your movements and give you the outcome.

Secret Plans:

If you are planning to ambush someone, you obviously don't want them to know about it. In these circumstances PM me your movements, and I will use this as proof that you had moved there. Secret Plans not PMed to me will be void.

Roads may be built from one town to another. The cost of a road depends on the amount of days it would normally take to travel between the towns, and what natural obstacles are in the way. Roads are very useful to move an army around swiftly, but be careful as they may cost many points.

Name, Location, Faction:
To help me keep track of everyone, please put your character name, location at the time of the post, and the faction you belong to. Failure to do this may result in your post being ignored.

If you control no territories, or if your faction leader dies, your faction enters a state of [Turmoil]. After 5 days of [Turmoil], you suffer a faction-wide morale decrease amongst the soldiers, and for every day you remain in turmoil after 5 days, you lose 50 soldiers at random. This is to simulate lack of supplies and food, as well as desertion in the face of desperation. You may remove your status of Turmoil by capturing a territory.


Temples cannot be built. They are simply there. There is a temple dedicated to each God of the Pantheon, that is 12 temples in all. If you own a city in which a temple stands, you gain the power to Envoke the God of that temple. Temples can be destroyed by invading armies, and the treasures taken to another city. In that case, a temple will be erected around the treasures in the new city, and the benefits will be given to the new owner. One city may only have one temple at any one time. There can never be more than one temple for one god.

Envoking the Gods:
All of the gods bestow different powers on their people. You may only Envoke the Gods if you are visiting a city that has a temple dedicated to that god in it, and if you own that city. You may only envoke each god once per chapter. To find out what cities contain what temples, and what powers they bestow upon their worshippers, see the section labelled "Temples".


Q: Can we duel?
A: Yes. You can do anything in Battle for Rome. When the situation comes up I will address it.

Q: How does Game Time relate to Real Time?
A: It doesn't. Time is advanced according to the latest timestamps. Generally for a day passing I will show a "Time Moves On..." legend which indicates the passing of time.

Q: Can we play as sub-officers?
A: No. Sub-officers are controlled by me, although they are commanded by their generals. Generals relay their orders to the sub-officer, and I shall post the sub-officer's reaction to this. As such, sub-officers are not playable.

~Unit Cost~


Peasants - Useful for luring enemies into areas, Peasants are pathetic at hand-to hand fighting - 5 points
Skirmishers - Pepper the enemy with spears, cheap ranged units - 10 points
Vigiles - General keepers of the peace, Rome's policemen. Can be called on to fight, but for fear of rebellion these troops are no stronger than the standard militia - 10 points
Socii - With their loyalty constantly in question, these cheap troops are effective for their cost and willing to fight should trouble arise - 15 points
Peasant Light Cavalry - Equipped with a spear and with very basic cavalry training, the peasant is a cheap way to get cavalry. However they are slow and poor morale makes them quick to flee - 15 Points
Archers - Archers give an added dimension to your army, no Century should be without them - 20 points
Auxilia - Non-citizens that are generally expendable and used to wear down enemies before the real killers of the Roman Army take hold - 20 points
Peasant Heavy Cavalry - Without much training, these peasants are very good defenders but poor at shifting the huge spears and swords that heavy cavalrymen traditionally support - 25 Points.
Skirmisher Cavalry - Mounted on quick steeds, these units can stay out of harm's way. Be careful of limitted ammunition - 30 points.
Peasant Engineer - A peasant trained in the arts of operating machinery more effectively - 30 points.
Cavalry Auxilia - Recruited from captured provinces and often skilled in the ways of their mount - 35 points
Heavy Cavalry - Basically early knights, more useful in their sheer power than flankers - 45 points.
Legionarius - The most effective and flexible infantry in the Ancient World. Carries two Pila for a ranged attack - 45 points.
Lancearii - Elite light infantry to support the Legions, these well disciplined forces hold the enemy in place for the real attack - 45 points.
Ladders - Cheap way to scale an opponent's walls - 50 points
Immunes - Fully trained legionaries with specialist roles such as medics or engineers, who may be called upon to fight in the ranks - 50 point.
Trireme - Copied from the greeks, use this to cross water! (Capacity 40 men) - 60 points
Speculatores - Internal keepers of the peace, trained to remove enemy spies and troublemakers that might threaten the rule - 100 points
Exploratores - Spies and scouts, mounted on horseback when necessary, and used to reveal enemy numbers - 100 points
Frumentarii - Rome's undercover operation, these troops are loathed by the people and should not be revealed, capable of many covert deeds - 200 points
Quadrireme - Upgrade of the Trireme, a slow ship but very powerful (Capacity 100 men) - 200 points
Battering Ram - Used to destroy fences, walls etc. must be manned by infantry - 200 points
Ballista - Powerful weapon, causes opposition's men to flee more easily - 200 points
Oneger - This great beast slows down your armies, but does devastating damage to walls with boulders - 300 points
Quinqereme - Slow but still quicker than most ships of it's size, the Quinqereme is an expensive but effective craft (Capacity 150 men) - 350 points
Mounted Onegers - Can only be garrisoned. Offers better defense for cities - 400 points
Heavy Oneger - The mother of all machines, fear this flame upgrade of the Onager! - 600 points
Mounted Heavy Onegers - Can only be garrisoned. Offers better defense for cities - 800 points
Extra Fortifications - Adds Archer towers, Pit-traps and other nasties to your province - 1000 points


