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Forums / Roleplaying / Escape

20:49:41 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Since (due to my shoddy explanatory skills) running Empires has turned out to be a full time occupation, this will be a sort of mostly self-run thread. I will only intervene at the end of each round. Your character will attempt to break out of a maximum security holding center. Due to strange temporal disturbances, this holding center is bizarrely spread out across the space time continuum. (This allows your character to be from any time period, and thus may have a knowledge of magic or technology or anything. But not everyhting.) Your character is alone. Characters will NOT interact with one another.

Read the description of the section. Then, write a few paras about how your character escapes the said section. try and write more than one paragraph.

I will then judge and mark the best post. Whoever gets marked as the best gets to write a paragraph or two on the next section.

After reading the post describing the section, your post must describe your character's entire escape from that section. Your character must pass all of the defenses and reach the exit which leads to the next section. Once your character has reached the exit, you may end your post.
Your character does not know the entire base plan in advance, they must discover it as they escape.
Also, if at any point a alarm is set off, you have to hide somewhere where they wont find you, and stay there until the alarm ends. Remember that as well.
Once everyone has escaped the current section, the round ends.

The previous round's winner judges which RP escape post is best. They then declare the this post the winner, and it's poster gets to write a few paras on the next section. They can, if it is impossible for them to do this, pass on the job to a different escapee.
Once the next round's section is posted, the round begins and everyone posts again. Once everyone is done, the winner picks the next winning escapee, and they design the next section, and so on...

If there is anything you do not understand, feel free to ask.

Home time period: (Medieval (magic and stuff), Modern, Future, Whatever)
Skills: (could be useful, but only from your time period)
Bio: (how they came to be locked up in this strange temporal prison included)

Since the game is beginning, I will design this rounds section, and also judge for this round.

You are in a blank cell. The walls are made of some strange stone, it appears unbreakable. One wall is covered in iron bars, on the other side of the bars is a short blank corridor with a door at the end. On the left of that door is a window, outside, time marches on, but in here, it is twisted. Beyond the door is a guard with a rifle slung over one shoulder. Continuing from that door, a second blank corridor proceeds round a sharp L-shape corner. continuing on is a locked door, with another guard. This one has a rifle, and some flash grenades clipped to his belt as well as a remote alarm button and a key for the door.
On the other side of this door, there is a large room, like a tube, leading on up and down for infinity. The path winds around it like a corkscrew, with the stone wall on one side and a solid stone banister coming up to waist height on the other. At every full turn there is a guard with a rifle and a flash grenade, standing outside another locked door.
Five full turns up there is a large open arch. On each side there is a guard with a rifle, two flash grenades and remote alarms. On the other side of the arch is a large, high corridor with many small corridors coming out each side, each with a locked door at the end. Five guards patrol the large corridor randomly, occasionally walking down the smaller corridors. A hundred feet up the corridor is another large arch. On the other side, the air is hazy, and unclear. That is the exit to the next section, and another time period.

Suddenly, a silent bolt of energy comes through the window by your cell. It strikes the bars, mutely melting them, allowing you a way out of your cell. The rest of the escape is up to you...

[I know its a simple beginning and a ridiculous setting, but its just meant to be a bit of competition.]

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