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Sp@malot vs. Mustardon
06:09:23 Apr 14th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

The God of Sp@m, Septim, stands upon the plains of Hamal, looking out over the vast battlefield. His soldiers, mostly clones of him armed with sp@m assault rifles, sp@m pistols, sp@m 4 explosive charges, and armored with SP@M assault armor that absorbs most of all damage sustained, run at the enemies, his clones are augmented with special serums, enhancing their natural strength, agility, and intelligence beyond normal means. They run up and open fire on a group of anti-sp@mmers, mowing them down and eliminating the last of the anti-sp@mmers and all but one of the corned beef troopers, their leader, Sausage Roll, was still alive somewhere, and Fizban's descendant was also alive, but would more than likely take no part in the war that was to follow the C.B. wars, as Septim would be fighting a new menace, Mustardon under the rule of Erunion Telcontar. 

Septim appeared in front of his troopers and congratulated them.

"Good work men, I have recieved new reports of a new menace to the south, a new enemy has risen, the forces of Mustardon under their leader, the former Duke of Sp@m, Erunion Telcontar, I want you to take the rest of the sp@mmers down there. I know you all can do it...", said Septim before disappearing in a mist of sp@m.


"Oh sp@m! My ears are bleeding man! My ears are bleeding!", yelled a young sp@mmer over the noise of Sp@m assault rifles and Must sub machine guns, the sp@mmers managed to take out the small scout unit, but the main army had yet to come, luckily, there was plenty of more sp@mmers on the way...

(Sign up for either the side of Sp@malot {my side} or Mustardon {Erunion Telcontar's}. The main war will begin Wednesday, when I return, until then keep it to small scout fights...)

06:57:32 Apr 14th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

A small squad of four clones patrolled on the edge of their secured territory when they heard the noises, mechanized noises.

"Get behind cover!", yelled the team commander before jumping behind a destroyed building with two other clones, the fourth was not quick enough, but was able to get behind a smaller destroyed wall with a large wound in his arm, one of the clones jumped out of cover and began firing but was shot in the head. Septim-304332 began blindfiring and the other began shooting while the Septim with the gunshot wound injected a life saving formula that both cures and prevents infection and closes the wound up into his arm.

One Septim clone called in an airstrike and a sp@mjet swooped down and shot a tank buster missile at the Mustardbot, the two Septims went completely behind cover and the Mustardbot exploded in a dazzling mixture of shrapnel and fire.


07:34:28 Apr 14th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Another mustardbot walked it's way up behind the clone army. It had the Bread Cloak of invisibility activated...
Before the poor deluded sp@mmers could react, a wave of mustard poured out of the mustardbot 3.0. This was no ordinary mustard, but Sentient mustard! It overwhelmed the poor fools, drowning them in a sea of sharp goodness.

Another platoon of Sp@mmers bought the dust.

Meanwhile, in his mustard-encircled-keep, Erunion sat at his desk, guarded by his Nano-Mustard suit.
"Sire! I fear that the cows will attack us, as we make beef taste so darn good. We do however have the support of the millmen and the wheat farmers. Mayonnaise is also being very helpful, sending us many funds."
"This is a dire situation. Who would have thought that the sp@mmers would attack us?? We have only ever made meat taste more good, canned or real. This, however, is life. Humans are fickle fiends. We must stop this menace!"
Another messenger came in.
"Our mustard Ents found the Entwives! In gratitude, the Mighty Ents have decided to join forces with us! We are ready to outfit them with armour, weapons and fire-repellents as soon as you give the O.K."
"Excellent. We will need all the allies we can get."

08:19:55 Apr 14th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim sat atop his throne at Mount Sp@mulus, the palace of lunch Gods.

"Send more clones, have the any of the lunchmeat peoples responded yet?", asked Septim.

"Corned beef has yet to give a response, but the ham hordes, turkey tribes, salami legions, balogna armies, chicken corps, steak squadrons, and the meatloaf masses have all given aid to us", said Septim serveant.

