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Operation Aries
06:32:19 Sep 5th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

-May 2nd, 2040 - World War III breaks out when the European Alliance invades the United Arabic Nations in an attempt to gain their oil reserves, the United States, China, India, and Russia choose to remain neutral in the conflict.

-October 15th, 2040 - Two hydrogen bombs detonate in Hong Kong and Beijing, China, causing mass destruction and crippling the already damaged economy of the superpower. In response, China launches hydrogen bombs at the United States, targeting Los Angeles, Washington DC, and several other population and industrial centers. US SDI systems manage to intercept all but two bombs, which destroy Los Angeles, California and Atlanta, Georgia. The United States responds with a nuclear attack of its own, causing the already crippled China to erupt in chaos. The United States then enters the war, joining the European Alliance.

-November 25th, 2040 - The United Arabic Alliance begin burning their oil fields and destroying their reserves in response to several crushing defeats.

-December 3rd , 2040 - The newly-created Coalition of European-American Nations (CEAN) marches into Baghdad, the UAN’s capitol.

-December 25th, 2040 - President Richard Green of the United States is assassinated by a mole within the Secret Service named Harold Marshall. The Secret Service attempts to take Marshall alive, but he commits suicide through the use of a suicide pill in one of his teeth. Vice-President Michael West becomes President of the United States.

-January 13th, 2041 - After taking whatever oil they could find, CEAN withdraws from the war-torn middle east after several terrorist attacks.

-January 27th, 2041 - A nuclear detonation in Berlin killed several million people. The culprit is White Dawn, an Arabic terrorist organization.

-February 1st, 2041 - Russia is discovered to have supplied the nuclear device used in Berlin.

-February 24th, 2041 - The European Alliance launches a surprise nuclear assault on Russia, destroying several strategic targets. Russia manages to get off several nuclear missiles as well, causing severe damage in Europe, Russia ceases to exist as a nation, and Europe experiences massive rioting. The nuclear exchange effectively ends the third world war.

-February 25th, 2041 - The United States severs all ties with the EA.

-March 16th, 2041 - The fragmented governments of Europe collapse, causing the continent to erupt in chaos.

-July 24th, 2049 - Sercom Enterprises, in conjunction with the United States Government, builds several hydrogen reactors, and perfects the design for hydrogen powered automobiles.

-November 4th, 2055 - The United States arrives in Europe, bringing order to a fractured, terrible society.

-April 3rd, 2064 - The United States grants Europe independence, the Republic of Europe is born.

-March 9th, 2072 - The United States, the Republic of Europe, India, and several other nations unite to form a super nation, which is named the Coalition of Earth, known simply as the Coalition. Districts are formed, with the Eastern United States, as the most populated area of the world, becoming the Federal District.

-August 4th, 2115 - Earth begins to overpopulate, and the Coalition resorts to controlling how many children each couple can have. Sercom Enterprises begins researching various new solutions to the problem

-March 29th, 2154 - Project: Eden begins with the terraforming and atmospheric generation of Mars. The changes aren’t all done at once, and are instead done in zones.

-May 12th, 2204 - Mars if fully terraformed, and the colonization of the last zone begins.

-November 26th, 2262 - In an act of defiance against the Coalition, rebels on Mars led by Robert Pental begin recruiting, and spreading propaganda against the Coalition.

-May 18th, 2263 - An attempted revolution on Mars is crushed, and those responsible executed. They are hailed as Martyrs by other resistance movements on Mars.

-October 12th, 2264 - Several terrorist attacks happen simultaneously across Earth, all against Coalition buildings. Several of the terrorists responsible are killed.

-March 1st, 2265 - A successful coup on Mars occurs, in which rebel forces under Robert Pental capture Fort Green and Mars City. This act of defiance causes many across Mars to rise up against the Coalition. The Coalition, being a victim of false propaganda, prepares to launch a liberation campaign against the Martian rebels, refusing to acknowledge their independence.


Coalition High Command Headquarters, Federal District
0630, Thursday, March 2nd, 2265

The building had once been called the Pentagon, and it had once looked like one. Now, the sprawling complex off of the Potomac river looked more like a small town than a building. Inside the fortified complex were enough supercomputers with enough computing power to do just about anything, alone with its own power plant, and several bunkers underneath. It was inside CHC-HQ that Coalition President Ronald Kephart was meeting with several important military officers, and was discussing a plan for invading, no, not invading, liberating Mars. The Coalition Intelligence Service believed that the Martian rebels, who now called themselves the Republic of Mars, has the support of large bands of Resistance fighters, with their numbers estimated to be around eight hundred thousand. However, Mars had some of the newest and most advanced automated defense systems in the world, with Cyborg Assault Units, Tracking turrets, and tank-bots. The CIS doubted that the enemy would be using organic troops in the beginning, it would be unintelligent.

