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Fighters of Tiria
01:06:40 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

Map of the Lands - Drawn by Earl Gregor Hangelet


"It has been at least one hundred years since the great war against the demons.  The blood red-skinned giants assailed the two great nations, Tiria and Eldaes, and burned cities to the ground.  With the enslavement of the trolls and orcs, the only hope of the men and elves were to assault the attacking armies, and defeat the Demon King, Nyzarg.  Through the sacrifice and bravery of many, the free nations defeated Nyzarg's forces, and the great king Targas slayed the Demon King.  The relics of old were lost, scattered, and hidden from others, so as to prevent another demon to gain its power.  For one hundred years, the relics have been lost, and the demons unseen.  The Orcs and Trolls, free of the Demon King's control, fled back to their homes.  The continent was at peace... until today."

King Oswald of Tiria took a deep breathe, and resumed his speech to the crowd.

"As you are all aware of, the scattered Demons reunited, and took the Orcish tribe of Largan, and turned the once great city of Morgas into the black citadel once more.  My armies are currently training for the approaching war, and I require more men who are willing to fight for their freedom.  Fight with me, and we shall fight for Tiria!  Who shall join me!?"

Each man who joined shouted,  "I will join you!"  and walked up to him, and bowed, except for one lone man who appeared drunk.  Oswald walked up to him.

"Excuse me, but it is respectful to bow to the man whom your are trusting your lives with,"  Oswald said.
"Ehh, since when was I 'espectful,"  Hugh, the drunk man, said.  "Heh!  Travis did ye here that un!"
The man whom Hugh was directed at shifted a little, and mumbled, "Just bow down, Hugh."
Oswald was not pleased.
"If you want to join my army, bow down.  If you want to be hanged, continue.  What skills in fighting do you possibly have?"
Hugh thought for a moment, and then replied, "Maybe this will show you."
And Hugh punched Oswald in the face, knocking him back a few steps.
"Well then," Oswald muttered.  "Now, it's my turn."
And so he punched Hugh back, making him fall onto his back.
"You'll do for now," Oswald chuckled.  "Alright, everyone who will fight, head to the camps outside Palentia and await for me.  You might want to practice your fighting skills on the several dummies stationed around the camps."

And so, everyone ventured onto the camps, and the crowd subsided back to thier daily toils of work.

[[Right, everyone who joined, if you would post now.  Any one who has not posted by 12:00 central time will be kicked out.]]

02:00:48 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Testing:

Mr Eon rushed to the camps and started practicing, he was clumsy at first but started getting better. He made a swipe at the dummy and stopped it a inch from it. He was sweating profusely and decided to go get a drink.

02:36:08 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[>_>  I'll let that tiny post last for now, since all you are doing can be summed up in about a sentence. :-P  Please, though, at least try to attempt to write a good post.  If every post in this is a one liner, I would go insane. <_>  Oh, wait a minute...]]

02:46:41 Mar 14th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

Valan Septim turned to his two friends, Marfor Gro-Renok, the only orc in the large crowd, and Hrov Wolf-Claw, a tall northern man. Valan was a man of around twenty-five with straight brown hair and green eyes, he was much shorter than Hrov at around 5'11", but looked to be a capable warrior with his atheletic build and fierce eyes. Buckled at his side was his father's steel longsword, which he had taken good care of. Hrov Wolf-Claw was around 6' 8" and had icy blue eyes. Across his back was a large steel claymore, and on his belt was a steel handaxe. He looked like he could crush a man's skull with his bare hands, and probably could if the man angered him enough, but despite his intimidating presence, he was a very calm and intelligent individual. His shoulder length blond hair and well groomed beard showed that he was civilized, but that did not stop them from staring. If there was anybody to stare at, however, it was Marfor. The only orc in the large crowd, a lot of attention was given to him. Hateful stares and curses were directed at him, and he did nothing to deserve it. He was actually ashamed that his people had been so easily enslaved by the demons, and wished nothing more than to redeem his kind by serving the light. If that meant having to kill his brothers, then so be it. He was around 6' 4" with a muscular build that was required to swing the massive axe that he carried with him, hanging from his belt were around four throwing axes as well that he knew how to use with great skill. His hair was black, like all of his kind, and it was tied into a short ponytail. His teeth were very sharp as well, but he refused to ever use them as weapons, even to save his life. The trio would be deadly in battle, anybody who saw them would know that.
"Hrov, Marfor, I'm glad you decided to come," said Valan.
"I'm honored," said Hrov.
"As am I," said Marfor.
"Then let us spar, we'll need a lot of training to survive the battles ahead," said Valan.