"Good, good, I doubt Sausage Roll has any troops left to give, and if he does they will more than likely side with Telcontar instead of us...and send the Cowgod Might a message asking if he would aid us...this is going to be a long, hard war and we should best get as many allies as possible..."


Septim-SL10 leads his elite platoon of fifty men, the Rabid Mongooses, all armed with the best sp@m weaponry out there. SL10 holds his arm in the air, a fist representing the order to hold position, he aims his assault rifle and switches it to single shot mode, he looks through the scope and fires, the small, superheated chunk of sp@m zooms from the barrel, across the distance, and into the target's head, the target being a Mustard squad leader, the other soldiers aim their weapons, but are shot in the head before they can even get a good lock. A Mustardbot walks through the forest, crushing plants and driving rocks into the ground, two missiles fly from the elite sp@m soldiers' rocket launchers into the mechanized unit, which falls into a heaping mass of rubble, SL10 says, "Good work" into his headset before telling his men to continue cautiously.

14:05:47 Apr 14th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

{[yeah... I'm not gonna say anything.... good work guys.]}

15:54:50 Apr 14th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

[ And so another war begins... well heres my part ! ]

Revenge was hidden in a hole under a carpet in a cave protected by his finest HighBeefers
He climbed out and got a signal from a lookout
He marched out too see the Mustard men bots on the horizon, his messanger ran to him
" My God, we have a requst for help from Septim "
Revenge stared out onto the plain as a Mustardbot crushed down a wall
He looked to his servent to his right
" Fetch me a can..."
The servent charged off in a haste, he returned with a massive can of cornedbeef
The cave rumbled and rocks began too fall as Revenge resited ancient words, believed to be ingredients...
The tin rumbled before him..
" Lets leave, get me my CB glider down here stat.."
As he walked out with a servent carrying the now rumbling tin the cave collapsed behind them
" Put it down and go with the others"
" Wont you need protecting..?" Replied the one of the servents
" YOU DARE DEFIE YOU GOD" Revenge bellowed
" No my god.." the servent trembled, he ran off to catch the others

Revenges eyes glowed and the tin erupted into 5 Highbeefers..
" The war has begun... Servent, tell Septim I wil join him..."

HighBeefers.jpg picture by chivz92


17:02:33 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might grabs his popcorn and turns on his plasma TV to watch the war. He sends for a messenger to go to Septim and Erunion and tell them that, "Might is open for a alliance ,but you must prove yourself to him before he will join and help you against your enemies."*

17:28:16 Apr 14th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

A Nano-Mustard squad silently sped through the forest. On the other side was a platoon of the finest sp@mmers.
The 6 men (a corporal and 5 privates) turned on their cloaking modes and silently crept out of the forest behind the enemy.
One of the sp@mmers heard a crack, and turned.
"What was that?"

He was too late.
In a second, the troops were coated with mustard, their weapons clogged. The Nano-mustard troops cloaking devices went off, and they went into super strength mode.


In Septim's HQ, the mighty Septim himself was sitting at his command desk, listening through his Sp@msets.

*Crackle* "What was that?"
*bzzt* "I'm not.... Aargh! It burns! NooooO!" *Strangled scream.*
"No! NOOOOO!!!"



The cloaking devices went back on, as the Nano-mustard troops spread out and ran into the jungle, seeking more prey....

Behind them, a grisly field of yellow and red lay motionless, the occasional glimpse of pink sp@m sneaking through.

23:21:34 Apr 14th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim SL10 awoke to see his entire platoon dead, his muscles ached, luckily he had lived, SL armor had a built in medisp@m injector. He crouched and called into HQ.

"This is Sp@mmer-SL10, my entire platoon is dead, I am the only survivor", said SL10, looking at his forty-nine dead men. Suddenly a Mustardbot came through the trees, but a small explosive was launched from SL10's wrist into the Mustardbot's head, it dug deep inside and exploded, destroying the top half of the bot.

"We will send a SP@Mcopter to pick you up...", said the man at HQ.