The invasion would be called Operation: Aries for its association with the planet Mars. The invasion would begin on March 29th, 2065, the one-hundred and first anniversary of Operation: Eden. The land invasion would be commanded by General Zachary Barrett, and any stellar fighting would be under the watch of Admiral Peter Johnson. They would hit hard, and would hopefully hit hard enough to make an example. Two million marines would land on the planet from a total of around six thousand dropships, deployed from twenty-six carriers, which would be guarded by thirty-three frigates, fourteen cruisers, six heavy cruisers, hundreds of corvettes, and countless fighters. It would be, without a doubt, the largest invasion in the history of mankind, and they had a very…very short amount of time to plan it in.

13:48:03 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:


16:05:27 Sep 5th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: The whole story isn't going to get posted in one post. That was the first post, and it basically gives you the background on what the hell happened to get to this point. =P]]

18:12:42 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Septim? I'm expressing interest in this project...

18:33:40 Sep 10th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Keller Air Force Base, Dropship A178-211
0900, March 22nd, 2265

"Name, rank, and serial number?" asked Sergeant Henry Richardson, the NCO in charge of loading the dropship that would take the army up to the capital ships orbiting Earth.
"Corporal Daniel Baker, serial number 11-297-682," said Baker.
"Move on," said the Lieutenant.
Baker moved towards the rear of the Mark V Light Assault Dropship (LAD), where the loading ramp was. He then stopped, and looked around, and up at the sky. Earth, he wouldn't see it again in a while. Despite what the presses had to say, he knew it would be a long, bloody war. He stepped up the ramp and sat down, strapping himself in next to a confident looking man.
"Hello," he said.
"Hi," said Baker.
"Should be fun, eh?" asked the man.
"I don't think so," said Baker.
"C'mon, we're going to kick their asses and be back in time for Christmas!" yelled the young Private, he didn't seem nervous at all.
"I highly doubt that," said Baker.
"Grim one, aren't you?" asked the man.
"No, I just have this feeling...this war won't end fast, and it won't end well," said Baker.
"You just need to show some confidence!" exclaimed the man.
Baker looked down and read the man's tag.
"Mason? Any relation to Kyle Mason?" asked Baker.
"Yeah, he's my uncle, why?" asked Mason.
"He beat the shit out of me in boot camp," replied Baker with a chuckle.
"Ah, well, sorry about that. Private George Mason, at your service," said the man.
"Corporal Dan Baker," said Baker as the last of the soldiers got into the dropship. After a few minutes, the doors closed, and the dropship flew up and went off, giving Baker a sick feeling in his gut while making Mason yell out a scream of approval.

18:38:46 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

*Has a story thirsty mob which turns Septim blood thirsty outside Septim's gates*
"Their demands," said the spokesperson "Is that Septim continue with the story and shall stop only unto pain of death."

19:01:44 Sep 11th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul leads a small army against the mob, forcing them to take refuge in a nearby atomic shelter.

"Continue in your own time, please. Don't rush and fail the story. Oh no, we wouldn't want that." Demonsul shoots a meaningful sidelong glance at the shelter.

06:18:28 Sep 13th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Keller Air Force Base, Dropship A178-211
1100 SST (Standard Space Time), March 22nd, 2265

Baker and around twenty-nine others stepped off the dropship and onto the floor of a small room designed to facilitate a single dropship. Each carrier had three-hundred fifty such rooms, able to hold dropships and fighters. They also had one hundred rooms designed to hold corvettes. The twenty-six carriers, many of which were commissioned up to fifty years before, were more than ready to take on a small rebellion in Mars. With the amount of force in Earth’s orbit, Baker wondered how he could have a feeling that the war would carry on for a very long time. His gut was generally right, though, and that is what worried him.

"Corporal! What are you doing standing there like an idiot!? Get a move on!" yelled Sergeant Mark Xarxes.
"Sorry Sergeant," said Baker, coming out of his trance and walking towards the airlock.


The several hundred ships in Earth’s orbit, with several thousand more inside the carriers, were all pointed in one direction: where Mars would be six days in the future. Through the miracles of technological advancement, travel to Mars had shortened from the 242 days it had taken Mike Harper, the first man on Mars, to get there. With the new drives and engines, it took only six days, a feat never thought possible until Gregory Sercom invented the Sercom Drive Core.