Peasants - Useful for luring enemies into areas, Peasants are pathetic at hand-to hand fighting - 5 points
Skirmishers - Pepper the enemy with spears, cheap ranged units - 10 points
Gaul Warriors - Effective light infantry, flexible and cheap - 10 points
Runners - Speedy peasants rigorously trained to carry messages quickly - 15 points
Spear Warriors - like Roman Hastati but with less armour, these men first throw their spears before engaging. Light Infantry - 20 points
Archers - Archers give an added dimension to your army, no army should be without them - 20 points
Light Cavalry - Fast and effective, useful for flanking manouvres - 30 points
Archer Cavalry - Mounted on quick steeds, these units can stay out of harm's way. Be careful of limitted ammunition - 30 points.
Celtic Warriors - These soldiers can incite themselves into a warcry on command, doubling attack for one attack - 50 points
WarDogs - used to terrify the enemy, these dogs rip apart light infantry - 50 points
Slingers - Deadly, short-ranged units hurling stones with precise accuracy - 50 points
Ladders - Cheap way to scale an opponent's walls - 50 points
Gallic Cavalry - Unlike the trained horses of Rome and Carthage, these men ride wild, ferocious steeds - 60 points
Basic Ship - Required to cross the water, this is the basic Gallic ship (Capacity 50 men) - 70 points
Battering Ram - Used to destroy fences, walls etc. must be manned by infantry - 100 points
Spies - Masters of sneakiness, spies are useful for turning the tide in battle with information - 100 points
Druids - Increases army attack and morale for each living druid slightly - 100 points
Celtic Warrior Cavalry - Riding ferocious steeds, these units can incite a blood lust amongst themselves which doubles the damage of heir charge - 100 points
Explorer - More flexible than a scout in difficult terrain, not as fast but great at noticing useful landmarks - 120 points
Scout - Mounted on fast steeds, these mounted spies are expert at mapping out a battlefield and opponent troop counts, at cost of their subterfuge capabilites - 150 points
Ballista - Powerful weapon, causes opposition's men to flee more easily - 200 points
Great Ship - More powerful than the basic ship, Gaul's proudest naval vessel (Capacity 100 men) - 250 points
Extra Fortifications - Adds Archer towers, Pit-traps and other nasties to your province - 1000 points


Peasants - Useful for luring enemies into areas, Peasants are pathetic at hand-to hand fighting - 5 points
Spearmen - Pepper the enemy with spears, cheap ranged units - 10 points
Guards - General keepers of the peace, sometimes drafted in to the army - 10 points
Warriors - Light infantry who use their curved scimitars in battle to deadly effect - 20 points
Hunters - Skilled in hunting along the nile, flexible troops with spears and swords, fast movement - 20
Archers - Archers give an added dimension to your army, no army should be without them - 20 points
Raiders - Light infantry armed with swords, Raiders are good at ship-to-ship combat - 25 Points
Raider Cavalry - Light cavalry armed with swords, decent at hit-and-run type attacks - 25 Points
Light Cavalry - Fast and effective, useful for flanking manouvres - 30 points
Heavy Infantry - Strong, slow and well-trained. Useful core of an army - 30 points
Hoplites - The Egyptian version of the hoplite, they are armed with long spears and can form a phalanx to gain increased attack and defense but reduced speed - 35 points
Heavy Raiders - More heavily armoured counterparts of Raiders, good at ship-to-ship combat but cannot stand against higher quality soldiers in a straight fight - 40 points
Slingers - Deadly, short-ranged units hurling stones with precise accuracy - 50 points
Basic Ship - Used mainly for transport across the nile (Capacity 40 men) - 50 points
Light Cavalry Guard - With swift steeds and steady horses, these light cavalry keep their Leader from danger - 50 points
Ladders - Cheap way to scale an opponent's walls - 50 points
Camel Riders - Good to scare cavalry, and effective in desert terrain - 60 points
Heavy Cavalry Guard - Powerful cavalry, an elite unit - 80 points
Battering Ram - Used to destroy fences, walls etc. must be manned by infantry - 100 points
Spies - Masters of sneakiness, spies are useful for turning the tide in battle with information - 100 points
Large Ship - A combination of the deep Great Ship hull, but trimmed to a basic ship frame (Capacity 90 men) - 150 points
Ballista - Powerful weapon, causes opposition's men to flee more easily - 200 points
Great Ship - More powerful than the basic ship, Egypt's proudest naval vessel (Capacity 120 men) - 250 points
Large Ram - A huge battering ram, effective but expensive - 300 points
Extra Fortifications - Adds Archer towers, Pit-traps and other nasties to your province - 1000 points