15:09:55 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Lanoc looked at the dummy in front of him. It was a worthy opponent, capable of turning aside a blow from his small daggers, though admittedly at the cost of several scratches. He decided to try a different tactic, and so lifted his staff in front of him on concentrated the image of fire in his mind's eye. He stood patiently, warriors passed by pondering as to what he was doing. Eventually, a spark came from the staff, landing near the dummy. Lanoc concentrated on it, and soon there was a small blaze going, devouring the dummy. He smiled, satisfied with his magic, though it was not as it strong as he would have liked. He doused the fire and hurried from the scene, in case anyone demanded that he made another dummy to replace it.

17:14:44 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[Alright, that's everyone but Hel.  I'll shorten the length until 11:30 CT, so I can get this started already.]]

After Oswald spoke, Travis got up and reluctantly pulled his friend off of the ground and onto his feet.
"Exactly what the hell were you thinking, Hugh?"  Travis grumbled.  "You're lucky the King has a sense of humor, or else you would've been hanged."
"Dwarvern mead can cause a lot of mental problems, buddy," Hugh cheerfully said as he pulled out a bottle of it.  "Here, you wannit?"
Travis shook his head of blue hair.
"Oh well, mo for meh!"  And Hugh downed the bottle in a matter of seconds.
"Come on," Travis said.  "We'd better get to the camps, or else we might get left here."
"I knowwit!" Hugh replied.  "No free beeshr at all!"
The two walked to the gates, and out of the capital.  The training camps were scattered around the stone walls, so the two found the closest one and began to tune their fighting skills.
Travis walked over to the ranging targets and pulled an arrow from his quiver and prepared to fire.  He pulled the arrow back, released, and got a bullseye.  Satisfied that his first shot was an ace, he walked away and picked up a wooden sword.
"Ehh, might be in close combat, might as well learn how to fight with a sword."
He walked over to a dummy and struck at it.  The wooden sword flew out of his hand and landed on the grass.  Dismayed, he grabbed the sword and placed back onto the crate from which he found it.
Hugh skipped over holding a mug of beer he probably nicked from the supply tent, and saw Travis's arrow in the center of the target.
"Ha!" Hugh yelled, and gulped down some more alcohol.  "You think you're good with arrows.  Try throwing an axe at a target and gettin one o' them bullseyes."
Hugh grabbed his ornately decorated axe.  Of all the things that Hugh owned, this was his second most cherished.  His first was, of course, his flask of beer tied to his waist.  The axe had jewels encrusted into it, and had a golden tint to it.  Travis snorted as he recalled the night when Hugh won big in the tavern card tournament, and bought the axe from a nearby dwarf.
The drunk man lifted the axe in his hand, the arm wielding it wobbling a bit, and threw it into the air.  The blunt side of the axe fell down upon a passingby soldier, hitting him on the head and knocking him over, into a pile of horse poop.
The man was extremelly mad, and bellowed,  "ZeTa dammit!  Who threw this confounded axe at me!?"
Hugh slowly said, "It was an accident, I swea-"
"I'll show you an accident!  I challenge you to a duel!"
"A duel, ya say?" Hugh said.  "And the winner receives...?"
"If I win, I report your blunder to a General!  If you win, I'll keep my mouth shut."
Hugh suddenly smiled.  "Travis, hold meh beer."
Disgusted, Travis took the drink and sat it upon a crate, and then turned to Hugh.
The soldier who Hugh knocked in the head was wielding two metal shortswords.  He wore an attire of steel chainmail over a browned jerkin, liek Travis's, only the archer's was blue.  His wore a leather coif on his head underneath a metal helmet with the insignia of Tiria on it.  Hugh, however, wore a beer-stained tunic over a leather shirt, and had nothing on his head but a short-cut beard covered with bread crumbs.
"Alright, here are the rules,"  Travis said.  "No swipes to the head or heart, and if any man is wounded by more than a flesh wound, the battle will be called off, and no one will win the battle until the combatant is okay."
Travis fired an arrow up onto the air, which then landed onto a tree stump.
The soldier struck first, swiping at Hugh's hands in a hope to knock the weapon out of his hands.  Hugh jumped out of the way and swumg his axe at the soldier's swords.  The man, caught offguard by his opponent's swift blow, lost one of his swords, and hastily picked it up and lunged at Hugh.  Smiling, Hugh took the blunt end of the axe and struck at the man's groin.  The swordsman howled, and stabbed at Hugh's throat, fury in his eyes.  Hugh then smacked the man in the head with the hilt of his axe, and the nkicked him in the chest, onto his back, and pointed the blade of the axe at his opponent's neck.
All the while, Oswald was watching, leaving his tent after he organized his plans and instructed his Generals.  He was both amused and amazed at Hugh's prowess with an axe, and when the battle ended, clapped his hands and walks over to them.
Travis, seeing the king pass by, quickly hid himself from view, hoping that he wouldn't be punished as well.
"Well well," Oswald directed at Hugh.  "You can fight after all!"
Hugh, pleased with himself, grabbed his mug of beer back and drained it.
"I can gamble and drink too."