The Sercon Drive Core, and the Sercom Drive Systems, both allowed ships to travel through another dimension called Riftspace. However, there was a catch to that type of travel. If anybody was still "alive" on the ship before exiting Riftspace or after entering Riftspace, they would die. The reason for that was currently unknown, but a way to easily counter it was to use cryo technology to freeze all lifeforms until exiting Riftspace. It served another purpose as well: the preservation of food, water, and other resources. Daniel Baker hated being frozen with a passion, having been frozen around thirty times during training, however, he did it grudgingly just like every other soldier, cook, engineer, and lifeform on the ship.


"Exiting Riftspace," announced Hannibal, the AI in charge of the CS Olympus, it was rather unnecessary, seeing as nobody was thawed to hear it. All Coalition Artificial Intelligences were named after famous tacticians, and given "personalities" to match their namesake. Of the many that met Hannibal during his life, not many were still alive to describe him, so the Engineers simply patched any information they had together. The result was a rough Carthaginian General. The ships were all outside of Mars’s EDR (Effective-Defensive-Range), the range in which the missile platforms could strike. The soldiers would need time to prepare, and if any ships were waiting, Hannibal would take control of the ships weapons.

"Son of a bitch, I hate that shit," said Private Chris Johnson, "It isn’t natural!"
"Hold the cussing in front of the ladies!" yelled Private James Smith, gesturing to several female soldiers in the room, Smith was 6’5" and built like a tank, and Johnson didn’t think refusing was worth it, so he kept quiet. Baker walked out of his cryo-tank and over to his locker across from it.


"Admiral, the probes have reached Mars," said AI George Washington of the CS Pershing grimly.
"And?" asked Admiral Peter Johnson as he finished buttoning his uniform.
Images flashed up on the Admiral’s personal wall moniter, and the Admiral was shocked by what he saw:
Mars was in ruins. The orbital defense platforms had been pulverized into space debris, and the defense fleet had shared that fate.
"Who the hell did this? Is there…anything!?" asked Johnson.
"No clues, no anything. I suggest sending in a ground team to search their Defense database," said Washington.
"Yes, forward this, and your suggestion, to General Barrett," said Johnson.
"At once," said Washington.

06:29:32 Sep 13th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

Ok. When're you gonna continue?

06:34:10 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Nice! This sounds like fun... :D

06:36:24 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

ALIENS! Me Like this story

06:57:35 Sep 13th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Jeeze, that was fast...=D

07:29:17 Sep 13th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

*Raises an eyebrow*
"That's a joke right?"

03:00:28 Sep 15th 09 - Mr. Edd:

where's the rest?

03:11:46 Sep 15th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

Patience is a virtue that must be cultivated.
~Mistress Of Novices, Aes Sedai Serving In The White Tower, Servant To The Amyrlin Seat

05:57:38 Sep 15th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I am currently attempting to create the next part of Operation: Aries. It should be very good, but it'll require a bit more work than usual.

07:46:31 Sep 15th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Good good... Look forward to it Septim!

Also, nice quote Himanil. Looking forward to "The Gathering Storm"?

08:50:17 Sep 15th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

Indeed yes and though Brandon might appear to be a competent enough person I still have my doubts over how he'll perform. You did go through LOTR right? 'Cause it beats me where you got Telecontar from unless you read it.

18:09:33 Sep 15th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Yup, I actually got Telcontar third-party, but it was from a Tolkien Website. I only made the connection myself later... *facepalm*
Strange that, considering that I first read LOTR when I was 8...

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about Brandon writing it, having read his other works he's now one of my favorite authors. Have you read the first chapter over at You'll notice that the style is slightly different from Jordan's, but it's still very, very good. + Brandon was one of Jordan's biggest fans, so he won't be making any mistakes or departing from Jordan's vision. 'Specially not with Harriet & Co editing it.