Five minutes later, SL10 was on a chopper back to HQ, wanting revenge for the deaths of his men.

23:24:11 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

[[Not sure I should join this. althouhg I hate mustard.]]

23:56:55 Apr 14th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Sire, I fear that we will soon run out of recruits."
Damn, there are so many sp@mmers...
"Step up droid and weapons research, and lets see where cloning can take us. Even if they have more men than us, I'd choose quality over quantity any day."

00:54:56 Apr 15th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

SL10 sat at the turret of an S-52 SHAV (Sp@m Heavy Assault Vehicle), the high callibre rounds tore through all Mustardbots in seconds, SL10 called the vehicle the Seloc, after the King of Sp@m. SL10 finished gunning down the enemies and a SP@Mcopter picked him, his driver, and the tank up and left back to Sp@malot for further planning.

02:08:04 Apr 15th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

As the Sp@mcopter sped through the skies, a MustardHawk swooped down. The missiles fired from it tore the Sp@mcopter apart...


"Your Grace! Our cloning has been successful, our army of Erunion clones is now under production..."
A chemist then walked in;
"Your Grace! We have discovered a new element, and have named it 'Mustardium.'"
"Very good, both of you. What are the properties of Mustardium?"
"This wonderful element can.{Left blank for purposes of evulness.}."
"ZeTa! Amazing! Impossible, even..."


03:11:32 Apr 15th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

SL10 sees the Mustardhawk moments before and jumps from the SP@Mcopter with a parachute, he glides to the ground and cuts the chute from his back with his SP@M combat knife, he lands on the jungle floor and pulls out his SP@M movement tracker.

"No readings...good"

SL10 runs off through the wilderness...

03:43:40 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Plato decides to send a letter to Septim to join.  He then kicks Might and sits in the chair to watch the war.

10:24:18 Apr 15th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

*a sinister entity watches the war unfold from deep within the shadows of his castle on his dark orb*

"hmmmm...interesting developments..."

16:16:03 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might looks at the mortal trying to kick him out of the chair with disgust. He picks up Plato and throws him into Carrothia.*

Hopefully Shezmu will teach the mortal manners.

16:34:41 Apr 15th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

As an Injured Septim clone runs through the forest it is noticed by a CB gadget known as the Beefo'scope
A blast is sent through the bushes encasing the clone in CB and sending to sleep
It wakes in a small CB camp just outside the forest..


17:21:17 Apr 15th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion's himself penned the letter to the demon lord of Carrothia.

"Most wicked, cruel and plain old fashioned evil Demon Lord of Carrothia,

I request your assistance in this war, having an ally such as yourself would surely result in victory for Mustardon.
In exchange for your help, I would give all prisoners over to your... Care, as well as an unlimited supply of mustard.

What say ye?

Erunion Telcontar,
Duke of Naergothrendar,
High lord and ruler of Mustardon.

23:01:54 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*teleports back to the TV room and eats a pizza, waiting for a reply from Septim*

00:33:03 Apr 16th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

*Sits on his throne made from ancient dragonbones*
"hmmm...a plea for my aid in battle...usually I don't pick sides...but this...this might actually be fun...even if Erunion Telcontar has been one of the good guys..."

*reads the letter send to him a bit further when he's distracted by a weird sound from the dark corner*
"what the hell?! Plato?! get out of my castle this instant, you infidel...begone!!! guards! put this freak of nature in the dungeons...and make sure he suffers greatly!!!"

*stares at Plato*
"better yet...feed him to my shadowhounds...they need to be fed before being send out to aid Erunion Telcontar and the armies of Mustardon"

*sends out a messenger to inform Erunion Telcontar that he can count on the Carrothian Hordes to aid him in this battle...provided he does send the captured soldiers directly towards Carrothia for further...ehm...disposal...*

"Elder Mages!...ready the portal...and make sure it's big enough in order for my Shadowhounds to pass through safely...General! ready the Carrothian Horde and the Carrothian Battlemages...we're going to war!!!"