Peasants - Useful for luring enemies into areas, Peasants are pathetic at hand-to hand fighting - 5 points
Skirmishers - Pepper the enemy with spears, cheap ranged units - 10 points
Parthean Warriors - Effective light infantry, flexible and cheap - 15 points
Spear Warriors - Like Roman Hastati but with less armour, these men first throw their spears before engaging. Light Infantry - 20 points
Archers - Archers give an added dimension to your army, no army should be without them - 20 points
Scouts - Mounted on lightning steeds, these men can travel much faster than a normal army - 25 points
Light Cavalry - Fast and effective, useful for flanking manouvres - 30 points
Spear Cavalry - Hurling spears from their steeds, enemies are sure to get the 'point' XD - 40 'point's
Heavy Parthian Warriors - These heavily armoured soldiers have an excellent defence, but are slow and their attack is poor - 50 points
Ladders - Cheap way to scale an opponent's walls - 50 points
Slingers - Deadly, short-ranged units hurling stones with precise accuracy - 50 points
Mounted Archers - Their horses keep these archers from harm's way, be careful of limited ammunition - 50 points
Persian Cavalry - Carrying both a sword and a bow, but mostly proficient with the sword, these make flexible all-round cavalry units - 60 points
Basic Ship - Required to cross the water, this is the basic Parthian ship (Capacity 40 men) - 70 points
Spies - Masters of sneakiness, spies are useful for turning the tide in battle with information - 100 points
Battering Ram - Used to destroy fences, walls etc. must be manned by infantry - 100 points
Cataphracts - Carrying not only spears but also maces, these heavy cavalry are capable of breaking through almost any formation - 120 points
Large Ship - A combination of the deep Great Ship hull, but trimmed to a basic ship frame (Capacity 90 men) - 150 points
Ballista - Powerful weapon, causes opposition's men to flee more easily - 200 points
Extra Fortifications - Adds Archer towers, Pit-traps and other nasties to your province - 1000 points


Peasants - Useful for luring enemies into areas, Peasants are pathetic at hand-to hand fighting - 5 points
Skirmishers - Pepper the enemy with spears, cheap ranged units - 10 points
Gaul Warriors - Effective light infantry, flexible and cheap - 15 points
Ladders - Cheap way to scale an opponent's walls - 20 points
Archers - Archers give an added dimension to your army, no Century should be without them - 20 points
Light Cavalry - Fast and effective, useful for flanking maneuverer's - 30 points
WarDogs - used to terrify the enemy, these dogs rip apart light infantry - 50 points
Battering Ram - Used to destroy fences, walls etc. must be manned by infantry - 50 points
Slingers - Deadly, short-ranged units hurling stones with precise accuracy - 50 points
Axemen – Strong attack but a weak defence, hurl these men into battle to wreak havoc on close formations – 60 points
Gallic Cavalry - Unlike the trained horses of Rome and Carthage, these men ride wild, ferocious steeds - 60 points
Basic Ship - Required to cross the water, this is the basic Germanic ship (Capacity 50 men) - 70 points
Hand-picked Axemen The elite of Germanian axemen, these warriors do great damage – 10 axemen + 60 points
Celtic Warriors - These soldiers can incite themselves into a war cry on command, doubling attack for one attack - 70 points
Spies - Masters of sneakiness, spies are useful for turning the tide in battle with information - 100 points
Shaman - Increases army attack and morale for each living shaman slightly - 100 points
Ballista - Powerful weapon, causes opposition's men to flee more easily - 100 points
Great Ship - More powerful than the basic ship, Germania's proudest naval vessel (Capacity 100 men) - 250 points
Extra Fortifications - Adds Archer towers, Pit-traps and other nasties to your province - 500 points