23:34:54 Sep 17th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

CS Olympus
1500 SST (Standard Space Time), March 29th, 2265

“Alright men, we have orders from High Command,” said Colonel John Reynolds as Baker and around fifty others entered the briefing room, Baker sat down on a metallic chair as others did the same.
“I want to keep a lid on this, so don’t tell anybody. Mars is in ruins, we don’t know what did it,
thinks it could be an assault by extra-terrestrial life. What we do know is that the Mars Defense Database is several miles underground, in a bunker, with its own power supply,” said Reynolds.
He pressed a button, and a holographic, 3D map came up displaying the Mars Defense Headquarters as it was now. It looked crushed. Reynolds went about explaining the schematics and design of the building, the elevator shaft, and the bunker below. They would have to rappel down the elevator shaft.
“A drilling team will be dropped with you, once they’re through, you go in and recover the records of the attack. A map has been uploaded to your PADs,” said Reynolds, referring to their Personal Arm Databases, a powerful wrist computer that could connect with their ACHs (Advanced Combat Helmets), “Any questions?”
“Yeah, do you think there will be any resistance?” asked Sergeant Mark Xarxes.
“Their automated defense turrets might still be online, if they are, then yes,” said Reynolds, “Also, there may be CAUs. You’ll be equipped with EMP weapons for this mission, so they shouldn’t be too much trouble. If you run into any organics, you are to capture them, do you understand?”
“Yes sir,” said the men in the room.
“Good, Captain Walter Paulson here will be your commanding officer for this mission, report to him in the hangar at 1600,” said Reynolds, gesturing towards a man who had been standing at the side of the room for the entire briefing.



Baker and a team of twenty-four other men were standing in the large decontamination room/airlock leading out to the hangar. The hangar itself was pressurized, and had oxygen, but it didn’t when the hangar doors opened to let a ship in or out. In Baker’s gloved hands was a ABR M2262, a Battle Rifle that had recently been designed by Sercom Arms, a division of Sercom Enterprises. It had a thirty-five round clip, and was a fine weapon. Covering Baker’s body was a suit of DuraMold body armor, which had also been designed by Sercom. Finally, on Baker’s head was an ACH Mk. XV, which would display his environment, his ammo count, his vitals, his squad’s vitals, and could also allow him to see in the dark. The helmets also acted as a radio, and an air filtration system. Everybody’s was the same, except for the medic, whose helmet also held an encyclopedia of medical science. Sergeant Mark Xarxes stopped outside the transport (the team could recognize him for the single white stripe on his helmet and Sergeant’s insignia on his arm), and waited as his men, including Baker and Mason, stepped into the transport.

“Ready,” said Xarxes to the pilot as he climbed in.
The pilot pressed a button, and the rear ramp closed. He pressed another button, and the transport prepared its inside for the vacuum of space. Once it was done, the pilot pressed a final button.
“Ready, open the doors,” said the pilot.
The hangar was depressurized, and the hangar doors were opened.
“This is transport Beta, we are leaving home,” said the pilot as his transport lifted off and zoomed off into space, giving Baker another sick feeling.




The transport zoomed across what was once Mars City, the capitol of Mars. The city, which stretched for almost 8,000 square miles, was the largest city on Mars. The men inside could not see the ruined city, but the pilot could, and he was in shock.
“Who could have done this?” asked the pilot to himself.
Sergeant Xarxes stepped to the front and looked grimly at the wreckage.
“I don’t know, but I can’t wait to find out,” declared Xarxes.
The transport swung around the Mars Defense Headquarters Complex, checking for any enemies, it was as it had been in the briefing: caved in and ruinous. The transport zoomed down to the ground outside the complex ruins, and two side panels opened. The twenty-five men jumped out the two sides in an efficient manner, and the transport flew off, with the pilot reporting that the LZ was safe. Several minutes later, after Xarxes’s squad had secured the LZ, several dropships landed carrying Miner Squad, supplies, their drilling vehicles, and the other half of Captain Walter Paulson’s platoon, along with Walter Paulson. After unloading the drills and extra supplies from the dropships, the dropships lifted off, and the men began setting up a secure base camp. Once that was done, Miner Squad began drilling as Captain Paulson began planning with his men.

21:49:34 Sep 22nd 09 - Sir Blu Spy Disguised Demonsul:

You is gunna need teh write more of them thar stories...

06:54:39 Sep 23rd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I've actually been coming up with a lot of background information. More will come soon! Hang in there!

08:54:38 Sep 23rd 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

My necks just about snapped hanging in here but *sighs* will have to wait.

07:04:11 Sep 24th 09 - Mr. Edd:

i want more!

06:23:02 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

COME ON! me bored and want more action!

06:47:42 Oct 2nd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I'm not going to lie, this is probably going to end. I have no motivation left for this, I didn't when I was trying to make posts before. However, I have plenty of motivation for fantasy, and that's what I'm going to write. Expect a new story soon. =D

20:32:44 Oct 3rd 09 - Mr. Edd:

nooooooooooooooo i wanted to know what hapened! who attacked them and will they survive?

01:51:51 Oct 4th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Can someone else finish it then? lol

03:51:10 Oct 4th 09 - Prince Whiskers The Feline God:

Well, it was originally based upon my RP/Story but then he took up the idea, modified it however he felt necessary until it was basically a unique story, and then it is dead now... :|

16:30:01 Oct 5th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I have inspiration again! YAY READING BOOKS! I WILL FINISH THIS!!! >=O

16:36:41 Oct 5th 09 - Prince Whiskers The Feline God:

I won't are weird :|

17:12:47 Oct 5th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

*Rolls eyes*
"And I've been having that since these many eras."
"You best better get rolling Septim."