*a few moments later a messenger steps in...*
"Oh unholy seems Plato has dissapeared..."

01:05:11 Apr 16th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Many thanks, oh Demonic one. I will not fail to uphold my side of the bargain. With your aid in this war, our victory is inevitable."

16:10:20 Apr 16th 08 - Lord Mac:

"We must send all available droids into battle..."

*As Mac and his famed generals oversee this final great battle he decides that to aid those fighting against sp@m would be the most beneficial for the world*

"Erunion Telcontar,  I hereby pledge my forces in this war my droid armies will not stop until death takes them, or in victory they celebrate"

16:38:21 Apr 16th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

"It seems I can sit this one out then....."

*Might goes to bed and falls asleep.*

18:31:51 Apr 16th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Mac! I am most grateful for your allegiance. I hereby place all Mustardbots under your command, to support your droid armies. I will personally command the rapidly growing Clone army and the commando Nano-mustard squads."

21:40:47 Apr 16th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

*Somewhere deep in the middle of an unknown jungle......many scientists work in a secret facility....they are making a clone army that is trained for one be smarter than out think the enemy...and crush them......the clones are the best of their kind....their training involves live simulations of either win and move on....or die and be replaced by more clones waiting to prove themselves.....its sole purpose is for conquest.....the man in charge of this installation? Mr. Charley....a man who has no official ties with either Mustardon or Sp@malot.....yet*

22:34:25 Apr 16th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*sends another letter to Septim and battle plans*

"Man, glad I got away from the errie castle."

22:35:50 Apr 16th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion sends a letter to the 'Secret' installation.
"Charley, I request and advise that you join with the mighty forces of Mustardon. To do otherwise is folly, that can lead only to your death.
Erunion Telcontar."

00:12:44 Apr 17th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[ one wants my help then? Fine.]

*Might sips his coffee.*

00:27:49 Apr 17th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

*Charley recieves a request from Erunion and wonders where the whole "secret" part of his installation went....he looks out the window and seeing the "Welcome to the SECRET Installation" sign decides that it will be put on the "to-do" list of things to be taken down......and then feels that the letter said "Join me or I will kill you" and feels slightly threatened by this and will respond after thinking it over*

01:31:49 Apr 17th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

*back in the dimensionrealm of Carrothia*
"what do you mean...they ATE their riders?! how the hell can ALL my Shadowhounds eat ALL their riders when they are sitting ON them ffs?!"

*stares in disbelief at one of his generals*
"right...this is the last time I use gaia's to be the riders of my Shadowhounds...also it's the last time they take baths in blood...what where they thinking...stupid gaias"

*stares again at his general who chuckles a bit*
"what do you mean...april fools?! it aint the first of april nomore you lowlife scum!!! someone kill this guy right NOW!!!"

*Shezmu watches in delight when his other generals rip their fellow soldier apart in front of him...*
"right...feed his remains to the Shadowhound puppies...the sooner they taste blood...the better..."

15:05:11 Apr 18th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Far away in distant lands, one of Septim's numerous cloning labs finishes production of many soldiers, they grab their weapons, suit up in armor, and walk into teleporters where they go into different forts and bases. The true war had begun.


SL10 stands at the head of two hundred raw recruits, their faces nervous, their hands shaky, one man even wet himself, but this nervous shell hid a lifetime of elite special forces training and physical conditioning, they were the best troops so far on their first mission. SL10 had been given two hundred of thousands of clones with the mission to take out an encampment of Mustardon soldiers and their charging Mustardbots, numbering thirty in all. SL10 orders his men to surround the camp, their new tactical armor which bends light to work with the user, making them nearly invisible, was working well. They hid behind trees and opened fire, destroying all in the camp. SL10 then runs down and plants four S4 charges and runs, the entire batalion of Mustardbots are destroyed, they take any intel they can from laptops, files, and the works before calling for evac, they board the new SP@M transport jet, which has an outer plating that is very resistant against mustard. They return to base where they wait for their next mission.