Peasants - Useful for luring enemies into areas, Peasants are pathetic at hand-to hand fighting - 5 points
Peltasts - Pepper the enemy with spears, cheap ranged units. Stronger than average skirmishers - 15 points
Greek Warriors - Effective light infantry, flexible and cheap - 15 points
Common Hoplites - Drawn from the peasant class, these men receive simple training covering the use of their large spears in forming a phalanx - 15 points
Archers - Archers give an added dimension to your army, no army should be without them - 20 points
Hoplites - Armed with long spears, these men can form Phalanx to gain increased attack and defense but reduced speed - 30 points
Greek Cavalry - Poor quality peasantry riding average farm horses. Greece's mounted support - 30 points
Sailboat - A small Greek ship, useful for ferrying around bands of men (Capacity 30 men) - 40 points
Cretian Archers - Imported from the famous Greek island, these bowmen are trained in fire - 40 points
Battering Ram - Used to destroy fences, walls etc. must be manned by infantry - 50 points
Ladders - Cheap way to scale an opponent's walls - 50 points
Slingers - Deadly, short-ranged units hurling stones with precise accuracy - 50 points
Trireme - The original, the best, this ship is better than Roman imitations (Capacity 50 men) - 60 points
Armoured Hoplites - Even slower than Hoplites, can form phalanx and are very hard to kill - 70 points
Spies - Masters of sneakiness, spies are useful for turning the tide in battle with information - 100 points
Spartan Hoplites - Extremely powerful and well trained Hoplites, can form phalanx - 100 points
Ballista - Powerful weapon, causes opposition's men to flee more easily - 200 points
Quinqureme - Upgrade of the Trireme, a slow ship but very powerful (Capacity 120 men) - 200 points
Greek Fire Vessel - An adapted version of the Quinqereme, this ship pours flaming oil onto the waves! (Capacity 100 men) - 250 points
Oneger - This great beast slows down your armies, but does devastating damage to walls with boulders - 300 points
Town Irrigation - Small wells, trenches and flood-traps increase agriculture taxes by 200 points - 600 points
Extra Fortifications - Adds Archer towers, Pit-traps and other nasties to your province - 1000 points
City Irrigation - Large-scale water lifts and pumps make the best out of your city, increasing by 300 points - 1200 points


Peasants - Useful for luring enemies into areas, Peasants are pathetic at hand-to hand fighting - 5 points
Skirmishers - Pepper the enemy with spears, cheap ranged units - 10 points
Archers - Archers give an added dimension to your army, no army should be without them - 20 points
Scouts - Mounted on lightning steeds, these men can travel much faster than a normal army - 25 points
Light Cavalry - Fast and effective, useful for flanking manouvres - 30 points
Spear Cavalry - Hurling spears from their steeds, enemies are sure to get the 'point' XD - 40 point's
Scythian Infantry - Tough nomadic warriors from the northern territories, Scythia's basic infantry unit - 40 points
Ladders - Cheap way to scale an opponent's walls - 50 points
Slingers - Deadly, short-ranged units hurling stones with precise accuracy - 50 points
Heavy Cavalry - More useful for sheer power than flanking manouevres - 50 points
Barb Archers - These archers use barbed arrows to cause even more devastation amongst enemy ranks - 50 points
Mounted Archers - Their horses keep these archers from harm's way, be careful of limited ammunition - 50 points
Sword Wielders - Stong units, these infantry wield their large two-handed swords with great skill. Honour plays an important role in their lives - 60 points
Steppe Cavalry - Mounted on sure-footed horses, these cavalry thrive on the difficult terrain that is the downfall of other caalry units - 60 points
Basic Ship - Required to cross the water, this is the basic Scythian ship (Capacity 50 men) - 70 points
Spies - Masters of sneakiness, spies are useful for turning the tide in battle with information - 100 points
Battering Ram - Used to destroy fences, walls etc. must be manned by infantry - 100 points
Chariot - Manned by warriors, the edge on any Scythian force - 70 points
Chariot - Manned by archers, very useful for any Scythian force - 100 points
Scythed Chariot - A terrifying and forceful shock troop, the scythed chariot was designed as a counter-measure to masses of heavy infantry - 120 points
Sarmatian Knights - Elite knights on par even with Cataphract Cavalry, their leadership and honour in battle is a force to be reckoned with - 120 points
Ballista - Powerful weapon, causes opposition's men to flee more easily - 200 points
Great Ship - More powerful than the basic ship, Scythia's proudest naval vessel (Capacity 100 men) - 250 points
Extra Fortifications - Adds Archer towers, Pit-traps and other nasties to your province - 1000 points