17:36:44 Oct 5th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

CS Pershing
2100 SST, March 29th, 2265

As the flagship of the Coalition's Grand Fleet, and being the largest ship ever built, the CS Pershing had several characteristics that the other ships in the fleet did not share. One such characteristic was the Fleet Control Center, a massive control room with scores of AIs dedicated to making the fleet run properly. Without the FCC, the fleet would revert back to human logistics, and everybody knew how unreliable those could be. Besides the AIs, the FCC also had a seat for the Fleet Commander. Nobody else was in the room, nobody else was required. Admiral Peter Johnson was seated at the Fleet Commander's station, his piercing blue eyes analyzing the data and maps being displayed via holograms.
"Admiral," said George Washington as his hologram materialized.
“General,” said Peter Johnson in greeting.
“I haven’t been a General in a long time, Admiral,” said Washington, “But there are more pressing matters. A fleet of one hundred ships has just come out of Riftspace at the other side of Mars.
Johnson sat forward in his chair, his mind analyzing the situation. “One hundred…Rebels?”
“We have no intelligence on the identity of the fleet, I have no permission to get men close enough,” said Washington.
“There’s a good possibility that these are the guys that destroyed Mars…send an unmanned probe to investigate,” ordered Johnson, stroking his graying mustache.
Two seconds passed, during which Washington looked to be in a phase of deep thinking. He then looked up.
“A probe is being prepared, should we extract the ground team?” asked Washington.
Johnson sat back for a moment, still stroking his mustache, and looked up at the AI.
“No, they will continue their mission. We need to know what the hell happened down there.”

18:28:47 Oct 6th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Orbital Defense Platform A-24

2142 SST, March 29th, 2265


The AI of ODP A-24, Gaius Marius, was using barely half of his computing power to manage the day-to-day operation of A-24, the other half went to scanning the sensors and other miscellaneous tasks set by the Platform Commander, Colonel Geoffrey Ortiz. There were over fifty such platforms orbiting Earth, and all of them were ready for battle due to the current war with the Martian rebels. Ortiz wasn’t worried of attack, it would be suicide for the rebels, and they needed every ounce of strength to guard their world from the furious onslaught that would soon be unleashed upon them. Ortiz approached his quarters, according to his watch, it was 9:45 PM, that allowed him around forty-five minutes of personal time before his self-set bedtime of 10:30. The doors opened upon Ortiz’s approach, Marius had scanned him on his way through the halls and cleared him for entry.
“Thanks Marius,” said Ortiz



“Admiral, I’m detecting multiple types of ComWaves originating from the other side of Mars, but our equipment can’t pick them up,” reported Washington.

“What do you mean?” asked Johnson.

“I mean that our equipment is unsuitable for picking up their ComWaves,” confirmed Washington, “They’re not encrypted, or anything, we just can’t pick them up.”

“They’re trying to make contact…” thought Admiral Johnson out loud.




Commander Marcus Keller was the best pilot in the fleet, and possibly the greatest pilot who ever lived. Already a Commander by the age of 22, he was destined for greatness within the Coalition Fleet. At around 5’11”, and with a slim but athletic build, he was almost perfectly suited for the cockpit of any fighter. And with unparalleled reflexes and incredible intelligence, he was immediately selected by Washington as a candidate for piloting the cloaked scout ship that would scout out the unknown fleet.

“This is Shadow, I am within one thousand kilometers of the unknowns,” said Keller.

“Proceed with radio silence,” said Washington over the SCD (Stellar Communications Device).

Keller piloted the ship forward, but slowly. A cloak ship was invisible to sensors, but only to a degree. He couldn’t go too fast.

14:37:31 Oct 7th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

Go on.

18:22:59 Oct 7th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Orbital Defense Platform A-24

2258 SST, March 29th, 2265


Geoffrey Ortiz was lying awake in his bed, unable to fall asleep. It was annoying, but he would do so eventually. His thoughts were wandering quite rapidly, from the war, to the HoloPlay he had seen a week ago, and finally to his own frustration at being unable to fall asleep.
“Colonel!” exclaimed Marius over the speaker.
“Yes, Marius?” asked Ortiz with a great degree of frustration, as he had just been dozing off.

“I detect multiple RiftSpace emergences, they aren’t our ships,” said Marius.
Battle stations!” yelled Ortiz as he got up and ran to the folded up uniform he had prepared for the next morning.




