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The New Dawn
02:45:33 Dec 19th 08 - Mr. Arvious VIII:

[[This is a story, one of many that I will be posting before my absolute leaving of VU.  I am not accepting anyone into the story as of right now, so no one post here.  This is after what I wanted to be successful, Infiltration. -_-]]



~~Five years after the events of Infiltration~~

Fires seared along the rooftops of buildings in Port Traven.  Men, women, and children alike laid dead or dying on the dirt path.  Men in black armour bursted into homes, killing everyone that they see, and taking all the loot they found.  The air had the scent of blood as the night went on.  This was the day of judgement for Port Traven, and they were being judged harshly.

Lord Arvious VIII was on the ground, dead, with a poisoned dagger thrust into his chest.  The walls of his castle were brought down, and crushed all who had the misfortune of being closeby.  The manor was void of gold and silver, as well as all other valuables.  The entire manor was in ruin, as the black armies assualted the manor.  Port Traven had fallen.

Ana, the wife or Arvious, ran from the manor, holding a baby boy with blue hair, in an attempt to escape the wrath of the Devarian Empire.  She ran from alley to alley, dashing by corpses and puddles of blood.  Her feet were on the verge of collapsing, but she continued anyway.  She continued until she came close to the ocean, where she stopped and looked around for a minute.

"Sleep, my son," Ana said to the boy, stroking his head.  "All will be better."

Ana ran to a nearby ship, and grabbed the lifeboat, pulling it closer.  The marching of the Devarians came closer, and Ana stared out into the city for one more time.  A yell of a Devarian soldier told Ana she had less than a minute.  She kissed her son on the forehead, and put him in the lifeboat, and pushed him out to sea.

"Goodbye, my son," Ana said, tears streaming from her eyes.  "Goodbye, Arvious."

After a moment, a Devarian admiral ran over to Ana and kicked her, kocking her onto the desert ground.  He grabbed her by the neck and pulled her up.

"Where is the son of Arvious?" he said, punching Ana in the stomach.  "Where is the last of the royal line!?"
"I do not know," Ana said.  "He is gone.  I have no idea where he is."
"Lier!" the admiral exclaimed.  "Where is the boy!?"
"You will have no answer from me," Ana said, and smiled.
The Admiral stared deep into Ana's eyes, and threw her onto the ground.
"Then die!"

The Admiral grabbed his sword, his black scimitar, and thrusted in into Ana's chest.  She breathed for a moment, and then fell still.

The stronghold of Port Traven burned to the ground, the once great city of peace and kindness, now a ruin of the desert.  Countless other cities lay captured or burnt to the ground.  The end of the Reveritt Republic had occured, and a new era of darkness consumed the desert lands.  Only one threat remained for the Devarians.  Only one more obstacle was left for the bandits.  The last of the royal line.  The last Arvious.


04:14:36 Dec 20th 08 - Mr. Arvious VIII:

Chapter One - A 'Old' Friend

~~Twenty Years Later~~

"Travis, did you feed the cows yet?"
"I'm getting on it, mother."

Travis stood in a field, carrying a bucket of slop and a white rag.  Sweat dripped off of his face, falling onto the dry earth.  The sun shined down onto the field, golden streams of light covering the earth.  There wasn't a rain cloud in sight, which dismayed Travis, who eagerly wished it would rain.  His mother and father stood on the other side of the field, planting seeds and tilling the field.

Travis pourred the whole bucket of slop into the trow, which the pigs came to instantly and began devouring the green and brown mush.  Travis had a tint of green in his face.

"Why anything would want to eat that stuff goes beyond me," Travis snorted.

Wiping the sweat off his face, Travis slowly made his way into the house, the one room hay-roof wooden house.  Travis plopped onto the hay pile and closed his eyes.  It's tiring being the son of a farmer.  But he wasn't the son of a farmer.  Father told Travis he was found in a boat next to a river.  Travis was obvious different from other people as well, with his blue hair and tan skin, compared to the blonde hair and white skin here.

Just when Travis falls asleep, the deep voice of his father woke him back up again.

"Travis," he bellowed.  "What trouble have you gotten yourself into now? Get over 'ere!"

Sighing, Travis jumped up from the hay pile and walked out of the house.  Old Man John stood talking to Father.

"Oh, Kevin, he ain't in no truble," the old man said.  "Just been hankerin to speak with the 'oung lad.  Been a quite bit o' time last time I talk to the younging."
"Hey, Old Man John," Travis said.  "You want to borrow my hammer again?"
"Nope," John replied.  "Just came to invite you over to my house.  Got me some nice meat on the bone, and your father be saying he ain't got no time to eat right now."
"And neither do you, Travis," Father said.  "You should be out here, tilling the field!"
"Oh, don't be such a sore," John said.  "I reckon you've been giving this boy the 'ardest jobs.&nb*beep*an needs his rest, don't he, eh?"
"Oh, alright," Kevin replied, submitting.  "Just be back before dark."
"Boy, we gonna have some fun!" John exclaimed.  "I have some friends over, and we gonna be partyin'!"

The country accent always annoys me, Travis thought.  He's still a nice man, though, considering his age.  Most of the old people around are mean and yell at you if you even look at them.

16:09:09 Dec 20th 08 - Mr. Arvious VIII:


John walked up to his home front door, a nice stone house with a working well.  The roof was made of wood, held onto the stone by some sticky substance.  The path leading up to the house was paved, and when looking through the windows, you could see lavish rugs and amazin artworks.  Surprisingly, John had not been robbed yet.

"Alrighty, kid," John said.  "Feast your eyes on this one, youngin'!"

Travis's face went comical, his eyes bug-eyed and his mouth a giant O.  In front of his was about twenty ducks, five bottles of wine, twelve pies, three bowls of berry sauce, and one giant cake. Sitting in the seats were two men, both locals at the village John lived in, and one man in gray robes.

"I told you I having some good grub tonight!  Eat up!"

Old Man John and Travis sat down in the remaining seats and immediantly helped themselves to the duck.  Travis had large portions of pie, and a large cup of the wine.  The men around him all were eating ravenously, all eating one duck at a time.  The man in gray robes, however, had his attention towards Travis, although he was helping himself to the cake.

After about an hour, everyone burped but the man in gray robes and Travis, who waved his hands around his nose.

"God," Travis muttered.  "Argh, why did you people have to burp!"

"Excuse me, Old Man John," the man in gray robes interuptted John.  "May I speak with the... boy you brought along?"
"Ehh, okay sir," John answered.  "Just don't take too long, it's almost dark, and his father will kill him and me if he ain't back."
"I'll be quick.  Boy, over here."  The man gestured to the door.

Travis, scratching his head, got up from his seat, took one last swig of wine, and walked towards the door.  The man in gray robes brough his hood down and stared at the boy for a moment.

"So... your name is Travis?" the man asked.
"Uhh, yeah, Travis Leiondon," Travis replied.  "What about it?
"Oh... nothing.  Just, have you ever heard of the Reveritt Republic, perhaps?"
"The Revy what?" Travis asked, scratching his head again.
The man sighed.  "Nevermind, just, if you want to brush up on some... history, come over to my house.  It's the two story wooden house at the dge of the village."

The man left, leaving Travis confused... and slightly drunk.

~~End of Chapter One~~

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