17:27:03 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[HOLY CRAP!  Two Palentias!!!  Erm...  Will work on map again. :-( ]]

17:42:00 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[Oh well, I hate triple posting but it is 11:30, so...]]

Hel is kicked out.  :-D


Oswald then had his men gather around.
"Brave men of Tiria, we shall now march onwards to the occupied territory of the Largan orcish clan.  If we happened to find the other clan, we will ask for their assistance.  Now, we will march South to Eldaes, where we shall join up with more Elven armies.  Then, we will pass through the Halfling lands and onward to the Tagarian Mountains, where it is rumored that demons have enchanted some tribes of trolls to fight for him.  We defeat the trollen tribes, and march onward to Mount Nyzar, and storm the the Black Citadel, and fight for our home!  Now, we shall march."
The soldiers broke up into battalions led by Generals, and marched onwards to Eldaes.

Travis, Hugh - following Oswald's group.
Septim, Hrov, Marfor - following General Kelorn.
Eon, Lanoc - following General Vemforth


The men marched onwards for several days, until smoke started to come from a nearby village, and a young boy with several wounds came running towards them.
"Help!  Help!  Barbarians!"
The boy then fell over dead.  Oswald sweared, and then bellowed, "Attack the barbarians!"
His troops rushed towards Saggis to help the Tirians.

19:14:04 Mar 14th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: I'll do my post on the battle. :)]]

"Clan Wolf-Claw!" roared Hrov as he readied his claymore, Marfor and Valan did the same, but they did not cry their surnames. Soon, the battle began with Marfor throwing a throwing axe twenty feet to cleave a barbarian's head in two. He threw another one, striking another barbarian's arm, before readying his battleaxe. The barbarians soon reached the line, all three warriors used their weapons with skill, and Marfor fought his best to show humannity that not all orcs were monsters. Over the course of the battle, Marfor killed nineteen men, with Hrov killing nine and Valan killing eleven.

03:41:00 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Testing:


Eon charged with the heat of battle in his veins, he sliced a barbarians arm off and it fell down dead by a spear thrust. He continued fighting until he reached a stronger looking barbarian then the rest, he charged and got knocked back. Eon raised the stuff just in time and the barbarians axe fell apart from the force of the blow. Barring his teeth the barbarian, Eon barely had enough time to block and run, he constantly sliced only for it to be dodged. A barbarian came up from behind and knocked him down, it thrust downwards with a spear and Eon barely rolled in time. The spear cut his leg and Eon cried out in pain, then he stood up and a red mist formed in his eyes, he charged with a bloodcurdling yell and acted like one with far more experience then he actually had. He cut the barbarians down to ribbons and over the course of the battle had 6 kills, 3 injured to be killed by a ally.

22:39:43 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[Holy sh1t. >_<]]

17:27:15 Mar 16th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[What? When Marfor goes tank, he goes TANK. You sort of need to add more detail for me to be precise on what happened, such as how many barbarians there are...-_-]]

22:33:42 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[I meant that as in... good god, has everyone gone inactive!?!]]

17:54:28 Mar 17th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: I'm enjoying this, so please continue. If you don't I most certainly will.]]

18:12:42 Mar 17th 09 - Sir Dethos:

[[I will join if you need some more people but i can't say i will be able to o it everyday.]]

19:58:11 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Lanoc gazed at the scene of battle before him. He would not  be much use in the midst of it, and stayed rather at the edge, focusing on his magic. He could not do much, without the risk of harming friend as well as foe. He instead whacked anyone who came too near with his staff, it was sturdy, and could hold up to such abuse. None reached him, the Tirian warriors were truly fierce opponents, and Lanoc was glad he was not instead fighting against them.

23:52:31 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[Right, putting this on hold for the moment, not dead, I just have some problems going on and can't be on as much as I want.]]

23:54:11 Mar 17th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: *head explodes*]]

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