Commander Marcus Keller pulled his cloaked ship within range of the fleet, and saw, using his sensors, the massive ships that had come out of RiftSpace. Their carriers were at least three times the size of the CS Pershing, and from the strange glow, they probably had some sort of shielding beyond that of the metal armor used by most Coalition ships. Then, Keller’s ship abruptly stopped.
“What the hell?” said Keller to himself as he went about attempting to restore control.

Suddenly, Keller’s alarms rang, and two fighters appeared, followed by a strange looking ship. The two fighters stopped near his flanks and turned to face him while the strange looking ship grabbed onto Keller’s ship using some sort of beam.

“Oh shit…” said Keller.

23:48:09 Oct 8th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

"Cloak just went dark," reported Washington, meaning that Keller’s ship had just lost all power. They didn’t know that his life support systems were still active.

"They disabled him? Like that?" asked Johnson, thinking, "We can’t attempt an attack, or a rescue. They disabled his ship, which means they can do the same to anything less than that size. Also, we don’t know their intentions yet…"

"We wait then?" asked Washington.
"We wait…" confirmed Johnson.


The "tugboat" was towing Keller’s ship towards a large hangar, with Shadow looking on helplessly. He had his pistol ready, and he knew damn well that it was useless. It was still comfortable to have though.

The "tugboat" pulled Keller’s ship towards a large blue field, and went straight through. Keller guessed that it was the alien equivalent of the large metal blast doors of Coalition carriers. Their ships must have had some type of "badge" that allowed them entry. The tugboat hovered down, and let go of Keller’s ship, causing it to shake a bit. The tugboat then backed out of the hangar bay, and Keller noticed that the power had returned to his ship, but the drives and weapons were disabled. Keller pressed the button near the hatch, and the thick hatch opened. Keller climbed out, and finally got a good look at the alien hangar. The metal looked similar to the alloys the Coalition used, except that the aliens had a blue tint to theirs. Probably some type of finish. The oxygen was also different than that of most ships. It tasted natural rather than recycled. The hangar floor was black and shiny, it was some sort of unidentifiable metal. Opposite the energy field that represented the hangar door was another energy field, but was only around ten feet in height. Outside of it, Keller could see a hallway, but he knew before trying that he would be unable to get through.

"Human! Drop your firearm and stay put!" said a voice that sounded deep, and had the strangest accent he had ever heard.

Keller looked around, instantly wondered how the aliens knew English, and reluctantly placed his pistol inside his ship. He then climbed back out and sat on top of his ship, waiting for whatever was coming. After what he guessed was five minutes, several large creatures stepped through the energy field. They were wearing large suits of metal armor, and Keller estimated their heights at around seven to nine feet. Their heads were covered by metal helmets, and their faces were covered by metal masks. The only thing Keller could see was that they were huge.

"Human!" said the voice again, but Keller could not recognize from where it came, "Follow the guards! We mean no harm!"

"Who are you!?" yelled Keller, causing the guards to get into a combat stance, though they had no visible weapons.

No response came, and Keller guessed that it would be smart to follow the voice’s orders. The guards approached, and Keller made no movement. The guessed that he was finished yelling, and herded him through the shield and down the hallway.


"Captain, we’re almost through!" yelled Miner Squad’s commander over the noise.
"Alright men, get ready!" yelled Paulson, "Stick together!"

Five minutes later, the drill-vehicle pulled out, and Paulson’s men descended into the cave that the vehicle had made. There were several support beams that the drill had built into the walls as well, providing extra support for what Baker guessed could be a fragile cave. After around two minutes of running through the cave, they reached a metal wall that had been drilled through as well. The floor was littered with dirt and chunks of metal. Baker was the fifteenth through the wall, and the room was already clear. They were in the laundry room, and it looked as if it were still in operation. The robots within were ignorant of the recent intruders, and were standing by, waiting for new laundry to be delivered through large chute system that went throughout the military installation. Paulson pointed to a door, and six men ran up in preparation to breach the metal door.


As Keller walked through the halls, he noticed the general lack of people within. Maybe the ship was self-maintaining? Creatures this advanced might have achieved that. It didn’t matter; it was eerie compared to the busy halls of the Coalition vessels. They soon reached another barrier, and walked right through. Keller guessed why they didn’t keep them off while not fighting, and guessed that they had a pretty good reason for it. Through another barrier was a circular room. One of the guards pointed to a bar wrapping around the circular room, and grabbed onto part of it. Keller did the same, and noticed that the guards also had their feet tucked underneath a bar wrapping around the floor. Keller tucked his feet underneath, and was almost instantly filled with a sense of gravity-distortion as the circular room, now revealed to be an elevator, shot up through the ship.