~Weapons of the Seige~

Mounted Catapult - 455 feet range - 8 Unit Crew
Oneger - 18% damage - 400 feet range - 6 Unit Crew
Mounted Oneger - 440 feet range - 6 Unit Crew
Heavy Oneger - 21% damage - 405 feet range - 7 Unit Crew
Mounted Heavy Oneger - 450 feet range - 7 Unit Crew
Ballista - 14% damage - 350 feet range - 4 Unit Crew
Battering Ram - 27% damage - 12 Unit Crew
Large Ram - 33% damage - 24 Unit Crew

Field Seige Weapons:
These can only be built whilst sieging a town. Though they cost no points, they require several days at least to be built.
Battering Ram - 3 Days - 27% Damage - 12 Unit Crew
Long Range Field Catapult - 5 Days - 22% Damage - 455 Feet Range - 10 Unit Crew
Dual Field Catapult - 4 Days - 25% Damage - 410 Feet Range - 10 Unit Crew
Field Catapult - 3 Days - 22% Damage - 420 Feet Range - 8 Unit Crew
Seige Ladder - 2 Days - 14 Unit Crew
Seige Tower - 6 Days - 30 Unit Crew

A note on unit statistics:
Attack - Determines the force of a charge, your pushing power, and the damage inflicted by Seige weapons.
Damage - Determines how many casualties you inflict upon enemy units while engaged in combat.
Defence - Determines your resistance to enemy charges and Attack, and reduces casualties in battle.
Speed - Determines how fast you can move across the map or how skillfully you can manouvre around the field.
Morale - Effects various things, prevents your troops from rallying, and can inspire them to great and heroic acts.

~Point Count~

Julius Caesar - : 0 points

Pompey - : 0 points

Crassus - : 0 points

Gestenorox - : 0 points

Feriendore - : 0 points

Vecengetorix - : 0 points

Ptolemy XII - : 0 points

Apophis Kneph -: 0 points

Abayomi Lateef - : 0 points

Orodes II -
: 0 points

Gorus Tynet -  0 points

Marinea Yousull -  0 points

Ambiorix - 0 points

Vorro - : 0 points

Geir - : 0 points

Kleomenes -  0 points

Antigonos - 0 points

Eumenes - 0 points

Palakus - 0 points

Tasius - 0 points

Maecotia - 0 points


Large City = 18,000+
Small City = 12,000 - 18,000
Large Town = 6,000 - 12,000

Small Town = 1,000 - 6,000
Large Settlement = 100 - 1,000
Small Settlement = 0 - 100


Venaria, a large fortified town, under Romes rule. Population 9000. Income 2,700 points.
Pavatium, a small city, under Romes rule. Population 12000. Income 4,800 points.
Rome, a large fortified city, under SPQR's rule. Population 40000. Income 20,000 points.
Syracuse, a small fortified strategic port-city, under Romes's rule. Population 17,000. Income 6,800 points.
Brundisium, a large strategic port-town, under Rebel rule. Population 7000. Income 2,100 points.


Carthage, a large fortified city, under currently neutral. Population 20000, income 10,000.
Hadrumentum, a large strategic port-town, currently neutral. Population 7500, Income 2,500.
Agrigentum, a large fortified port-town, currently neutral. Population 9000, Income 2,700.
Hippo Regis, a small port-town, under Roman rule. Population 5000. Income 1000.


Lutetia, a small fortified city, under Gestenores rule. Population 12500. Income 5,000.
Anicos, a small fortified city, under Vercengetorese rule. Population 13500. Income 5,400.
Alesia, a small fortified town, currently neutral. Population 4500, Income 900.
Certabum, a large fortified town, under Feriendores rule. Population 9,000. Income 2,700.
Gulloris, a small city, currently neutral. Population 13,000. Income 5200, mining 1040.
Augusta Trevororum, a large town, currently neutral. Population 11,300. Income 3,300


Cairo, a large fortified strategic port-city, under Egyptian rule. Previously neutral. Population 22,000. Income 11,000.
Alexandria, a small port-city, currently neutral. Population 12,000. Income 4800.
Thebes, a large port-town, currently neutral. Population 8000, income 2400.
Aswan, a small port-town, currently neutral. Population 5500, Income 1100 points, mining 220.
Rosetta, a large port-town, currently neutral. Population 11,000, income 3300.
Tanis, a small fortified town, under Egyptian rule. Previously neutral. Population 4500, Income 900 points.