15:55:01 Apr 18th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

The God of Sp@m, Septim, sends a message asking for help to Might the God of Cows.

15:58:18 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Oh....NOW you get my message?]

*Might turns to the messager.*

It seems like everyone wants to kill Septim.....I've always been one for the fighting. Just can't get enough these days....

"I accept." Might turns to a servant, "Go tell Wraith to mobilize the Cow Hordes......and tell him that his salami sandwich is ready."

17:52:19 Apr 18th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Bad news your grace, it seems that Sp@mmer raids have doubled on our platoons."
"Alright then. Every platoon is to be issued one of the new scanners. This will be active at all times. It can sense movement, noise and body heat within a kilometer. Redouble our efforts to disrupt enemy communications and scouting parties."

18:31:04 Apr 18th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

A Sp@mmer company was marching down a road. At the front, an observant officer looked up.
"Holy Sp@m! We're under attack! Two Nano-Mustard Squads!"
In the distance, a pair of nano-mustard squads was spotted. The trigger-happy sp@mmers opened fire and recieved a few shots back in turn. Suspiciously, all these shots were aimed at men on the sides of the company.
In the rear, a single sp@mmer heard something.
"What's that?"
Looking around quickly, he saw nothing. As he returned his vision to the task at hand, his peripheral picked out a flicker of something electronic. Then something yellow...


Shouldering their massive minimustard guns, three squads of Nano-Mustard troops started running back to base, using a slow burn of super-speed to get them there with unnatural haste.
Three of them were carrying prisoners.


At an unknown testing facility, three unconcious sp@mmers were each thrown into a room. One was marked MdO2, another MdS2, and a final one marked MdCl4.
As each Sp@mmer regained consciousness, a yellow gas emitted from the sides of the room..........

19:14:14 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith sees the servant coming towards him holding a sandwich and a letter.

"Infidel, what kept you so long with my sandwich?!"

"I'm sorry but -"

A slash and the servant is killed. Wraith picks up the sandwich and eats it while picking up the letter and reading it through.

"Oh, so thats what kept him... Oh well..."

Wraith writes a letter to the Cow Majors to arm the troops and come to his office. Then he finishes off his sandwich and goes to see Might"

19:41:31 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might sat up and went to go see what Wraith wanted.

"What do you want? Oh and by the way, I made this Milky minigun for you...."

Might takes out of his pocket a minigun, "Each bullet has the finest grade of hardened milk available and can punch through any armor ,but be warned it has a kick to it."

19:49:07 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith picked it up and looked at it.

"Bleh, how much 'kick' could it have to it?"

"Oh and I wanted to ask what the research facility are currently up to. Last I checked they were playing with paper and glue so i thought you could kick start some super-mega-awesome weapon from them."

Wraith shrugged, bowed and walked out to his office. The Majors were there and Wraith pulled out a map and started pointing out places on it.

"Mustardon are here, here and we think they attacked here. So we have to ** ****, ***** **** *** **** *** **** *** ** ****. **** **** **** ** ******* ***** **** **** ** ** **** **** ** **** ** ** BOOM. * ********** **** **** **** Mission: BOOM. Everyone Understood? Good. Make it happen."

They nodded and left.

{Censored for obvious reasons. xD}

19:56:27 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

*Mr. Charley is uneasy about the letter he recieved earlier and sends one to Septim asking if he can provide protection in return for his clone troops....Charley by himself cannot fight the armies of Mustardon*

20:15:51 Apr 18th 08 - Lord Mac:

*Fighting on the sides of Mustardon, thousands of cheap battle droids march at the battalions of Sp@malot. As the battle begins the Sp@mmers take casualties and take down some droids, but it is only a feint. In the distance several advanced droids armed with high powered rifles open fire at the Sp@m leaders.

As battalion commanders go down, the organized copy/paste (Sp@m) troops turn into a mob. Running wildly around they are soon torn to shreds by vastly superior troops.*

"Machines are superior!"