The metal door was shot open after the technician hacked it, and two men aimed their combat rifles around the corners, having set their helmets for "blindfire mode". BM allowed them to see what their rifle-scopes saw, meaning that blindfire wasn’t blindfire anymore. There was nothing that they or their sensors could see, and they went into the hallway, securing it. Baker was one of the men, and as he walked through the hallway, he heard a large bang and a crunch, and saw that a large metal blast door had closed behind him, crushing one of his two team-mates and cutting him off from the other. The death of Private Herbert Loring tugged at his stomach, and the fact that he was by himself made it far worse.
"Captain?" asked Baker over his helmet’s built in communicator.

There was silence.

"Captain?" asked Baker again.

More silence. Baker then noticed that his sensors reported that jammers were in effect, causing the tugging at his stomach to become stronger still.


The elevator came to a stop, and Keller let out a breath. The guards stepped back from the metal bars, seemingly unaffected, and waited for Keller to do the same, herding him out of the elevator and towards a 20x10 foot barrier. They walked through, and Keller looked around. They were in a large room that resembled an observation deck, with a long platform leading to a set of three windows. On the sides of the platform were what looked like turrets, and below those was a pool of what looked like water.
Keller noticed a figure down near the windows. Adjusting his sight, Keller saw that he was seated in a chair, and around him were what looked like consoles made from light. Keller was herded down the platform, and reached the observation window before the chair turned around, revealing a creature similar in build to the guards, though he wore no helmet or mask. The creature’s head looked like that of a red-furred dog, though his eyes were at the front of his face like a human’s, and he was obviously capable of speaking human language, unlike a dog.
"I am Grand Admiral Fergom Del-Recom of the United Republic of Erus," said the creature.

"Hello," was all Keller could manage as the creature stood up, all nine feet of him.
"At the records for first contact between the Crotians and humans, will the first words of humanity be a simple hello? Well, I suppose simplicity has its values, and I am willing to guess that you are quite overwhelmed by all of this, I know you are a human, but you have me at a disadvantage with regards to your name," said Fergom, and with that, Keller recognized his voice as that of the speaker in the hangar.
"Commander Marcus Keller of the Coalition Navy," replied Keller.

"Marcus Keller, I am pleased to meet you. It is time that your people learn what our great galaxy is really like…"

[[OOC: What do you guys think so far? =D]]

00:28:38 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Edd:

It's pretty awesome!!! but what happened to the rebels? who killed them?

01:02:17 Oct 9th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: You'll find out soon! =D]]

01:07:50 Oct 9th 09 - Prince Whiskers The Feline God:

Darth Vader is waiting for them! Look out!

07:57:12 Oct 10th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Baker gave up his attempts at contacting the rest of the soldiers, and continued down the hall, keeping his eyes on the walls and floor, in case of more traps. He had his rifle at the ready, and both his eyes and his sensors were scanning the hallway. He saw a metal rectangle in the wall, and recognized it as a door. He made no visible realization, and instead kept walking at the same speed. Then, when he got to the rectangles, he jumped forward as they closed. His foot was almost caught in the door, but he made it. He hated being in a hallway, especially by himself. If any enemies found him, he’d be shot dead. There was no cover in the long hallway. With that thought, he started running, doing his best to look out for the near-invisible rectangles. He saw one, and decided to take a chance; he kept running, and went through without it closing.

"What the hell?" asked Baker.

He didn’t investigate further, and he made sure to remain cautious going through the doors. However, they didn’t close, none of them closed. He soon reached a corner in the hallway and stopped. He pushed his rifle around the corner, and saw through the BF-scope that several combat robots were sliding down the halls on their treads, their mini-guns at the ready.

Shit! I don’t have the firepower!

Baker looked around, there was no way to escape, the long hallway had actually been built as a trap. If the enemies were caught in the center, they had to run down the hallway, which had several built in turrets. The turrets hadn’t fired on his squad…and the doors had stopped closing. The technicians in his squad had probably shut them down after the incident. However, the combat robots had their own power source, and reported directly to the AI in charge of the installation.

Wait a minute…the AI! It was the one closing the doors…

Baker raised his rifle and grabbed a grenade from his vest; an EMP grenade. The robots were protected against EMP blasts, but it would momentarily screw them up. Enough time for Baker to get through the door they were guarding and make his escape. Baker threw the EMP grenade, and it skipped down the hallway and landed a few feet from the robots. They detected it, and their EMP defense systems kicked in. It sent out a pulse, and the robots froze. Baker then turned and sprinted up the hall, wishing he had explosives for the robots. He turned left, and noticed that the door had been locked down. Baker then looked, and saw that the robots were about to come online. Baker began running backwards, and as he ran, he heard the sound of a minigun spinning in preparation to mow him down. Then, he heard an explosion, and flew forward from the foce. He turned over to see that the two robots had been "dismantled" by a MLAP-100 (Missile Launcher Armor Piercing Mk-100).

