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Forums / Roleplaying / The Great Forest

The Great Forest
19:35:37 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

A little RP in which I invented for fun. I am not managing it like I am managing Bronimina in Peril, so do what you like, but don't do anything that will ruin it for everyone else.

Era of Elsin, Day 124

The VU economy is on the verge of collapse! A lack of lumber has forced economic growth to a halt. Mantrax has already fallen into a recession. With the problem growing every day, a valiant co-race lumberjack business has been founded. Only the elves chose not to join, as the corporation's target is their Great Forest, however, they grudgingly accepted the armastus that would be placed until the economy is stabilized. All the other races have decreed that during this ceasefire, all their soldiers and as many peasants as they could spare would head to The Company Town, the large city functioning as the HQ of the lumberjack corporation. There they will cut as much wood as possible to feed the economy.

Era of Elsin, Day 126

War broke out on the fringes of the Great Forest today, as the lumberjacks of the corporation clashed with elven protesters who have named themselves 'Green Fury'. Their only goal appears to be protecting the Great Forest. The lumberjacks learned, and now go out with both axes and weapons. Others just chop wood and elf with the same axe. The elven race has now been excluded from the armastus, and all the other races are now forcing them out of their realms together, but not giving chase as this is technically peacetime. The entire elven nation now appears to be housed within the Great Forest, and most have joined Green Fury.


You either play as an Elf within the violently protesting group Green Fury, or you play as a lumberjack in the pay of the corporation based at The Company Town.

If you are playing as an Elf, you must protect the trees. Every tree cut down is a terrible loss.

If you are playing as any other race, you must cut down as many trees as possible and bring them back to The Company Town. Every tree cut down is a bag of gold in your pocket.

Use any means necessary to achieve your goals. Resistance will be violent, so bring your best weapons. You may control a small squad of your race if you wish, or you may work alone. You may kill your enemies mercilessly.

Let the RP...BEGIN!

21:42:00 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Resurrection. Come on, it's not like a thread here to get 0 responses.

21:43:52 Nov 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Well this sort of reminds me of an RP I did in the semi-recent past...pretty much I was an elf defending the forest, and a number of other people were trying to burn it and wage war on other people.  It ended with godmodding and people just going inactive... ><

21:47:34 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Well, this was the second RP I made after inactivity. I will probably crack down hard on godmodders, and inactivity is not usually lethal.

21:55:46 Nov 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

[[OOC: Ah...well...]]

Linthos was a young elf in the Great Forest and was one of the more radical protesters.  Him and a group of friends took up their bows and swords and moved against the enemy races.  He approached the edge of the forest and noticed several large human men wielding axes.  They began cutting away at several trees when several arrows stuck into each man, pinning them to the very trees they were cutting.
"Their blood shall feed the trees one will cut our trees and get away unscathed."

Linthos stood at the edge of the forest and frowned at the damage to the trees.  He would find a way to stop this...

22:41:36 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Bragi:

just to see if its enough to "break the ice" to get this going (btw i dont know if im any good at RP i just want this to RP to get started xD)



Race: Elf

Age: 106 y.o

Combat Stile: Primarly Archery but knows how to use sword if needed(if its allowed to use two combat stiles)

Armor/Wepons: Has a sturdy long bow of wood witch only elves know how and where to get and work whit and has a steel longsword. Wears Ligth chainmail under green hooded cloak.

Squad: Controls a squad of 10 elfs(dont know how big the groups will be just tried to pick a good number to begin whit) all dressed the as him in chainmail and green hooded cloaks to make them less noticable

Background/bio: Tall, athletic with blonde hair and blue eyes. Like most elves he was trained in archery and swordsmanship at young age and being born, raised and trained in the forest he knows it well and how to hide in it and take his enemies by surprise


Dont like it? well at least i gave it a shot unlike you! xD

22:50:54 Nov 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

[[Oh sure...I didnt know we would make character sheets...but fine]]

Name: Eärendur Linthos
Race: Elf
Age: 127
Weapons: A bow made of sturdy yew wood with special arrows.  The arrows are several feet long with green feathers and a tip that has been poisoned with a certain plant known only to elves.
Armor: Steel chain mail with green plants interwoven with the links to provide extreme stealth capabilities.  Wears a coif made of strong mail that also had a green covering of plant life.
Bio: Eärendur Linthos

23:03:22 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Bragi:

[[well he did ask for a replay xD so i gave him one =Ţ (shuld i bee typing everything not related to the RP whit that stuff?) -> ]]

23:12:03 Nov 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

[[Well here is me trying...didnt think we needed character sheets...stupid previous post wasnt finished]]

Name: Eärendur Linthos
Race: Elf
Age: 127
Weapons: A bow made of sturdy yew wood with special arrows.  The arrows are several feet long with green feathers and a tip that has been poisoned with a certain plant known only to elves.  He carries a brilliantly white steel longsword that was passed down many generations in his family.  It was called "Eö" or purity due to the fact that his family has fought for good as long as they existed.
Armor: Steel chain mail with green plants interwoven with the links to provide extreme stealth capabilities.  Wears a coif made of strong mail that also had a green covering of plant life.
Bio: Eärendur Linthos was born to Lamalas and Beren Linthos, highly respected elves in The Great Forest.  They spoke out against the cutting of their forest and urged the people to unite against it.  Linthos was rarely called by his first name and simply took to being called by his last.  He was an experienced elf in the forest defense and always had a small group of followers that helped protect it.  He knew every inch of the forest and loved it as if it was of his own flesh and blood.  He was utterly ruthless and cared little for the number of deaths that would be involved in the war, unlike most elves.  Description:  Linthos is 6ft 3inches tall and has jet black hair with piercing green eyes.  He body is very slim but is made up of taunt muscle.  He has strong arms from the use of a bow most of his life, but also gives him great mobility for when using his sword.
Personality:  He is a quick thinking but sometimes lets his emotions get the better of him.  He is headstrong and fights for his beliefs despite the cost.
Followers: Angaráto, Elrohir, and Orodreth Ancalímon are three brothers that have allied themself closely with Linthos. Angaráto is a great archer and is several years older than Linthos, Elrohir is one of the best swordsmen known in The Great Forest despite his young age, and Angaráto is adept in the magical arts and stealth.  He can conjur illusions and trick his enemies into seeing things that are not there.  He can make himself appear invisible to them, allowing himself to sneak up on them and cut their throats.

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