Shahhat, a large city, under Numadian rule. Previously neutral.
Al Bayaddah, a large town, under Numadian rule. Previously neutral.
Ra's al Hilal, a small port-town, under no rule. Previously neutral.
Bu ath Thamir, a large town, under Numadian rule. Previously neutral.


Altimum, a large fortified port-city, currently neutral. Population 18000, Income 9000, mining 1800.
Hostilia, a large town, currently neutral. Population 7000, Income 2100.
Brixia, a small foritified town, currently neutral. Population 3000, Income 600.
Aquelia, a large port-town, currently neutral. Previously neutral. Population 11000, Income 3300.
Sargadeva, a small fortified city, currently neutral. Previously neutral. Population 15000, Income 6000.
Hercyania, a small town, currently neutral. Population 4000, Income 800.


Rhegin, a large fortified port-town, under Brittanian rule. Population 7000, Income 2100, mining 420.
Ebraue, a small fortified town, under Brittanian rule. Population 4500. Income 900 points.
Powys, a large fortified port-town, under Brittanian rule. Population 6000. Income 1800.
Caer Lyrion, a small fortified city, under Britannian rule. Population 14000, Income 5600.


Noricum, a large fortified strategic city, under Germaniac. Population 19000, Income 9500.
Nervii, a large fortified town, currently neutral. Population 7500, Income 2250, mining 450.
Konigsberg, an small town, under Germaniac rule. Population 4250. Income 850.


Sparta, a small fortified irrigated city, under Greek rule. Previously neutral. Population 14000, Income 5600.
Athens, a large fortified port-city, currently neutral. Population 20000, Income 10000.
Corinth, a large fortified irrigated strategic port-city, currently neutral. Population 18000, Income 9300.
Lorissa, a small port-town, under Greek rule. Previously neutral. Population 5000, Income 1000.
Rhodes, a small port-city, currently neutral. Previously neutral. Population 13000, Income 4700.
Crete, a large fortified port-town, under Greek rule. Population 9000, Income 2700.
Thessalonica, a small city, currently neutral. Population 15000, income 6000.
Aliobrix, a small city, currently neutral. Previously neutral. Population 12000, Income 4800.


Cartago Nova, a large fortified port-city, under Hispanian rule. Population 18000, income 9000, mining 1800.
Gerunda, a small fortified port-town, under Hispanic rule. Population 5000, income 500.
Osca, a large fortified town, under Hispanian rule. Population 7000, income 2100, mining 420.
Clunia, a small fortified city, under Hispanian rule. Population 15000, income 6000, mining 1200.
Bracara, a small town, under Hispanic rule. Population 4000, income 800.

Olisipo, a large port-town, under Hispanian rule. Population 8000, income 2400.
Salamantica, a large town, under Hispanian rule. Population 9000, income 2700.
Emerita, a small town, under Hispanic rule. Population 4000, income 800.

Italica, a large settlement, under Hispanian rule. Population 900, income 90.
Malaca, a small port-town, under Hispanian rule. Population 5000, income 1000.


Byzantium, a large strategic port-city, under Persian rule. Previously neutral. Population 20000, income 10000.
Halicarnassus, a large port-town, currently neutral. Population 7000, income 2100.
Ipsus, a large town, under Persian rule. Previously neutral. Population 7000, income 2100.
Damascus, a large town, under Persian rule. Previously neutral. Population 10000, income 3000.
Jerusalem, a large fortified city, currently neutral. Population 20000, income 10000.
Ancyra, a large town, currently neutral. Population 8000, income 2400, mining 480.
Salamis, a small port-city, currently neutral. Population 12,000, Income 5000.


Sarmatae, a large town, under Scythian rule. Previously neutral. Population 10000, Income 3000.
Roxolonia, a small city, under Scythian rule. Previously neutral. Population 12000, Income 4800.
Kotais, a small port-town, under Scythian rule. Previously neutral. Population 5000, Income 1000.
Vicus, a large fortified city, under Scythian rule. Previously neutral. Population 19000, Income 9500.
Histria, a large town, currently neutral. Population 7000, Income 2100.
Collatis, a large town, currently neutral. Population 6000, Income 1800.
Krounoi, a large town, currently neutral. Population 9000, Income 2700.
Kogaion, a large town, currently neutral. Population 6000, Income 1800.