"Don’t move!" roared a voice as a large man walked down the hall, his combat rifle at the ready. Baker made no move, his rifle had slid away when he had fallen, and he couldn’t grab his pistol, aim, and fire in the time it would take for the man to pull the trigger..

"Who are you?" asked the man.

"Corporal Daniel Baker," said Baker.

"You’re Coalition," said the man, raising his rifle.

"Does it fucking matter!?" asked Baker.

"Yeah…it does…" said the man, "You fuckers did this to us…"

"No…we didn’t…" said Baker, trying to calm the man down.

"Yeah! Yeah! YOU DID!" yelled the man.
"No we didn’t!" roared Baker.

The man’s fierce face suddenly cracked a smile, and he let out a long laugh.

"I know you didn’t!" laughed the man, "But the look on your face was priceless!"

"What the hell’s wrong with you?" asked Baker.

"Sorry…sorry," said the man walking closer, "I’ve been hiding here for around two days…the AI has gone nuts…killed everybody. Just me and Alfie are left."

"Alfie?" asked Baker.
"A technician, Alfred Pritchard," said the man, "I’m Sergeant Greg Martin. What happened to the rest of you boys? They didn’t send one guy?"

"I was separated," said Baker, "A door in the hall slammed shut, crushed one of my teammates, and separated me."

The thought of Private Loring being crushed tugged at his stomach. Martin looked around, and reloaded his missile launcher as he asked his next question.

"Well…you have nobody at the moment, and I have a weapon to kill these robots. Come with me to where Alfie and I are held up," said Martin.

Baker got to his feet and grabbed his rifle.

"Sounds good…but what the hell happened here?" asked Baker.

"Alfie’ll explain, he knows more than I do," replied Martin as he turned and readied his missile launcher.


"Marcus Keller, I am pleased to meet you. It is time that your people learn what our great galaxy is really like…"
"I don’t think I have the authority to act as an Ambassador to your people," said Keller.

"I realize this, which is why I have had our technicians link the communicator on your ship to my own communication platform," said the Admiral as he turned towards his chair.

One of the light-panels appeared in front of the Admiral’s chair, and he pressed several buttons. A second later, Keller heard the familiar voice of George Washington.

"Shadow, you are back online…do you hear me?" asked Washington.

"I do. I am aboard the unknown fleet’s flagship," said Keller.

The AI never said "What!?", or anything of that matter. His lightning-fast "mind" processed the information too quickly for that, and instead of replying, he let Admiral Johnson reply.

"This is Admiral Johnson, Keller, what’s going on?" asked Johnson.

"Sir, I am on their observation deck with Admiral Fergom Del-Recom," said Keller, being entirely unable to speak correctly.

"Commander, I need to know who "they" are," said Johnson.

"Admiral Fergom Del-Recom of the United Republic of Erus," said Fergom, "I am a Crotian, and I have important…nay, critical news for your people."

"What news?" asked Johnson.

"Your planet is under attack," revealed Fergom.

17:01:36 Oct 15th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:


Amagawd is gud. Carreh awn.

04:15:17 Oct 16th 09 - Mr. Jonny Bacardi:

Boom Chigga!!!

01:41:37 Oct 17th 09 - Mr. Edd:

what's next??!!!?? im curious.

20:52:41 Oct 18th 09 - Sir Samulis of Dregainia:


I lovz dis storay!!!!1!!1!!!!

05:42:07 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

hey you never continued! write the next part. Your good!

06:25:44 Oct 22nd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I thank you! I'm trying to think of the best way to go for both this and the Tale of Arenor!

12:10:44 Oct 22nd 09 - Lord Himanil VIII:

I believe that the you're good part wasn't really required and was if anything but an understatement. Nevertheless he is right we've been waiting quite some time now.

15:08:48 Oct 22nd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

A good part not be required, but a terrible bit of writing is not looked forward to. Nor is a terrible storyline. That is why I'm taking my time, I don't want this to go down the crapper like a lot of other stories I've done. The ones I rush tend to go down very bad paths. Like the King of Thieves for example.

03:29:10 Oct 24th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

No, you're right, take your time with it. I want a quality story like the amazing one you have produced thus far. We can wait.

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