22:40:25 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*sends a letter and his army of troops (healers and mages, all highly trained) to Sp@malot to aid in the war, and awaits for Septim's reply*

23:25:00 Apr 18th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

*The three sp@mmers suddenly draw suicide pills from their anal cavities and swallow them, they die before any twisted labwork can be done.


Septim recieves the message from Plato.

"Send him my thanks, and tell Charley II that I would provide protection if he would need it at any time during the war, I still have plenty of tricks up my sleeves..."


23:34:15 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*an hour later, a sp@m messenger comes to the TV Room*

"Plato, Septim thanks you for the troops you sent to aid in the war.  Many thanks to you."

"Thank you and tell Septim his thanks was appreciated."

*the messenger leaves*

"Hmm, I suppose I should teleport to the entrance of Sp@malot."

*teleports and arrives at the door, but doesn't see a handle, but sees a door bell, and presses it*

*a sp@maolt song is heard*

"Happy Sp@malot, great sp@malot, how wonderful are thee..."

*the door enters and Plato walks in*

23:41:51 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

*Mr. Charley II recieves the letter from Septim and decides to mobilize his troops.....instead of sending out hundreds of thousands of troops he decides to send elite commando squads that would do much more effective work with less casualties.  He outfits them with light-weighing but incredibly durable Titan Terraform Steel Armor or (TTSA), FCS Headgear with HUD included that displays information on all visuals and also added GPS tactical battlemaps for quick response and assault plans. Most of the commandos were then fitted with semi-automatic CLONE assault rifles with silencer attachments and attached 3 time use grenade launchers on the underbelly, a few were given semi-automatic, ,50 caliber sniper rifles and were given special CAMeleon armor, and the final few were given full automatic, .50 caliber CLONE machineguns and were outfitted in heavy Cryosteel plated armor for optimum defense against mustard.  They were loaded in Falcon Assault Dropships with Durasteel Armor Plating and emergency Speed of Sound (SoS) capabilities.....the troops were ready....and were deployed....they were the finest creations and had killed in order to be in the positions they were now

23:42:14 Apr 18th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

A high ranking Septim clone approaches Plato.

"Welcome to Sp@malot, I am Septim-014, I used to be a General, but now I have settled down as a Lord of Sp@m, anyways, we thank you again for your help, this war is turning into a big war, a war between all factions...if you would like to stay here, as it is quite secure, you may..."


SL10 leads his men in several operations, going from the rank of Squad Leader to Commander and having his name changed to C10, he gains command of over two thousand Septim clones and wears the new sp@mtech stealth and assault armor, which disguises one's heat signature, bends light to make one invisible, and makes the user nearly invisible to nearly every sensor, his soldiers are the best of the best...

23:58:25 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

*Mr. Charley created a dozen special clones just like himself so that his life will never be in danger....and then....dissapears from all knowledge leaving his Commander clone known simply as Charley. 

Charley took command of a team of 5 clone commandos and led an attack on a small Mustardon droid manufacturing facility.  They entered the compound and worked their way into the infrastructure where they places strong explosives on the machines producing droids and set them off. 

The remaining droids immediately sealed off the entrances and began moving in to corner the troops.  2 of the troopers immediately set proximity mines in the hallways and set up machinegun nests on either hallway before finally opening up on the incoming droids. 

Charley and his demolitions expert found a weak spot in the walls and blew a hole in it before pulling out without casualties.  They pulling out to a clearing and were picked up by a Falcon Assault Dropship before flying over the compound one last time dropping EMP mines all over the area destroying the robot circuitry*

00:46:09 Apr 19th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Three more hapless sp@mmers are drawn into the laboratory, and once again the gas issues from the walls of the rooms they are in. This time, however, they are gagged, blindfolded and tied up...

{Damn it Septim, this is a major plot point! No anal suicide pills! :P}

00:50:56 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*wanders the halls of sp@malot until he reaches the barracks, where he finds the magic and healing commanders*


02:06:44 Apr 19th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

C10 leads his army in a massive battle against the Mustardian Forces with minimal casualties, he is given the Medal of Sp@malot for his courage.

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