~Unity Bonuses~
Hispania - For holding all of Hispania - ??? - All units receive stat boosts all around.
Britannia: For holding all of Britannia - Rule Britannia - All ships receive double speed.


Temple of Apollo - God of Healing - Certabum - All of the casualties from your last battle are restored.
Temple of Ceres - Goddess of Agriculture - Altimum - Gain 50% of your normal tax income in points.
Temple of Diana - Goddess of Fertility - Alesia - Population of all cities increases.
Temple of Juno - Queen of the Gods - Syracuse - Gives an extra 5,000 points.
Temple of Jupiter - King of the Gods - Rome - Bestows two of the other gods' blessings at random.
Temple of Mars - God of War - Carthage - Next battle, all men will gain a large damage bonus.
Temple of Mercury - God of Trade - Alexandria - Troop purchases are 50% cheaper for one post.
Temple of Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom - Athens - Next battle, all strategies will be much more successful.
Temple of Neptune - God of the Sea - Rhodes - Next naval battle, all units are much stronger.
Temple of Venus - Goddess of Love - Caer Lyrion - Next battle, morale is much higher. Makes all cities content.
Temple of Vesta - Goddess of the Hearth - Shahhat - Next battle, all cavalry will do much more damage.
Temple of Vulcan - God of the Fire and the Forge - Noricum - Next battle, all infantry will do much more damage.


Application Thread
Who you want to be:
Whats your Forum name:
Scenario #1: [Response to Scenario #1.]
Scenario #2: [Response to Scenario #2.]
Scenario #3: [Response to Scenario #3.]


Scenario #1

There has been a rebellion against the crown. Your father and elder brother have been slain. In a rushed ceremony, you have been pronounced King, as the only remaining male in the bloodline. The rebels are rampant, and have captured your sister. Raising an army, you have tracked them down and now they attempt to stand and hold a remote castle. Your troops have surrounded the castle, and it is under seige. However, you soon hear reports of another smaller Rebel force marching to the south. You command some of the most powerful and versatile troops in the world, and could take on either of the two armies, but if the southern force manages to reach your flank, you will be cut off from supplies...

What to do.
How to deal with the rebels in the event of their defeat.

Scenario #2

You are a field commander, tasked with blocking one of the major mountain passes that sprinkle the border between your country and it's neighbours. One day, you and your forces are ambushed as you do a routine sweep of the valley. The ambushers kill many of your men, but are forced to flee as reinforcements arrive, leaving their supplies behind and meaning that they will be forced to forage from the land - slowing them considerably. To have been caught off-guard in your own terrain is a great disgrace, and the enemy's numbers would not be enough to properly contend with your great army...

What to do.
How to do it.

Scenario #3

Your faction is falling apart. Rebellion is rife, and the Emperor struggles to maintain authority over his splintering lands. You and a large force of troops are stationed at a small town which overlooks a gushing river. One day, you recieve word that the Emperor has been slain, and his sons are fighting over his reign. Fearfully, you are also informed that there is a huge force of one of the rebel sons heading for your town, presumably to eliminate any threat. You have one day to prepare for the attack, which will come from across the river. The capital city of your faction is a day away in the opposite direction, along with the son that you are currently loyal to - he is the fairest and deemed the most fit to rule. To battle the rebel son would be very difficult, although the river would likely be an effective defense against his greatly superior numbers...

What to do.
How to do it.


I will most likely make a forum to go with this game.

If you don't sign up in the way the application states then I will ignore you.

I choose which faction you join by how good you are.

Good Night

02:54:21 Oct 28th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:


02:50:07 Oct 28th 07 - Sir Verll:


03:11:17 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Might:

Looks intresting I might join as Gauls!

13:37:51 Oct 28th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

hey, do you still have my apllication from last time?

04:05:23 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Kinda, I don't remember what place you wanted to join but everyone who joined last time will get to join this time. Also if you think you might like this sort of stuff then join, really an update every 2 days won't be to bad and if your inactive have your teammate take over so this won't be to timeconsuming.

14:48:08 Oct 29th 07 - Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven:

sigheart you have my application, was it correct and the way the application states?

15:28:13 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

Sigheart I would like to join as the Gauls

15:30:34 Oct 29th 07 - Lord Guderian:

I would be Greece :)

20:26:38 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Could you to put your application down as I asked and yes Tikocato I did get it and the scenario answers were quite good.

15:15:40 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Might:

Sigheart did you get my application? and was it good?

15:59:57 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Why not make a game out of this................. Then we can go play it just like VU.....

20:10:57 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Yeah  I'm not that good.

04:28:48 Nov 6th 07 - Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven:

aww shucks sigheart,*blushes*

10:56:10 Nov 7th 07 - Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven:

hey, do we have enough people to play yet?

14:56:35 Nov 7th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim goes up to the Germans with a huge Roman army.

"Where is our ambassador?"

*Suddenly a German guy comes out of the forest holding up the ambassador's head.

"Hmmmm...that's not good...ready for combat!"

2nd in command: "Adjust the range!"

"Range is good..."

*The Germans attack and the Romans all defeat them.

23:35:37 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Were getting there. It's over 4 times the amount of last time.

23:38:55 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

So, could you post what people have now?
Julius Ceaser: Septim
Crassus: Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven...
And so on and so forth.

23:49:40 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I actually haven't finalized who gets what. Mainly because this isn't first come first serve this is who would be better at what spot.

23:53:44 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Also Septim hasn't sent an application yet.

08:41:38 Nov 14th 07 - Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven:

so, how many people would you say we would need to start?

16:12:31 Nov 14th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

I just sent a sort of application...although I am not going to strain my eyes to read every unit type up there, so I will wait for him to tell me who my people are.

01:00:19 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

At his point only 8 people have joined. It's not even half so I won't consider starting. The only reason I can see this continuing is if I get some more poeple to join and soon.

05:17:14 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Brinsbane:

did anyone actually read all of that?

05:19:42 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Yes Brinsbane.

09:43:57 Nov 17th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

I would join, but I fear I'm not active enough to keep up with all of this.

10:27:33 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

Sigheart, as much as I admire your efforts its really just not practical and is never going to work

12:10:20 Nov 17th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

i think it could work
we just need a lot of people......

02:36:10 Nov 18th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

It could work but to be honest I don't think this will ever work, few are brave enough to try. I might make a more exclusive game that's like this.....

03:03:50 Nov 18th 07 - Sir Verll:

Bah....Sigheart I will read it....but it's so god damn long!

19:56:00 Nov 18th 07 - Mr. Might:

I didn't read it hehe I just thought whatever I picked looked cool.

14:09:59 Dec 21st 07 - Sir Nolfe Flamehorn Vineraven:

I didnt read it much either.

14:59:35 Dec 21st 07 - Sir Revenge:

Hey, Im being the leader of Persia

I'll PM you now

But theres just too much,

this is a great base for a game, Im stealing it!   jokes...

15:07:50 Dec 21st 07 - Sir Revenge:

Wait, If you take JUST your own it's not that much

15:16:12 Dec 21st 07 - Sir Revenge:

This is old man.....

Its from october but revived , sigheart you still want to do it?

15:31:35 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Im still in.

00:16:46 Dec 22nd 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

I would love to but people really can't get over the fact that it's so big.

17:28:07 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

ill play as greece

06:20:32 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Dibs on Germania

12:22:59 Dec 30th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Grand Master:

i'll do it still
i'd like to play as the scythians

00:07:30 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

im gunna destroy you all and also please read the whole thing i did it only toke me like an hour it was a good way to pass the time for the tick

00:35:55 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Allan, I already had dibs on Germania I was the first person to send Sigheart it.

02:10:01 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

i sent sigheart the thing for Greece and also Germania do you want to allie if he puts on the game

11:02:42 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

Sighheart, i'd like to join as the Romans.

15:55:52 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Struddle:

Is there still room for the Greeks or Romans?

17:04:38 Nov 5th 08 - Sir Wilber:

This is really old.

I think it should be revived because it was a really good idea.

17:07:28 Nov 5th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Just letting you know Himanil...this topic is quite the dates on the posts tell you.  This should be revived when there is a dedicated RP group, not a bunch of wanderers that are here one day and gone the next. 

17:17:48 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Mafia:

dude.... u got nearly all these ideas from the game Medievel 2: Total War

17:32:54 Nov 5th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:


This topic is over a year old...not even sure if he is around still...

02:12:13 Nov 6th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

Well you for one certainly are a dedicated Rper Charlie and we do have quite a few around.

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